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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2021-06-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:10 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
00:27 Extex joined #minetest-dev
00:28 Extex joined #minetest-dev
00:37 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
00:40 Extex joined #minetest-dev
02:46 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
03:09 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> What does Minetest use for unittests? (do we even have unit tests?)
03:40 rubenwardy Busted for Lua tests
03:40 rubenwardy Own framework for CPP tests
03:59 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> thanks
04:01 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> would be nice if this was mentioned in README or CONTRIBUTING files
05:15 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I guess you need a second for 9315 ... am I qualified for that?  I'm not making the assumption here that "I see nothing wrong with your code" means I would...
05:16 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I can at least test the 5.5 client against a 5.4 server though...
05:21 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Seems to work for me, and I neither see nor smell any problem with the code.
05:46 specing_ joined #minetest-dev
06:33 appguru joined #minetest-dev
06:49 celeron55 <+rubenwardy> any objections to ignoring `/irrlicht` in the repo <+rubenwardy> actually, I suppose it should be `/lib/irrlicht` maybe
06:50 celeron55 i think i requested this already so obviously no objection
07:21 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
07:28 sfan5 there's already a PR that adds the "automatically use irrlichtmt if we see it" and it uses /lib/irrlichtmt for that
07:51 celeron55 ah, and the related irrlicht PR was merged already
07:52 celeron55 so this one
07:54 * celeron55 tests
08:01 celeron55 well, works for me, i guess there's that irrlicht sub library thing still being figured out
09:32 Calinou hmm, I just noticed now that there's auto-walk functionality in the client
09:32 Calinou it's nice, but it doesn't make you float in liquids, so you end up drowning if you use it to travel through a lake
09:32 celeron55 it's a debug feature not intended for gameplay
09:33 celeron55 ...having said that, i guess it also could require the debug privilege
09:33 celeron55 that is being added
09:33 Calinou I'm aware this used to exist as `continuous_forward` in minetest.conf, but it's exposed in the key settings now
09:33 Calinou so I assume it's an user-facing feature
09:33 Calinou I think nrzkt added it because WoW also has auto-walk
09:33 celeron55 wait did someone add a key binding to it
09:33 Calinou yeah, it's in 5.5.0-dev at least
09:34 Calinou it doesn't have a default shortcut, you have to add one
09:34 celeron55 ehm... well i guess it's there to stay then
09:34 Calinou to be fair, it's useful on servers that don't have fast mode and you have to travel through a long straight road… so I'd be for keeping it
09:34 celeron55 i think it shouldn't do anything but walk though
09:35 Calinou with automatic jump, you can also travel on natural terrain as long as it's not too steep
09:39 specing Calinou: those servers also tend to dislike automated clients
09:39 specing you are supposed to enjoy that 1000 node walk!
09:39 specing (and the one back, and the next one there, and so on)
09:40 celeron55 it's an interesting problem in real time games actually
09:40 celeron55 you'd like to have the gameplay effects of a long walk that you can have in a single player game with adjustable time speed
09:40 celeron55 but you can't adjust the speed of time
09:41 celeron55 how can you then make a long distance have any kind of meaning
09:41 celeron55 probably by making it consume some kind of resource instaed of consuming time
09:43 celeron55 you see that all the time in online games with some kind of travelling, you start by walking but then sometime later when the developers expect you to be bored of it they enable some kind of fast travel which usually consumes something
09:44 celeron55 while in a single player game they could have just made fast travel which fast forwards the calendar
09:49 queria joined #minetest-dev
09:56 CeeGee joined #minetest-dev
09:57 VanessaE so, a bit of a discussion with someone just now, he doesn't like MT, thinks "the physics are fucked up"..  after a bit of distilling it down :P  seems all he's complaining about is that there's no real accel/decel for going from standstill to regular walk speed or the inverse, and that there should be a "cooldown delay" for multiple jumps.  thoughts?
