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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2021-07-21

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Time Nick Message
01:14 Jordach2 joined #minetest-dev
02:59 specing_ joined #minetest-dev
06:53 Extex joined #minetest-dev
08:08 hecks joined #minetest-dev
08:24 queria joined #minetest-dev
09:00 calcul0n__ joined #minetest-dev
09:20 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
10:13 entuland joined #minetest-dev
10:39 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
11:19 hecks joined #minetest-dev
11:40 hecks joined #minetest-dev
14:24 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
14:27 olliy joined #minetest-dev
14:36 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
15:00 specing_ joined #minetest-dev
15:30 hecks joined #minetest-dev
15:57 Extex joined #minetest-dev
16:12 hecks just shaved 1.5 MB off the irrlicht binary
16:13 hecks stupid thing compiles in under a minute now
16:17 hecks i stripped most file formats, particles (turns out we use our own), ancient pak readers, animators, terrain, octrees, stencil shadows, selectors, lights
16:17 hecks note that animated meshes do not use "animators", those are an irrlicht misnomer for behavior code i think? but we don't use that
16:19 sfan5 related: there was a pr to use irrlicht's particle system because it was deemed better #8461
16:19 ShadowBot -- Reimplement particles using the Irrlicht particle system and improve collision handling by DTA7
16:21 hecks i'd rather just fix our own
16:24 rubenwardy our own is fundamentally flawed
16:24 rubenwardy but it can be rewritten with a lot of the same external interfaces
16:24 hecks in what way, the fact that it uses scene nodes?
16:25 rubenwardy it uses a scene node per particle - so a draw call per particle
16:25 hecks yeah, but that's an implementation detail honestly
16:25 hecks as far as api, visuals and behavor go, it doesn't look bad, it just runs like ass
16:26 hecks i'll have this in mind as i proceed with this opengl mess
16:27 hecks we can design a new particle renderer once we know what we can get away with
17:09 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
17:12 nrz honestly, i'm for removing won't used parts of irrlicht, but also in favor to find a way to re-integrate some MT parts in the graphics engine
17:18 twoelk no adding more other 3D file formats to minetest that irrlicht supports out of the box?
17:19 hecks nothing can export all those ancient formats anyway
17:19 hecks all they do is bloat
17:20 twoelk collada is still somewhat widespread
17:20 hecks gltf is the new collada, that's more worth supporting (but needs our own code)
17:21 * twoelk checks gltf
17:25 twoelk hm, sounds promissing
17:26 sfan5 Irrlicht's collada code does not support animations
17:26 sfan5 and with that it's no better than obj
17:26 hecks :DD
17:26 twoelk true
17:26 sfan5 it went away when I dropped all XML stuff last week already
17:27 hecks good riddance
17:27 hecks an obj is smaller at least
17:29 hecks from animated meshes we basically use b3d and x
17:29 hecks nothing else has a living exporter anyway from what i know
17:29 twoelk I'd just like it if we had a few more source tools that can create 3D content than having to pipe everything through Blender
17:30 twoelk not that I dislike Blender but more variety would be better
17:30 hecks blender is the best though
17:32 twoelk well a ferari is good for some stuff but sometimes a bicycle is all I need to get a certain job done
17:33 hecks blender is a scifi hoverbike though
17:34 hecks you can write tools that spit out .x if you want, it's a text format
17:35 MTDiscord <wwar> Wont people always choose ferari to bicycle? If both exist and selecting them is easy i mean
17:35 twoelk depends on the size of your garage
17:35 hecks are you having trouble running blender?
17:36 MTDiscord <Kimapr> blender is heavy
17:36 rubenwardy 3d graphics is heavy
17:39 twoelk I use blender at work for visuallisation sometimes, no way I can work on them files at home ... but that stuff is beyond what mt uses anyway
17:40 hecks i literally could not do what i do without blender
17:41 specing You can't take a ferari on mountain trails
17:41 specing unless it's a ferari bicycle :P
17:41 specing (ferrari?)
