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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-02-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:11 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev
00:42 erlehmann i have once again gotten into a state where cmake can not do a full rebuild. can anyone tell me how to get cmake to do that?
00:46 sfan5 "can not do a rebuild" = ?
00:47 sfan5 either way  find . -name '*.o' -delete  probably goes a long way
00:50 erlehmann thx
01:01 Baytuch_2 joined #minetest-dev
01:05 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Delete the build dir when that happens. If you aren't building out of source then you should be.
01:08 erlehmann josiah_wi i am trying to understand *why* it happens
01:14 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I can walk you through debugging it sometime, but it might not be a quick thing to do.
01:19 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> What's the symptom? Does it crash during the configure step? If it crashes during configuration it's probably a Minetest bug. If it's a non-existence dependency problem it's a CMake limitation.
01:22 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
01:59 olliy joined #minetest-dev
02:26 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
03:23 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
04:19 MTDiscord <MisterE> Minetest 5.5 crashes on android from f-droid
04:19 MTDiscord <MisterE>
04:20 MTDiscord <MisterE> Looks like we need a 5.5.1 android release lol
04:21 MTDiscord <Jonathon> its already known that 5.5 crashes on some android devices
04:21 MTDiscord <Jonathon> pretty sure ruben stopped the role out on gplay due to high number of issues
04:23 rubenwardy f-droid also doesn't have 5.5
04:24 MTDiscord <Jonathon> also that
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:07 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
07:20 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
08:20 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
08:41 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
09:39 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:55 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
11:07 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:35 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
12:11 erlehmann hey, I wanna speed up media loading time by a lot by making the cache a tiny bit smarter. where can i save a bit of additional data ideally?
12:17 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
13:30 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
13:31 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:05 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:15 olliy joined #minetest-dev
15:44 troller joined #minetest-dev
16:15 erlehmann rubenwardy the rumble CSM works really fine. do you see a possibility to move such functionaility to minetest proper? basically, talk websockets on localhost if a config option is enabled?
16:16 rubenwardy Sounds like a security risk when CSM isn't even supported
16:16 rubenwardy I would like engine support for rumble
16:16 erlehmann oh, what i'm saying is that *the engine* should do it
16:16 rubenwardy When we introduce better support for controllers
16:16 erlehmann why wait?
16:17 erlehmann i mean curl is already available
16:17 rubenwardy How we do controllers is likely to effect this
16:17 erlehmann i do not understand in what ways.
16:19 erlehmann to be clear: right now, damage is hooked. i.e. you get x damage, you will get a vibration of x seconds length for x/20 of the maximum strength of what the motor gives. it stops at death (or so is the idea).
16:20 erlehmann i have no idea right now where a controller comes into play
16:20 erlehmann i mean, i thought about hooking the item use on tnt, to have a short and strong vibration when it explodes
16:20 erlehmann but that is controller-independent
16:20 erlehmann also the user might be out of the blast radius
16:21 erlehmann it would also encourage griefing ^^
16:21 erlehmann if you can give me an idea about controllers i can see if i want to work on it
16:22 erlehmann but to me this is strictly *feedback* and not *control*
16:48 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
16:58 Yad_ joined #minetest-dev
17:23 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
17:26 appguru joined #minetest-dev
17:27 erlehmann as promised, i have made more test nodes for devtest
17:27 erlehmann and i may have found a png handling error :)
17:28 erlehmann
17:28 erlehmann the textures should all look the same (except for the numbers) but do not
17:30 erlehmann i have tested this in 5.4.1 (because of the build error), but anyways, it can also be used to diagnose individual monitor gamma errors
17:30 erlehmann so it's useful even if the png handling has been fixed
17:45 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
17:57 erlehmann HuguesRoss here, more devtest nodes! (i plan to use these to find more bugs)
18:05 ROllerozxa re: png handling error, what's the difference between the textures in the screenshot? I can't notice it... >.>
18:05 ROllerozxa i.e. the handling error
18:17 erlehmann ROllerozxa leftmost textures have a bigger dark bar
18:17 erlehmann ROllerozxa look at the bottom left 0.4 texture and at the 1.0 texture right of it
18:18 erlehmann ROllerozxa you see it now? there should be a gradient
18:18 ROllerozxa ohh, I see now
18:19 ROllerozxa is that some sort of bit depth issue?