09:58 celeron55 my opinion is that the MC character is clumsy and weak
09:59 celeron55 anyway, it should be the (sub)game's decision, not the engine's
09:59 VanessaE agreed
10:00 VanessaE since I never mess with player physics, I don't know..  do those capabilities already exist?
10:00 Calinou you can tweak friction/acceleration already
10:00 VanessaE that's what I thought
10:00 Calinou but the way Minetest does friction/acceleration is a bit weird compared to other games
10:00 Calinou it's more like linear instead of quadratic or something
10:00 VanessaE so his real complaint is that the defaults need adjusted :P
10:01 Calinou also, modern games *love* their near-instant friction/acceleration
10:01 Calinou compare Quake to something like Overwatch
10:01 VanessaE heh, tell HIM that
10:01 VanessaE it was like pulling teeth just to get him to describe what "fucked up physics" actually means :P
10:02 VanessaE he was looking at the motion/physics as a ....a sort of "black box"
10:02 Calinou current Minetest physics are mostly fine to me, the main thing I lament is the slow walking speed
10:02 VanessaE to him, those "other" games (again, unspecified) have much better motion controls
10:02 VanessaE same here
10:03 Calinou one of my ideas was to make continuous walking in one direction progressively faster, effectively acting as a kind of automatic sprinting
10:03 Calinou e.g. if you walk straight for 3 seconds, your speed increases to 5 nodes/s
10:03 VanessaE while I'm on the ground I pretty much always run if it's more than a few meters
10:03 VanessaE (while flying, I vary a lot between fast and slow due because of my own slow reaction times)
10:04 Calinou also, you know what's fun? Swimming physics in Minecraft feel a lot like Minetest's now, default sinking is slower and you can manually sink by sneaking while in water
10:04 Calinou so they pretty much copied Minetest on this :P
10:04 VanessaE well that's kind of a half sprint.  run speed is like, 15 m/s isn't it?
10:04 VanessaE (I don't remember offhand)
10:04 Calinou it's 20 m/s
10:04 VanessaE close enough.
10:04 VanessaE good idea though
10:05 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
10:05 Calinou fast mode is kind of overpowered for survival mode, so we need something more reasonable that works automatically
10:05 VanessaE I wonder how easy it would be to make a mod out of that
10:05 Calinou sprintjumping in Minecraft is about 5.6 nodes/s, and sprinting in Minecraft with a Speed II potion is around 6 nodes/s
10:05 Calinou so I guess automatic sprinting could be between 5 nodes/s and 5.5 nodes/s
10:06 VanessaE for comparison, I have "Nitro" stations on a couple of my servers that boosts your speed to 3x normal, so 60/ms, for a couple of minutes once you've "fueled up"
10:06 Calinou making a server-side mod with this should be fairly easy, but it involves global step for every player
10:06 celeron55 i think currently it's perfectly doable for a mod to increase speed when walking for some time
10:06 celeron55 maybe a bit laggy
10:06 celeron55 adding some more engine support would make sense
10:06 Calinou detect the player's forward input and see if it was held for more than X seconds, then increase speed until the forward key is let go
10:07 VanessaE yeah, it's the globalstep part that I figured would be the hang-up
10:07 VanessaE Calinou: problem there is there isn't any kind of "on key press"/"on key release" events
10:07 VanessaE if we had those, this would be trivia;
10:07 VanessaE trivial*
10:08 Calinou yeah, so you need polling :(
10:08 Calinou also, another way to make walking speed more controllable would be to give aome bonus speed when holding nothing in your hand. This could work in tandem to automatic sprinting, or as an alternative
10:08 Calinou some*
10:08 Calinou say, walking at 4.5 nodes/s instead of 4 nodes/s
10:08 VanessaE technic did something like that
10:08 VanessaE or the armor mod rather
10:08 Calinou like holding a knife in Counter-Strike :P
10:08 VanessaE if you were wearing a hazmat suit, your speed was reduced
10:09 VanessaE (jump height too I think)
10:09 celeron55 i think we could have a "general good ideas for games with example code" wiki or forum page or something
10:09 celeron55 so that not everyone has to invent everything that makes sense from scratch
10:09 VanessaE celeron55: we could, but really I just wanted to pass along his arguments in a more.... constructive form :)
10:09 celeron55 these are things that can't necessarily be added by default to the engine, or it isn't the right place
10:10 Calinou we can make a mod for this kind of stuff, but we have to figure out a way to make it easy on server resources
10:10 VanessaE (because honestly, I'm happy with the way movement is handled now, though I might find uses for on-key/on-release callbacks if they came into being some time)
10:10 celeron55 checking they keys of players in globalstep doesn't take enough resources to matter
10:10 VanessaE you sure?
