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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-01-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 MTDiscord <savilli> sad but expected
00:53 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
00:53 Alias2 joined #minetest-dev
01:39 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
03:29 queria^clone joined #minetest-dev
03:33 queria^clone joined #minetest-dev
04:15 olliy1or joined #minetest-dev
04:16 olliy joined #minetest-dev
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:13 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
06:35 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
07:47 jonadab joined #minetest-dev
08:04 Yad joined #minetest-dev
09:02 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
10:44 appguru joined #minetest-dev
10:44 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:24 hlqkj joined #minetest-dev
14:45 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
16:39 tech_exorcist joined #minetest-dev
16:40 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
17:14 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
17:16 Yad joined #minetest-dev
17:16 kilbith fucking hell
17:17 kilbith there are some regressions on formspec
17:17 kilbith
17:17 kilbith
17:18 kilbith I highly suspect this commit:
17:19 kilbith NEW RULE: anyone who is involved with formspecs *must* test their commits with i3
17:21 kilbith ^ Krock
17:22 Yad joined #minetest-dev
17:32 sfan5 merging #11924 in 10m
17:32 ShadowBot -- Restore pass-through of direction keys by sfan5
17:34 Krock kilbith:   Is there anything more to fix?
17:35 sfan5 hard to say since we don't have a comprehensive test suite
17:35 sfan5 might be worth having a formspec in devtest that contains the minimal and maximal form of every formspec element
17:37 Krock yes, for this specific issue. however, there's elements that change their behaviour slightly depending on the count
17:37 Krock this results in quite many possible formspec element combinations
17:37 Krock namely textarea[]  and  tabheader[]  are such special cases
17:46 Krock sfan5: 10 minutes elapsed. shall I merge in your stead and push the fix afterwards?
17:46 sfan5 done now
17:47 Krock alright. will push the formspec patch now
17:48 MTDiscord <Jonathon> what are opinions on (api) vs (hard disabled)
17:48 kilbith Krock: I don't have a linux setup right now so I can't try your patch
17:48 Krock I don't see a necessity at all to make this configurable
17:48 kilbith I still wonder how come that you didn't even test on i3 before pushing that large commit
17:48 Krock nor to remove. I just made a PR in case.
17:49 Krock kilbith: because devtest exists and I cannot care about each and every cool mod
17:49 kilbith I would call that a malpractice in my professional environment
17:49 kilbith really
17:49 sfan5 better demand a refund then
17:49 Krock right
17:49 kilbith Krock: yet you do care about that enormous turd called unified_inventory
17:50 Yad joined #minetest-dev
17:50 MTDiscord <Jonathon> relevant
17:51 MTDiscord <Jonathon> >Remove default hard dependency for use in devtest
17:51 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: this is very weird
17:51 MTDiscord <luatic> at the time I'm calling dynamic_add_media, no player is connected
17:51 MTDiscord <luatic> Yet the callback is called for singleplayer
17:51 sfan5 reproducer please
17:52 MTDiscord <luatic> Sure
17:52 MTDiscord <luatic> Try starting
17:52 MTDiscord <luatic> There should be a Heisenbug
17:52 MTDiscord <luatic> If it crashes with "singleplayer", something's wrong
17:53 sfan5 I would prefer a smaller reproducer
17:53 MTDiscord <luatic> Alright
17:56 Fleckenstein joined #minetest-dev
18:02 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: Try to reproduce it with this:
18:02 MTDiscord <luatic> I can't reproduce it myself unfortunately
18:03 MTDiscord <luatic> (not on this device)
18:26 Yad joined #minetest-dev
18:32 Yad joined #minetest-dev
18:34 celeron55 i like #11944 but the api needs some quick thought
18:34 ShadowBot -- Proposal: API to control shadow intensity from the game/mod by x2048
18:36 celeron55 something like player:set_lighting() to combine that and #11499?
