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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-12-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:36 paramat joined #minetest-dev
00:39 paramat merging #7935
00:39 ShadowBot -- Mirror 'sunrisebg' texture to fix chopped right edge by paramat
00:39 paramat done
01:32 Unarelith any opinions on a possible singleton refactor post 5.0.0?
01:37 paramat joined #minetest-dev
01:56 jas_ joined #minetest-dev
03:29 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
04:10 sofar did texture file names become case sensitive recently?
04:10 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
04:12 paramat joined #minetest-dev
04:12 sofar ok this is weird... if I use the in-game mod download, mesecons complains about not being able to find jeija_microcontroller_LED_A.png
04:12 sofar notice capital name, which, corresponds with the lua source
04:13 sofar but the downloaded mod has lowercase _led_a
04:15 sofar filed a bug with mesecons, but, it's weird.
04:16 reductum joined #minetest-dev
04:37 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
04:53 Unarelith joined #minetest-dev
06:36 paramat joined #minetest-dev
07:28 Beton joined #minetest-dev
07:47 ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined #minetest-dev
09:46 troller joined #minetest-dev
10:49 troller joined #minetest-dev
11:28 troller joined #minetest-dev
12:18 Mensious joined #minetest-dev
12:30 troller joined #minetest-dev
12:40 troller joined #minetest-dev
12:49 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
12:50 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
12:56 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
13:02 troller joined #minetest-dev
13:11 Niwla23 joined #minetest-dev
13:13 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
13:16 jas_ #7938
13:16 ShadowBot -- Player models do not rotate and consistently face one direction
13:16 jas_ rubenwardy they are in sync and up to datr.
13:17 jas_ it's easy to test and i did so and do confirm
13:17 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
13:19 jas_ but... i will try again.  my build was current last night but i see theres been two more commits this morning.
13:21 nerzhul hi , sorry my messages were not sent
13:21 nerzhul i pushed 2 trivial commits around 12h GMT to fix GCC reported warnings
13:21 jas_ oh so its likely not to change rotation issue
13:21 jas_ buillding now anyway for fresh test.........
13:23 nerzhul my commits are surely not related with your problem
13:23 nerzhul can you bisect ?
13:25 jas_ ok look here i just tested current head same version client server and it is a real... blocker
13:26 jas_ i reverted the commit i mentioned in my comment and it fixed the issue.  idk wat is bisect
13:27 nerzhul which commit, sorry ?
13:28 nerzhul can you give me commit id ?
13:29 jas_ yes sec
13:29 jas_ faa358e
13:29 nerzhul ty
13:30 nerzhul i approved it but it seems there is calculation error
13:30 jas_ thx right back atcha
13:32 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:51 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
14:09 dogetest joined #minetest-dev
14:17 p_gimeno I've marked a suspicious snippet
14:18 p_gimeno jas_: do they head north always?
14:19 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:30 p_gimeno here's a possible fix:
14:42 nerzhul p_gimero we don't keep the rotation in that step and you seems to fix it
14:43 nerzhul i think we miss some unittests on some parts
14:50 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
14:55 nerzhul i will push another GCC warning fix
14:55 nerzhul this:
14:55 nerzhul cc1plus: note: -Wabi warns about differences from the most up-to-date ABI, which is also used by default
14:55 nerzhul cc1plus: note: use e.g. -Wabi=11 to warn about changes from GCC 7
14:56 nerzhul i just test with clang to be sure
14:58 nerzhul we need to have a proper build and it doesn't seems to be well maintained :p
14:59 troller joined #minetest-dev
15:11 dogetest left #minetest-dev
15:16 nerzhul i push another commit to add unittests on the new testWrapDegrees_0_360_v3f
15:45 nerzhul hmm CI shows with older compiler -Wabi=11 is not good i revert the commit
15:51 johnnyjoy left #minetest-dev
15:53 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
16:08 VanessaE I've been thinking..  since that hotbar change went in, would mtg benefit from inclusion of my hotbar size mod also?
16:33 troller joined #minetest-dev
16:35 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
16:46 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
17:13 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
17:53 reductum joined #minetest-dev
17:53 twoelk left #minetest-dev
17:57 troller joined #minetest-dev
18:03 Krock joined #minetest-dev
18:05 Krock sofar: thanks for your re-review. Will merge #5268 in 15 minutes
18:06 ShadowBot -- Send only changed node metadata to clients instead of whole mapblock by SmallJoker
18:07 sofar kewl
18:07 sofar yeah I really didn't want that one to slide
18:07 sofar even if it's minor, it may just make further optimization easier
18:07 nerzhul if i remember there was an issue in the code, but can't remember
18:08 Krock nerzhul: huh? could you please rephrase that?