10:10 celeron55 110% sure
10:11 celeron55 but it might be laggy due to other code the server is running
10:11 VanessaE well if you're *110%* sure then I'll accept that :D
10:11 VanessaE yeah, that's the prob
10:11 sfan5 *cough* CSM
10:11 celeron55 it can't be helped even if it's C++
10:11 celeron55 sfan5 is on point
10:11 VanessaE the code in the globalstep might be super fast, but general game lag would be a prob
10:11 celeron55 altough, i'd like to not call it CSM but just a physics modifier script
10:11 VanessaE well, a CSM might be a place for this,
10:12 VanessaE but it would have to be SSCSM for sure
10:12 sfan5 sure that's what I meant
10:12 celeron55 if someone isn't taking the ball on this, i will, some day
10:12 VanessaE I mean, altering physics client-side will definitely break some games, like Nodecore
10:12 celeron55 but i read through that last implementation i made and it was over 1000 lines
10:12 celeron55 a bit scary for such a simple feature
10:13 VanessaE eep
10:13 celeron55 well i guess it's not that simple
10:13 VanessaE 1000 LOC to implement SSCSM>
10:13 celeron55 i'm pretty sure it will be revolutionary
10:13 celeron55 and think i'm stupid for not adding it then
10:13 celeron55 back then
10:13 VanessaE that's a little on the... verbose side I guess
10:14 VanessaE but maybe not stupid big
10:14 VanessaE I mean, how much of that was whitespace, comments, and shit like proper code style?
10:14 celeron55 it's not generic SSCSM, i'm not sure if i want generic SSCSM
10:14 Calinou I can try my hand at writing such a mod if there's interest, it's been a while since I wrote a Minetest mod
10:14 Calinou might not be ideal, but can be a decent stopgap for smaller servers
10:14 Calinou (or singleplayer)
10:14 sfan5 what would "generic SSCSM" entail?
10:15 celeron55 the server sending code to run within the current client-side lua environment
10:15 VanessaE as opposed to what?
10:15 specing >   celeron55 | i'm pretty sure it will be revolutionary
10:15 specing yes
10:15 celeron55 i think it makes sense to inject just a little bit of lua into the client to specific places to run synchronously and replace some hardcoded calculations
10:15 celeron55 in very tight sandboxes
10:15 VanessaE mmmmm
10:15 VanessaE no...
