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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2020-03-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:24 realzies joined #minetest-dev
00:27 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
00:28 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
00:55 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
01:33 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
02:04 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
06:44 fluxflux joined #minetest-dev
07:30 AntumDeluge joined #minetest-dev
07:40 proller joined #minetest-dev
08:00 Beton joined #minetest-dev
08:37 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
09:30 mizux joined #minetest-dev
09:54 Krock does anyone have a testing mod for #9378 by any chance?
09:54 ShadowBot -- Formspecs: Add state-selection to style elements by Df458
09:56 Krock I guess the minimal formspec is all for now...
10:07 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
10:09 kilbith nobody cares, Krock
10:09 Krock !next
10:09 ShadowBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
10:09 kilbith MT is becoming irrelevant
10:10 kilbith IRC is very quiet, less *good* modders, less things going in git tree
10:10 kilbith s/in/on
10:11 kilbith rubenwardy is too busy, sfan5 cares about its own PRs mostly, ...
10:12 kilbith I suggested several times Df458 & v-rob as core-devs, but none seems to care either
10:12 kilbith it's the usual inertia in this community
10:14 kilbith just compare the current situation with eg. 2015
10:14 kilbith MT is on the decline
10:15 kilbith even that:  ... is too much asking to review
10:16 kilbith you suck balls guys
10:18 kilbith ah of course the commits fixing two-lines of documentation will certainly make the engine more exciting!
10:30 kilbith fortunately I don't hire some of you otherwise we'd go bankrupt
10:35 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:39 Krock interestingly nobody noticed or cared about the compatibility in 9411. as long it's merged before 5.2.0 that won't be much an issue, though.
10:46 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:52 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
11:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:13 df458 joined #minetest-dev
11:30 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:14 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
12:29 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
12:40 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:54 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
12:54 absurb joined #minetest-dev
13:02 Krock needs to be forked to the minetest organization for #9066 so that Android builds for the Play Store are again possible
13:02 ShadowBot -- Android: add Android Studio support, completely redone all of the java part by MoNTE48
13:03 Krock celeron55_: would you please be so nice to do that? A more fitting name would be "minetest_android_dependencies"
13:03 sfan5 last time I tested that PR the resulting apk crashed on startup
13:03 sfan5 but the build at least worked
13:03 Krock I tested an older one - based on the latest stable IIRC
13:03 Krock worked, but I don't know about the current state
13:04 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:12 celeron55_ what a mess
13:15 celeron55_ so what i take from this is, the current android build is broken, and this is the only finished branch fixing it?
13:17 celeron55_ and does some other things (plus monte48 offends 50% of people, making everything he does stink, more news at 11)
13:18 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:19 celeron55_ and he's promising to fix remaining problems with this if it's merged?
13:22 celeron55_ the PR description is incredibly bad in explaining what it's for
13:23 sfan5 I'd say the chances are good he will contribute the required fixes for android support
13:23 celeron55_ i hate android so i'm not going to test this
13:25 celeron55_ i trust monte48 to make it work for himself personally, but if it breaks something that doesn't increase his profits i'm sure he doesn't care
13:26 celeron55_ Krock: what will happen after creating said fork?
13:27 celeron55_ i don't see discussion about that in the PR
13:27 celeron55_ oh it's in rubenwardy's review
13:29 Krock celeron55_: the android build is not that broken. it still builds, but is no longer compatible with the Play Store rules
13:30 celeron55_ i'll create the fork; please continue making the PR happen then
13:30 sfan5 while it would be possible to make the old code work for the new requirements, the build system is a terrible mess anyway and definitely needs replacing
13:30 Krock we'll test that stuff. No other actions needed from your side than the fork tbh :)
13:32 Krock IIRC, stu and srifqi worked on Android, but they're quite inactive nowadays
13:32 Krock there was also an attempt to use CMake.. but that's long time history
13:32 sfan5 there's a few other things however:
13:33 sfan5 these currently point to his fork with some custom changes instead of downloading the official source and patching it as needed
13:33 celeron55_
13:34 sfan5 I don't think that's critical currently, the dependency stuff can be re-done using the existing patches we used at some point
13:34 celeron55_ add an issue in minetest_android_dependencies about references to monte48's forks
13:34 sfan5 will do
13:34 sfan5 you might also want to change the repo description
13:35 sfan5 oh and enable issues...
13:35 celeron55_ oh, maybe that
13:36 celeron55_ hmm
13:36 celeron55_ i wonder if the repo should be created from scratch in order to not have the forked status
13:37 celeron55_ actually that's what's disabling the issues
13:38 sfan5 sounds like a good idea
13:40 Krock indeed
13:40 Beton joined #minetest-dev
13:41 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
13:43 Fixer__ joined #minetest-dev
13:48 Krock celeron55_: the repository is still empty. shall I proceed pushing the history to it?