17:41 * twoelk gazes at his old pen, ruler and other old drawing utensils
17:42 hecks you can make obj files with a lot of tools, even a text editor
17:42 hecks and for animated meshes i seriously wouldn't recommend anything other than blender in any context
17:43 twoelk but thats more because importing animated meshes from elsewhere is a pita
17:46 hecks no, because any other 3d animation program i know of is unusable buggy trash
17:46 hecks and it's seriously hard to design and make a good one
17:46 twoelk yep
17:47 twoelk I thought sketchup had an interresting start but  that sort of faded away
17:48 twoelk sadly I often had to explore the limits of sketchup though
17:50 twoelk It was good to carry around on a portable device and showcase not too complicated stuff at customers places
17:58 twoelk so I guess the old file format list on the wiki may get somewhat shorter soon (
18:07 nrz sfan5, if we find a way to support animations on irrlicht we can massively improve server performance by just asking for animations instead of raw frames <3
18:08 hecks uhhhhh wait what
18:08 hecks anyway the wiki page says we supposedly allow .md2 but is anybody using that?
18:09 hecks vertex animation is interesting but vertex animated files tend to get really fat
18:09 hecks also, good luck finding a working .md2 exporter these days
18:10 hecks for images we likewise support stupid things like pcx, wal, rgb, psd
18:10 hecks i don't think we need anything beyond png and jpeg (and bmp just because the null driver won't compile without it)
18:11 hecks these two cover every other format's use case and they're actually suitable for network transfer
18:11 twoelk had always wondered why wal was supported
18:13 hecks because irrlicht supports it =] no other reason
18:13 hecks i couldn't even find a working .wal exporter like 15 years ago
18:20 sfan5 hecks: here's the whitelist we have
18:20 sfan5 we should drop at least wal, rgb and psd (isn't that photoshops' format?!) IMO
18:21 hecks well i'd kill tga, pcx, ppm, psd, wal, rgb, md2
18:21 hecks rgb is an SGI format
18:21 hecks ancient stuff
18:21 hecks ppm is a text format and thus too fat
18:21 hecks tga is redundant with png
18:21 sfan5 ppm can be easily written from lua so I think it's kinda neat
18:21 sfan5 nobody is forced to use it too
18:21 hecks yeah i'm aware of that neatness but
18:22 hecks i actually use this but
18:22 hecks because the file size is atrocious, i still magick it to png
18:22 twoelk aren't pcx and psd somewhat fallback formats?
18:22 hecks as long as you do that in init (and you have to do it in init), there's no good reason to actually emit ppm as an asset
18:22 hecks i'd much rather expose api to create png
18:23 hecks or finally make that [raw pr
18:23 sfan5
18:23 sfan5
18:23 sfan5 it's actually photoshop, I don't believe it
18:23 twoelk is the irrlicht png support actually uptodate?
18:23 hecks up to date in what way
18:24 hecks for writing you mean?
18:24 hecks cause as far as decoding goes, it seems to accept anything you throw at it
18:24 twoelk hasn't png evolved somewhat?
18:24 sfan5 no
18:24 hecks the most advanced feature of png is the predictors and that works in irrlicht
18:24 hecks beyond those, png is just a zipped bitmap =]
18:25 sfan5 Irrlicht just uses libpng so no need to wonder about this
18:25 hecks this is actually one more cause for dropping all those weird format
18:25 hecks at least something like png uses a tried lib that everyone else is using, there's more eyes on this
18:26 hecks who knows what lurks in irrlicht's ad hoc decoders for various formats
18:26 twoelk might be mistaking it but didn't png do some interlacing as well?
18:26 sfan5 it also supports interlacing yea
18:26 hecks sure but we do not use that
18:26 sfan5 but that won't make your file any smaller, on the opposite rather
18:26 twoelk not faster?
18:27 sfan5 no
18:27 twoelk or rather previewish faster
18:27 sfan5 png's interlacing is useful to render a lower resolution preview while the file is still downloading, no use for us
18:27 hecks yeah you can preview faster but we do not stream textures that way
18:27 hecks it's harder to compress an interlaced image so it will be bigger
18:27 hecks cause it probably has to compress each mip separately
18:29 twoelk not much gain on them max 32pix textures I use probably
18:29 hecks there's no gain from interlacing in minetest at all
18:37 twoelk .ppm might be usefull in educational scenarios
18:39 hecks so would any image creation API we could make
18:41 hecks anyway this is a list of the headers we actually use
18:41 hecks
18:42 hecks kinda surprised that ILightSceneNode is being included, because we do not create those anywhere in code
18:43 hecks also there is one evil inclusion of irrlicht.h somewhere in the code
18:43 sfan5 terrible
18:44 hecks guiscene.cpp includes lightscenenode but doesn't use it...?