10:16 specing Also, I'd like to see the "SSCSMs" being downloaded from a central contentDB and not individual servers
10:16 celeron55 none of this "make everything possible and make the client and server fight with each other"
10:16 VanessaE that'll put things into that real of "oh damn it, now I have to expose this, this, and THIS to Lua, this is nasty"
10:16 VanessaE realm*
10:16 VanessaE (did I get your general speech pattern right this time? l;) )
10:16 VanessaE ;)
10:17 VanessaE I mean on the one hand, a CSM shouldn't be able to send keystrokes or tell the server "hey I'm zapping over to this spot 200m away"
10:17 celeron55 again, read this if you want to know what i want to make
10:18 VanessaE but on the other hand if you try to limit how much the code is allowed to do, you'll end up forever adding more and more to the client's Lua API
10:18 celeron55 you end up forever adding more and more anyway, that's not something you can avoid
10:18 VanessaE mmm, yeah I suppose
10:18 celeron55 unless you just decide not to
10:18 VanessaE but there's a limit to how specific an API call should be
10:18 celeron55 just have some discipline
10:20 VanessaE I mean take the aforementioned key-down/key-up events -- it would be enough to just have the client send a packet to the server any time a key is pressed identifying the key, regardless of what that key is assigned as (along with exchanging a map of assignments at login), rather than say sending "sneak pressed", "sneak released", "run pressed", etc. etc
10:20 celeron55 why i want this is mostly a security thing, to be honest
10:21 celeron55 VanessaE: you still can't avoid lag, the server is inhrently laggy internally
10:21 VanessaE nono
10:21 VanessaE nevermind that
10:21 specing CSMs should be able to intercept all but one key
10:21 VanessaE nonononono
10:21 specing I said CSMs, not SSCSMs :P
10:21 VanessaE I'm just using it as an example, because it was the first thing to come to mind
10:22 VanessaE I fear that if "generic SSCSM" is disallowed, then API calls will tend more toward the latter, overly-specific stuff
10:22 VanessaE plus,
10:22 celeron55 there's benefit to limiting the keymapping to a reasonable size, it allows other control methods than a keyboard to be used
10:23 VanessaE it's SSCSM, so shouldn't the server already be ready to deal with the results of the code it sends to the client? :)
10:23 celeron55 of course it would be a nice trick for server owners to ban all mobile clients by asking them to press a key on the keyboard
10:23 VanessaE haha
10:24 specing on-screen keyboards exist
10:24 celeron55 you can't usually open one without a text field to input into
10:24 VanessaE I was thinking more like assigning keys to do neat shit in-game that the client can't do now, but triggering server-side code rather than relying on the client to do something with it
10:25 celeron55 anyway you're both getting into something completely different than what i wanted to discuss
10:25 VanessaE like, I dunno, pressing say "B" to pop up the contents of your most recently used bag or something
10:25 celeron55 so i'll now go mow the grass that i wanted to do yesterday ->
10:25 VanessaE yeah, sorry about that.  off on a tangent again
10:26 celeron55 that sounds like everyone will just use a CSM that sends all keys to the server and you'd be better off just hardcoding sending all the keys into the client
10:26 VanessaE btw the lawn can wait :)
10:27 VanessaE I didn't even notice that the previous convo was kinda on this subject heh
10:27 entuland joined #minetest-dev
10:28 VanessaE this was not intended to encroach on that.  it had been 13 minutes, so I thought y'all were idle
10:28 VanessaE (that much I *did* check, to avoid interrupting)
10:30 specing >  that sounds like everyone will just use a CSM that sends all keys to the server
10:30 specing nah, latency is a problem
10:31 VanessaE well, latency would still be a problem even without that, after all a command to start walking still takes time to reach the server so that it can relay the player's movements to other clients.
10:32 VanessaE but in this case I was talking about using this hypothetical feature for things where lag wouldn't really be any more of a problem than, say, opening the inventory
10:32 VanessaE than say, lag while opening*
10:33 celeron55 you can't even imagine the things i want to make possible 8)
10:34 specing VanessaE: client-side prediction
10:34 specing client can start walking before others take note of it
10:35 VanessaE still all of this boils down to: it's possible to fake what that guy wants right now by polling during globalstep and altering player physics in a semi-smart way
10:36 celeron55 that's not faking
10:36 celeron55 it's an implementation
10:36 specing Hmm
10:36 celeron55 i just faked firefox onto my computer in order to read the news
10:36 celeron55 wait, that's called installing
10:36 specing the whole walking logic could be moved to a CSM that traps w,a,s,d,space,sneak
10:37 celeron55 now i'll go fake the lawn
10:37 VanessaE well, it's faking in that the client wouldn't be sending discrete start/stop actions or controlling the physics on its own, the server would be doing it.  but your point stands.