18:19 erlehmann no, gamma correction failure
18:19 erlehmann gamma correction is probably wrongly or not at all applied to at least some textures
18:20 erlehmann i have not debugged it
18:20 erlehmann i only noticed the issue
18:20 erlehmann and decided to make a set of test nodes
18:20 erlehmann for further debugging
18:32 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
18:42 MTDiscord <luatic> ROllerozxa: it can't be a bit depth issue as the gradient is otherwise working fine
19:47 erlehmann luatic ROllerozxa how do these look for you
19:49 ROllerozxa like, in my web browser?
19:50 erlehmann yes
19:50 erlehmann funnily enough, the 0.4 picture in the middle row looks *different* in gimp
19:50 erlehmann in gimp it is just a gradient that is darker
19:51 erlehmann (it should not be darker though)
19:51 erlehmann but what i want to say: in gimp, the thing has a gradient
19:51 erlehmann and it is darker than in the webbrowser and darker than in minetest for me
19:51 ROllerozxa ok so in firefox I see the same issue on the 0.4 gradients as is seen in minetest
19:52 erlehmann and in chrome?
19:52 erlehmann ROllerozxa
19:53 erlehmann ahahaha
19:53 erlehmann ich should probably make some test textures like that
19:53 erlehmann that look different depending if gamma is broken
19:54 ROllerozxa looks the same in chromium
19:55 erlehmann ROllerozxa try in gimp then
19:55 erlehmann
19:58 ROllerozxa ...god, why does image formats have to be so damn complicated, why can't PNG just be a zlibbed stream of RGB bytes
19:58 ROllerozxa anyways it looks the same in GIMP, but it actually looks different in Dolphin's image preview thing
19:58 ROllerozxa in there the gradient looks proper
19:59 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
20:14 twrightsman[m] joined #minetest-dev
20:43 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
21:56 erlehmann on commit 25e25f6e120e1bbf3fb6ebddbb43a2cb467b07d4 (x2048/alpha_blend_indexed), my framerate goes from about 30 to 13 when i look at specific pages in the devtest chest of everything
21:56 erlehmann (i have it capped at 30)
21:56 erlehmann this is weird
21:57 erlehmann 30 fps in inventory page 2
21:57 sfan5 it's not weird if it splits transparent stuff into more vertcies
21:58 sfan5 vertices*
21:58 erlehmann 15 fps in inventory page 3
21:59 erlehmann sfan5 it does not seem like viewing a hand full of nodes in the inventory should be able to cause such a performance drop
21:59 erlehmann especially because so far i have not been able to reproduce this looking at glass towers behind other glass towers in the world
22:00 sfan5 if you have hardware that barely keeps up as-is then this may be "expected" behaviour
22:03 erlehmann wdym
22:03 erlehmann i see no high cpu load
22:03 sfan5 gpu????
22:03 erlehmann the gpu has not struggled drawing inventory before. or has it?
22:03 erlehmann is it drawing the nodes itself?
22:03 erlehmann i really do not understand why it happens in inventory
22:04 erlehmann maybe you can give me some arrangement of nodes that should render really badly
22:04 erlehmann but glass behind glass behind glass is not doing it
22:04 sfan5 of course it's rendering the nodes, the inventory isn't made of pictures
22:04 erlehmann or i am not placing enough of it
22:04 MTDiscord <luatic> nodes are rendered, textures can simply be drawn?=
22:04 sfan5 you should try those nodes on page three of the chest
22:04 erlehmann ok
22:04 MTDiscord <luatic> could it be that MT does one drawcall per inventory item?
