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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2021-07-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 pgimeno as for UTF-32 not being characters... well, there isn't an immediate relationship between UTF-32 length and displayed width, but certainly there is an immediate relationship between UTF-32 length and string length in codepoints. Rendering Unicode is a different matter, and that's why things like Pango exist.
00:01 pgimeno hecks: I'm looking at the Blender page. Do Blender models appear mirrored with respect to their Minetest counterparts?
00:02 hecks If your coordinate space is correct, they should not.
00:03 hecks You need to export as Z forward Y up X right
00:06 pgimeno if the handedness of the coordinate systems is different, it should
00:06 hecks nothing should appear mirrored if the exporter converts the coordinate space correctly
00:07 pgimeno does it?
00:07 hecks my character's right hand in blender is still her right hand in minetest
00:08 hecks if this is not the case, you messed up your settings or the exporter is buggy
00:08 pgimeno maybe the page should specify that the converter should take care of this conversion
00:08 hecks it does, in the coordinate space section
00:08 hecks always export as lefthanded y-up
00:09 pgimeno I'm asking because I didn't understand that from the page
00:10 hecks if you just follow the instructions (model facing Y+ in blender, export as left-Y) it should all work
00:11 pgimeno my suggestion is to change the phrasing of this sentence: "Be sure to export all your models in Lefthanded Y-up to avoid surprises." to: "Be sure to select Lefthanded Y-up in the exporter to avoid surprises."
00:11 pgimeno I can do it if you agree
00:12 hecks I guess, although I don't know how the B3D exporter calls this space, I don't use it
00:13 pgimeno as phrased, it may be interpreted that it's your job to ensure that you're using the right coordinate system while modelling, and that's where I had trouble understanding and why I asked if you had to have your models mirrored
00:13 hecks no, just set the export options properly
00:13 hecks the original article had some weird advice about making the model face +x, i hope that's a mistake and not some weird b3d quirk
00:14 hecks but a quick look at sam says it was a mistake
00:14 hecks he's facing +y
00:14 hecks he's also modeled in BS space which is disgusting
00:15 hecks right, shit
00:16 pgimeno ok, rephrased
00:17 MTDiscord <Jordach> i didn't model it btw, just textured
00:17 pgimeno BS is BS, the name says it all :)
00:18 hecks how could we eliminate the need to use BS space while modeling entities?
00:19 hecks currently you either have to model in 10x scale or inflate the visual_size
00:19 pgimeno if it's a requirement for compatibility, we can't
00:20 pgimeno there are a number of things that depend on BS=10, and that includes physics too
00:20 hecks added a coordinate scale section
00:20 pgimeno I'd like to get rid of everything BS related, maybe keep a COMPAT_MULTIPLIER applied to some stuff that requires it and that's all
00:21 hecks the stupid thing is that node meshes do not need this scale
00:21 hecks meaning if you want to use a mesh as both a node and an entity, whoops
00:21 hecks you need visual_size = { x=10, y=10 }
00:21 hecks and if that wasn't enough
00:22 hecks say your entity is a skinned mesh - now if you want to give them a hat...
00:22 hecks as a bone attachment that is
00:22 hecks this hat can NOT be scaled 10x, it must actually be 1x
00:22 hecks and then if you ever detach it, it'll shrink back to 0.1x and you'll have to inflate it again
00:23 hecks it's a sordid mess and that's why i'm asking about some sort of deprecation path for it
00:29 Extex joined #minetest-dev
00:30 pgimeno hmm... new attachment API?
00:30 hecks that wouldn't solve a thing, think about it
00:30 hecks the attachment issue happens because you are forced to apply a scale to the first model
00:30 hecks you either model both in 10x scale or deal with this crap
00:31 pgimeno well, accompanied by some sort of declaration that a certain mesh is "new kind"
00:31 pgimeno where "new kind" means not scaled 10x
00:31 hecks in that case you don't need new attachment API, the flag would be enough
00:32 hecks it would have to scale the actual model instead of the entity (big difference)
00:32 hecks metric_scale = true;
00:34 pgimeno right, so if a new attachment API is not necessary, such a flag for meshes (or a new drawtype) would suffice to solve that particular issue, right?