10:37 specing then you could implement a chessboard server, where players take the role of some figurines and can only move by pointing and clicking at a valid tile
10:37 specing the server would just not load the movement CSM
10:37 VanessaE specing: don't forget the aux key :) )
10:37 specing VanessaE:?
10:38 specing I don't know of any aux key
10:38 VanessaE "E" on mine, its use varies
10:38 celeron55 i'm still going to link this one more time
10:38 VanessaE but I use it for fast running, and for descend while flying
10:38 celeron55 maybe someone some day will tell me one comment about it
10:39 specing VanessaE: ah,yes
10:39 VanessaE celeron55: I would, but I'm just not qualified :P
10:39 sfan5 -
10:40 sfan5 oops
10:40 sfan5 celeron55: what is your opinion on client scripts stalling the client? (as in: is it okay if this happens) this could be avoided by moving them to a separate thread and doing everything over IPC but that'd be a lot of extra work
10:43 VanessaE why not have a timeout, which if exceeded kills the offending function and prevents it from running again (until the next restart)?
10:43 VanessaE like say 10s (during which time the client would display some message)
10:43 sfan5 how do you safely recover your main thread from being stuck inside a function?
10:44 sfan5 you pretty much need the IPC solution if you'd want to do this
10:44 VanessaE or a watchdog thread?
10:44 VanessaE but I see your point
10:46 specing You know, CSMs seem like a "fresh start" where you force people to get used to multithreaded lua
10:46 sfan5 you cannot multithread lua
10:46 specing you can force*
10:46 specing Why not?
10:46 sfan5 isolated environments in separate threads is not multithreading
10:47 sfan5 not according to my mental definition at least
10:47 VanessaE I'm just thinking that for some mods, it might be desirable to offload some work to the client, though only during times when the player wouldn't be expecting instant responses.  Maybe you have an inventory button that if clicked, launches a feature that would lag the server....unless it triggers that code to run on the client.  then only that one client lags.
10:47 specing sfan5: it is when those isolated environments are concurently accessing the same API
10:49 specing sfan5: the point here is to get people used to multithreading
10:49 specing so that at some later point, it'll be easier to multithread server lua
10:50 sfan5 ok so here's the thing with multithreaded server lua: if you want all those environment to use the exact same APIs you will end up with a giant lock that covers the server
10:50 sfan5 then you have multiple threads only one of which can only ever do real work
10:51 specing Why would you need to lock say the whole inventory manipulation API just to access one list of one node? That's crazy
10:51 specing you just lock that node and that's it
10:53 sfan5 map access is probably one of the easier problems
10:55 VanessaE it's not like you'd have to worry about lua threads stomping on each others' states either, if you sandbox them
10:56 celeron55 if every node has a lock, that slows down the entire works
10:56 VanessaE even globals would be local within the sandbox, so you'd have to explicitly request access to a truly meta-global environment for ... well I guess you could call it a primitive IPC
10:56 celeron55 even if every mapblock has a lock
10:56 celeron55 any locks whatsoever actually
10:57 celeron55 if the threaded mods only communicated through ipc, then of course it's an entire different thing and would owrk
10:57 celeron55 work*
10:57 celeron55 the apis would be hideous though and nobody would want to use it
10:57 celeron55 and nobody would want to make it
10:57 pgimeno if two Lua threads have to share variables, every access to every variable needs a global lock. That's how emerge threads are working now, and it's awful.
