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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-02-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:27 Alias2 joined #minetest-dev
01:43 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
01:58 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
02:29 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
03:21 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Use msys
03:28 queria joined #minetest-dev
03:31 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
03:33 queria joined #minetest-dev
04:08 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> ExeVirus, it's the mingw CI build. :|
04:18 erlehmann sfan5 you closed this, but i am pretty sure that this is not a GPU driver bug. rather, i think that 512 instructions is the minimum (many cards have more)
04:20 erlehmann e.g. you are guaranteed 512 instructions for your shader in OpenGL 2.0, i am not sure about this.
04:22 erlehmann wtf is OpenGL 2.0a
04:22 erlehmann oh, hlsl vs glsl
04:22 erlehmann i should sleep
04:24 erlehmann
04:24 erlehmann > 512 instruction slots for vertex and pixel shaders on OpenGL 2.x (SM3) capable hardware
04:25 erlehmann maybe there are different limits for OGLES
04:25 erlehmann anyway it seems like a good idea to stay under the limit maybe?
04:26 erlehmann
04:27 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:37 Yad joined #minetest-dev
05:38 jordan4ibanez_ joined #minetest-dev
05:43 jordan4ibanez__ joined #minetest-dev
06:49 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
07:05 appguru joined #minetest-dev
07:12 sfan5 erlehmann: I (and I hope nobody else) is going to spend any time moving shader things around to make some underpowered hardware work
07:13 erlehmann uh i do not understand, you are or you aren't?
07:14 erlehmann i mean, from context i guess you aren't. but i can't parse the sentence.
07:14 sfan5 +am not
07:14 erlehmann ok
07:14 erlehmann thx
07:26 erlehmann there is one problem though; i can't find the OGLES2 limits right now, but the spec for GLSL ES says that it the limits are determined by the conformance tests, and the mali gpu is conformant.
07:27 erlehmann or at least so says the vendor
07:27 erlehmann > world’s first OpenGL ES 2.0 conformant multi core GPU
07:27 erlehmann so i'm pretty sure you can't say that you are doing OGLES2 if an OGLES2 conformant thing doesn't work with it
07:32 erlehmann regardless, a better error message may make sense here. i.e. blacklisting the mali GPU.
07:49 sfan5 @josiah_wi nothing to do with mingw, it just expects to be able to set various libraries directly. these same options are also documented in the readme
07:56 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
10:08 appguru joined #minetest-dev
10:23 Baytuch Good evening
10:31 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> good day
11:24 olliy joined #minetest-dev
11:27 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
11:53 MTDiscord <Jonathon> @Josiah
12:33 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:23 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> sfan5, I tried to support that, I don't understand yet why my fix doesn't work. I added those variables to the PATHS to search; am I missing something?
14:02 appguru joined #minetest-dev
14:19 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
14:44 appguru1 joined #minetest-dev
14:49 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
15:27 sfan5 not sure what exactly PATHS does but note that the variables contain exact file paths, not folders to search
15:42 SOMBRIO joined #minetest-dev
16:10 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
16:20 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
17:11 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
17:13 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
18:03 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
18:25 MTDiscord <luatic>;t=27616 - is anybody able to confirm this?
18:25 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
18:26 MTDiscord <Jonathon> cant confirm, but it was brought up in the past
18:30 fluxionary is there a way to get wireshark to re-assemble "split" packets and parse what's in them? (using the minetest plugin)
18:31 Wuzzy Is it normal that minetest.set_mapgen_setting does not actually set the mapgen setting after launch?
18:32 Wuzzy Try this test code in a test mod and start MTG: minetest.set_mapgen_setting("mgv6_spflags", "nomudflow,nosnowbiomes,notrees,nojungles")
18:32 MTDiscord <Jonathon> its per world, not global
18:32 Wuzzy no.
18:32 Wuzzy it does literally nothing
18:32 Wuzzy not even per-world
18:32 rubenwardy you need to pass `true` to override
18:32 rubenwardy
18:33 rubenwardy according to the docs
18:33 Wuzzy but this doesn't make sense. it's a NEW world oO
18:33 rubenwardy I think 5.5.0 writes those settings directly to the file
18:33 rubenwardy this override param is weird
18:33 rubenwardy set mapgen setting should set it...
18:34 Wuzzy by that logic, the only way to call this function correctly for ANY mapgen setting is to set overrride_meta to true... *shrug*
18:34 Wuzzy this is strange
18:34 Wuzzy also, won't override_meta force the mapgen setting on existing worlds as well?
18:34 Wuzzy what if i change the mapgen setting in future? This will lead to map breakage
18:34 Wuzzy right?
18:35 Wuzzy but ok, I can set override_meta anyway, my game is still in alpha, so who cares? ?
18:35 Wuzzy it "works" but it feels wrong :/
18:35 Wuzzy I feel like the docs only tell half of the story. there is somehing missing
19:18 Krock will merge #12037, #12025, #12046 and #12029 in 10 minute
19:19 Krock shadowbot do be dead sometimes
19:20 Krock Wuzzy: yes, that API sucks but it used to be similar if not identical in earlier MT versions
19:21 Wuzzy at least i deployed a hotfix now
19:21 erlehmann wasn't there a change for the world creation dialog bc setting it in one game set it for other games?
19:22 erlehmann i forgot how it was handled, but given how refactorings or fixes sometimes touch related stuff for convenience, i'd look there first
19:23 rubenwardy Already mentioned, erlehmann
19:24 erlehmann Krock 12037 is something we have waited for a long time in mineclonia. lots of games do this wrong! thank
19:24 rubenwardy Oh, in #minetest
19:25 Krock erlehmann: then propose patches to fix those games. it's not minetest's job
19:26 sfan5 commented on 12037 with a suggestion
19:26 Krock did too
19:27 erlehmann Krock imo engine should warn in this case in debug builds, bc otherwise ppl do not realize that they have insanely wasteful globalsteps set up. what do you think?