18:36 ShadowBot -- Night vision by x2048
18:36 sfan5 reminder that #11753 still needs someone to actually confirm it
18:36 ShadowBot -- Images in formspecs use "smooth" linear instead of nearest neighbor filtering
18:36 celeron55 or they could be separate
18:36 sfan5 also reviews please for #11857 and #11866
18:36 ShadowBot -- Raise minimum compiler versions by sfan5
18:36 ShadowBot -- Raise max mapgen limit constant to align with MapBlock by sfan5
18:36 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: the issue still persists for me
18:37 MTDiscord <luatic> Fresh master
18:37 MTDiscord <luatic>
18:37 sfan5 it's not that I don't believe you but it needs to be someone who can figure out and fix it (that is usually a coredev)
18:37 MTDiscord <luatic> Indeed
18:37 celeron55 (the api design doesn't really have any effect on the network protocol, these all are just added to the player/client parameters there)
18:37 MTDiscord <luatic> The only hint I can give you is that it is most likely related to draw2DImageFilteredScaled
18:38 MTDiscord <luatic> But IIRC I already gave that hint
18:38 sfan5 "the problem with drawing images is related to the call that draws images" well.....
18:38 MTDiscord <luatic> I'll have another look
18:39 sfan5 you can try to take a look inside irrlichtmt if you want
18:42 MTDiscord <luatic> Alright, it seems to be gui_scaling_filter
18:42 MTDiscord <luatic> If I disable that setting, everything is back to normal
18:43 sfan5 uh
18:43 sfan5 that's literally what it's meant to do
18:44 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: But it didn't do this on 5.4
18:45 sfan5 items were always rendered as 3d models in 5.4, wasting lots of perf
18:45 MTDiscord <luatic> Also the description doesn't say anything about smooth vs. hard scaling
18:45 MTDiscord <luatic>
18:46 MTDiscord <luatic> It only says hardware vs. software, not smooth vs. hard.
18:46 sfan5 not my fault
18:46 MTDiscord <luatic> consider fixing the setting description ¯_(ツ)_/¯
18:56 sfan5 @luatic can't get anything to break with your reproducer
18:56 sfan5 could very well be a race condition
18:57 sfan5 though actually, no
18:59 sfan5 well I guess it does satisfy the definition
19:00 sfan5 this reproduces it for me
19:02 Yad joined #minetest-dev
19:11 sfan5 @luatic what do you want to happen when it's too late to send media the load-at-join way but it's also not possible to reasonably notify lua because the player was not fully joined at the time of media add?
19:14 sfan5 I'm considering "tell the client to fetch the media anyway, don't notify Lua and hope for the best"
19:15 rubenwardy if it's non-epheremal, shouldn't it behave like load time sending? So no callback
19:15 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: well well, what I was implementing is a simple "on_all_received" callback
19:15 rubenwardy if it's epheremal, then idk
19:15 MTDiscord <luatic> This is all non-ephemeral
19:16 sfan5 non-ephemeral still has callbacks
19:16 rubenwardy even for players that join a while after and load it as part of sending?
19:16 MTDiscord <luatic> basically I'm filling a table with players who haven't received the media yet (theoretically a counter would suffice, but the table is less error-prone)
19:16 sfan5 not those
19:16 rubenwardy s/sending/joining
19:17 MTDiscord <luatic> perhaps a second parameter that notes that the player wasn't connected at the time the media sending process was started?