00:34 hecks just a flag for CAOs
00:35 hecks it would basically mean (after BS space is killed) that the BS emulation should not be applied to this CAO
00:35 pgimeno yes
00:36 hecks I don't think it'll be that difficult to destroy BS, I'll look into it sometime
00:37 pgimeno yeah, my plan was, 1) create a COMPAT_MULTIPLIER, 2) change BS to 1, 3) replace BS in everything that breaks with COMPAT_MULTIPLIER
00:37 pgimeno 4) delete BS
00:40 pgimeno but getting anything done without being in github takes a lot of patience and I don't have enough
00:41 pgimeno also some luck that someone is willing to forward a PR with my code
00:42 hecks I would just delete BS everywhere except I/O because that's the only place it matters
00:42 hecks it only has a place in serialization and being emulated in script API, due to how floats work it's not useful anywhere else
02:21 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
02:59 specing_ joined #minetest-dev
04:19 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
06:07 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
06:59 nrz joined #minetest-dev
07:05 nrz websockets are tcp based and slow
07:05 nrz i already show 4 years ago that a full switch to TCP just make client moves laggy
07:06 nrz the ordering of the client moves are not adaptred for MMO games
08:04 tech_exorcist joined #minetest-dev
08:45 sfan5 not like you have an alternative if you want to port MT to the browser
09:25 calcul0n__ joined #minetest-dev
09:49 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> how much left is there to remove from irrlicht now after #48?
09:49 ShadowBot -- Install icon and .desktop file on Unix systems by jnumm
09:49 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> that's... not the right repo lol
09:54 MTDiscord <y5nw> @__sub maybe it should be irrlicht#48 ?
09:54 MTDiscord <appguru> yes
09:54 MTDiscord <appguru> irrlicht#48
09:54 MTDiscord <appguru> looks like it hasn't been implemented yet
09:58 sfan5 irr#48
09:58 ShadowBot -- Delete unused features by hecktest
10:28 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
10:53 entuland joined #minetest-dev
11:03 nrz sfan5: i don't see the point to port MT to browser, it's as huge as rewrite the whole client in rust :D
11:09 rubenwardy webassembly exists. It's probably as huge as adding Android support
11:09 rubenwardy finicky build system and weird graphics
11:12 nrz and redo the network layer to add compat on all servers ? and having nasty bugs/performance issue due to the fact anyone has not a up to date browser ? :
11:12 rubenwardy you wouldn't change the network protocol at all, you'd use a websocket wrapper
11:12 tech_exorcist_ joined #minetest-dev
11:12 rubenwardy and yeah - it won't be the best experience, I'm against it
11:26 tech_exorcist joined #minetest-dev
11:29 sfan5 we already have "nasty bugs/performance issues" on android
11:51 tech_exorcist joined #minetest-dev
12:11 rubenwardy yeah true
12:31 MTDiscord <Warr1024> TCP is no laggier than UDP.  In my experience there is a very narrow band of network conditions under which TCP vs. UDP makes a difference.  In better conditions they both work fine, in worse, neither has enough to work with.
12:31 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I certainly wouldn't switch to websockets for everyone, but as a wrapper for web players it should be fine.
13:00 sfan5 not really
13:00 sfan5 UDP is exactly what you want for games because TCP stalling everything when one packet gets lost is not acceptable
13:01 sfan5 (interactive games that is, you won't need it for chess)
13:02 MTDiscord <Kimapr> but that one packet may likely be important, e.g. a node getting placed/dug
13:04 sfan5 it's more likely not to be important, you send e.g. 30 movement packets a second and if one gets lost you just wait for the next
13:09 Calinou people are essentially remaking HTTP on UDP these days with QUIC
13:09 Calinou TCP is OpenGL whereas UDP is Vulkan :)
13:10 Calinou for the web, you can get unreliable transfers with WebRTC but it's a pain to set up compared to WebSockets
13:27 hecks joined #minetest-dev
13:47 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:52 MTDiscord <Warr1024> My point about TCP vs UDP is that the differences in practice are much smaller than you would think.  UDP's advantage over TCP is really only when you have a network that just arbitrarily loses or reorders packets, but is otherwise fairly healhty which I just don't see much.  Usually it seems like people are at the extremes.  You have players on fiber who would get perfectly fine performance out of either.  You have players on
13:52 MTDiscord satellite for whom the experience is largely ruined either way.  There's only a narrow band where the difference is actually important.
13:52 hecks this "narrow band" is cell networks which are very common
13:53 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Having used cell networks myself, I can say that that narrow band is PRESENT in cell networks, but cell networks themselves really cover the full range.