13:48 celeron55_ i'm doing that
13:48 Krock okay. thank you :)
13:49 celeron55_ just have a slow connection
13:49 celeron55_ considered squashing the history but maybe not
13:50 erlehmann w8
13:50 erlehmann why squash the history?
13:50 celeron55_ it has old unused binaries in its history, being a binary repo
13:50 celeron55_ but it'll have more in the future anyway so whatever
13:51 erlehmann Krock, what are the play store rules that the android build breaks?
13:51 sfan5 lack of (working) arm64 build
13:51 erlehmann celeron55_, i think old binaries may be interesting for old phones? also, history editing is a cleaner way to remove the old binaries.
13:52 erlehmann than squash all commits
13:52 Krock I think they also increased the minimum ndk version
13:52 rubenwardy The repo should probably have "binaries" in the name, to differentiate between a future repo which contains build scripts
13:52 erlehmann what rubenwardy says
13:52 rubenwardy Not that it actually matter
13:52 celeron55_ well, it does matter
13:52 sfan5 rubenwardy: it contains the build scripts too
13:52 celeron55_ but yes, it contains both, which might be bad
13:53 rubenwardy In the future, I'd like the builds to be done using gitlab pipelines and exported as an artifact or docker image
13:53 rubenwardy Then the android build can be automated using pipelines as well
13:53 p_gimeno <celeron55_> it has old unused binaries in its history, being a binary repo  <-- you can use git filter-branch then
13:54 celeron55_ maybe minetest_android_deps_binaries and minetest_android_deps? ("deps" helps not having an insanely long naem)
13:54 celeron55_ name*
13:54 rubenwardy I've been feeling burnt out lately, which is why I've been less active
13:54 celeron55_ and i'd rename this now to minetest_android_deps_binaries
13:57 erlehmann rubenwardy, why docker image?
13:58 erlehmann rubenwardy, good reaction. continuing to work until burnout is bad makes recovery much worse.
13:59 rubenwardy erlehmann: it can then be used as a base in another gitlab pipeline
13:59 rubenwardy It's nice having all the dependencies in a docker image to make building faster
13:59 sfan5 sounds like a zip file would work just the same
14:00 rubenwardy This is something for another time though
14:00 erlehmann someone once explained docker to me as
14:00 erlehmann A: “but it works on my machine” B: “then we deploy your machine”
14:01 rubenwardy lol
14:01 erlehmann i mean, it is true
14:01 erlehmann in a way
14:01 rubenwardy I build my game, RVWP, using Gitlab Pipelines with this image:
14:01 celeron55_ it's true, and that doesn't make it a bad idea
14:01 rubenwardy I guess I could just zip the dependencies
14:02 celeron55_ but docker images are kind of fuzzy compared to a zip with data, and a repo with code
14:03 rubenwardy plus a zip would be easier to integrate with the current gradle script
14:03 celeron55_ docker image is kind of like sharing a program on a floppy disk image, somehow weirdly it became popular again
14:03 celeron55_ s/on a/as a/
14:04 rubenwardy I was getting ahead of myself, anyway
14:05 celeron55_
14:05 celeron55_ i think that looks good now, and it has (0) issues
14:06 rubenwardy thanks
14:06 celeron55_ and minetest engine team access
14:06 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
14:07 celeron55_ i imagine someone will poke me when the non-binary counterpart is created, but that might be 2 years from now
14:08 rubenwardy I think any dev can create repos?
14:09 rubenwardy ah, no they can't
14:09 rubenwardy merging #9380 in 10
14:09 ShadowBot -- Add multiple element selection to `style` and `style_type` by v-rob
14:14 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
14:20 rubenwardy oh noes
14:22 sfan5 start with this one
14:29 rubenwardy ggrrrr, formspec.lua was CRLF
14:31 p_gimeno isn't there a .gitattributes entry for that?