19:28 Krock that's the profiler's task
19:28 Krock merging the 3 other PRs
19:28 erlehmann oh, i did not konw the profiler can warn you about doing no-ops! let's continue it in #minetest then
19:29 rubenwardy Disagree, the engine should track changes and batch updates
19:29 rubenwardy More of a problem with object properties
19:29 Krock done
19:30 Krock I'd rather opt for incremental updates
19:30 Krock as for HUD flags there's no point due to low data
19:31 rubenwardy That's can be done nicely with batch updates
19:31 rubenwardy Send a package with a series of opcodes and values. Opcode=0 sets object id, other opcodes set properties
19:31 rubenwardy *packet
19:32 sfan5 question is how much more work is that
19:33 erlehmann Krock we have actually debugged this in mineclonia and the amount of packets is the problem, not the payload
19:33 sfan5 not necessary to implement but to maintain e.g. if you want to add a new one
19:33 Krock yes I know
19:33 Krock too many packets may clutter the queue
19:34 erlehmann now that i see it: can prob be closed if you merge #12037 ig
19:34 Krock no
19:34 Krock this is about HUD elements, and not flags
19:35 Yad joined #minetest-dev
19:36 erlehmann oh sorry then
19:37 rubenwardy The add a new one, you'd extend the switch. You'd only send opcodes to clients that support it
19:37 rubenwardy Are object property updates multicast?
19:37 rubenwardy because you'd need to send per-client. Or at least per protocol version
19:38 rubenwardy otherwise you'd need someway of encoding length
19:39 Krock yes, multicast because it contains collision box and selection box information
19:39 MTDiscord <Jonathon> the problem i have with not sending flags/properties/etc if the same is sometimes its necessary to work around broken parts of the engine
19:39 Krock and all other visuals
19:39 rubenwardy I don't see why that requires multicast
19:39 erlehmann just so i understand it: right now, what is preventing the engine from just not sending anything if an object property is set but it already has that same value? that someone might not be in range and then come in range or something?
19:39 rubenwardy by multicast, I mean the same packet content sent to subscribed players
19:39 rubenwardy rather than a packet per player
19:39 erlehmann Jonathon which kind of broken parts? they should have to be fixed first
19:39 Krock rubenwardy: if one updates, all clients must be aware of it
19:40 rubenwardy you can do that as a packet per player, rather than a multicast
19:40 Krock
19:40 rubenwardy but you can lose some performance - but you gain performance with batching and incremental updates
19:40 Krock except that there's currently no way of marking this stuff as dirty
19:40 rubenwardy yeah that would be needed
19:41 erlehmann ohhh, i get it. damn.
19:41 Krock 1 bit per parameter.. this would be feasible
19:41 rubenwardy yeah, a bitset
19:42 Krock although it may get out of hand very quickly. int128 needed, if not more to be future-proof
19:42 rubenwardy doesn't need to be future proof, as it's not part of the network
19:42 rubenwardy just use std::bitset
19:42 Krock it is literally the network
19:42 rubenwardy you don't need to send modified bit flags
19:42 erlehmann well if you are not sending anything bc nothing is dirty, nothing is part of the network?
19:42 Krock how would you let the clients know of updated fields?
19:43 Krock there must be a scheme to it
19:43 rubenwardy <+rubenwardy> Send a packet with a series of opcodes and values. Opcode=0 sets object id, other opcodes set properties
19:43 Krock it's exactly that
19:43 Krock except that you've got bitfields rather than opcodes
19:43 rubenwardy enum class ObjectPropertyId { OBJECT_ID=0,  VISUAL_SIZE=1,  TEXTURE=2 }
19:43 rubenwardy you don't want bitfields, that's wasteful
19:43 sfan5 bitfields are a better design if you often set multiple at once
19:43 Krock not if stuff updates in bulk
19:44 rubenwardy right
19:44 erlehmann i guess it's time to gather some realworld data on how object property network spam actually looks like
19:45 erlehmann any way i can assist there?
19:45 Krock in this case it's less spam, and more data amount
19:45 rubenwardy for bitfields to be worth it, you need to send more than 16 changed fields on average
19:46 rubenwardy assuming 16 byte (128bit) bitset vs 1 byte opcode
19:46 Krock there'c approx. 40 frields currently
19:46 erlehmann someone who knows go could prob use the anon5 lib to make a proxy to measure this tbh
19:46 Krock *fields
19:47 sfan5 you can easily make some tradeoffs and do one bitfield per 8 properties
19:47 Krock that's definitely not me who would do that. also wireshark could do that too
19:47 erlehmann
19:47 sfan5 in which case a bitfield is always equally or more efficient even at 1 op
19:47 erlehmann Krock i believe the dissector is not up to the task rn or is it?
19:48 Krock erlehmann: not quite, but for packet sizes and occurrences it should suffice
19:50 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
19:53 erlehmann Krock i am *very* sceptical of having an opinion in the bitfield vs opcode debate without some actual data on the issue – and given that packet spam has not been solved in years, there seems to be no hurry. i'll read up a bit on dissectors now.
20:23 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
20:33 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
20:48 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> sfan5, thank you very much, that explains what the issue is.
20:55 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
21:29 SOMBRIO joined #minetest-dev
21:34 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
21:50 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
21:58 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
22:45 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
22:58 MTDiscord <luatic> Don't object properties have the same issue of unnecessary resending?
23:14 proller joined #minetest-dev

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