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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2021-07-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:09 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev
00:32 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev
00:52 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
01:02 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
01:26 Foz joined #minetest-dev
01:30 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest-dev
01:39 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest-dev
03:39 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev
03:47 Extex joined #minetest-dev
04:04 Extex joined #minetest-dev
04:06 Extex joined #minetest-dev
04:08 Extex joined #minetest-dev
04:47 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
05:02 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
06:07 Alias2 joined #minetest-dev
07:39 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev
07:48 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
08:03 hecks joined #minetest-dev
09:23 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
09:28 specing_ joined #minetest-dev
10:28 specing Why is core.hash_node_position not available to CSMs? Its in builtin/game/misc.lua
10:30 specing Also, it looks fairly expensive, lots of floating point math (not sure if this gets optimised to bit shifts by luajit)
10:35 VanessaE er, isn't that one doable just with a bunch of bit shifting?
10:35 specing yes
10:35 specing but I don't think lua supports bit shifting
10:36 VanessaE that ain't float maths :)
10:36 VanessaE actually there are bit ops in like, 5.2 or above, and luajit too I think
10:36 VanessaE but not in 5.1
10:37 VanessaE sorry if I misread, I just woke up, still on my first cup of coffee :P
10:38 VanessaE still perhaps best not to use that function at all.  the more it and others that used fixed 16-bit coords are used, the less incentive the devs have to expand the map beyond 62x62km :)
10:38 VanessaE consider using a string operation instead
10:38 VanessaE (if your use-case can deal with that)
10:39 VanessaE even if you just do `foo = x.."/"..y.."/"..z` or something
10:40 specing I want efficient storage for visited nodes for a search algorithm around get_node_or_nil()
10:50 sfan5 sounds like a simple oversight
10:52 specing Hmm, I suppose one way would be to find_node_near and then do a connectivity search + iterate over larger and larger radiues
10:52 specing why is there no connectivity search?
11:09 VanessaE it almost sounds like you could exploit the pathfinding functions for that?
11:10 specing hmm
11:11 VanessaE I mean, the way you put it sounds like you want to evaluate an electrical circuit
11:11 VanessaE though idk if the pathfinding thing can be restricted to paths only over certain nodes/groups
11:13 specing Ah, actually, I want to scan whole digtron for inventories and controller after it is unpacked
11:13 VanessaE digtron! *KILL*
11:13 VanessaE oh wait
11:13 VanessaE :)
11:14 specing Yeah, they are dangerous. But I'm impressed
11:15 specing Anyway, I'm planning to use this same algo for enumerating drawers around a drawer controller
11:16 specing According to the pathfinder doc in lua_api, it's not usable for me. Seems to focus on walkable paths and ... oh well .. I need a graph / list of all suitable connected nodes :)
11:16 VanessaE well, a digtron-type machine is traditionally just a big box full of nodes isn't it?  or are we talking about a machine with an actual, passable-in-real-world shape now?
11:16 VanessaE (full as in a solid block without airspaces)
11:17 specing Ah, Mine have plenty of airspaces (6x6x2)
11:17 specing I use dual heads, so I can inspect what's ahead
11:18 VanessaE gotchya
11:19 specing I did think about handling this as just one big box of nodes (and using get_nodes_in_area), but what if I unpack two digtrons and the area happens to intersect both? And also, it could very well be a 50x2x1 digtron in the future, so the search area could get fairly large
11:20 VanessaE the reason I asked was I'd have thought it would be sufficient to just check the volume occupied by the machine (but only when a node is dug or placed in its vicinity) to see if it has all the parts needed, and cutting implements facing the right way
11:20 VanessaE connectivity-testing seems like overkill, that is
11:23 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:28 specing VanessaE: the problem with volume-testing is that digtrons can be large or small and rotated in all directions
11:29 VanessaE hm
11:29 VanessaE truew
11:29 VanessaE -w
11:31 entuland joined #minetest-dev
11:43 specing Well, I just need visited node storage for now. Perhaps I'll just copy the reversible hashing function and call it a day
11:43 specing but probably this algo should be in-engine
12:22 hecks question; are we enforcing a tab width of any kind in code
12:23 hecks I just realized I can't find anything about it anywhere, been assuming 4-space tabs the whole time
12:23 VanessaE hecks: to a degree, yes.  4-space tabs is part of the official code style
12:23 hecks should be documented somewhere
12:24 VanessaE
12:24 hecks check that page, it doesn't say 4 anywhere
12:24 VanessaE celeron55: fix your certs
12:24 rubenwardy Doesn't matter how big a tab is
12:24 VanessaE
12:24 rubenwardy We don't align between indentation levels
12:24 sfan5 kernel code style says 8 spaces
12:24 sfan5 but in our document:
12:24 sfan5 >Try to keep lines under 95 characters. It's okay if it goes over by a few, but do not exaggerate. (Note that this column count assumes 4-space indents.)