18:44 hecks let's try without
18:45 hecks i mean i'm pretty sure it doesn't because i deleted that scene node type entirely already =]
18:46 hecks the scenenodes we actually use are: mesh, empty, dummy, animated, text, billboard
18:47 hecks src/client/renderingengine.cpp is where irrlicht.h is being included, also unused
18:48 hecks so yeah, it compiles without light scene node, you can scratch that one
18:52 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I'd have fun helping out with this and learning, but I kind of want to get my current PR merged before starting another one. I also have an archaic PR to the image file extension code which I'm considering maybe reviving. I finished it but it isn't merged or closed either.
18:53 hecks helping with what, ripping out code? =] no need
18:54 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I have fun working on improving code quality.
18:55 twoelk is MaterialRenderer needed for the shaders?
19:09 hecks sort of right now i guess but that is the exact part i intend to replace
19:09 hecks that's what this entire effort is for really
19:09 hecks 239 code files left in source/Irrlicht :o
19:11 hecks started at 465
19:11 hecks once i run out of things to delete i'll start merging the remaining GL drivers
19:13 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
19:26 hecks touchscreengui.cpp includes... ISceneCollisionManager.h ???
19:26 sfan5 indirectly via the gui?
19:27 hecks directly
19:27 sfan5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19:27 hecks does this get compiled if i'm on mingw? probably not
19:27 hecks i'd like to remove the line and test it
19:27 celeron55_ it obviously uses it to detect the collision of the finger to the display
19:27 hecks :o
19:27 sfan5 android only but you might be able to easily enable it
19:27 hecks well here's the thing, the code doesn't actually use anything from that header...
19:29 hecks wait
19:29 hecks this file literally doesn't live in any cmakelists.txt
19:30 celeron55_ you can test removing it in the PR, the android CI build will check if it's needed for some reason
19:31 hecks i'll just read some existing CI logs
19:32 celeron55_ touchscreengui.cpp is definitely compiled there
19:32 celeron55_ but i meant whether ISceneCollisionManager.h is needed
19:32 hecks i'm pretty sure the collision manager thing is a mistake
19:32 hecks but uhhh, just for science
19:33 hecks i wonder where the hell is this file mentioned besides clang-format-whitelist
19:33 hecks well ok, since the header is included in places it can't be a ghost file
19:34 sfan5 minetest/android/native/jni/$(wildcard ../../src/client/*.cpp)           \
19:34 sfan5 minetest/android/native/jni/$(wildcard ../../src/client/*/*.cpp)         \
19:34 sfan5 one of these
19:35 hecks ah, .mk
19:35 hecks let's see if it just compiles on desktop
19:35 hecks i only want to know if it cares about the collision manager (probably not)
19:39 hecks it compiled without the include ツ
19:44 twoelk bye, have fun further dismembering irrlicht
19:48 hecks clang passed, let's look at gradle
19:49 hecks touchscreengui.cpp compiled without errors
19:49 hecks we're probably clear
20:00 hecks all good
20:04 sfan5 plan to add more to that PR?
20:05 hecks not really, i can make another if i find more
20:05 hecks edited OP, you can review it if you want
20:05 hecks #11475
20:05 ShadowBot -- Remove unused header includes by hecktest
20:06 hecks none of the other headers look very fishy
20:07 sfan5 nothing to review there ;)
20:07 hecks what if I snuck in a CR.....
20:07 sfan5 github shows those?
20:07 hecks i don't know =]
20:07 hecks well ok, my text editor wouldn't do that to me
20:08 hecks thank
20:09 hecks so yeah, after trimming the fat we're basically left with some scene nodes, gui and rendering
20:10 hecks i can kill the collision manager in peace now
20:12 hecks after i patch CTextSceneNode to not use it because it's using it in a bizarre way
20:12 sfan5 we use that?
