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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2020-05-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:38 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
00:57 nephele joined #minetest-dev
01:18 nephele_ joined #minetest-dev
01:33 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
02:27 gd joined #minetest-dev
05:02 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
05:32 ANAND joined #minetest-dev
07:54 NetherEran joined #minetest-dev
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
08:32 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
08:59 ANAND Trivial typo fix: #9917
08:59 ShadowBot -- lua_api.txt: Fix minor typo by ClobberXD
09:59 NetherEran joined #minetest-dev
10:03 Beton joined #minetest-dev
10:05 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
10:10 appguru joined #minetest-dev
10:10 appguru rubenwardy: I have replied to your comment to #9907
10:10 ShadowBot -- Shaders as media files (server-sent shaders) by appgurueu
10:12 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:31 ANAND on_player_inventory_action callback passes an InvRef among other callbacks. This InvRef is documented to point to the inventory the player modified, but in reality, it's the player's inventory.
10:31 ANAND I checked using inv:get_location()
10:35 ANAND Not sure if this has been the case all along. Should this be fixed? Are there a substantial number of mods relying on this?
10:38 Krock all inventory actions would be broken if that were true
10:39 Krock moving in the same inventory results in inventory == player:get_inventory()
10:39 Krock "take" results in inventory != player:get_inventory()
10:39 ANAND I came across this while testing player<-->nodemeta transfers
10:41 Krock I see, yes. player inventory callbacks only provide information regarding the own changes
10:41 Krock hence inventory always being the player inventory
10:42 ANAND It's documented to point to the inventory being modified by the player, and that's what I'd logically expect from a callback like this.
10:42 Krock the documentation and code is correct. everything's from the perspective of the player's inventory
10:42 ANAND The player's inventory can be retrieved using player->get_inventory()
10:42 Krock the player puts an item into their inventory, or takes something from it
10:43 Krock yes, I see it's kinda superfluous
10:43 ANAND There's no way to determine what inventory the player was interacting with?
10:44 ANAND It would be possible to add `allow/on_metadata_inventory_*` for certain nodes, but it certainly doesn't make sense to do this for all nodes with inventories
10:45 ANAND And neither do we have corresponding global callbacks like register_on_metadata_inventory_take
10:45 Krock there's no "take" information for "put" actions
10:46 Krock though, all movement actions would optimally contain a InventoryLocation + listname + index for source and destination
10:46 ANAND Yeah, exactly
10:49 ANAND Even if we do have global variants of node inventory callbacks, I'd still want to be able to get both the source and dest of player inventory actions. It's just a much more convenient way of presenting the required information, and saves the mod from having to register two callbacks to get two halves of the same information.
10:51 ANAND All inventory actions are essentially Move actions (within the same inv, or between two different inventories), and as such, should contain both source and destination info. :)
10:53 nephele always bugged me that in mt picking up an item visually is not an actuall change and inventories can't react to it .. :)
10:53 nephele would be nice to have a "hand-buffer" inventory or smth
10:54 ANAND Player inventories do have a "hand" list by default, nephele
10:55 sfan5 picking up an item is not an inventory change? that wouldn't make sense
10:55 nephele that's unrelated though
10:55 ANAND Yeah :)
10:55 nephele sfan5, sure it is, it works that way in the other block game ;)
10:55 ANAND sfan5: It technically is
10:55 ANAND Just that there's only one inventory involved
10:55 nephele affects like stack-spliting and stuff, i also can't immidiently cancel a take action, i have to wait for the player to put it down, which is a bad worse ui
10:55 sfan5 ANAND: indeed, which is why I don't understand nephele's point
10:56 nephele s/bad/bit
10:56 sfan5 uh
10:56 sfan5 sounds like you have some feature requests regarding the client implementation, not the internals of the inventory system
10:57 ANAND sfan5: It'd still be nice to have a callback for when that inventory changes. :)
10:57 nephele why? a transition state should be something i can react to
10:57 sfan5 what is "that inventory" here?
10:57 ANAND Player inventory
10:57 sfan5 absolutely
10:57 sfan5 and I believe there's both an issue and PR for this
10:57 ANAND When someone picks up an item, the player inventory is modified.
10:58 ANAND Yes, there's an issue by Wuzzy
10:58 ANAND #8390
10:58 ShadowBot -- minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action ignores many inventory changes
10:59 nephele i mean a transition state like, player picks up an item and puts it into the same place again
10:59 nephele if i have an inventory slot that only allows taking out items you can still put it back, even though it definetely looks like you took it out
10:59 ne_mo joined #minetest-dev
11:00 sfan5 an inventory action only happens when you move the item somewhere else, yeah
11:01 Krock ANAND: "hand" isn't created by default. mods must create the list
11:01 ANAND Oh yeah, I remember now :)
11:01 ANAND Since 5.0, right?
11:01 nephele sfan5, yeah, that is what i complained about
11:02 nephele but if there is nothing i can put it "back" to refuse the move back into the slot i can't really do smth :P
11:02 nephele that back would be a transitional state i think, which would be the item at the cursor
11:04 ne_mo Hello. I cannot generate a flat map with hills and lakes in minetest-5.2.0. Also in this version I cannot turn mapgen v7 mountains off. This is probably a bug..
11:05 ANAND This is the issue I was trying to confirm, when I noticed the player_inventory_action oddity: #9918
11:05 ShadowBot -- "Swapping" bypasses inventory callbacks
11:06 sfan5 ne_mo: are you editing map_meta.txt directly
11:06 sfan5 ?
