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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-03-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 erle df is the griefer client. ws is the “i wanna have a macro to spawn a structure without having worldedit privs” client.
00:00 MTDiscord <Jordach> Then perhaps we need a baritone equivalent that allows free sharing of .MTS files
00:01 erle you still need the materials
00:01 MTDiscord <Jordach> Yes but having a way to holographically display it in world would be a start
00:01 erle contact cora for that though
00:01 erle oh yeah
00:02 erle in fact, i think it would be a good idea for gameplay enhancing
00:02 erle to holographically show something you wanna build
00:02 erle entirely client-side
00:03 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> fortnite
00:03 erle fortnite removed building though lol
00:03 erle i find it hilarious
00:04 erle 1. make successful game 2. ??? 3. remove beloved feature
00:04 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> it did? since when?
00:04 erle very recently
00:05 erle march 21st
00:05 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> lmao
00:05 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> that can't be real, i'll google it
00:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> it is real
00:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> it's the best state that game will ever be in
00:05 erle i'm telling you, we are living in the stupidest timeline
00:06 MTDiscord <Jordach> because no longer can you just press mouse buttons and acquire a 5 star hotem
00:06 MTDiscord <Jordach> digression achieved
00:06 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> an article from 7 hours ago says they re-added it
00:06 erle maybe the backlash was too much lol
00:07 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> no one can resist the 9 year olds
00:07 MTDiscord <Jordach> well yes because building is a crutch for inability to aim
00:07 erle jordach, true, i play minetest with a touchpad lmao
00:07 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> they should play a skill-based game that encourages perseverance instead of cringe
00:08 MTDiscord <Jordach> it's why the shotgun meta was a thing
00:08 erle can minetest remove building for a week lol
00:08 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> i used to play ctf with a touchpad, it's really not that bad
00:08 erle yeah i used to do that too
00:08 MTDiscord <Jordach> CtF is like the technic modpack
00:08 erle sniper style
00:08 erle back to engine discussions please
00:10 MTDiscord <Jordach> also erle: consider tsam as a "software is designed to survive extreme thermal, physical and radiological events" type thing
00:10 MTDiscord <Jordach> not as a "make sure the F1 car doesn't crash in the first turn"
00:10 erle i think the problem is that the people insisting that SSCSM can be made to work in a way that is both secure enough are talking out of their asses, so to say. the reason being is that everyone who claims that has another goal than security. everyone caring about security a bit either says it can't be done or that no one has an idea how it can be done.
00:10 MTDiscord <Jordach> we already have a decent working sandbox for local games
00:11 erle last i checked i could concatenate strings until the ram is full, do i need to check again?
00:11 MTDiscord <Jordach> that's either malicious or the developer is a brain dead idiot
00:12 erle more likely the issue is that i have 2GB of RAM and some clown developes using 8GB or 16GB of RAM and does not notice leaks as fast as i do
00:12 MTDiscord <Jordach> you only have leaks if you use globals for everyuthing
00:13 MTDiscord <Jordach> the blame should not be on core devs to imagine everything
00:13 erle no
00:13 MTDiscord <Jordach> but rather what an idiot can achieve
00:13 erle regardless, there are proven models that do not require full turing-completeness for interactivity
00:13 erle think SVG interactions, they are fully declarative
00:13 erle or CSS transitions
00:14 erle if your goal is “i want to click a button in a formspec and have no lag”, that's the way to go
00:14 erle not arbitrary lua
00:14 MTDiscord <Jordach> didn't we have a PR that added chrome embedded 8)
00:14 erle oof
00:14 erle i saw that and i think it was just texture copying
00:14 erle or i hope
00:15 erle anyways, chrome is a perfect example for sandboxes being stupid
00:15 erle if north korea can zeroday the thing, despite google pouring millions of eurodollars into the product, any poser with a parka can exploit minetest if it tries the same thing
00:16 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> That reminds me of Microsoft Word, why the hell is there a warning saying that some word files might contain viruses?
00:16 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> Does Word execute word files somehow?
00:16 MTDiscord <Jordach> Word macros are VBA scripts
00:16 MTDiscord <Jordach> and are not run by default either
00:16 MTDiscord <Jordach> same as blender scripts
00:17 erle oneplustwo, the ”word macro” situation tells you all about how much users will be protected by a “do you want to run this SSCSM?” popup
00:18 erle namely, not at all. because the code will just suggest that without allowing the malware to run you can't play.
00:18 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> There's no way the average minetest player would know what a SSCSM means.
00:18 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> Have you seen the chats in the popular MT servers?
00:19 erle are you saying the chats that start calc.exe?
00:19 erle i have seen a video from fitmc where he is telling others to update their java and they are like nah i didn't do it
00:19 erle and he is telling them they should unplug the fucking computer and he is not joking lol
00:20 erle the guy gives good IT security advice
00:20 erle :P
00:20 erle so well, i think a good idea would be to have officially approved CSMs, but not server-sent.
00:20 erle i.e. embrace cheatdb, then just add stuff like the mumble CSM or the rumble CSM.
00:21 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> It's easy to trick the average minetest player
00:21 erle yes lol
00:21 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> I managed to convince several players on clamity to throw their diamond swords into lava because I said it would "forge it into a gun"
00:21 erle i think owl once tricked someone into giving up base coordinates by using anon5 as the username?