22:05 MTDiscord <luatic> because there's still no way - even on ancient handware - that a couple tris should bring stuff down to 15 FPS
22:05 sfan5 sometimes a couple tris is more like 400 per item
22:05 sfan5 who knows
22:06 MTDiscord <luatic> let's calc: 4*8 = 32 slots; assume all nodes - one node has 6 faces a 2 tris - which means 32 * 12 < 400 tris.
22:06 MTDiscord <luatic> this is nothing
22:06 MTDiscord <luatic> pretty sure this is some kind of drawcall limitation
22:10 MTDiscord <luatic> on an entirely different note: the "breaking" part of the breaking world limits PR seems sketchy to me. I understand that compat with 5.x can't be reasonably kept (although erlehmann argues otherwise) - but if a PR refuses to fix the wireshark dissector it breaks if compiled with the flag, that's not fine I think. It also simply casts to the old types in many places and even continues using them in some other places so I doubt that it
22:10 MTDiscord doesn't break there.
22:10 celeron55 what are the fpses without the branch in question, i mean does the branch have anything to do with this?
22:11 erlehmann celeron55 i wonder. i will recompile.
22:11 erlehmann sfan5 i have not managed to get anything below 17 fps and the 17 fps seem to be a bug (being underwater looking directly at the face of a fancy leave node tanks the frame rate and causes weird z fighing issues)
22:12 erlehmann leaves
22:12 erlehmann i think inventory is cursed and will investigate
22:12 erlehmann regarding barely keeping up, i placed a bunch of water and got the framerate down to 25fps
22:12 erlehmann maybe i should look at an ocean some time
22:13 erlehmann framerate only dropped when i was a) in water b) looking at water behind water if their was air in between
22:14 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: regarding basic_debug vs. debug: I called it just "debug" because (1) flags aren't privs and (2) this basically controls all HUD debug info unless overridden by the priv
22:14 celeron55 the point of the branch is to do extra processing to get transparent stuff like water to be rendered in the correct order (according to the camera's position)
22:14 erlehmann luatic very confusing
22:14 celeron55 so... there will be extra processing
22:14 celeron55 which means less fps
22:15 erlehmann celeron55 yeah in the world, but not in the inventory
22:15 erlehmann just in case the extra fps drop makes the game unplayable, where is the simple leaves option to turn it off?
22:15 celeron55 yes, the inventory doesn't make much sense
22:15 celeron55 anyway, it could affect it
22:15 erlehmann or is it like particles, where only cheat clients have a performance option?
22:15 erlehmann i'll investigate, as i said
22:16 celeron55 if i'm not mistaken the inventory nodes are drawn as mapblocks so they go through some of the same machinery
22:16 celeron55 i've forgotten how it works though
22:21 celeron55 i think it uses client/hud.cpp's drawItemStack()
22:23 celeron55 i'm probably completely wrong and mixing this up with the wielded item rendering or something
22:24 sfan5 nah that's correct
22:24 sfan5 it uses the same mesh that is also used for wield items
22:24 sfan5 an exception is items with an inventory image: that is drawn as 2D in the inventory (but not in the wieldmesh obviously)
22:25 celeron55 inb4 erlehmann will add a prerendered inventory image for every node in every game
22:25 celeron55 it's something i would do if i was targeting the gm945 and a centrino duo
22:26 sfan5 you may remember that Minetest used to do this
22:26 celeron55 yes, it did it automatically when loading a game
22:26 celeron55 and people hated how slow it was
22:27 celeron55 something about irrlicht's render to texture made it super slow
22:27 celeron55 i guess it should have rendered many nodes onto a texture and then cut the textures out
22:29 MTDiscord <luatic> I implemented this too, but using a lazy-loading texture modifier
22:29 proller
22:30 MTDiscord <luatic> proller: as I have already said before, I'm pretty sure that this breaks too much
22:30 proller it breaks nothing
22:30 MTDiscord <luatic> "on an entirely different note: the "breaking" part of the breaking world limits PR seems sketchy to me. I understand that compat with 5.x can't be reasonably kept (although erlehmann argues otherwise) - but if a PR refuses to fix the wireshark dissector it breaks if compiled with the flag, that's not fine I think. It also simply casts to the old types in many places and even continues using them in some other places so I doubt that it
22:30 MTDiscord doesn't break there."
