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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2019-09-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:51 thePalindrome joined #minetest-dev
03:33 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
03:35 GreenDimond joined #minetest-dev
06:22 BuckarooBanzai joined #minetest-dev
06:47 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
08:00 nolsen joined #minetest-dev
08:05 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
08:36 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
08:56 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
09:10 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
10:16 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:02 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:23 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:52 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
12:30 ANAND
12:30 ANAND Just bringing this to sfan5's attention
12:31 sfan5 not my problem if travis's vms freeze during build
12:32 ANAND oooo... k, nvm
12:49 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
12:57 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
13:19 sfan5 ANAND: travis being somehow broken is much more likely than a network issue
13:22 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:43 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
13:45 Lia joined #minetest-dev
13:52 H4mlet Any chance to see this merged before that the conversation on has been closed?
13:52 H4mlet @ sfan5
13:53 sfan5 not really since the submitter didn't bother to create a separate PR
13:53 H4mlet Thanks.
13:53 sfan5 fixing the german translation so it can be included should be pretty painless though
13:54 sfan5 and nothing prevents you from using the template before it's merged
13:54 H4mlet If you do assure me that no further changes will be made to templates then I'll start using them.
13:55 tomraceror joined #minetest-dev
13:56 sfan5 There most certainly will be changes, but they will be minor so that you could update an existing translation within maybe 5 minutes
13:57 H4mlet Got it, thank you.
15:13 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest-dev
15:58 tomraceror joined #minetest-dev
16:11 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
16:20 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:24 johnnyjoy left #minetest-dev
16:28 GreenDimond joined #minetest-dev
16:29 Krock sfan5: thanks for the review. It it OK if I leave this in?  might be helpful for debugging later
16:29 sfan5 sure
16:29 Krock will merge #8945 in ~15 minutes
16:29 ShadowBot -- Inventory: Properly revert client predictions by SmallJoker
16:46 Krock merging
16:49 Krock will push in 15 minutes. objections?
16:49 Krock Fixes #7803
16:49 ShadowBot -- 'Restore defaults' in All Settings sometimes freezes Minetest
16:52 rubenwardy lgtm
16:52 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
16:54 rubenwardy IDK if this is better
16:54 rubenwardy probably not actually
16:56 Krock Why exactly do you need to split the definition in
16:56 Krock rubenwardy: yes, also a possibility. If the code were bigger I'd also take that one
16:57 rubenwardy I think it's fine in your patch, more readable
16:57 Krock but since it's just a few lines I'd say lock() and unlock() aren't that risky
16:57 rubenwardy yeah
17:01 Krock sfan5: ^@MTG PR
17:02 Krock testing #8862
17:03 ShadowBot -- Punchwear by Moth-Tolias
17:03 sfan5 Krock: the public api function appends "Inner " or "Outer " to the given stair description
17:03 sfan5 so "Inner " .. S("Straw Stair") which is not good obviously
17:04 Krock I liked to have an API where it's all defined at once, and this appending name issue would probably affect several mods
17:04 Krock and stair registrations
17:04 sfan5 the stairs api should be reworked to use a table at some point
17:05 sfan5 having 5+ arguments to a function is very ugly
17:05 Krock indeed
17:05 Krock would be great to have that sometime, but if this is just a simple fix I guess it's fine
17:06 DS-minetest shouldn't that be fixed in the stairs api instead? something like this: description = S("Inner $1 Stair", given_description)
17:07 DS-minetest and then given_description = S("Straw")
17:08 sfan5 no that's wrong, the whole thing needs to be translatable in case word order or grammer changes
17:09 Krock or languages where words "melt" together, like $1 with Stair
17:09 Krock German: "Strohtreppe"
17:10 Krock your suggestion would result in a workaround: "Treppe aus Stroh"
17:10 DS-minetest but then it could be "Inner $1 Stair=innere $1treppe"
17:11 sfan5 here's a simpler example: imagine a language where "Straw" changes when put together with "Stair"
17:11 Krock german is a simple one here, but in other languages you might put suffixes to the translated "stair" word, if $1 happens to be feminime/masculine/other
17:11 DS-minetest i see
17:12 Krock "Rote Farbe" "Roter Stein"  S("@1 Paint", "Red")  good luck on that
17:14 Krock my master is polluted. will wait for the patch merging for a bit
17:14 tomraceror mhh
17:17 Krock pushing
17:30 Krock item_image_button is horrifying slow
17:31 Krock either that or my GPU sucks for 2D stuff
17:35 BuckarooBanzai hey all, is there are recent stable commit i can update my server to?