13:54 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's also highly dependent on the game.  I think the engine should offer options for players without assuming that those options would be intolerable to them without knowing the game design.
13:55 hecks i'm just saying that my internet can drop quite a few packets every now and then
13:55 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I certainly wouldn't play CTF with a 150ms ping time, but NodeCore I've tested with ping times in the 1000+ range.
13:56 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I would not make TCP or TCP-based protocols/wrappers the default, but I don't want to dismiss them as an option.  There are a lot of places where streams can go that datagrams can't.
13:56 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It MAY be something exernal to the project, like a proxy, but we MAY want to do it internally if e.g. we want to support something like play-on-web or something.
13:57 sfan5 I'm not against a potential web client, but the advantages are UDP are real and not just in some "narrow cases"
13:58 MTDiscord <Warr1024> There's a small community that seems to be growing of users hosting servers on the yggdrasil overlay network because they don't have enough control over their own NAT at the ISP level.  That network actually tunnels everything over TCP/TLS.
13:59 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Anyway, anecdotally I've never seen enough advantage to UDP that would suggest I should go out of my way and build my own reliability layer to use it over TCP, and I've never seen anything more than anecdotal or "it stands to reason" evidence to refute it.  I would be more convinced it's worth real effort if I saw some real-world hard data.
14:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> We would face the same decision deciding between websockets and webRTC for a potential web client.
14:01 sfan5 does webrtc even work for this? I know it does in theory but the primary usecase of it is something else
14:02 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's an interesting question.  As far as I understand it though WebRTC is sort of a generic transport and it's not necessarily specific to media?  I mean there's no reason why we couldn't lie to it and just say "oh yeah, this is totally a VOIP voice call, it's just a codec you're not familiar with, don't worry about it :-)"
14:02 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I think it's mainly for client-to-client communication with the server acting as an introduction point, but there's no reason why an MT server can't be both a server and an endpoint, either.
14:03 hecks irrlicht/#48 is ready, do we merge it?
14:03 ShadowBot -- Install icon and .desktop file on Unix systems by jnumm
14:03 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I think I poked around with it actually, just can' remember what the specific problem I was trying to solve was, and it seemed to have a lot of flex to it.
14:03 hecks bad bot
14:03 sfan5
14:03 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> irr#48
14:03 ShadowBot -- Delete unused features by hecktest
14:04 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Hmm, webrtc-unreliable looks pretty interesting.  If there were an existing something we could adapt to use in MT then that would make me lean more seriously into the idea of using it...
14:04 sfan5 do we have any mods that use BMP?
14:05 sfan5 I'm somewhat inclined to keep it since it's just so simple
14:05 hecks bmp is supported
14:05 hecks i had to keep it for the null driver to work
14:05 sfan5 "BMP is also enabled because the null video driver would not compile without it." oh missed that
14:06 sfan5 software renderer still exists right?
14:06 hecks it does not
14:06 hecks some remnants of the software renderer still exist for CImage support
14:06 hecks like image blitting and scaling
14:07 sfan5 ah so that's why SoftwareDriver2_compile_config.h still exists
14:07 hecks yup, that's a dep of CBlit
14:08 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> how much is there left that can be removed from irrlicht now?
14:08 hecks quite a bit but i think i got all the low hanging fruit
14:08 hecks so i'm making a cutoff point here
14:09 hecks any further reductions will involve paying a little more attention when deleting code
14:09 hecks this was a simple grep-delete-repeat
14:09 sfan5 I'll go and test though I don't expect bugs
14:10 sfan5 one more thing though >Also for merging later it'd be good if you could reauthor the commits so that Github can automatically match them to an account.
14:10 hecks how do i do that
14:10 sfan5 or did you want to squash it?
