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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2020-10-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:28 MTDiscord <j​osiah_wi> I'm going to build with doxygen to make sure my comments look correct. This is my first time using it, is there anything special I need to do?
02:54 absurb joined #minetest-dev
04:38 Seirdy joined #minetest-dev
04:56 Seirdy joined #minetest-dev
07:33 NetherEran joined #minetest-dev
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
08:08 lisac joined #minetest-dev
09:01 NetherEran joined #minetest-dev
09:13 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
09:14 absurb joined #minetest-dev
10:39 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:06 lisac joined #minetest-dev
13:23 NetherEran joined #minetest-dev
13:25 absurb joined #minetest-dev
13:35 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:43 zughy[m] isn't it better having a luaL_checknumber instead? So the game crashes
13:44 sfan5 depends on if -1 is somehow a valid value
13:46 pgimeno a non-number is probably not a valid value
13:47 zughy[m] uhm, it doesn't look like -1 has some sort of special meaning
14:23 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:40 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:01 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
15:33 rubenwardy yeah, that should be check number
16:38 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
16:39 lhofhansl Hi all... Let's try to decide between #10501 and #10507 and get one of them in to stop excessive usage of VBOs ("HW buffers" in Irrlicht speak)
16:39 ShadowBot lhofhansl: Error: That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4KB.
16:39 pgimeno : -- Periodically release all mesh HW buffers to avoid an Irrlicht bottleneck by lhofhansl
16:39 pgimeno : -- Release mesh HW buffers after after new meshes were loaded. by lhofhansl
16:39 ShadowBot lhofhansl: Error: That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4KB.
16:41 sfan5 my vote goes to 10507
16:41 lhofhansl rubenwardy and I seem to prefer 10501. I'm fine with 10507 as well, though. :)
16:58 lhofhansl As I said let's just pick one. :)
18:01 sfan5 the other one is fine by me too
18:07 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
18:11 fluxflux joined #minetest-dev
18:46 homthack joined #minetest-dev
19:10 zughy[m] entities are SAO only, right? I'm asking as there is a LuaEntitySAO but nothing equivalent in CAO
19:10 Krock ServerActiveObject is the parent class of LuaEntitySAO, yes
19:10 Krock CAO is basically everything. ClientActiveObject
19:11 Krock because the client doesn't care whether it's a player or a mob. they all are handeld the same way
19:11 zughy[m] so wait, CAO entities might exist too?
19:12 Krock client-side yes
19:14 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
19:20 homthack joined #minetest-dev
19:34 lhofhansl sfan5: Updated 10501, mind having a look. Instead of a thread_local I made the counter a member of game.
19:44 lhofhansl Going to merge #10487 soon.
19:45 ShadowBot lhofhansl: Error: That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4KB.
19:45 pgimeno : -- Remove all bump mapping and parallax occlusion related code. by lhofhansl
19:54 zughy[m] should these examples belong to the api?
19:54 sfan5 no, those values dont have any use
19:55 sfan5 but the thing about {x=being, y=end} should be explained
19:55 rubenwardy it's also syntactically invalid
19:55 sfan5 begin*
19:55 zughy[m] I'll try to come up with something
19:56 zughy[m] so, uhm, I guess those animations listed there are kind of hardcoded? I've never worked with animations before
19:56 sfan5 they are not
19:57 sfan5 those are example values for nobody even knows what model, hence useless
19:57 lhofhansl Merging 10487 Bump mapping and parallax occlusion RIP - until we try again.
19:58 sfan5 lhofhansl: 10501 looks fine to me
19:59 Krock removing features. someone will surely complain about that
19:59 zughy[m] if the feature is broken, no one will (I hope)
20:01 sfan5 bumpmapping does something fancy so it's not immediately evident that it's broken
20:03 zughy[m] I had a look at player_api, there is no mention of set_local_animation. I wonder if it's useful at all
20:03 Krock it is used for 3rd person predictions
20:04 Krock otherwise movements will depend on server lag
20:04 sfan5 % grep set_local_animation minetest_game -r
20:04 sfan5 minetest_game/mods/player_api/init.lua:player:set_local_animation(
20:04 zughy[m] oh, the init. Damn it.
20:06 lhofhansl Krock: Yes. But this is broken. I tried various times to fix it, but it's so broken that (IMHO) it's a lost cause and we should rather restart with a clean slate.
20:08 lhofhansl And I'm a fan of better graphics in MT, so this pains me, actually.
20:11 lhofhansl Ok. Merging #10501 in a few.
20:11 ShadowBot lhofhansl: Error: That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4KB.
20:11 pgimeno : -- Periodically release all mesh HW buffers to avoid an Irrlicht bottleneck by lhofhansl
20:12 zughy[m] if it helps, both the moving water and the moving foliage are something players coming from MC really enjoy
20:12 zughy[m] because you don't need to install any additional software to run shaders
20:19 sfan5 now if only someone wanted to fix the realtime shadows
20:19 lhofhansl Yeah. They add a lot. I'm experimenting with using perlin noise for foliage movement (just like I did for waves a while back). Looks more realistic.
20:20 lhofhansl sfan5: I agree! And reflective water.
20:20 Krock and raytracing
20:21 lhofhansl How do we find a person who can do that (and has time to do it)?
20:27 lhofhansl I'd be willing to donate some money towards that if that helps.
20:28 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> I'm half interested in rendering
20:32 sfan5 shadow mapping shouldn't even be that hard, you just need to do the required matrix math
20:32 sfan5 but that's not fun to figure out (at least not for me)
20:34 lhofhansl Unrelated... I'm still interesting in getting #10426 in.
20:34 ShadowBot lhofhansl: Error: That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4KB.
20:34 pgimeno : -- Handle world mods and world game mods in the config dialog. by lhofhansl
20:43 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:49 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> hmmm yes... when will the feature freeze start?
20:49 sfan5 not this month
20:49 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> yay
20:49 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> I should really fix my [item PR
20:51 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> I should probably open a new PR?
20:51 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> (and close that one, OFC)
20:51 lhofhansl What's the "item PR"?
20:52 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> 10003
20:52 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> "Inventory image texture modifier (store_texture & read_item_defs CSM functions split off into new PRs)"
20:52 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> The split off, I actually need to finish ?
21:01 troller joined #minetest-dev
23:11 MTDiscord <j​osiah_wi> Clang format doesn't like my PR, I'd like some guidance to either turn it off or comply with it. I already looked at the issues and fixed the one I thought was reasonable.
23:17 Calinou you can't turn off clang-format, I'm afraid. As for complying with it, you can install clang-format locally
23:17 Calinou
23:17 Calinou (not Minetest, but the instructions are pretty much the same for any project)
23:18 MTDiscord <j​osiah_wi> The instructions for Minetest said not to comply with dumb requests from clang format.
23:19 Calinou ah, use /* clang-format off */ … your code … /* clang-format on */ comments then
23:20 MTDiscord <j​osiah_wi> And on one thing in particular I judge my way is not only style compliant but more readable. As per the instructions, I'm not changing it unless a dev says I should. Weird thing is there's so much stuff in other files clang format ignores lol.
23:21 MTDiscord <j​osiah_wi> Ok, thanks.
23:25 MTDiscord <j​osiah_wi> The file I copied some of this from doesn't have any clang format comments, how'd it pass the scrutiny? Clang format is throwing a fuss about code I simply moved between files, too. lol

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