18:08 nerzhul :p
18:08 nerzhul if i remember in this PR i found an issue when it was wrote but now i can't remember which
18:08 nerzhul not a problem
18:08 nerzhul we need tests
18:09 nerzhul i pushed some tiny commits today on the build system and i'm writing activeobject storage in a specific object to make client/server environment less crappy, this object has too responsibility and is very hard to track
18:12 nerzhul now i push a missed commit to stable-0.4 and cherry pick on master, if you remember you ask me to rebuild MT and publish it on GH and i did it but forgot to commit
18:13 Krock yes, that was for the non-Debug build
18:13 nerzhul yep
18:13 Krock which apparently didn't solve the issue
18:13 nerzhul resync the version is better if we publish on the store or any phone
18:19 troller joined #minetest-dev
18:25 nerzhul Krock: what do you think about #7939 i only do the client part currently, but if the design is okay i will do the server part + unittests
18:25 ShadowBot -- Add an activeobject manager to hold active objects by nerzhul
18:26 nerzhul the idea is to remove ownership from environment to another object to reduce the "environment" management area to reduce it
18:27 nerzhul PR is basically a code move + use some C++11 features to keep the current behaviour properly without performance penalty
18:28 nerzhul this will also permit to enhance code quality by adding more unittests due to more testable object, clientenvironment is like game, untestable in its current state
18:28 Krock your last name is CAPS LOCK ON
18:28 nerzhul yeah i like to say who i am xD *joke*
18:28 sys4 joined #minetest-dev
18:29 nerzhul it's like that in all copyright not only new :p
18:29 Krock sounds good, but can it also be used for server-activeobjects?
18:29 nerzhul yep
18:29 nerzhul i just didn't coded it yet
18:29 nerzhul i added a generic interface (we don't have it currently) + a client implementation, i can easily do a server implementation
18:29 nerzhul this will also reduce the client/server code duplication in env, that part is globally dup
18:30 nerzhul if you have no more comments i code the server part :)
18:33 Krock thinking about whether it's the best solution.. mhm$
18:34 nerzhul it's a registrar for active objects :p protected from base use from environment, if at a point we want to change it
18:34 nerzhul keeping sufficient inheritance to make it work properly
18:35 nerzhul for the lambda it's the best way i found to do a generic callback on that code part
18:38 Unarelith nerzhul, maybe the code but already like this but:
18:39 Unarelith s/but/was
18:40 nerzhul Unarelith reviewing your idea, it seems good let me a minute. Note: i don't modified the functional algorithm except in the interface between clientenv & ao manager
18:40 nerzhul yes your idea is nice, ty
18:40 Unarelith np :)
18:41 nerzhul Unarelith do you like the new design proposal on that part ?
18:42 Unarelith nerzhul, I do like it, though your usage of lambdas/std::function is weird
18:42 nerzhul yes but it's the only wait i found to do a generic callback, because server doesn't have the same signature
18:42 nerzhul way*
18:45 Unarelith nerzhul, I added two new comments
18:46 jcalve joined #minetest-dev
18:47 nerzhul nice i commented one, will verify if compiler accept the second
18:49 Unarelith maybe it's possible to pass lambda only with `const&` because it's a rvalue
18:49 Unarelith though `&` is a ref on lvalue (so an lvalue)
18:49 Unarelith so both may be related
18:50 Unarelith try to pass directly the lambda with `const &`, it should work
18:51 Unarelith I used lambda, capture, std::function and auto in every last projects I worked on, never had to use `std::ref`, but I always used `const &` for std::function
18:51 nerzhul i will see if it works with a const ref
19:03 Unarelith nerzhul, I added some comments
19:04 rubenwardy loooll
19:04 nerzhul it seems big brother is watching me
19:07 Unarelith nerzhul, the `mt` namespace is new?
19:08 nerzhul yep we don't have a namespace but i wanted to see namespace in our code, to do more real C++ :) is this in conflict with something ?
19:09 rubenwardy I don't like it
19:09 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
19:09 nerzhul you prefer rubenwardy::client ?