14:10 sfan5 hmm good question
14:10 hecks squash it if you want
14:10 sfan5 no need to bother then
14:10 hecks i added a comment in one commit about not squashing it but i don't think there's any danger there now
14:10 hecks and if it breaks i know what to restore
14:11 hecks it was when i deleted support for loading texture names parsed out of models
14:12 hecks it turns out irrlicht is a relatively well organized pigsty after all, if this only took three days
14:12 hecks it also seems to compile faster than minetest in general, we should be using incomplete class pointers more
14:13 sfan5 pointers are bad in modern c++11
14:13 sfan5 s/11$//
14:14 hecks well, just use incomplete types is what i mean
14:14 sfan5 might also be because irrlicht uses -fno-rtti and -fno-execptions
14:14 hecks more often than not headers do not need other headers
14:15 hecks the thing is that rebuilding a simple change in irrlicht somehow doesn't trigger a cascade where half the objects need updating
14:15 hecks while it's often the case in minetest
14:15 hecks and i'm pretty sure it's thanks to incomplete declarations and possibly the widespread use of interfaces
14:17 sfan5 okay stuff still works
14:17 sfan5 merging irr#48 in 5m
14:17 ShadowBot -- Delete unused features by hecktest
14:18 sfan5 the coolguy_opt.x mesh shows pretty tiny but I guess it doesn't matter
14:19 hecks it's metric, not BS
14:20 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
14:21 sfan5 wait actually let me fix that since it's so easy
14:22 hecks just don't fix it by scaling the mesh node =]
14:22 sfan5 I won't
14:25 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> should the outdated doxygen windows binary in scripts/doc/ be deleted?
14:25 hecks not unless it's broken
14:26 hecks as long as it works and produces the docs, who cares
14:26 sfan5 there's more that could be thrown away, for example the entire tools folder
14:26 sfan5 but it doesn't really mattert
14:26 sfan5 -t
14:26 hecks curiously there's a copy of the B3D exporter in the tools folder
14:27 hecks if it's outdated, then maybe it should be killed to avoid confusion
14:59 specing_ joined #minetest-dev
15:07 olliy joined #minetest-dev
15:47 hecks hmmmmm i'm getting some crashes online
15:52 hecks it's not armor, it's not mobs...
15:52 Extex joined #minetest-dev
16:03 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> is it maybe tga images?
16:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> TGA is an outdated format that is better served by PNG
16:05 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> mcl2 uses it
16:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> and?
16:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> nobody cares about mcl
16:05 hecks we don't even officially support TGA
16:05 hecks lua_api.txt only mentiones png
16:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> also that
16:05 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> true lol
16:05 hecks so this would be a case of relying on undocumented behavior...
16:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> TGA was useful back in the day since PNG wasn't around
16:06 MTDiscord <Jordach> but PNG supports the exact same things and is easier to write libraries
16:06 hecks i'll gdb this particular problem because a lot of servers seem to crash
16:06 hecks something is telling me it's not a file format but some obscure SceneNode behavior i didn't account for
16:06 hecks CTF crashes instantly for example
16:07 MTDiscord <Jordach> just take your time
16:07 MTDiscord <Jordach> however: -216,514
16:07 MTDiscord <Jordach> nice
16:08 hecks oh ok, i'm just getting a segfault in a completely unrelated place before i even log in
16:08 hecks thanks gdb
16:09 hecks yeah wtf, i can't debug like this
16:09 hecks at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_tree.h:798
16:10 beanzilla joined #minetest-dev
16:14 hecks can somebody with a less retarded debugger test this
16:15 sfan5 >Reason: We aren't accepting new players right now. Please try again another day or contact us on the forums
16:15 sfan5 I would
16:16 hecks that's on ctf?
16:16 sfan5 it's what tells me
16:16 hecks try the "Nyanachism" server, it crashes too (after a few seconds rather than instantly)
16:17 sfan5 tried a different ctf server and here
16:17 sfan5 as one might guess this is the case: m_spritenode = (irr::scene::IBillboardSceneNode *) 0x0
16:17 rubenwardy CTF uses sprite entities
16:18 hecks i didn't touch these
16:19 hecks but okay, this doesn't look hard to fix
16:19 hecks hm? oh
16:19 hecks i may have swept it up while cleaning up the config
16:20 hecks i'll commit a fix in a minute
16:25 hecks wow wtf
16:25 hecks irrlicht uses crlf...
16:25 sfan5 it does yes...
16:26 rubenwardy also svn and sourceforge
16:29 hecks left #minetest-dev
16:29 hecks joined #minetest-dev
16:36 pgimeno please normalize those
16:37 pgimeno
16:41 pgimeno a repo should always use LF as line ending internally for text files, and convert on checkout
16:43 sfan5 does that generate a big commit that removes and readds each line?