11:07 ne_mo sfan5: no, I'm doing this with UI in the "All Settings" menu
11:07 appguru a "flat map" with hills? doesn't make much sense to me
11:07 Krock 5.3.0-dev has those entries in the world creation dialogue btw, if that helps
11:07 Krock ne_mo: those settings will only apply for new worlds
11:07 sfan5 5.2 has a bug related to that, I'm sure editing map_meta.txt directly will work
11:08 ne_mo sfan5: thanks, will try.
11:09 ne_mo appguru: this is the only way to obtain some materials like clay in flat world..
11:09 ne_mo Krock: yes, I'm creating a new world after the change.
11:12 Krock will merge #9898 and #9574 in 10 minutes
11:12 ShadowBot -- Modernize include guards and add missing ones by Awkor
11:12 ShadowBot -- Add on_authplayer callback and a last_login parameter to on_joinplayer by sorcerykid
11:12 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:13 ne_mo sfan5: it worked!
11:14 Krock what was again the reason to keep the "minimal" name for #9450?
11:15 ShadowBot -- Replacement for Minimal Development Test (PR) by Wuzzy2
11:16 sfan5 not directly related: did we have consensus yet to stop shipping minimal with release builds?
11:18 Krock for release builds, yes I think so
11:18 sfan5 hm I think the PR was stalled
11:19 Krock #8312
11:19 ShadowBot -- Remove minimal from release installations by rubenwardy
11:22 Krock merging (2)
11:24 ANAND Krock: I didn't use any spell-checkers for #9917 - I was just sifting through the player inv action callbacks' docs and noticed "Determinates" :)
11:24 ShadowBot -- lua_api.txt: Fix minor typo by ClobberXD
11:24 Krock ...
11:24 Krock GitHub, why did you not take my edited squash message?
11:24 Krock stupid
11:25 ANAND lol
11:26 Krock amend & force push
12:11 _Zaizen_ joined #minetest-dev
13:19 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
13:30 mizux joined #minetest-dev
13:38 Foz joined #minetest-dev
13:57 gd joined #minetest-dev
14:31 mizux joined #minetest-dev
14:43 ANAND Is anyone currently working on a fix for #6534? If not, I could try.
14:43 ShadowBot -- Full details of inventory swaps not reported to mods
14:44 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
14:56 rubenwardy appguru may be
15:00 Krock two PRs = one will be more promising
15:03 ANAND Aight, I'll work on a fix side-by-side. :)
15:03 Krock PS sfan5 #9914
15:03 ShadowBot -- POC: Introduce SerializeStream helper class by SmallJoker
15:03 Krock ANAND: I hope the code battle will be legendary
15:04 Krock feedback and suggestions are welcome to fix this somehow
15:04 Krock though would be great to have a meeting today to process some PRs and issues
15:07 ANAND Krock: More like friendly competition
15:12 sfan5 Krock: from a quick look: maybe have a SerializeStream class for either direction? also I assume a SerializeStream(NetworkPacket *is) constructur is planned?
15:13 sfan5 because if you want to replace the networkpacket with an ostringstream that would lose the preallocation and it's also slower overall (maybe?)
15:14 nephele_ joined #minetest-dev
15:18 Krock sfan5:  SerializeStream(NetworkPacket *is)  would be difficult to implement, because it's not a stream
15:18 Krock the serialization functions readU8/writeU8 expect streams or byte pointers
15:19 sfan5 I'm sure that could be abstracted over
15:19 sfan5 since in the end all you need is some method to call to put bytes in
15:20 Krock a class that contains read(), write() and length-getter would be enough
15:21 Krock though currently existing code mostly uses istream/ostream, which all need modification to take the abstract class
15:21 Krock inheriting from i/ostream sucks, there are so many functions to implement we'll never need
15:30 ANAND #9921
15:30 ShadowBot -- InvRef passed to player inventory action callbacks point to the wrong inventory
15:31 ANAND Krock: I've created a bug report to keep track of the player inv actions issue
15:39 rubenwardy I've made ContentDB load roughly 5-10 faster in the client
15:40 ANAND Clickbait :P
15:40 rubenwardy providing someone else has viewed it in the last 10 minutes
15:40 rubenwardy although, background updating is on so that shouldn't matter
15:41 rubenwardy turns out the nginx caching never worked because Flask was sending Set-Cookie
15:45 Krock Wall of text. great.
15:45 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
15:46 rubenwardy 3 messages isn't a wall of text :/
15:46 rubenwardy I've done worse
15:46 Krock rubenwardy: I meant the issue above
15:46 rubenwardy ohh right
16:14 ANAND Krock :(
16:15 ANAND Hm, it is a wall of text...
16:15 ANAND But it's a well-formatted good-looking one at that :)
17:01 NetherEran joined #minetest-dev
17:07 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
18:11 nashimus joined #minetest-dev
18:13 NetherEran joined #minetest-dev
18:47 appguru joined #minetest-dev
18:47 appguru #9923 for the swapping thingy
18:47 ShadowBot -- Invswap fix by appgurueu
18:52 fluxflux joined #minetest-dev
19:08 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
19:50 nephele_ joined #minetest-dev
20:41 sfan5 merging #9912 in 10 minutes
20:41 ShadowBot -- [NO SQUASH] Node texture appearance for particles+particlespawners by sfan5
20:55 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
22:15 benrob0329 joined #minetest-dev
23:03 Fixer joined #minetest-dev

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