19:09 rubenwardy would be better to use namespaces for sections instead of the whole thing
19:09 rubenwardy Minetest isn't a library
19:09 nerzhul i can remove the root part
19:10 nerzhul client::ActiveObjectMgr then
19:11 Unarelith +1 rubenwardy
19:11 Unarelith client::ActiveObjectMgr looks good
19:11 Unarelith but there's not need for a global namespace, would just add useless characters everywhere
19:12 Unarelith and since your line length is limited, small names are better
19:12 Unarelith but +1 nerzhul for adding namespaces
19:14 nerzhul i pushed a commit solving all mentioned issues
19:15 nerzhul nice to see the const keyword permitting to remove the std::ref usage :)
19:15 nerzhul permits*
19:15 nerzhul i removed the global namespace
19:16 Unarelith nerzhul, explain why it's resolved please?
19:17 nerzhul ty github to not showing anchor when solved
19:17 nerzhul can you tell me which ?
19:17 Unarelith the last one, about `inline`
19:18 nerzhul we use inline in many part of our code to be explicit
19:18 Unarelith if a function is defined in class definition, it's always implicitly `inline`, thus adding `inline` is useless
19:19 nerzhul clion doesn't notify me about that
19:19 nerzhul whereas clang-tidy is enabled with many many warnings
19:19 Unarelith don't rely only on clion and clang-tidy
19:20 nerzhul can you link me the C++ spec updated for C++11 about that ?
19:20 Unarelith
19:21 Unarelith Function definitions, which both declare and define member functions or friend functions. A semicolon after a member function definition is optional. All functions that are defined inside a class body are automaticaly inline.
19:21 nerzhul okay ty
19:22 Unarelith nerzhul, I made this btw, can I get your opinion?
19:22 nerzhul GenericCAO should be kept
19:22 nerzhul CAO is not a word :p
19:22 nerzhul it's ClientActiveObject
19:22 rubenwardy +1
19:23 Unarelith that's the point actually
19:23 nerzhul Each file must be in a folder: they are all in a folder ^^
19:23 rubenwardy Also, "Replace #pragma once by #ifndef #define #endif"    ->    the change to #pragma once was recent
19:23 nerzhul Replace #pragma once by #ifndef #define #endif => sorry but it was changed in 5.0.0 due to the whole world compiler agreement, yes it's not a in a norm but implemented in all used compiler, we will keep them
19:24 nerzhul we already talked about this when C++11 occurs when the dev cycle began
19:24 nerzhul fix code style must be a long term issue
19:24 rubenwardy #6264
19:24 ShadowBot -- C++ modernize: Pragma once by nerzhul
19:24 nerzhul else we will have crapy git blame
19:24 Unarelith nerzhul, ok then why you have files with the same name? it's the only downside of `#pragma once`
19:24 nerzhul we got some example: my pr
19:24 rubenwardy ah, the actual discussion is here: #6259
19:24 ShadowBot -- C++11 header guards: switch to #pragma once
19:24 nerzhul generic interface in src and namespace interface in client :p
19:26 nerzhul -Wall is not a good idea in the main way, but -Wextra can be nice, i should see if there is not useless noise
19:26 nerzhul for nullptr i did many PR on it and talked with contributors to do it but i'm not sure we can use it when we are talking to irrlicht :(
19:26 nerzhul Use using a = b instead of typedef b a => i agree with that it's just C++11
19:27 nerzhul same for override
19:27 Unarelith nerzhul, with -Wall -Wextra + -Wno* for the specific warnings we don't want (so two or three of them) it's ok
19:27 nerzhul as you see in the 5.0.0 commits we have mostly used override, whereas there is no dev rule on the wiki currently
19:27 Unarelith for nullptr I think I did mass NULL replacement in my fork, and things were ok
19:28 nerzhul for shared_ptr and unique_ptr only for new code it's okay, when the variable lifetime is well known
19:28 nerzhul for old code i prefer to be sure
19:28 Unarelith "when the variable lifetime is well known", well, it's the main requirement
19:28 Unarelith for old code you can easily check variable lifetime
19:28 nerzhul member init in class def is done everywhere
19:28 Unarelith nope
19:28 nerzhul i did mass refactor on that on the C++11 move
19:28 nerzhul maybe i miss some
19:29 nerzhul "Apply the rule of five when possible": what is this rule ?