16:44 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> yeah it would
16:44 hecks i say defer the renormalization until we start absorbing the remains
16:46 sfan5 yes
16:49 tech_exorcist joined #minetest-dev
16:50 tech_exorcist_ joined #minetest-dev
17:06 tech_exorcist joined #minetest-dev
18:35 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
18:56 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
19:03 v_rob joined #minetest-dev
19:10 rubenwardy I wonder if it's worth doing a much much simpler main menu redesign, without waiting for a new UI framework
19:11 rubenwardy there's multiple issues to solve with a redesign - the look and feels, and the fact that it doesn't promote games/customisation especially well
19:11 hecks could be, there are new formspec features to take advantage of
19:14 celeron55_ well why not
19:14 hecks any design in mind or does that need doing too
19:15 vrob joined #minetest-dev
19:15 hecks actually the tech doesn't matter that much
19:17 hecks a good layout should work both with forms and with anything that would come after
19:17 appguru joined #minetest-dev
19:18 hecks so: games and customization as the main focus, anything else?
19:18 rubenwardy I had a mainmenu design based on celeron55's mockups. It would start with a game selection screen. From there, you can either select a game, install a game from CDB, open settings, or join a server.   When selecting a game, it would take you to a game-specific menu with singleplayer/multiplayer/content/etc
19:18 rubenwardy The problem I found was that people were confused about the game vs engine difference
19:18 rubenwardy you could join a server using    Games > Online     or    Games > Minetest Game > Online    for example
19:18 hecks i would propose something less drastic, a reorganization of the scheme we have
19:19 hecks where the tabs of the main menu and the game list are merged into one
19:19 hecks and there is a landing page
19:20 hecks all represented by icons
19:20 hecks the game list portion of it becomes scrollable once it cannot fit
19:20 hecks keeping it horizontal would give you more space
19:24 rubenwardy I'm not quite sure what you mean
19:24 rubenwardy here's my mock ups (warning, ugly - consider them to be a wireframe rather than an actual example)
19:24 rubenwardy but yeah - by "worth doing a much much simpler main menu redesign" I meant compared to this or the alternatives
19:25 rubenwardy I think just showing a choose game dialog as the first thing would improve visibility
19:27 hecks
19:27 hecks where landing page contains: a grid of recently used or installed games, labeled links to other tabs, version info, other links like website
19:28 rubenwardy hmm, I can see that working
19:29 rubenwardy yeah that sounds good. I suppose the default game formspec would be the Start Game tab?
19:29 hecks the game formspec has a default but a game can have a menu/form.lua to redefine it
19:29 hecks yup, that would be it
19:29 hecks BUT
19:29 hecks i would also like to suggest servers finally providing a game ID string to the master server
19:29 rubenwardy they already do
19:29 rubenwardy but we don't display it
19:29 hecks that's great actually
19:30 rubenwardy In my redesign, I wanted the server list in the game-specific menus to only show servers matching that game
19:30 rubenwardy it's problematic for Minetest Game
19:30 rubenwardy as so many are heavily modded
19:30 hecks this is exactly what I was about to suggest
19:30 rubenwardy but it's nice for eg: Mineclone2 / NodeCore
19:31 MTDiscord <Kimapr> i think there are 6 nodecore servers currently
19:31 hecks a button that takes you to a filtered and customized server browser
19:31 hecks and then separately that "full server list" button that shows you all
19:32 rubenwardy would that button take you to the full server list tab with a filter applied?
19:32 rubenwardy or would it replace the game tab's content?
19:32 rubenwardy or a dialog?
19:32 hecks it could be either really
19:32 rubenwardy I think the former is the simplest in terms of UX, probably
19:32 hecks it could just take you to the full list and apply a filter, and this would be easy to implement
19:32 rubenwardy former=full list tab with filter
19:32 hecks but it wouldn't be impossible to let the game handle it too
19:33 hecks same thing for content installation, though there is a snag here
19:33 hecks do mods yet have a way to specify which game they're meant for?
19:34 rubenwardy not yet
19:34 rubenwardy the ContentDB installer allows you to specify a base game
19:34 hecks that is a bummer
19:34 hecks well uh wait
19:34 hecks so the CDB entries do have it?
19:34 rubenwardy not yet
19:34 rubenwardy it's planned
19:34 hecks because that's the only important bit; you could have a similar thing for content installation that would take you to a filtered view of the content DB
19:34 hecks from the game page
19:35 rubenwardy this is what happens when installing something from CDB with the wrong base game:
19:35 rubenwardy yeah, I planned to add that too as it makes sense
19:36 hecks also a somewhat tangential question
19:36 hecks if an mt installation is already able to manage its content by downloading and deleting mod and texture packages
19:37 hecks wouldn't it be nice to have helpers for creating or forking new mods and games?
