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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-05-17

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Time Nick Message
00:06 Zughy[m] I've finished labelling all the issues. These are the ones where I can't find any proper "@" label
00:06 Zughy[m]
00:06 Zughy[m] +API%22%2C%22%40+Startup+%2F+Config+%2F+Util%22%2C%22%40+Server+%2F+Client+%2F+Env.%22
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:00 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
06:18 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
08:11 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
09:02 appguru joined #minetest-dev
09:46 HuguesRoss0 joined #minetest-dev
11:14 queria joined #minetest-dev
11:30 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:33 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
12:33 Wuzzy #11432
12:33 ShadowBot -- Add support for attached facedir nodes by Wuzzy2
12:39 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
13:06 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:08 queria^clone joined #minetest-dev
13:20 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
14:38 queria^clone joined #minetest-dev
14:41 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
14:43 kilbith I created a realtime camera formspec element that I want to generalize to the HUD:
14:45 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Pretty cool stuff.  Can you move that camera indepedently of the player then?
14:46 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> Oh damn
14:46 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> That's incredible
14:46 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> So that formspec element renders in real-time?
14:46 kilbith yes and yes
14:47 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> I imagine it could be super useful as like, a security camera kind of mod
14:48 kilbith a Duke-Nukem like security camera
14:48 kilbith if you ever played it
14:48 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> I vaguely remember Duke Nukem
14:48 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Being able to paint the render onto an in-world surface, like a node or entity upright_sprite, would be a pretty awesome v2 :-)
14:49 MTDiscord <luatic> First we need a Camera API, then we can talk about HUD / FS cameras.
14:49 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> OH, Duke Nukem 3D? I remember that! That'd be super cool!
14:49 MTDiscord <luatic> I don't want to have to use a fullscreen HUD element, painting over the entire screen and wasting half the FPS just to get a Camera API.
14:49 kilbith luatic: perfectionism is the enemy
14:49 MTDiscord <luatic> This isn't perfectionism, this is just building this modularly and properly
14:50 kilbith then do it, show me the code
14:50 MTDiscord <luatic> Rather than putting the cart before the horse
14:50 MTDiscord <Warr1024> sometimes you have to build something messy first, and then pretty it up later.
14:50 kilbith "done" sounds better than "better"
14:50 erle kilbith haha are you doing it like duke nukem?
14:50 MTDiscord <luatic> Which is why the entire Minetest API is a hot mess
14:50 erle kilbith, can you do MIRRORS?
14:50 kilbith @Warr1024: exactly.
14:51 erle nothing lasts as long as a temporary solution
14:51 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's not so much putting the cart before the horse as it is just pushing the cart yourself because you're not confident the horse is going to arrive at all :-)
14:51 erle anyway, if you can paint onto an in-world surface, you are thinking with portals
14:51 kilbith erle: mirrors require screen-space reflection, so we need a postprocessing framework first
14:51 MTDiscord <Warr1024> erle, there's no such thing as a non-temporary solution, so...
14:51 kilbith we can't do that with another camera for each node
14:52 erle what
14:52 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
14:52 MTDiscord <Warr1024> painting onto an in-world surface vs. stenciling out an in-world surface would be different things
14:52 erle just paint the damn thing and let's make euclidean manifolds
14:53 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Personally, I'd like to see both portals and cameras painted onto a surface ... but I'll take them separately in any order.
14:53 erle short reminder how duke nukem did mirrors, i am sure there was no big postprocessing framework involved
14:53 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> Technically, putting the cart before the horse is just as doable as putting the cart behind the horse. For example, trains regularly have an engine that pushes or pulls cars depending on which direction they are heading in. If you were to surgically implant a steam engine and wheels onto a horse, it would make a lot of sense to put the cart in front of it.
14:53 kilbith erle: yeah sure, but it's different for a STATIC scene
14:54 erle kilbith why can't your camera move
14:54 kilbith clientmap ain't static
14:54 erle explain a bit more please
14:54 kilbith for each reflective node you need to add up a new CameraSceneNode
14:54 MTDiscord <Warr1024> duke nukem's way of doing mirrors was kinda bizarre, considering that the engine was already a portal renderer, and it was good to see that they fixed all that weirdness for the later shadow warrior.