19:29 Unarelith was the rule of three in C++03, and there's also the rule of zero and the rule of one
19:30 nerzhul sorry but i don't understand :p
19:30 Unarelith let me explain
19:30 nerzhul the name looks like LOTR :p
19:30 Unarelith the rule of five says that if you need to define a destructor, you'll need to define copy + move constructor/operator (so 5 functions)
19:31 nerzhul oh i see, clang-tidy reports them
19:32 nerzhul we should define them to default or forbid copy. We have a macro to forbid copy, but not for generic copy
19:32 Unarelith btw I checked and there's only the rule of zero, not the rule of one (made no sense anyway) which is to not define constructor if it's not needed (even with MyClass() = default;)
19:33 Unarelith nerzhul, you SHOULDNT use macros to do that btw!!
19:33 nerzhul it was done like that in the original C++03 code
19:33 nerzhul :p
19:33 nerzhul C(const &C) = delete;
19:33 Unarelith since C++11 you should make a `NonCopyable` class with copy constructor/operator = delete and inherit from that
19:33 Unarelith or do this directly in the class
19:34 nerzhul yep the generic non copy is sexy
19:34 nerzhul i really like C++, i started to do some PR on gnome builder to enhance the golang support... C is ... shit :D too long to write
19:35 Unarelith agreed
19:35 Unarelith I stick with C++ since 8 years now :p
19:35 nerzhul heh
19:36 Unarelith but well, I only do "real" C++ since 4 years (when I learned C++11 and the actual standard)
19:36 Krock merging #5268 after 30 minutes (and an hour)
19:36 ShadowBot -- Send only changed node metadata to clients instead of whole mapblock by SmallJoker
19:37 Unarelith because until then, I only did C+, not C++, and unfortunately some of the minetest code still looks C+ :(
19:39 nerzhul Krock(master)# at 21:00
19:40 nerzhul git am -3 5268.patch && git push
19:40 nerzhul :D
19:40 rubenwardy <Unarelith> the rule of five says that if you need to define a destructor, you'll need to define copy + move constructor/operator (so 5 functions)
19:40 rubenwardy * destructor
19:40 rubenwardy the logic is that if you need a non-default one, then you'll also need a non-default one for the others
19:41 rubenwardy wait
19:41 Unarelith rubenwardy, it's not really clear what default does for this rule and it's an interesting question
19:41 rubenwardy you already wrote destructor
19:41 Unarelith because default is still user-defined
19:42 Unarelith and yes I already wrote destructor :p
19:42 * rubenwardy has bad eyes
19:44 Unarelith btw rubenwardy, I'm having an issue with a mod I'm making and I think it could need discussion about API (or there's an easy way to do this I don't know about)
19:44 Unarelith I'm adding a new tool, a "Crook", which should be able to get silk worms from all the leaves, but I can't do this in a generic way
19:45 Unarelith the only solution I found was to edit each leaves drop table, and that's not really good to only add a single drop to a defined group of nodes :/
20:24 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:39 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
21:13 Player-2 joined #minetest-dev
21:28 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
21:56 sys4 joined #minetest-dev
21:57 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
22:12 p_gimeno does anyone know what "interleaved unsupported" means here?
22:12 rubenwardy I actually have no idea
22:12 rubenwardy I just left that comment
22:12 sfan5 guess: you can't partially enable a modpack?
22:13 rubenwardy why would it mention that though?
22:13 sfan5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
22:13 T4im can the formspec lists make multiple selections with shift?
22:13 p_gimeno thanks sfan5, that might be it, weird wording though
22:13 rubenwardy HybridDog  added it
22:13 rubenwardy
22:14 rubenwardy hey sfan approved that one :)
22:14 p_gimeno "partial unsupported" would make more sense if that was the meaning
22:15 p_gimeno or "partial enabling unsupported"
22:15 rubenwardy added a comment
22:17 p_gimeno thanks, I've started working on rebasing #6898 (it seems I have to plain rewrite it) and found that
22:17 ShadowBot -- Allow distinguishing mods by modpack by pgimeno
22:17 rubenwardy yeah, I did some changes recently
22:19 p_gimeno it disobeys the Lua style guide at some points too, like comments should normally start by uppercase
22:20 p_gimeno and the "--This is wrong." example in the style guide
22:21 p_gimeno (the latter is not in that commit, it's in pkgmgr.lua in some scattered places)
22:23 p_gimeno I feel weird adding upper case comments in the middle of lower case ones
22:23 p_gimeno should I change the case around the code I modify?
22:25 TC01 joined #minetest-dev
22:27 * p_gimeno shrugs and leaves them alone
22:40 sys4_ joined #minetest-dev
23:14 basxto joined #minetest-dev

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