19:37 rubenwardy as in, a command to make a mod template?
19:38 hecks yes, a button to do that from cdb
19:38 hecks or well, the content menu or whatever
19:38 rubenwardy perhaps
19:38 rubenwardy however, it's not like we have a Java API which needs loads of bootstrap to build using gradle
19:38 rubenwardy and boilerplate to integrate with the API
19:38 hecks no, but i think the forking part would be convenient
19:39 hecks to make a quick and dirty patch to a mod without soiling your usual install of it
19:39 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Forking would best be done on github/gitlab though.  It seems complicated to have CDB involved in that process...
19:39 hecks i only mean in the local sense
19:39 hecks but uh, i don't know where i'm going with this actually
19:40 hecks only that mt could technically have a built in project manager for mod development i guess
19:40 rubenwardy I'm not sure what that would do tbh
19:40 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If players want to hack up their local copy of a mod ... it might be useful to have MT know the difference between an altered copy and an original, for purposes of updates.
19:40 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Beyond that, adding too many developer tools is kind of dangerous scope creep for MT.
19:41 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
19:41 hecks back to this layout thing then
19:45 hecks oh right actually
19:45 hecks i think this can just be fullscreen now
19:45 hecks and any logo can be inside the big panel rather than above it
19:53 hecks behold
19:57 MTDiscord <Jonathon> looks decent actually
19:57 rubenwardy moving the icon tabs to the bottom like this would give a lot more space for games:
19:57 rubenwardy but yeah, I like the idea of a rich landing page
19:57 hecks it would but..... that's basically what we have now
19:57 hecks and
19:58 hecks the idea is to explode the "single player" tab into individual game icons
19:58 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> having it so far out of the way feels both out of place and doesnt make it very easy to notice
19:58 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I'd change "get more shit at content db" to "get more crap at content db" so that it can be used in an elementary school setting, but other than that, ship it!
19:58 rubenwardy I'm referring just to the icon bar at the bottom there, not the window contents
19:59 rubenwardy but yeah, you're right that it puts some distance which isn't idea
19:59 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> The icon bar is what im referring to as well
19:59 hecks well this kinda is similar except i placed it on the top, i guess bottom is fine
19:59 rubenwardy I gathered, Green
19:59 hecks there's little difference but uh i guess it gives the logo some breathing room
20:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I'm a bit curious about how the icon bar would be ordered in the event someone has a buttload of games installed.  MRU maybe?
20:00 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> shouldnt the game have control over where stuff goes
20:00 rubenwardy unfortunately not with this design. They'd control their own page at most
20:00 rubenwardy maybe they'd hack the global layout if the code isn't sandboxed
20:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I'm okay with opening up main menu control to games gradually.  We don't want to make them responsible for it all right away either.  As long as we're moving in the right direction.
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> thats fair
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> choose something and go with it
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> get it made and merged
20:01 hecks it's fine for a game to only control the contents of its panel
20:01 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It'd be better to get something small and mergeable and start to build momentum quickly instead of designing something too good too soon.
20:01 hecks it should not touch the main bar
20:01 hecks oh and
20:01 rubenwardy the top icons bar is likely to be the first version, as we don't have the ability to pin stuff to the edges yet
20:01 hecks contrary to that example posted i'd give more prominence to the global server browser
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I was mostly referring to the title, since the title is property of the game
20:01 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Frankly if you can just make MTG not bundled and have a sane way to get to Content and pick your first game, then I'm already pretty happy :-)
20:03 sfan5 "the game formspec has a default but a game can have a menu/form.lua to redefine it" I suggest postposting this since the mainmenu code isn't sandboxed so we can't "just" do this
20:03 sfan5 oh ruben already mentioned
20:03 hecks perfection
20:03 sfan5 a menu redesign would be much worth it even without this
20:03 rubenwardy "_final"
20:03 hecks =]
20:03 hecks i don't see how this could be improved further honestly
20:04 sfan5 lens flare
20:04 MTDiscord <Warr1024> more comic sans
20:04 rubenwardy we need more blue
20:04 rubenwardy err
20:04 rubenwardy blur
20:04 rubenwardy but blue is good too
20:04 MTDiscord <Warr1024> blur only the blue parts
20:05 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> bluer? blure
20:05 v-rob Why are there two settings buttons?
20:05 v-rob Just in case you get lost?