14:54 erle oh
14:54 kilbith which isn't efficient at all
14:54 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> kilbith: how does the camera know where to render, and at what direction? how can you configure that?
14:55 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> can you feed it co-ordinates and a heading?
14:55 kilbith but in a static scene it perfectly fits it
14:55 kilbith ZweiKamel: yes you can specify position and rotation
14:55 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> oh damn you can ping users over IRC?
14:56 erle kilbith you are talking among a group of people who have a ten year history of “let's spawn more particles” :P
14:56 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> kilbith: is the source code online? can you possibly link it or an example?
14:56 kilbith patience
14:56 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> lol
14:56 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> ok
14:57 Toothless joined #minetest-dev
14:57 kilbith but yeah, I'd love to bring SSR for 5.6
14:59 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> the camera functionality is certainly impressive
15:00 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> is the camera itself tied to the formspec, or could you have a camera independent of a formspec?
15:00 kilbith for the moment I'll target GUI and HUD
15:01 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> oh okay
15:01 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> is it possible to have several cameras in a single formspec?
15:01 kilbith well sure
15:01 kilbith it's meant for that
15:01 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> i wonder if you could actually make a kind of security camera thing with that
15:01 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> sounds like a fun idea actually lol
15:02 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> keep up the great work!
15:42 Thomas-S_ joined #minetest-dev
15:53 izzyb joined #minetest-dev
15:57 nore joined #minetest-dev
16:02 wsor4035 joined #minetest-dev
16:29 Alias joined #minetest-dev
17:01 Zughy[m] Wuzzy: since you've taken care of the tool documentation, any chance you can have a look at this?
17:04 MTDiscord <Warr1024> When making a link to a specific line in a document, you should use the commit-id in the URL instead of the master branch name, because lines may be added/removed in that doc over time, causing your URL to point to the wrong lines.  If you point to the right line in an old commit, at least it's still pretty clear what you're referring to, and generally feasible to find the corresponding content in the current version.
17:22 Wuzzy Zughy[m]: the link it 6 years outdated :(
17:23 Zughy[m] Wuzzy: look for "capabilities of", now it says "item" instead of "tool"
17:23 sfan5 OTOH it's easy to determine how the file looked on 15 Mar 2016 and find the correct line
17:24 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Right, it's just a question of whether you want to present barriers to the reader early in the process, or later, after they've gotten more invested in it.
17:25 Zughy[m] OTOH? Damn these acronyms
17:25 Wuzzy the issue is very very vague on what is the actual bug
17:25 MTDiscord <Warr1024> DTA
17:26 Wuzzy this is one of these issues that stays up forever cuz noone understands it xd
17:26 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> lol
17:26 Zughy[m] *reaches the "possible close" label
17:27 Zughy[m] what a great sensation every time
17:27 Wuzzy
17:27 Wuzzy Do you see any issue with that secion?
17:27 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Arguably it's no longer as relevant anymore because the idea that MTE would enforce game-specific conventions about tools is probably an anachronism.
17:28 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Stuff like how to use tool groups or what they should mean should probably be moved into MTG anyway.
17:28 Wuzzy no
17:28 Zughy[m] Also, May 28 big party for the 13 "possible close" PRs that will be brutally closed, possibly reaching <100 PRs
17:29 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Need a special "possible brutal close" label for those...
17:29 Wuzzy ah i can get what the issue poster meant. maybe they claim the clculated times are incorrect
17:29 Wuzzy this can be verified
17:29 Wuzzy also, the formula for calculating these is already part of the documentation
17:32 Wuzzy oh, i found a syntax error in the example. missing comma. :D
17:32 Wuzzy the issue poster is correct after all XD
17:33 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> i love how in programming, showing somebody where they missed a comma is helpful whereas in english class, it gets you punched in the face and sent to the dean's office and suspended for engaging in violence
17:40 erle Zughy[m] “possible close” as a result of “no one understands it” seems wrong
17:40 MTDiscord <Warr1024> "possible close" is the only path to closure for some issues.  If it's rotted out to the point where nobody can make any use of it, you might as well just close it.
17:41 Zughy[m] ^
17:41 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If it's REALLY a problem someone will reopen/refile it.
