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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2020-04-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:10 nephele joined #minetest-dev
01:30 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
01:53 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
01:56 nephele_ joined #minetest-dev
05:07 Edgy12 joined #minetest-dev
05:28 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
05:59 Kimapr joined #minetest-dev
08:12 erlehmann_ joined #minetest-dev
08:37 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
08:59 Beton joined #minetest-dev
09:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:22 Livestradamus left #minetest-dev
09:22 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:09 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
10:24 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
11:38 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
12:32 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
12:48 absurb joined #minetest-dev
13:16 lisac joined #minetest-dev
13:57 _Zaizen_ joined #minetest-dev
15:39 sofar joined #minetest-dev
16:14 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
16:18 ANAND_ joined #minetest-dev
16:18 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
16:36 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
17:27 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
17:48 fluxflux joined #minetest-dev
18:24 nerzhul #9719 is ready for a first review. Remind the goal of this PR is not to implement all minetest metrics but to provide the basic framework + some first useful metrics. Anybody is free to add more metrics after that if it's useful :)
18:24 ShadowBot -- Add MetricsBackend with prometheus counter support by nerzhul
18:28 nerzhul sfan5 or Krock when you get some time to review it
18:28 nerzhul or rubenwardy
18:52 _Zaizen_ joined #minetest-dev
21:32 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
21:32 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
21:41 Wuzzy sfan5: so, about #9462
21:41 ShadowBot -- Add support for statbar “off state” icons by Wuzzy2
21:41 Wuzzy (hi)
21:41 sfan5 yes
21:42 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
21:42 Wuzzy maybe i shoud just switch to RGBA. maybe minetest doesn't like indexed color pallete?
21:42 Wuzzy weird that it only happens for one of us tho ?
21:42 sfan5 uh I think you misunderstood my bug
21:43 sfan5 I took heart.png and grayscale-converted it to heart_gone.png
21:43 sfan5 but the problem it is shows up incorrectly
21:43 sfan5 is that because it's 12x not 16x?
21:43 sfan5 (while 12x works fine for heart.png)
21:43 Wuzzy wait, wait
21:44 Wuzzy lets start from the beginning, your bug report literally way the word "uh" ?
21:44 sfan5 yes that was supposed to mean "it surely isn't supposed to render the heart_gone like this"
21:44 Wuzzy did you touch heart.png?
21:44 sfan5 no
21:45 Wuzzy ah
21:45 Wuzzy MTG's heart.png is 16×16
21:45 Wuzzy (for some reason...)
21:45 Wuzzy so your heart_gone.png must also be 16×16
21:46 sfan5 oh
21:46 sfan5 I went into textures/base/pack and converted the heart.png there
21:47 Wuzzy ?
21:47 sfan5 ok it looks perfect in minimal
21:48 Wuzzy hmmm actually the fact that MTG's heart/bubble is 16×16 is a bug. the heart looks distorted lately. but thats a different issue...
21:49 Wuzzy so either fix the MTG textures, or overwrite builtin statbars in MTG. both solutions should fix it
21:50 Wuzzy (anyway, thats unrelated)
22:02 sfan5 Wuzzy: today someone reported this
22:02 sfan5 you might want to fix this even if you don't support 5.3-dev for MCL
22:03 Wuzzy oops
22:03 Wuzzy argh, this new ObjectRef stuff will continue to haunt me for a while, i guess
22:03 Wuzzy yes, its a legit bug in MCL2 when i disobey (haha!) the documentation
22:04 Wuzzy thanks for alerting me
22:04 sfan5 get_objects_inside_radius({x=0,y=0,z=0}, 99999) would be the documented way to do that
22:04 Wuzzy O_O
22:05 Wuzzy thats a little overkill, it seems
22:05 Wuzzy or is efficnency not an issue even with such a range?
22:06 sfan5 get_objects_inside_radius is O(n) no matter what you pass
22:06 sfan5 (yes thats terrible)
22:06 Wuzzy ooff
22:06 Wuzzy the idea of mcl_void_damage is that is applies to all objects worldwide ?
22:06 Wuzzy otherwise i would have to teach object indifidually to receive void damage :(((
22:07 sfan5 even if it's less clean I'd have the objects call into mcl_void_damage themselves
22:07 sfan5 no matter the get_objects_inside_radius performance, doing the latter is always better
22:07 Wuzzy :(((((((((((((((
22:07 Wuzzy oh man. sounds like a feature request then. "get_all_objects()"
22:08 sfan5 that doesn't really make a difference
22:09 Wuzzy objects as a whole seem to have a big impact on performance
22:09 Wuzzy ?
22:09 Wuzzy is that the reason why MTG is refusing to add mobs?
22:09 sfan5 no
22:09 Wuzzy interesting...
22:09 sfan5 the reason MTG doesn't have mobs is more like "nobody has come and presented the perfect set of mobs on a silver platter yet"
22:10 Wuzzy so MTG is not strictly against mobs then
22:10 Wuzzy but if mobs are added, they must be perfect
22:10 Wuzzy ?