10:58 celeron55 if the api was just a communication queue to a part of the mod in the non-threaded lua environment, i.e. worker threads, it would be doable
10:58 sfan5 I do have a WIP PR for that
10:58 celeron55 so just tell me if you want worker threads or not, if the answer is yes i say ok that'll happen sometime, if the answer is no i'll say that will never happen, don't even propose it
10:58 sfan5 though there's no IPC yet
10:58 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
10:59 sfan5 (apart from pushing jobs to a worker)
10:59 sfan5 (and getting a result back)
10:59 VanessaE let's be clear,
10:59 celeron55 sfan5: that's actually already enough
10:59 VanessaE "worker threads" would be chunks of lua running async from the "normal" server process?
10:59 sfan5 yes
10:59 celeron55 yes, with no synchronous interfaces available whatsoever
11:00 celeron55 i.e. pretty much no interfaces
11:00 celeron55 just data in, data out
11:00 sfan5 it *is* enough but you do want to be able to push a vmanip into there without serializing to and endless string first
11:00 VanessaE if biome_lib could benefit from such a thing, then by G*d yes, I want. :)
11:00 sfan5 push = copy, not by reference
11:01 sfan5 #11131, it's probably not of any use unless you have computationally intensive work that doesn't touch the map or can work on a copy
11:01 ShadowBot -- Async environment for mods to do concurrent tasks by sfan5
11:01 specing sending stuff to a thread will often outweight the benefits, esp with vmanip
11:01 celeron55 what's the main workload of biome_lib?
11:01 specing just give us proper locking
11:01 VanessaE it would mean I could finally ditch the thing I do now which is *almost* multi-thread (if you use the old definition from back in the day)
11:01 celeron55 i started minetest by trying to allow locking parts of the map, it wasn't possible and made everything slow
11:01 VanessaE celeron55: writing nodes to the map
11:01 celeron55 it won't happen, it's impossible
11:02 VanessaE if I could launch an async thread, I could run an entire block's worth of actions in one go, instead of splitting them up across many globalsteps.
11:02 specing celeron55: locking blocks?
11:02 celeron55 writing node to the map will always stop almost everything because almost everything depends on the map content
11:02 VanessaE it would undoubtedly be faster than what I'm doing nowe
11:02 VanessaE -e
11:02 specing celeron55: or nodes or random shapes?
11:03 celeron55 specing: i recall it was mapblocks at the time
11:03 specing take technic reactor check ABM for example.It would lock a maximum of 8 blocks and run the check, then unlock (technically it could work even without locking, by just reading data that could change underneath)
11:04 VanessaE celeron55: well in this instance, I might have the async thread write to its own buffer, and then relay that to the map in the main thread via vmanip or something
11:04 specing but at the same time, all other threads can run on the other 1000 blocsk
11:04 specing including more reactor check abms
11:04 VanessaE which would be more or less what the engine does with decorations
11:04 sfan5 does the ABM do any write operations?
11:04 celeron55 VanessaE: so if vmanip was transferrable to the worker thread and out, that would enable you to do it?
11:04 specing sfan5: none, but it can trigger meltdown (after warning siren)
11:04 celeron55 i think vmanip is probably the key to these
11:04 specing meltdown swaps the reactor node afaik
11:05 sfan5 it can safely operate on a copy then, good
11:05 sfan5 is it that slow?
11:05 celeron55 copying them, that is
11:05 specing sfan5: copying takes time
11:05 VanessaE celeron55: it might -- I'm kinda guessing here, since like most MT folks, I have no real experience with coding for a multi-thread environment (though I did try to make sure biome_lib would be thread-safe if that day ever came)
11:05 celeron55 copying is just memcpy, it's very fast
11:05 celeron55 faster than locking
11:05 sfan5 and locking halt everything, your point?
11:05 celeron55 that's why it's used
11:05 sfan5 +s
11:05 specing sfan5: it just counts node names, that's it
11:05 specing sfan5: no, locking halts everything only in the locked blocks
11:05 specing all the other stuff can still run elsewhere
11:06 sfan5 I asked about slow because if the ABM is fast then you don't need to optimize it
11:07 celeron55 what does the reactor check actually do, and in how big area? how slow is it now?