22:31 MTDiscord <luatic> it obviously breaks the wireshark dissector (if compiling with the flag) and you have admitted to that?
22:31 proller do not compile with this flag
22:31 proller i can remove this flag for you
22:31 MTDiscord <luatic> so your "solution" is to either leave effectively dead code or a broken flag in there?
22:32 proller it just type rename
22:33 MTDiscord <luatic> I'd say you should make it one huge, atomic PR that works, does something (extending world limits) and doesn't break stuff. The entire "part" stuff seems wrong to me.
22:33 MTDiscord <luatic> I guess I get why you're salami-slicing your PR (to reduce PR size and increase chance for merge?) but merging any of these PRs on it's own seems pretty pointless
22:34 MTDiscord <luatic> It also is more than "just a type rename" BTW as you have to (down)cast in many places.
22:34 proller its impossible to make all this task fully working in one pr
22:35 proller it will be never merged and it will have conflicts with any other pr
22:36 proller celeron55, may be you can say something?
22:37 appguru1 joined #minetest-dev
22:40 celeron55 the PR does make sense to me, but i don't have time to actually review it
22:40 celeron55 btw, why isn't it called fpos_t and v3fpos_t?
22:40 celeron55 is that already reserved for something
22:41 proller o = object
22:41 sfan5 _t are reserved types in C
22:41 sfan5 idk if you're referring to that though
22:41 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: renamed to basic debug (although I consider this to be somehow clear from the HUD flag context), you can revert should you ultimately consider just "debug" cleaner
22:41 proller i can rename types to anything
22:42 celeron55 i mean when compared to opos_t and v3opos_t
22:42 MTDiscord <luatic> the naming is odd IMO
22:42 MTDiscord <luatic> I have already pointed this out, but this way it should be ocoord and v3ocoord
22:42 MTDiscord <luatic> v3ocoord = opos then
22:43 proller _t was proposed by nrz
22:44 proller need to name 3 types:
22:45 proller node (now pos_t v3pos_t)
22:45 proller block (bpos_t v3bpos_t)
22:46 proller object  (opos_t v3opos_t)
22:46 proller just say how it should be
22:46 MTDiscord <luatic> block = mapblock?
22:46 proller yes,  = node/16
22:47 proller also it can be easily renamed in ny moment later
22:57 twrightsman[m] Is the long-term plan to keep Minetest's Irrlicht fork separate? I ask because I'm making a plan to update Debian's Minetest package to 5.5 and need to figure out if a separate `libirrlichtmt` package is needed
23:01 MTDiscord <luatic> How would it not be kept separate? irrlichtmt got many file formats etc. irrlicht still supports ripped out, so I doubt that irrlichtmt will ever be merged with irrlicht again
23:02 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
23:05 Yad joined #minetest-dev
23:09 twrightsman[m] luatic: great, thank you
23:26 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
23:32 erlehmann twrightsman[m], irrlichtmt is basically irrlicht with large parts of it deleted, then some things added. are you trying to figure out if you can maintain it as a patchset on top of normal irrlicht or why the question?
23:34 twrightsman[m] erlehmann If IrrlichtMt had any plans to eventually merge back upstream then I likely wouldn't bother making a separate package for it in Debian; I wasn't familiar with the scope of the delta so that's also why I asked
23:34 erlehmann twrightsman[m] given the unwillingness of mt devs to even upstream patches to irrlicht, i also doubt that anything will ever go back. you'll have a bunch of difficulties with the version history though,
23:35 erlehmann well, basically there is a commit that deletes like 200k lines or so.
23:35 twrightsman[m] erlehmann I see; well then in any case it seems like a separate package is warranted
23:36 erlehmann hmm, can i query you?
23:37 twrightsman[m] What do you mean?
23:37 erlehmann do you get private messages with your matrix thing?
23:38 erlehmann or are you here all the time
23:38 twrightsman[m] DMs seem to work
23:40 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev

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