22:11 sfan5 I didn't mean every word of that literally
22:11 Wuzzy Well most mob mods are quite shite, to be honest ...
22:11 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
22:11 sfan5 but most(?) existing mob mods appear to have some deficiencies one way or another
22:11 sfan5 yes
22:12 Wuzzy the most promising candidate seems to be mobkit. I wonder when it will be out of alpha
22:12 Wuzzy I haven't played around with it, tho
22:13 Wuzzy So you're basically saying, its a bad idea to iterate through all entities?
22:13 sfan5 it's a bad idea to iterate through all entities on every step (do you do that?) to implement something that could be done differently
22:14 sfan5 also the bug report showed that void damage affects raindrops
22:14 sfan5 that's wasted cpu time, i'm sure you can avoid spawning drops in places where they can fall into the void
22:14 Wuzzy ok I'm not THAT retarded. i dont iterate in every step. ?
22:14 Wuzzy ah, thats a nice catch
22:15 Wuzzy yes its pointless to spawn particles in The Void
22:15 Wuzzy wait, void damage affects raindrops? that doesnt make sense
22:15 Wuzzy raindrops are particles
22:16 Wuzzy ah its the drippingwater!
22:16 sfan5 close enough
22:17 sfan5 dripping water in Minecraft is a nice touch, I was positively surprised that you implemented it
22:17 Wuzzy drippingwater are decorative entities that spawn below nodes that are blow water or lava
22:18 Wuzzy actually this is an ancient mod, created ages ago by someone else
22:18 Wuzzy MC drippingwater is also just particles, no sound
22:18 nerzhul i'm finishing some technical needed PR and i will take more time to look at mobkit. The main problem i see with it is it's pure lua, and few core calls, reinventing sometimes the wheel
22:19 Wuzzy haha ok i just insta reproduced the crash. right on start. oops
22:19 Wuzzy yeah i dont have an excuse for that ?
22:20 sfan5 it doesn't happen in 5.2 so it's not like you could've known
22:20 Wuzzy yeah normally i ignore -dev for MCL2 but crashes are an exception ... unless the crash was not my fault
22:20 Wuzzy that is... when I am aware of the crash ?
22:21 Wuzzy hmm so you recommend to manually add void damage in every entities on_step function? ooff ?
22:21 sfan5 where it matters of course
22:21 sfan5 that probably is: mob entities and some extra code to apply it to players
22:21 Wuzzy well it matters for ALL entities
22:22 Wuzzy all entities should either take damage or be removed in the void to clean up space
22:22 Wuzzy players of course have special treatment already
22:23 Wuzzy btw Minetest does the same thing already. when an entity manages to go outside the world, it is removed
22:23 Wuzzy in MCL2, the void is considered to be "outside the world" in the same sense
22:24 Wuzzy If i dont regularily remove entities in the void, it would quickly get littered with "zombie" entities that the player would normally not be able to get rid of
22:24 Wuzzy so yeah, it really must affect *all* entities, not just a few select ones
22:25 Wuzzy Any better ideas on how it could be done? :/
22:25 sfan5 register_on_mods_loaded and overwrite on_step of every entity
22:26 sfan5 I don't know whether you could consider that "better"
22:26 Wuzzy still hacky, but slightly better
22:26 Wuzzy does it win me performance?
22:27 Wuzzy (compared to iterating over all entities)
22:28 Wuzzy nerzhul: what wheels are reinvented by mobkit?
22:28 sfan5 Wuzzy: yes, you iterate over all entities one time less
22:28 sfan5 since you "reuse" the iteration when the engine calls on_step
22:28 Wuzzy haha
22:30 Wuzzy ok lesson learned: dont trust minetest.object_refs
22:30 Wuzzy sfan5: sadly, minetest.object_refs IS documented tho
22:30 sfan5 oh I forgot
22:30 Wuzzy yay, it's not my fault!! :D :D ?
22:30 Wuzzy i can now ignore this bug. *walks_away_slowly* ?
22:31 sfan5 the documentation doesn't say anything about the state of the contained object refs though
22:31 sfan5 since this is engine internals the table also contains object refs that are no longer considered valid
22:31 Wuzzy it's a trap!
22:32 Wuzzy "Map of object references, indexed by active object id"
22:32 Wuzzy the word "active" is highly suggestive ?
22:34 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
22:35 Wuzzy I think objects being weird and WTF to work with is the main reason  why we have no decent mobs yet. and collision bugs
22:36 sfan5 well just don't do stupid things
22:36 sfan5 and collision issues were/will be fixed
22:36 Wuzzy sfan5: but iterating over all players is safe, right?
22:37 sfan5 iterating of all <anything> is safe as long as you don't touch minetest.object_refs or luaentities
22:37 Wuzzy heh, ok
22:37 Wuzzy Well, I *could* check validity of the refs, but that's illegal
22:38 sfan5 doing that is just not recommend

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