19:17 sfan5 that feels like burdening modders with engine issues
19:18 rubenwardy it would make sense to either  1) pretend it was sent as part of joining (no callback)  or  2) delay the callback until `player` is available
19:18 MTDiscord <luatic> well, the neatest solution would be a callback that is called when all players have received the media
19:18 rubenwardy I've not used or reviewed this code so feel free to ignore me
19:18 MTDiscord <luatic> this is required for everything that all players will see like entity textures
19:19 sfan5 the idea was that mods could easily build it themselves
19:19 sfan5 but this synchronization issue makes it tricky
19:24 sfan5 ah
19:24 sfan5 a client can't accept a media push while joining anyway
19:24 sfan5 so this is not fixable
19:25 rubenwardy so you have clients that can completely mess a texture by being too late to load via push, and too early to load via media loading
19:26 rubenwardy *miss
19:26 sfan5 swap "too late" and "too early" and you're on point
19:27 rubenwardy no, it's the right way around
19:27 sfan5 no it's not
19:27 rubenwardy it's too late because it's not yet joined the world, so misses the push
19:27 rubenwardy and too early because when it did media loading, the texture wasn't added
19:28 sfan5 media loading happens first, the client is too late for that; media push would happen when the client is joined, but isn't -> too early
19:28 sfan5 +it
19:28 sfan5 maybe you just have a weird definition of early/late
19:29 rubenwardy if it joined earlier, then it would have received the media push. So late.     If it joined at a later point, then the media would have been part of the media loading. So early
19:29 rubenwardy not that this matters
19:31 rubenwardy you get the idea anyway
19:35 Yad joined #minetest-dev
19:36 sfan5 so how about this
19:37 rubenwardy is there a queue for sending dynamic media?
19:37 sfan5 no
19:39 rubenwardy I was going to suggest queueing the send and then pretending to mods that it was loaded in media load, but then you'd have clients joining without the media
19:39 rubenwardy so you would need to delay the join
19:39 sfan5 yeah
19:40 rubenwardy is there a final TOCLIENT_READY before the client joins the world? Could the dynamic media be sent before doing that? I suppose you potentially could end up delaying the client for a while if mods keep adding dynamic media
19:41 sfan5 the 'delay join' solution is possible but it's awful and I don't want to write it
19:41 sfan5 (emphasis on is)
19:43 Yad joined #minetest-dev
19:43 rubenwardy What about giving the callback extra information about the pending sends, and then sending the media _after_ join. You'd take the non-emerged clients into account, which would allow mods to check if all clients have the media without using `player` objects. Argh, this is messy
19:44 rubenwardy there's the case where clients disconnect during loading
19:44 MTDiscord <luatic> warningstream is dirty
19:44 rubenwardy or if they're already connected
19:44 MTDiscord <luatic> it doesn't even give mod authors an option to implement the "delayed send" themselves
19:44 rubenwardy but the callback says it's only called when a player receives the media
19:44 sfan5 warningstream is definitely okay for the engine admitting it messed up
19:45 MTDiscord <luatic> the thing is
19:45 rubenwardy has this been in a major release?
19:45 MTDiscord <luatic> dynamic_add_media doesn't like being called on load time, which sucks
19:45 rubenwardy err,  -major
19:45 MTDiscord <luatic> so I call it during the first globalsteps
19:45 MTDiscord <luatic> would be nice if load time was an option
19:45 rubenwardy damn, it has
19:45 MTDiscord <luatic> especially if it's ephemeral=false, meaning just pushing to the media list sent to clients
19:46 sfan5 the idea is that at load time you can instead move/write to the normal get_modpath() .. "/textures" folder
19:46 sfan5 rubenwardy: what would have been your suggestion if it wasn't?
