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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2019-11-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:20 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
02:46 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
02:47 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
06:49 el joined #minetest-dev
07:22 pyrollo joined #minetest-dev
07:36 Lord_Vlad joined #minetest-dev
07:39 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
08:38 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
08:39 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
09:45 fluxflux_ joined #minetest-dev
11:28 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:29 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:56 tomraceror joined #minetest-dev
13:37 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
14:57 pmpp_ joined #minetest-dev
16:03 BrunoMine joined #minetest-dev
16:35 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest-dev
16:47 nepugia joined #minetest-dev
16:57 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
17:19 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
17:43 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest-dev
18:19 Krock joined #minetest-dev
18:42 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest-dev
18:46 Krock m_matrixnode->getAbsolutePosition() returns (440,86,-1330) but the game coordinates are (44.0,8.6,-333.0)
18:46 Krock thanks camera offset
18:47 Krock -333.0 * BS - 200 * BS is exactly -1330
18:47 reductum joined #minetest-dev
18:49 Krock but even then it's still totally broken
18:58 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
19:07 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
19:17 Krock GenericCAO::step is interesting because "getParent()" returns an attachment for half of the time when the player is attached
19:19 Krock to be precise. m_attachment_parent_id is only valid in 1/3 the calls
19:20 rubenwardy that sounds reliable
19:21 rubenwardy the venn diagram of "entities" and "reliable" is two separate circles
19:21 rubenwardy apparently making it an actual venn diagram, if the fish is to be trusted
19:21 Krock well no. I' just stupid
19:22 Krock object 1 is the first client, 2 the cart and 3 the main client
19:29 Krock val_target is not updated properly
19:31 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
19:55 Krock ok.. got quite a good success rate now.
19:57 Krock 4x (440,86,-2070), 1x (0,0,-2000). m_matrixnode spits out (0,0,0) sometimes
19:59 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
20:32 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:33 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:02 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
22:02 erlehmann hi again
22:02 erlehmann it's been a long time
22:03 erlehmann how have you been?
22:06 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:17 celeron55_ oh, well that's something
22:19 erlehmann hey celeron55_ long time no see
22:19 celeron55_ what brought you here? i didn't expect i'd see a word from you ever again
22:19 erlehmann a new friend of mine tried minetest
22:19 erlehmann and i looked it up again
22:20 erlehmann i found that it now has A LOT of content
22:20 erlehmann i am sorry for the sudden stop of maintaining minetest Δ
22:20 erlehmann i got a girlfriend and immediately had no time for minetest
22:20 erlehmann anyone of you going to attend 36C3? i'll be there
22:21 celeron55_ well, not much happening these days, but we're here anyways
22:21 erlehmann the lua engine thing was a very good idea
22:21 celeron55_ there were wilder times
22:22 celeron55_ of the things you made, the logo is living on
22:22 celeron55_ dunno if anything else is left
22:22 erlehmann the clouds?
22:22 erlehmann the rails?
22:22 erlehmann papyrus?
22:22 erlehmann bookshelf?
22:22 sfan5 clouds certainly still exist as they were back then
22:23 erlehmann well, if my contributions get replaced, it will probably be something better in its place.
22:23 erlehmann do you know the fable of the ship of theseus?
22:23 erlehmann the ships parts break down and are replaced one by one
22:23 celeron55_ we usually talk about the knife's blade and the handle here in finland
22:23 celeron55_ same thing 8)
22:24 erlehmann at the end of the journey, no single piece of wood remains of the original ship
22:24 erlehmann but the real ship was the friends theseus made along the way
22:24 erlehmann the friendship of theseus
22:24 erlehmann :--DDD
22:25 nepugia what an unsatisfying ending to a thought experiment
22:26 erlehmann did the weather subsystem (rain etc.) ever got included?
22:27 erlehmann i remember that i rejected it for minetest Δ because of code quality issues
22:27 rubenwardy erlehmann: did you make the Minetest logo?