20:12 hecks apparently we use that for text
20:13 hecks we do spawn text scene nodes, let me search that again
20:13 sfan5 if it's in CGUITTFont.cpp that's unused to my knowledge
20:13 hecks hmmmm yeah huh
20:13 hecks declared but unused
20:14 hecks ripping time
20:15 hecks oh i guess it's because this is just some imported code
20:15 sfan5 yep
20:16 hecks "Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such"
20:16 hecks how do we comply with this, just comment "this source file has been altered"? =]
20:17 sfan5 I guess
20:17 sfan5 it's already altered so technically we've been violating that for a while
20:18 hecks I'll leave this to our nonexistent lawyers
20:18 hecks so other than that, content_cao includes ITextSceneNode and does not use it.. haha
20:22 hecks ok actually you know what, i don't have to delete this
20:23 hecks the function actually uses mesh scene nodes, i've been bamboozled
20:24 hecks #11476 merge ahead
20:25 ShadowBot -- Remove unused ITextSceneNode header by hecktest
20:26 hecks that takes care of text nodes... and collision
20:39 Krock you don't need to open PRs for that FYI
20:47 hecks well that originally had a lot more in it but then i amended the commit to just delete the header
20:47 hecks cause the other stuff was a red herring
20:47 hecks 273 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 90592 deletions(-)
20:49 Krock okay yes, that would require a PR  :`)
20:49 hecks haha, well, not that
20:49 hecks that's the upcoming irrmt pr...
20:51 hecks i'm deleting stupid things from irrlicht and that means almost all of them
20:53 specing lmao 90000 deletions
20:55 celeron55_ postmodern programming
20:56 celeron55_ instead of developing something from scratch, just take something that has an unimaginable amount of what you don't need, and remove it, leaving the final product
20:56 celeron55_ creating value in the process
20:56 specing Btw, have you thought about porting to Torque3D?
20:57 specing And yes I know it'd be a fuckton of work
20:58 celeron55_ the answer is probably no, and the question to you is why do you even ask
20:58 specing Because a libre game dev said that all other libre engines suck :P
21:01 Krock every engine dev said that about other engine
21:01 Krock ...s  because they're developing a new one to supersede them all
21:02 Krock a classic xkcd 927 situation
21:12 Extex joined #minetest-dev
21:14 specing Krock: nah, he evaluated them all
21:15 specing The game:;f=1&amp;nofb=1
21:16 specing;f=1&amp;nofb=1
21:16 specing sadly I can't run it on my potato PC
21:17 hecks 3683 KB binary now
21:17 hecks i'm sure you'll all miss features like "create cube scene node" and "make the cube scene node rotate wow!"
21:18 celeron55_ there's probably a function for creating and displaying a quake map in one go
21:18 hecks there is
21:19 hecks BSP scene node
21:19 hecks well... was
21:20 hecks 285 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 91917 deletions(-)
21:21 specing :O
21:21 hecks about 100k lines left
21:22 hecks which is just about the limit of what one programmer can comprehend
21:22 hecks it actually looks manageable now
21:22 hecks roughly as big as MT itself
21:22 hecks but i'm not done yet, there's a ton of redundancy in the gl drivers
21:23 sfan5 I would prefer one PR for just deleting stuff at least
21:23 hecks well this can be it, i'm not doing it in my shaders branch
21:23 hecks sure, i'll merge GL drivers in another one
21:23 olliy joined #minetest-dev
21:24 hecks and you know what, ironically this might slightly improve our current particle performance
21:24 hecks or at least CAO performance
21:24 hecks i trimmed some unnecessary bookkeeping from scene nodes
21:27 hecks we maintain our own b3d exporter that works with new blender right?
21:28 sfan5 """""maintain"""""
21:28 hecks =]
21:28 hecks i have an equivalent updated .x exporter, we could post that one too
21:29 sfan5 sounds good
21:31 hecks though it still has the broken transform issue and i have not fixed it there, i correct it elsewhere
21:31 hecks it's good as long as someone doesn't try to use attachments
21:32 olliy1or joined #minetest-dev
21:52 hecks great, github's political correctness is actually incompatible with git :o
21:52 hecks how do i delete "main" now
21:52 hecks after pushing a master
21:53 pgimeno "main"?
21:53 hecks never mind i found it
21:53 hecks new GH repos actually give you a "main" default branch instead of "master"
21:53 pgimeno ok, three hours late but I have things to comment on...
21:54 hecks if you forget it and push master from a fresh local repo, you get trouble
21:54 MTDiscord <Jordach> >  try to use attachments
21:54 hecks i guess we have this now someone put it on the wiki or something
21:54 MTDiscord <Jordach> i'm aware of the idiotic left-handed z and right handed z shenanigans inside Irr
21:55 hecks =]
21:55 pgimeno 1. 3D formats - I know, new dependency and all, but wouldn't it be better to use assimp?