19:46 rubenwardy changing the callback to be about update events, rather than players receiving
19:47 MTDiscord <luatic> writing to mod folders is dirty, my textures are stored in the world folder
19:47 sfan5 true I guess
19:47 MTDiscord <luatic> and I can't write to the worldmods folder due to modsec BTW
19:47 rubenwardy so it would receive a table with things like     { all_received = false, players_loaded = {},  players_awaiting = { "rubenwardy", "luatic" } }
19:47 sfan5 that wouldn't save us from implementing a solution that delays the media sending
19:48 sfan5 (aka a queue)
19:48 rubenwardy you could send the media after they join in that case
19:48 rubenwardy I was working around delaying the join, rather than delaying media sending
19:52 sfan5 IMO we can have the engine log a warning for now and then see if/how often people complain about this issue
19:55 rubenwardy it'll happen eventually, and there's no way for the mod to work around it
19:56 rubenwardy also your patch is missing a space after the name
19:57 sfan5 current suggestion
19:59 sfan5 if anyone wonders where the "improvement" is: the callback is no longer called for players that don't exist yet
20:01 Yad joined #minetest-dev
20:03 sfan5 merging #11887 in 10m
20:04 ShadowBot -- Mainmenu game-related changes by sfan5
20:04 sfan5 plus #11948
20:04 ShadowBot -- Copy smoothing note to gui_scaling_filter description by appgurueu
20:09 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
20:10 Yad joined #minetest-dev
20:16 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
20:20 sfan5 that leaves #11437, #10632 plus some minor fixes in the milestone
20:20 ShadowBot -- `3d_mode` is broken
20:20 ShadowBot -- Retrieve DPI from get_player_information
20:20 sfan5 I'm inclined to remove the second again because I don't have time to implement it and it doesn't look like anyone else will
20:22 appguru joined #minetest-dev
20:23 MTDiscord <luatic> Doesn't the engine know DPI already?
20:24 sfan5 sure it does
20:24 sfan5 but mods don't
20:24 sfan5 and formspec sucks bad but you can make it less terrible if you know the final scale factor
20:24 MTDiscord <luatic> So wouldn't this be as simple as exposing the information?
20:25 sfan5 are you volunteering?
20:25 sfan5 it's not hard but I just do not have the time
20:25 MTDiscord <luatic> I am
20:25 sfan5 okay
20:26 sfan5 make sure to call it "gui_scaling_factor" not "dpi" and note in the docs that it may disappear in the future if formspecs get a feature to fix dpi
20:26 MTDiscord <luatic> Huh?
20:26 MTDiscord <luatic> So should I expose the gui_scaling_factor, because that's a setting - a different thing?
20:28 sfan5 no
20:28 sfan5 afaik the final scaling value is g_settings->getFloat("gui_scaling") * RenderingEngine::getDisplayDensity()
20:28 sfan5 and this is the value that matters
20:28 MTDiscord <luatic> Does it apply to HUDs too?
20:29 sfan5 it has a setting called `hud_scaling`
20:29 sfan5 makes sense I guess but means you can't use this for them too
20:29 MTDiscord <luatic> I should expose that too then
20:31 Yad So if I understand GitHub correctly, I'm supposed to fork a repository, make edits to my fork, then submit a pull request suggesting the maintainer of the repository I forked, pull my changes into the main version?
20:32 MTDiscord <luatic> The maintainer "pulls" the changes
20:32 Yad luatic: I'll take that as a "yes." :D
20:32 sfan5 yes
20:34 celeron55 preferably make an new branch in your fork for the changes so that you don't make the PR from your master branch
20:34 sfan5 rubenwardy: yes / no / maybe? (to
20:35 asdflkj_sh joined #minetest-dev
20:36 rubenwardy Haha, I was so confused - my client included the ) in the URL, which then causes a traceback on the site that looked like code
20:36 rubenwardy It's a maybe
20:36 rubenwardy I don't like how there's no workaround for mods
20:36 sfan5 me neither
20:37 MTDiscord <luatic> There seem to be some very ugly hacks regarding gui scale on Android
20:37 sfan5 possibly
20:37 MTDiscord <luatic> float d = RenderingEngine::getDisplayDensity(); m_gui_scale *= 1.1 - 0.3 * d + 0.2 * d * d; for instance
20:37 sfan5 judging from another comment I saw pretending density = 1 (from mod POV) is correct on Android
20:38 sfan5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
20:41 kilbith_ joined #minetest-dev
20:46 Yad joined #minetest-dev
20:48 erlehmann luatic sfan5 regarding the DPI thing, didn't v-rob figure out that the engine internal DPI handling was wrong anyway?