22:27 celeron55_ not really, but there's a humidity and temperature map in the engine that mods can use
22:27 rubenwardy oh yes
22:28 erlehmann rubenwardy, yes, i made it
22:28 celeron55_ from that days perspective, what there's now is a bit odd maybe
22:28 rubenwardy nice, thanks for that
22:28 erlehmann rubenwardy, maybe you can find „/home/erlehmann“ in the SVG source somewhere
22:28 rubenwardy I recognised your name
22:29 rubenwardy I do a lot of PR for Minetest, and have to attribute you :D
22:29 celeron55_ being CC something-SA, erlehmann's name is in a license file somewhere
22:29 celeron55_ i mean CC BY-something
22:29 rubenwardy also, erlehmann:
22:29 rubenwardy my laptop
22:29 celeron55_ something being SA most likely
22:30 erlehmann rubenwardy, haha
22:30 rubenwardy also, your logo was on a big screen at CERN:
22:30 erlehmann rubenwardy, wan i have a sticker?
22:30 rubenwardy if you PM me an address, I'll send you one
22:30 celeron55_ wrong link
22:30 rubenwardy also, your logo was on a big screen at CERN:
22:30 rubenwardy lol
22:31 erlehmann oh someone did a talk about minetest? where is the talk?
22:32 luk3yx joined #minetest-dev
22:32 rubenwardy That's me in the photo, the talk was at CERN in Geneva regarding this:
22:33 celeron55_ does some keyboard layout have c next to w? that's the weirdest typo
22:33 erlehmann celeron55_, i use the neo2 keyboard layout
22:33 erlehmann the basic row of it is uiaeosnrtd
22:33 erlehmann and the row above it is
22:33 rubenwardy I assumed it was a weaboo thing
22:33 celeron55_ ah
22:33 erlehmann xvlcwkhgfqß
22:33 celeron55_ i looked up like 13 layouts and non had that
22:36 erlehmann celeron55_,
22:36 erlehmann look at the pictures to the right
22:41 erlehmann rubenwardy, from where are you sending? i am based in berlin
22:42 erlehmann also can i get a dozen stickers if i send monies via SEPA?
22:42 erlehmann also LOL @ weaboo thing
22:42 erlehmann rubenwardy, is the talk recorded?
22:44 rubenwardy the UK
22:45 rubenwardy and yes, supposedly
22:46 rubenwardy I think selling stickers puts me in a rough spot legally, but I have them as a benefit on my patreon:
22:46 erlehmann why legally?
22:46 rubenwardy I can give you the sticker template, might be easier to order yourself if you want more than 10
22:47 erlehmann i mean the graphics are CC BY SA
22:47 erlehmann so as long as you credit me, i have no problem
22:47 erlehmann ah i see
22:47 erlehmann > You'll get a mention on the acknowledgements page of the print edition of the Minetest Modding Book.
22:47 erlehmann wait, there's a book?
22:47 erlehmann amazing
22:48 erlehmann where do i need to put monies
22:48 erlehmann to get it
22:48 rubenwardy book:
22:49 erlehmann nice
22:49 erlehmann i also wrote a book in the meantime, with a friend
22:49 erlehmann published with o'reilly (in german)
22:49 erlehmann testimonials were like “never read such an unfunny book about such a funny topic”
22:52 erlehmann rubenwardy, query
22:56 nepugia :o, tolles buch
22:57 erlehmann danke :)
22:58 erlehmann o'reilly germany stopped selling it (because everyone got fired), but i put a clause in it that it is CC BY-SA as soon as o'reilly stops selling it.
22:58 erlehmann so that triggered and i put it on the web page
22:58 erlehmann if someone wants to translate it, i still have the source code of the book (it is written in restructured text)
23:03 erlehmann i am now installing the 31 minetest mods in debian stable
23:03 erlehmann this is amazing
23:03 rubenwardy there's also
23:04 sfan5 debian stable means you're still using 0.4 ...right?