17:36 DS-minetest Krock: node items are 3d
17:36 Krock BuckarooBanzai: current master
17:36 Krock you seem to ask at the right time
17:38 DS-minetest maybe there should be extra early releases when feature freeze starts for bug finding
17:43 BuckarooBanzai Krock: i pulled a few hours ago, is that "current" enough?
17:44 DS-minetest Krock: perhaps creating a new itemstack each draw makes it slow
17:45 Krock DS-minetest: yes, it ought to be cached
17:45 Krock but that does currently not happen
17:46 Krock BuckarooBanzai: stable enough. the recent inventory commit again reduces the server-sent inventory data but that's only for clients that are from this month
17:46 DS-minetest i could do this in #8740
17:46 ShadowBot -- Make formspec elements real elements for draw order and clipping by DS-Minetest
17:46 BuckarooBanzai Krock: i saw that, thx ;)
17:50 Krock that's quite some new files
17:51 Krock DS-minetest: getRealCoordinateBasePos(bool absolute, .... why is absolute no longer needed?
17:52 Krock also what about style options of images? are there none?
17:54 DS-minetest the absolute isn't needed anymore because all elements are children
17:56 DS-minetest image is not supported by styling (according to doc:
17:57 DS-minetest children positions have to be relative to their parent
18:06 Krock aha
18:06 Krock +8 comments or so
18:07 DS-minetest thanks for reviewing! ^_^
18:12 DS-minetest Krock: how did you do this comment thing: ? I can't reply to it
18:12 Krock Tab -> Files changed -> scroll
18:13 Krock
18:14 DS-minetest ahh, now i see what this is
18:14 Krock rubenwardy: accidental re-open?
18:22 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:33 sfan5 merging #2487 in 5 minutes
18:33 ShadowBot -- mg_decoration: Raise highest allowed deco top to max edge of voxelmanip by paramat
18:53 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
19:07 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
19:16 H4mlet While translating: it says "Stone Brick" but actually the node is not a single brick, but a cube of brickS.
19:17 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:18 H4mlet Therefore, should I translate it to "Mattone di pietra" (a stone brick) or "MattonI di pietra" (bricks made of stone) ?
19:19 H4mlet It might seem trivial, but having a label that says something different than what you see isn't.
19:21 sfan5 while technically made of several bricks, the game calls the entire node one brick
19:21 sfan5 so, singular
19:21 H4mlet So be it.
19:22 DS-minetest or make a PR to mtg to rename it
19:22 H4mlet God spare me that.
19:29 celeron55 in english you can say "brick" as a word meaning a material, not a single brick object
19:29 celeron55 like wood doesn't mean a plank or a tree
19:30 celeron55 altough it isn't used similarly in MT
19:31 celeron55 gravel is a better example
19:32 celeron55 a gravel block is a block made of gravel, not "a gravel"
19:32 celeron55 altough, "a gravel" doesn't really exist in english
19:32 DS-minetest ah
19:32 DS-minetest there are words that exist as countable and as uncountable
19:33 DS-minetest eg. glass and a glass
19:33 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
19:33 celeron55 i guess glass is the best comparison out of these
19:33 celeron55 it's not the same either though, because a glass block doesn't consist of glass pieces... altough a block made of glass pieces would still be a glass block
19:34 celeron55 lol
19:56 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
19:57 DS-minetest Krock: I've tried caching the drawn item for itemimages, but it wasn't really faster
19:58 DS-minetest (tested with µs timetaker)
20:00 sfan5 Wuzzy: you seem to have squashed the changes from my PR into the commit on your branch
20:00 sfan5 I think merging will still work fine, but it's weird
20:00 Wuzzy oops. sorry ?
20:15 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:34 H4mlet celeron55: I see, actually one could say "that wall is made of brick" in Italian too, but it would sound like slang (not exactly wrong, but not really correct either)... anyway I'm sticking to literal translation.