21:55 hecks the only solution to this is to retransform the whole scene but i can't be bothered to actually fix this exporter now that i'm not even using it
21:55 hecks too many formats
21:55 pgimeno lol
21:55 hecks it would be better to just support gltf
21:55 pgimeno you have to remain compatible with existing worlds, you know
21:56 MTDiscord <Jordach> that would mean using blender versions that interfere with workflow
21:56 hecks reason 1, gltf has insane compression and is meant for network transfer
21:56 hecks i mean, add gltf on top of x and b3d of course
21:56 hecks reason 2, blender's gltf exporter is actually good, which is refreshing, those python exporters are usually trash
21:57 hecks so you can export a fairly complicated scene in a few seconds, not minutes
21:57 hecks and reason 3 is that it's actually relevant and not a dead format, blender will probably continue supporting it
21:57 pgimeno when the new fashion in 3D file formats appears, assimp will probably be updated to support it; remember that in 20 years, gltf will be 20 years old
21:58 hecks so if we added gltf on top of obj, x and b3d we'd be set
21:58 hecks alternative: adopt my .lsd format which is use internally; it is very similar to gltf except it's lua based, not json
21:58 hecks which i use internally*
21:58 hecks it offers comparable export speed and i can give it quantized compression too if i felt like it
22:00 pgimeno anyway, I thought I'd just mention the idea of using assimp
22:00 pgimeno
22:00 hecks sure, i just think that an "import everything" kind of library tends to pull in too many formats
22:00 hecks same reason i wouldn't like using devil for images
22:02 pgimeno 2. PPM supports a binary format, it's not all ASCII (but the headers always are)
22:02 pgimeno it's not always* ASCII
22:02 hecks still redundant with png
22:02 hecks and i'm not sure if irrlicht's ppm importer is aware of the binary representation
22:02 hecks please don't hoard
22:03 hecks if nobody is using ppm then it's probably okay to delete it
22:04 pgimeno is it possible to generate images from Lua and import them into the engine?
22:04 hecks it is possible to generate images in init, but ppm does not compress and we do not compress assets in transit
22:04 hecks so it is *strongly* recommended that you convert your generated images to png
22:04 hecks this is how i generate a world map
22:05 hecks
22:05 pgimeno in fact, 'man ppm' mentions the raw format as the canonical one, with header P6; the text format uses header P3
22:06 hecks what matters is what irrlicht does with it
22:06 hecks once again, redundant with png
22:06 pgimeno but can we do that from Lua currently?
22:07 hecks do what exactly?
22:07 pgimeno generate a PNG
22:07 hecks i do it indirectly, i generate a ppm but then magick it to png
22:07 hecks i'd rather just make some api that exposes png writing
22:07 pgimeno yuck
22:08 pgimeno by the way, I want to advocate for TGA. It offers a perfect mix of simplicity and versatility.
22:08 hecks irrlicht does come with a png writer so it won't be hard
22:08 hecks TGA compresses very poorly
22:08 hecks RLE only
22:08 hecks no palette support
22:08 hecks redundant with PNG :p
22:08 pgimeno what?
22:08 pgimeno no palette support in Irrlicht?
22:08 hecks no palette support in TGA
22:08 pgimeno wrong
22:09 hecks really, never heard of indexed TGAs
22:09 pgimeno maybe you didn't, but I have written them routinely :)
22:09 hecks at the very least no program has ever offered me this option
22:09 pgimeno in gimp, if you save an indexed image, it's saved as an indexed TGA
22:10 hecks interesting. but it still loses to png
22:10 pgimeno TGA is basically uncompressed PNG
22:10 hecks that's oversimplifying; it's true that png is a zipped bitmap but tga has its own lousy compression, RLE
22:10 pgimeno I don't consider the TGA compression worth being called compression, I've always used raw TGAs
22:11 pgimeno RLE is not mandatory, it can be disabled with a bit in the header
22:11 hecks anyhow minetest sends textures over the network a lot and we'd probably do everyone a favor by disallowing formats that don't compress well
22:11 pgimeno same for the bottom-up; you can also write TGAs in top-down order
22:14 pgimeno and last point was about the licensing, yes we need to modify the headers. See for example what I did for this project:
22:15 hecks i ended up not touching that text related file, it was a red herring
22:23 hecks that's enough deleting for today, let me just run around some server to see if anything breaks
22:33 Extex joined #minetest-dev
22:34 Extex joined #minetest-dev
22:54 hecks merging 11476 if anyone cares
23:06 Alias2 joined #minetest-dev
23:25 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
23:29 hecks joined #minetest-dev
23:51 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
23:56 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev

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