23:04 erlehmann i JUST upgraded my system to debian stable
23:07 sfan5 0.4.17 it is then
23:08 sfan5 5.0 has been in development much longer than other releases (and is also not network-compatible), you might want to look at it too
23:09 erlehmann what are the differences?
23:09 erlehmann it is mod-compatbile?
23:09 erlehmann compatible sorry
23:09 erlehmann i have to reboot
23:10 erlehmann brb i hope it comes up again
23:10 fluxflux joined #minetest-dev
23:12 Guest61330 joined #minetest-dev
23:13 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
23:14 Guest61330 hey
23:14 erlehmann so
23:14 erlehmann apparently 4.17 works quite well, but the Hauptmenü (main menu in german) shows up as Hauptmen� in the window title
23:15 erlehmann has this been fixed in 5.x?
23:15 rubenwardy which language?
23:15 rubenwardy oh, derp
23:15 rubenwardy german proabbly
23:16 erlehmann german, yes
23:18 sfan5 works on my system, though I remember it being broken some years ago
23:18 sfan5 re 5.x: it's entirely compatible just not network-compatible
23:21 sfan5 also if you feel like reading pages of text:
23:25 erlehmann i may have the earliest minetest developer chatlogs somewhere
23:25 erlehmann do you need them?
23:25 erlehmann remember zweipktfkt
23:25 rubenwardy :O
23:27 erlehmann how can i have if you people went from 0.4.16 to 0.5.0 ?
23:27 erlehmann
23:27 sfan5 we backported some bugfixes
23:28 erlehmann ah nice
23:29 erlehmann so about that 36C3 thing, no one going there except for me?
23:29 sfan5 not me at least
23:29 rubenwardy  ?
23:30 erlehmann y
23:30 sfan5 rubenwardy: don't worry you couldn't get a ticket anymore anyway ;)
23:30 erlehmann what sfan5 said
23:30 rubenwardy was interested in what it was
23:30 erlehmann if you don't know if you are going, you are not going
23:30 erlehmann big hacker conference
23:30 erlehmann with a lot of techno
23:30 erlehmann & general weirdness
23:30 rubenwardy hacker as in hacker or hacker as in hacker
23:30 rubenwardy hacker as in someone who plays with tech, or someone who does security
23:31 rubenwardy wait, it references a resource exhaustion attack so probably the latter
23:31 erlehmann both
23:31 erlehmann i will be there hacking human relationships
23:31 erlehmann it is very easy i have tape
23:31 erlehmann so i do a workshop called RNGed marriage (pronounced: arranged marriage)
23:31 erlehmann it is simple: we choose your partner for you, then tape you together at the wrist
23:32 erlehmann so the only thing that is guaranteed is that you are taped to a person who is crazy enough to come to the workshop
23:32 sfan5 that is ... interesting
23:32 erlehmann it worked very well at ccc camp in the summer
23:32 erlehmann people immediately become codependent
23:32 erlehmann some people do not understand though
23:33 erlehmann btw, of course i use tape that breaks easily
23:33 erlehmann in case you need to … break it off
23:33 erlehmann i saw a woman coming to two guys i taped together, asking if they were gay
23:33 erlehmann they denied
23:33 erlehmann and she could not understand why tape-marry a man then? :D
23:34 sfan5 :D
23:34 erlehmann rubenwardy, ccc congress has stuff like motorized bobby cars
23:34 erlehmann and a lot of talks
23:34 erlehmann rubenwardy, enjoy
23:45 rubenwardy looks cool
23:57 erlehmann was there ever a minetestcon?
23:58 erlehmann like, a convention with minetest talks and stuff?
23:59 rubenwardy the CERN event was close to one
23:59 rubenwardy 3/4 of the talks were Minetest-related :D
23:59 rubenwardy unfortunately, Minetest is small and people tend to be hesistant to travel on their own money

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