20:35 H4mlet About glass... it IS a pain when I have to figure if it is referred to the material itself or "a glass" e.g. a glass of water.
20:35 H4mlet Not that much painful actually, but I have to check it in-game.
20:36 H4mlet ("a glass of water" == "un bicchiere d'acqua" VS "the glass" == "il vetro")
20:37 sfan5 this is sort of a problem actually, "Glass" may refer to the material or something else, but it can only be translated once
20:38 sfan5 so a correct translation would be impossible if different translations are needed
20:38 celeron55 it's a common problem in all software due to how gettext works
20:39 sfan5 I guess you could solve this by using S("Glass (Material)") and then adding a translation for english Glass (Material)=Glass
20:39 celeron55 can you add a translation for the original language that changes it to something else like that?
20:41 celeron55 what will it show then when a translation doesn't exist for the viewed language
20:42 sfan5 i don't think anything prevents you from creating an "en" translation file, would show the wrong thing in the case you described though
20:42 sfan5 or maybe "en" is hardcoded somewhere as fallback and this would already work, no idea
20:43 celeron55 many systems insist on using message ids and then separate files for all languages; this is one problem it solves, with some added inconvenience when developing
20:44 H4mlet something like msg_xa0000f = "Hi" (ENG)  --> "Ciao" (ITA) ?
20:45 sfan5 yes but with more descriptive ids, usually
20:45 H4mlet hmmm default_greet = "Hi" / "Hello" / etc.
20:45 H4mlet ?
20:45 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
20:45 sfan5 more like that, yea
20:46 H4mlet pardon, I meant: default_greet = "Hi" / "Ciao" / etc.
20:47 H4mlet S("Glass (Material)") = translation sounds good
20:48 H4mlet but I'm not a programmer; anyway I guess that for the moment strings can stay the way they are
20:59 H4mlet Wet Dry Soil=
20:59 H4mlet ^^^ not clear
21:02 sfan5 you have "Dry Soil" that appears(?) in regions that are naturally dry, but when you put water near it that dry soil becomes wet and can be used for farming
21:02 H4mlet that is clear
21:03 sfan5 the soil nodes do not usually appear in the inventory either, so don't worry about it too much
21:03 H4mlet oh ok then
21:03 H4mlet Thanks.
21:06 DS-minetest Wet Dry Soil=You Hacker You!
21:08 H4mlet Kill yourself to respawn=
21:09 H4mlet ^^^ you're going to be sued, you know that?
21:09 H4mlet LOL
21:09 sfan5 I don't think that's an instruction for the reader ;)
21:22 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
21:34 H4mlet Boat cruise mode on=
21:34 H4mlet and off. Does that mean "autowalk"?
21:35 sfan5 it means the boat automatically moves forward without needing to press W
21:35 H4mlet Right, thanks. :)
22:09 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:16 H4mlet
22:16 H4mlet The Italian l10n is ready anyway, I would consider that a minor issue.
22:32 sfan5 merging game#2481 in 5m
22:32 ShadowBot -- Set fuel percentage to decrease by An0n3m0us
22:35 sfan5 also merging #8869, #8799
22:35 ShadowBot -- Also print help commands to chat for server terminal by TranslucentSabre
22:35 ShadowBot -- Fix misuse of AsyncTask by pangeneral
23:05 sfan5 Calinou: any idea how to solve
23:09 Calinou sfan5: isn't it a matter of searching and replacing URLs in the website?
23:09 Calinou ( ->
23:09 sfan5 no it's about existing links found everywhere else
23:12 Calinou hmm… we can perform a redirect using a "forum.html" file (which will be generated as /forum)
23:12 Calinou the redirect must be done using JavaScript by reading the GET arguments in the URL, since you can't change the HTML dynamically server-side to match the URL
23:13 Calinou I'll try to look into it this week :)
23:14 Wuzzy weird.
23:14 Wuzzy where in the source code is on_grant?
23:14 Wuzzy grep yields absolutely nothing
23:14 Wuzzy although it is clearly mentioned in lua_api.txt
23:14 Wuzzy also not in builtin
23:15 Wuzzy could it be that on_grant/on_revoke were documented, but never actually added? ?
23:27 fluxflux joined #minetest-dev
23:59 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev

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