20:49 erlehmann i mean the dpi vs font dpi thing is already pretty bad
20:49 erlehmann if you expose the wrong info to mods you are digging the hole deeper
20:49 erlehmann and can not ever switch to the correct thing
20:49 erlehmann bc then that breaks those mods
20:50 erlehmann i think a situation of “we figured out a way to handle dpi correctly but now all mods that have workarounds have tiny/giant fonts” is worse than what exists now
20:53 v-rob If I had known there were so many things to take into account with GUIs, I would never have touched anything beyond formspecs :)
20:53 Yad joined #minetest-dev
20:54 sfan5 "dpi vs font dpi" is an X11-specific issue and a minor one at that
20:54 sfan5 regardless: <+sfan5> make sure to [...] note in the docs that it may disappear in the future if formspecs get a feature to fix dpi
20:55 v-rob After I finish the GUI, maybe I'll go become a hermit and only program for devices with a single screen resolution, DPI, and ASCII-only.
20:55 sfan5 that's called being an embedded developer
20:56 v-rob Heh
20:56 x2048 erlehmann: can this be solved with a new formspec version?
20:57 erlehmann x2048 unclear to me
20:58 MTDiscord <Jonathon> the point of it isnt really font as it is scaling the element sizes
20:58 erlehmann sfan5 the problem is that at least in my tests all apps except minetest used font dpi for font scaling. so if you now expose dpi, you may expose the hardcoded 96 or whatever it was and not the actual value used by the OS. at least on linux. am i wrong?
20:59 x2048 erlehmann:  if we bump the formspec version when we figure out the dpi/element sizing, the mods with workarounds will not be broken
20:59 erlehmann v-rob if you make TUIs, urwid is a nice python interface library
20:59 erlehmann x2048 i see
21:00 sfan5 erlehmann: Minetest reads the screen DPI on Linux
21:00 sfan5 it just doesn't support the font dpi setting as people might expect
21:02 calcul0n__ joined #minetest-dev
21:03 sfan5 x2048: if you register on IRC and configure your client to sign in everytime I can give you automatic voice
21:04 x2048 sfan5: x2048 is a protected name here already.
21:05 sfan5 guess they don't use their nick then because it would not allow you otherwise(?)
21:06 sfan5 you can obviously pick a slightly different one
21:09 x2048 sfan5: I mean, I already registered :)
21:09 sfan5 oh
21:09 sfan5 I didn't see your nick signed in, must've missed that
21:10 v-rob TBH, I don't sign in myself most of the time, since I haven't found a way for my IRC client to automatically do it for me
21:11 sfan5 client?
21:12 Yad_ joined #minetest-dev
21:13 erlehmann v-rob x2048 i suggest to configure your accounts to require login, otherwise anyway can fake being you
21:13 erlehmann with required login after 1 min without login the new person gets renamed
21:13 erlehmann to guest_456 or something
21:13 v-rob I use HexChat
21:14 sfan5 oh hey
21:15 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
21:16 rubenwardy yeah, SASL is the way to go
21:17 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
21:18 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
21:18 v-rob Cool, done
21:19 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
21:21 Yad joined #minetest-dev
21:24 x2048 erlehmann: NickServ is already telling me that my nick is registered to my account. Is that enough?
21:25 v-rob I think the idea is that people can sign in when you're signed out
21:25 sfan5 he's referring to `/ns help set`, the part about 'enforce'
21:27 x2048 erlehmann: sfan5: flag set, thanks for the pointer
21:35 sfan5 okay time for me to use model[] for the first time ever
21:46 sfan5 that was easy
21:48 Yad joined #minetest-dev
21:56 sfan5 pushing a commit to MTG (not that anyone cares at this point)
21:57 MTDiscord <Jonathon> lol
22:08 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> So we now have a 1024 dev and a 2048 dev. Just need one more to have a pattern.
22:20 MTDiscord <savilli> Make sure to not overflow
22:32 Yad joined #minetest-dev
23:04 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
23:21 MTDiscord <exe_virus> I should aim for 512

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