11:07 VanessaE celeron55: but sure, provided I can come to understand how vm's work, if the engine passed me a vm for a mapblock or a chunk or whatever, and I could DO ALL THE THINGS on it while the engine goes on to handle normal stuff, and just hand it back to the engine whenever I feel like it, that may just work.  again, 100% guessing, 0% experience here.
11:07 specing it runs a dozen ifs in a loop over 7^3 nodes
11:08 celeron55 copying a vmanip is ideal for operating on 7^3 nodes
11:08 specing It's probably not much, but if you have hundreds of reactors active on a server.... it adds up
11:08 celeron55 it's literally made for it
11:08 celeron55 imagine that
11:08 celeron55 there's already a thing designed for what you want to do and it can be copied into a thread
11:08 celeron55 and you don't want it
11:09 sfan5
11:09 celeron55 ...what, it already uses a vmanip also
11:09 specing it does
11:10 celeron55 we don't need to even discuss about this, what sfan5 is doing will work almost directly for it
11:10 specing I didn't say that I don't want it. What I don't want is minetest being 100% cpu on one core and others being idle
11:10 sfan5 question is will it even matter? that code looks like it should be fast
11:11 sfan5 though it can't hurt to offload everything that can be offloaded
11:11 celeron55 if there are hundreds of those and they are forceloaded, then i guess it adds up
11:12 VanessaE of course where technic is concerned, the biggest CPU suck can't really be offloaded, as it involves reading from the map in an ABM
11:12 celeron55 especially as the abm is set up so that every one runs at the same step
11:12 celeron55 no spreading of work at all
11:12 VanessaE (the switching station and battery loops)
11:12 celeron55 it would be a good idea to have a higher chance value and lower interval value
11:13 sfan5 I guess I do need to finish my PR after all
11:13 celeron55 set it to interval=1 and chance=10 and you'll probably have no lag at all, you won't even know the code is there
11:13 celeron55 and it'll have some fun randomness also
11:14 celeron55 abms are highly optimized for random effects, having a very short interval and low 1/chance value makes them happyu
11:14 VanessaE that would almost certainly work for the nuke integrity check
11:14 celeron55 -u
11:46 appguru joined #minetest-dev
12:28 rubenwardy merging #11374 as trivial doc fix in 10
12:28 ShadowBot -- Document hypertext escaping by Wuzzy2
12:31 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
12:36 hecks joined #minetest-dev
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14:11 nrz celeron55, strange it's a debug feature, it's my favourite feature in world of warcraft while traveling on long distances :D
14:11 nrz oops i have few hours late... i talk about auto walk :D
14:14 celeron55 i think a game design where auto walk is needed is automatically questionable
14:17 celeron55 a bit like C++ code with gotos... like ok maybe if you insist and it feels nice, but very oldskool
14:20 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
15:26 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> Some thoughts/notes: Nodecore has gradual sprinting. fast_mode has a settable speed. There are Lua modules for multithreading, these may just spawn up multiple instances though.
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15:50 MTDiscord <Warr1024> NodeCore automatically handles player speed and doesn't require a "sprint" keybinding ... but its base "walking" speed is already 25% faster than MTG's anyway...
15:51 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Is "auto-walk" like where you run by default but automatically slow down when you near boundary conditions or points of interest?
15:51 celeron55 no, it's like putting a stone on your up key on the keyboard
15:53 MTDiscord <Warr1024> oh, you mean like the "auto-forward" toggle that MT has?
15:53 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I use that feature all the time.  It's a great way to fall into a ravine while you're trying to chat and travel at the same time :-D
16:05 olliy joined #minetest-dev
16:33 nrz celeron55, whats the point to press up key for 1 hour to go straight forward ? instead just run and go make a coffee :D
16:43 celeron55 what's the point to make a game where you have to press up key for 1 hour?