12:24 hecks I'm asking because I noticed that we can use an .editorconfig in the git repo to squish tabs to 4 from 8
12:25 hecks and that makes the code fit in compares
12:25 rubenwardy It only matters when you consider line length, in which case we use 4
12:25 rubenwardy Yeah
12:25 sfan5 sounds like good idea
12:25 hecks let me pr this
12:29 hecks #11412 pomf
12:29 pgimeno -- add .editorconfig by hecktest
12:29 ShadowBot -- add .editorconfig by hecktest
12:31 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Oh interesting, is this purely advisory for GH, or does it also affect other things, like does VS Code honor it or something?
12:31 hecks Editors might honor it actually
12:32 hecks
12:33 hecks though my motivation is mainly squishing GH compares
12:34 rubenwardy Most editors honor it
12:37 hecks am i allowed to self approve something this trivial
12:45 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
12:48 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I at least approve of the concept.  Code style should be the responsibility of editors, formatters and linters, not human labor.
12:50 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If it were possible to automatically enforce code style for all new code (e.g. a tool that throws an error on non-compliant code) and grandfather in existing code where necessary that would be even better.  :-)
12:50 hecks sometimes the linter is wrong, see
12:51 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I actually have a pre-commit gate for NodeCore that rejects my commits if (1) I have luacheck warnings, or (2) the code I'm trying to commit doesn't match what the auto-formatter would produce (I still have to manually run and check the format though).
12:51 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Yes, linter-gating is risky.  It's important to have a mechanism to override the linter when it's wrong.
12:52 hecks anyway this is just to make gh render it all properly... should be an easy sell
12:52 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I do a bunch in js and use jshint, but I had it warning me on unused params, and js has no _ convention for unused vars like lua.  For a while I used /* jshint: unused = false */ overrides per-case but eventually had to abandon and reduced the strictness of that rule.
12:53 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Yeah, this is a good first step toward automated style consistency :-)
12:58 sfan5 the paragraph about the linter should be dropped from
12:58 sfan5 because we don't even have one right noiw
12:58 sfan5 -i
13:10 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's pretty hard to add style standards to an existing project that already has a mix of styles...
13:11 hecks it's mostly consistent
14:00 celeron55 depending on what you compare it to, it's very consistent
14:58 hecks ShadowNinja: if renderdoc is acting up with minetest, you can try gDEBugger
14:58 hecks running MT through any GL debugger is truly a horror show
15:02 sfan5 the act of running it or the results? ;)
15:02 MTDiscord <appguru> both I'd guess
15:22 specing Well
15:23 specing you could run the linter on pre-commit repo and the post commit repo. Then error out if diff is larger
15:23 specing basically, count the style errors/warnings and reject if new code results in more
15:29 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I think the right time to decide "the linter is wrong here" is after you have 0 linter warnings.
15:45 Extex joined #minetest-dev
15:52 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
16:02 kilbith_ joined #minetest-dev
17:24 hlqkj joined #minetest-dev
17:25 hlqkj left #minetest-dev
17:25 hlqkj joined #minetest-dev
18:30 hecks joined #minetest-dev
18:43 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
19:04 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest-dev
19:34 hecks joined #minetest-dev
19:36 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
20:09 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
20:11 v-rob sfan5: in #6101, what were you referring to when you said that there need to be zero changes to the map format?
20:11 ShadowBot -- Allow registering more than 32768 nodes
20:50 hecks joined #minetest-dev
20:52 hecks merging #11412 in 10 minutes
20:52 ShadowBot -- Add .editorconfig by hecktest
20:57 SFENCE left #minetest-dev
21:08 hlqkj_ joined #minetest-dev
21:29 specing joined #minetest-dev
21:56 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
22:27 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Hmm, I read 6101 and I also couldn't find that explanation.  Would be nice to have that, or at least a link to it, in the issue thread for people who weren't there for any off-thread portions of the discussion.
23:24 Extex joined #minetest-dev
23:49 Alias2 joined #minetest-dev

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