14:31 rubenwardy potentially
14:31 rubenwardy all we have in .gitattributes is    *.cpp diff=cpp \\ *.h diff=cpp
14:32 p_gimeno there's clearly room for improvement there :)
14:33 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:38 kilbith Krock: afaik I'm the only one to use animated_image[] in craftguide yet, so it doesn't matter
14:39 rubenwardy we also don't have to support things that are not yet in a release
14:39 rubenwardy except where it would cause world corruption
14:39 kilbith yeah that makes sens
14:39 kilbith +e
14:40 Krock rubenwardy: not like the assignments would change anything. I do the PRs that kinda jump "in front of my eye" and according to priority lists rather than assignments
14:41 rubenwardy ah right
14:41 Krock saves you a few clicks
14:41 rubenwardy I do the opposite - mark things I want to review as review requested, and then look through them a while later
14:41 rubenwardy I have this page bookmarked:
14:42 fluxflux joined #minetest-dev
14:42 kilbith "I do the PRs that kinda jump in front of my eye" <- that may be the reason why the old PRs neglected
14:44 kilbith thank you rubenwardy for saving the day btw
14:44 rubenwardy huh?
15:17 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
15:21 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
15:53 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
16:26 DS-minetest now that I've added a subfolder in minimal in #9065, a unittest that checks whether the count of all media paths is a multiple of 5 fails
16:26 ShadowBot -- Load media from subfolders by Desour
16:26 DS-minetest how should I change it?
16:29 Krock fix the unittest
16:38 DS-minetest is there anything more to do when running the unittests than calling minetest with --run-unittests?
16:38 DS-minetest is there anything more to do when running the unittests than calling minetest with --run-unittests ?
16:38 DS-minetest oops
16:44 DS-minetest hmm, that unittest doesn't make any sense anymore. the paths aren't added anymore if the folders don't exist
16:46 Krock no, they just need to pass with --run-unittests
16:48 DS-minetest ok
16:49 DS-minetest I wondered because testStreamRead and testBufReader are failing
16:49 DS-minetest I've simplified the failing unittest now
16:54 p_gimeno I seem to recall there's an issue for that
16:55 p_gimeno if you mean it fails in release mode only
16:57 DS-minetest I've compiled with the default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
16:57 DS-minetest so Release, yeah
16:58 p_gimeno yeah
16:58 p_gimeno *yeah
16:58 p_gimeno #3943
16:58 ShadowBot -- testStreamRead and testBufReader failures
17:02 p_gimeno #7988 should have fixed that
17:02 ShadowBot -- IEEE floats: Fix unit test in release mode by paramat
17:04 p_gimeno (assuming it's the same failure)
17:05 p_gimeno anyway, -ffast-math is looking for trouble... is the difference really so significant?
17:05 DS-minetest yes, exactly the same failure as in 3943
17:05 p_gimeno DS-minetest: clang?
17:05 DS-minetest gcc
17:06 DS-minetest gcc (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 7.4.0
17:06 erlehmann who here knows about undefined behaviour?
17:07 DS-minetest is it even possible to know about something that is undefined? ;)
17:08 p_gimeno is supposed to not run that test if IEC 559 semantics are not supported. I guess gcc is lying again.
17:09 erlehmann
17:09 erlehmann > On linux, the gcc flag -ffast-math breaks isnan(), isinf() and isfinite() - there may be other related functions that are also broken that I have not tested.
17:09 erlehmann > Since -ffast-math instructs GCC not to handle NaNs, it is expected that isnan() has an undefined behaviour.
17:10 p_gimeno erlehmann: it's not about NaN, it's about about reciprocal math enabled by -ffast-math
17:10 p_gimeno basically, gcc believes that it's ok to change a / constant to a * (1.0/constant)
17:17 DS-minetest p_gimeno: testFloatFormat doesn't fail. the fails are at (testStreamRead) and (testBufReader)
17:20 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
17:21 erlehmann
17:21 p_gimeno oh right, I only fixed testFloatFormat
17:22 erlehmann > -ffast-math implies -ffinite-math-only which causes GCC to assume no inputs to isnan/fpclassify are NaN.  As a programmer using -ffast-math you give this guarantee to the compiler, so what you report is a pilot error?
17:23 p_gimeno erlehmann: the test fails because -ffast-math implies -freciprocal-math
17:23 p_gimeno see the patch at the last post of #3943
17:23 ShadowBot -- testStreamRead and testBufReader failures
17:25 p_gimeno DS-minetest: apologies, I've forgotten quite some details by now. The patch I pointed out only addressed a failure that appeared later, not 3943.
17:25 DS-minetest so when reading a f1000 it does *0.001 instead of /1000
17:25 p_gimeno that's right
17:26 DS-minetest i see
17:30 realz joined #minetest-dev
17:37 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
19:27 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
20:13 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
21:27 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
21:30 kilbith can someone delete this please?
21:30 kilbith this adds nothing to the discussion
21:37 troller joined #minetest-dev
21:44 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
21:57 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
22:02 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
23:19 NoctisLabs joined #minetest-dev
23:34 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
23:35 kilbith joined #minetest-dev

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