16:43 celeron55 or, walk for 1 hour
16:44 celeron55 it, of course, really emphasizes the distance, but on the other hand 1 hour of walking isn't that much anyway
16:45 celeron55 it's like 5 kilometers, barely enough for a trip to another town
16:45 celeron55 if you compare to real life
16:47 nrz celeron55 map is pretty huge, imagine you build at 1000 1000 1000 and you need to go to friend house at -24000 1000 1000 :D
16:47 nrz it's not fun to walk like IRL in a game :D
16:48 celeron55 well i would argue it's not fun to walk IRL either
16:48 celeron55 but what i'm saying is travelling should be fast in time but cost something else
16:48 celeron55 in most games
17:01 MTDiscord <Jonathon> Auto forward sounds like a good thing if your making run(flash game) in minetest
17:05 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
17:27 nrz or just for servers with very big corridors :D
17:31 Krock sfan5: negative setting layer values might not even be needed. `*m_hierarchy` defines whether it's bound or not
17:32 Krock but then again, it makes no difference
17:36 sfan5 I think so too
17:37 nrz i think  you always have a setting layer, then -1 has no sense :)
17:37 nrz why create empty settings ?
17:38 Krock I think the map_meta.txt uses its own Settings object
17:38 Krock err. world-mt
17:38 nrz and it's not possible to setup the Settings on with virtually one layer ? at least we are coherent everywhere
17:39 Krock stuff that happens to be unrelated to the normal settings, such as mod.conf, override.txt (perhaps?),
17:39 Krock layers are only needed for fallbacks
17:39 Krock if there's no need for a fallback, layers are useless anyway
17:39 nrz then i think i didn't understood the purpose of layers
17:39 nrz it's not to haveff settinga.sub_b.sub_c setting ?
17:39 nrz have*
17:40 Krock nope. they define the order of fallback in case a setting was not found
17:40 nrz okay then i think we have a naming issue :D
17:40 nrz it's why i asked for a zero layer :p
17:43 Krock will push to supersede #11187 in 15 minutes. followed by #11355
17:43 ShadowBot -- Disallow empty messages by DiamondPlane
17:43 ShadowBot -- Buildbot: Use posix on Win64 builds while running from Ubuntu based distributions by juozaspo
17:44 Krock unless there are objections for former
17:44 rubenwardy I haven't been tracking that setting hierarchy PR, but I hope it doesn't make world specific settings harder
17:44 Krock no, it's unaffected
17:44 sfan5 if anything it makes it easier
17:45 nrz then you have my approval
17:45 Krock well it depends on whether the mapgen needs fallback to world-specific settings, but I doubt that.
17:45 sfan5 because right now we have settings layer called SL_MAP which is *not* a world-specific minetest.conf like you might guess
17:45 Krock but it can be abused as such
17:46 Krock since the API functions are there and are accessible to all mods
17:50 Krock however now this could be restricted by checking whether the setting is contained in m_defaults, and only allow write for those
17:58 Krock pushing/merging
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19:09 hecks Any idea why minetest.exe started being written to /src/ instead of /bin/? Older PRs still write to the correct location. mingw64 cygwin
19:16 sfan5 I changed that for cross-compiling
19:16 sfan5 so I could build multiple builds from a single source folder safely
19:52 hecks hm okay
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23:04 Alias joined #minetest-dev
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23:20 v-rob Is it possible to make a PR on top of another PR, but make it in the Minetest repo instead of my fork's repo so everyone can see it?
23:31 pgimeno is your repo private?
23:32 v-rob No, but if it's in the main Minetest repository, I could get feedback better
23:33 pgimeno I don't understand well. PRs are sent to the Minetest repository, and the commits are visible by others.
23:36 MTDiscord <exe_virus> don't make it in the minetest/ repo, please fork and do it in yours, it's absolutely public for everyone and will get auto compiled by the CI just as you would expect

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