00:21 erle oneplustwo i think your best joke was on how to escape the end “just dig straight down until you find end ore”
00:22 MTDiscord <Jordach> how about we respect that the end users are morons
00:22 MTDiscord <Jordach> and will make a mess no matter how strict or lax security may be, see windows vista UAC prompts
00:22 erle oneplustwo did you know: one night of sleep in a warm bed in the nether equals 8 nights in the overworld
00:22 erle jordach you can make a perfect machine out of imperfect parts
00:24 MTDiscord <Jordach> a perfect machine does not fix the problem between the keyboard and chair
00:25 erle yes, you identified the turing-complete user
00:26 MTDiscord <Jordach> the irrational-turing-complete user
00:26 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> reminds me of the "women are programmable" tiktok thing
00:26 erle what
00:27 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> replace "women" with "the ignorant" and you'll get a more accurate statement
00:27 erle
00:27 erle nah, the no
00:27 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> damn, i miss talking to people who know less than myself
00:27 erle the not-stupid users are much better at being a computer
00:28 erle > Think about Vanevar Bush’s “As we May Think” (1945), one of the most influential texts in computer culture. Bush spends more words describing the person who would use the Memex than the Memex itself. He described a scientists of the future, a superman.
00:28 erle > As an interaction designer, it’s best to imagine that users – especially — beginners — are simultaneously very intelligent and very busy.
00:28 erle or, to say it better
00:28 erle > General Purpose Users can write an article in their e-mail client, layout their business card in Excel and shave in front of a web cam. They can also find a way to publish photos online without flickr, tweet without twitter, like without facebook, make a black frame around pictures without instagram, remove a black frame from an instagram picture and even wake up at 7:00 without a “wake up at 7:00” app.
00:29 erle they are not ”morons”
00:29 erle > But whatever name I chose, what I mean are users who have the ability to achieve their goals regardless of the primary purpose of an application or device. Such users will find a way to their aspiration without an app or utility programmed specifically for it. The Universal user is not a super user, not half a hacker. It is not an exotic type of user.
00:29 erle jordach i think you should read that article
00:30 erle especially since you are probably writing user-facing code
00:36 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> didn't know computer philosophy was a thing
00:38 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Yeah, one is: make good tools and decent docs, the other is make the tool foolproof, and fire your customer service reps
00:38 MTDiscord <Jonathon> seems #minetest-dev turned into #minetest
00:39 MTDiscord <exe_virus> We, here in engine fall in the second category: volunteer customer service, and foolproof software that will have a bug every time
00:49 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> best of all, no one cares about the bugs
01:27 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
01:33 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Hey, I resent that
01:33 MTDiscord <exe_virus> I happen to be very fond of some bugs
01:36 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> I wish there was a bug that if you hit the end of the world it loops back around
01:40 erle you can probably do this with trickery
02:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> you can even make the boundary almost seamless
02:04 MTDiscord <oneplustwo> Donut world
02:04 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Thankfully that title idea never caught on at Bungee.
02:29 queria joined #minetest-dev
02:33 queria joined #minetest-dev
03:12 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
03:28 MTDiscord <MNH48> 4
03:32 MTDiscord <MNH48> oops, ignore that... while I manage to delete the other garbage text when the cat ran through keyboard while I'm back-reading the channel, seem like the cat had press "4" and "enter" beforehand
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:18 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
05:58 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
06:41 olliy joined #minetest-dev
07:00 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
07:18 sfan5 please reduce the amount of noise in here or I will mute the reponsible people
07:18 sfan5 including the entire discord bridge, if necessary
08:39 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
08:50 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I'd rather you just ask us to mute people on our side, thanks.
09:10 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
09:21 erle joined #minetest-dev
09:39 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:32 HuguesRoss48 joined #minetest-dev
13:07 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
13:07 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:09 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:57 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
14:56 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
15:14 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
15:26 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
15:35 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:44 Desour joined #minetest-dev
16:00 appguru joined #minetest-dev
16:10 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
16:12 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
16:21 proller joined #minetest-dev
16:47 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:08 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:36 Desour joined #minetest-dev
17:45 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:00 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:23 Desour joined #minetest-dev
18:24 troller joined #minetest-dev
18:28 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:48 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
19:56 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:33 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
21:42 HuguesRoss48 joined #minetest-dev
22:01 Sokomine need help: latest git failes to compile for me in src/client/shader.cpp:43   file mt_opengl.h  is missing. any ideas?
22:05 erle Sokomine first thing, is it a rebuild or a clean one?
22:07 Sokomine i did a "make clean" after i got that error and tried again. didn't help. i've used and git-pulled it for some time now
22:08 erle i'm buidling rn, might take a while
22:08 Sokomine thanks. i can sadly find no trace of mt_opengl.h anywhere so i'm asking
22:09 Desour it's in ittlichtmt. did you pull that too?
22:09 Sokomine yes, i did
22:10 Sokomine that is, lib/irrlicht
22:10 Desour lib/irrlichtmt for me
22:10 Desour (as in
22:12 Sokomine thank you. i still had lib/irrlicht and didn't see the attached mt
22:24 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
22:33 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
22:42 Sokomine thank you. that was it. didn't see the attached mt at the lib/irrlichtmt and wasn't aware that a header file might be created during compile

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