20:05 rubenwardy my design aesthetic is just rounded corners and blurs
20:05 sfan5 presumably one goes to the settings tab
20:05 sfan5 the other to adv.settings as it says
20:05 sfan5 I fear making advanced settings more prominent will cause users to mess up more
20:06 rubenwardy I don't think duplicate links like that is necessary, people will see the settings icon
20:06 v-rob the "idk something" button should cause their computer to blue screen if they're using windows
20:06 v-rob just for fun
20:07 rubenwardy duplicating links indicates that something is important, and settings aren't that important
20:08 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Where are the singleplayer worlds on that layout?
20:08 rubenwardy when you click a game
20:08 MTDiscord <Warr1024> OIC, so that's a pre-game landing page
20:08 rubenwardy which are the orange icons in the icon bar
20:08 rubenwardy yeah
20:08 MTDiscord <Warr1024> and that bottom left crafting-grid button is the "Go back to the home screen" button?
20:09 rubenwardy yeah
20:09 MTDiscord <Warr1024> LGTM
20:10 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Presumably there's nothing at all that's strictly necessary to go in the home screen, since all the important shit is in the bottom bar already.  So we could probably get something out there given this design pretty quickly, and let the bikeshedding over the exact content happen AFTER we merge the important parts.
20:11 rubenwardy the home screen will at least show Featured Games from ContentDB, allowing us to no longer bundle MTG
20:11 rubenwardy as of yesterday, ContentDB now supports featured packages
20:11 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> ok so PR when
20:11 hecks here you go you meme goblins
20:11 rubenwardy oh noes
20:11 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> now it just needs deep fry and warp
20:12 hecks i do not use cancer effects enough to know where they all are. sorry
20:12 Krock needs a picture of a surprised/shouting kid
20:12 hecks no i know
20:14 hecks
20:15 MTDiscord <Warr1024> "We all agreed on a design direction, but unfortunately the work itself was derailed by memes"
20:17 hecks well, if people keep adding bad lighting PRs everything will inevitably turn into free-smiley-de
20:21 MTDiscord <GreenXenith>
20:23 v-rob With graphics designers like hecks, Minetest is doomed.
20:23 MTDiscord <Warr1024> always has been
20:23 v-rob good poit
20:24 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> oh I forgot the fisheye filter
20:24 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> oh well
20:24 hecks let's stop here before someone takes it seriously
20:25 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> lol
20:25 hecks with this community, you never know
20:26 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> oh, that main menu concept was supposed to be a joke?
20:27 hecks it is too late, here comes the PR with 20 upvotes
20:31 v-rob Can we use RTTI in Minetest?
20:31 v-rob I know Irrlicht can't
20:32 rubenwardy
20:39 sfan5 v-rob: yes
20:39 v-rob cool
20:40 sfan5 though perhaps the cargoculted android flags have -fno-rtti
21:00 sfan5 reminder #11287
21:00 ShadowBot -- Take advantage of IrrlichtMt target by JosiahWI
21:01 sfan5 I think we'd do well tagging PRs with "Action / change needed" more consistently when unadressed review comments are left
21:01 v-rob I wish I could review, but I know nothing of CMake
21:02 sfan5 the cmake part isn't so important, more that you can still get mt + irrlichtmt running together in your setup whichever way you currently do it
21:05 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
21:15 Evergreen joined #minetest-dev
21:16 Jordach5 joined #minetest-dev
21:35 appguru joined #minetest-dev
22:11 sfan5 random reminder that debian has still not packaged Minetest 5.4.0 or 5.4.1
22:11 sfan5 (and with that ubuntu too)
22:12 Pexin they expect you to use snap, right?
22:12 sfan5 ubuntu maybe but not debian
22:24 rubenwardy 20.04 was before 5.4.0, so that's not surprising
22:25 rubenwardy 20.10 or 21.04 should have it though?
22:25 sfan5 "not packaged" = not in repos even if you run unstable
22:26 sfan5 I just read that Debian plans or Debian 11 next month, it will not have 5.4
22:26 sfan5 for*
22:27 sfan5 and neither does 20.10 or 21.04
22:27 olliy joined #minetest-dev
22:32 sfan5 We should recommend against installing distro versions
22:33 sfan5 in fact I'm gonna PR that to the website repo tomorrow
22:55 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Who is the maintainer of the Debian Minetest package? Can we contact them?
22:57 olliy joined #minetest-dev
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