17:41 erle LOL
17:41 erle given that i have had reproducible crashes tagged with “unreproducible” and “possible close”, well
17:41 erle maybe it should only come after it is clear there is no other option
17:42 erle i mean “unconfirmed”
17:42 erle unreproducible is not a tag i think
17:42 Zughy[m] we're not talking about crashes, we're taking about some documentation that has been changed throughout the years, don't
17:42 erle oh
17:45 MTDiscord <Warr1024> A crash that's unreproducible will eventually "rot" as well, in the sense that we don't know if it was inadvertently fixed and no longer relevant.  If you can make it happen again, then it either shouldn't be marked "not repro" or, if you actually care about the issue, it may be worth investing a bit more time on repro instructions.
17:45 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If something is super rare and only happens 1 in 1000 times, it's not like your repro instructions can't be something like "run this script for 2 hours and see if there's a crash in the log".  That would still count, I think.
17:47 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Given that, it would be nice if the triage process included running through the repro steps and removing the "unconfirmed bug" label from stuff ... but I don't know whether it is or not, or maybe it's just a process that takes some time...?
17:49 Zughy[m] yes, it includes that, but I'm definitely better at scavenging and keeping things in order
17:50 sfan5 can we merge some PRs today
17:50 Zughy[m] appguru and erle asked to become triagers for confirming bugs as far as I remember
17:50 appguru yes
17:54 sfan5 merging #12328, #12326, #12316 in 5m
17:54 ShadowBot -- DevTest: Fix broken PNG textures by Wuzzy2
17:54 ShadowBot -- Add vcs-browser and contribute URLs to Appdata by JakobDev
17:54 ShadowBot -- Remove confusing message by savilli
17:57 Wuzzy Zughy[m]: #12339
17:57 ShadowBot -- Add missing comma in example in lua_api.txt by Wuzzy2
17:57 erle oh, btw, i notice that one of the TGA test textures i made is upside down. the reason for that is that i used imagemagick, which for a specific combination of “where does the image start” (i.e. top left or bottom left) and some other stuff i have not figured out manages to flip every picture that you convert with it.
17:57 erle like when you do „convert file1.exta file2.extb” your image may just be upside down lol
17:58 Wuzzy frankly, I think it's a good idea to be more aggressive with closing issues with terrible information, only like 2 sentences and people try to figure out what the issue poster actually meant
17:59 Wuzzy #3864 is a good example for poorly-worded issues, except it is *technically
17:59 ShadowBot -- API Tool Example Incorrect
17:59 Wuzzy * valid
18:00 Wuzzy issues like these are kept up forever because nobody is bold enough to close them because of the fear that they *might* be valid.
18:00 Wuzzy imho if the issue poster is too lazy with supplying us with basic info, just close the damn thing :D
18:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> erle: re: the imagemagick flipping bug, just use the "labyrinth guard algorithm" and process it a second time XD
18:02 Wuzzy When is the next meeting btw?
18:19 appguru I've found the cause for server-client entity desync
18:19 sfan5 let me guess: the design is fundamentally broken
18:19 appguru It is acceleration being implemented incorrectly
18:20 appguru See e.g.
18:20 sfan5 on which side
18:20 appguru The error is dependent on the step size
18:20 appguru Clients use a different step than servers
18:20 appguru I.e. the client runs at 60 steps per second (dtime 1/60) whereas the server runs at 10 SPS
18:20 sfan5 well which one is right
18:20 appguru Neither
18:20 appguru Fleckenstein is right
18:20 appguru His formula
18:20 erle what did fleckenstein say?
18:21 appguru Erle: s' = (v + v')t/2 rather than s' = v't
18:21 sfan5 appguru: by neither you mean both are wrong
18:21 appguru Both client and server do the math wrong, yes
18:21 appguru Unfortunately fixing it is necessarily compat-breaking
18:21 erle > Fix server-side luaentity acceleration code in case it's wrong like the client side player acceleration code.
18:22 erle i hope no one actually takes this gravity thing seriously as a default
18:22 erle it would ruin so many games
18:22 erle as an option, fine
18:22 appguru Yes, but is fundamentally broken currently
18:22 appguru Sure we can't break backwards compat
18:22 appguru But for 6.0 this needs to be among the breakages
18:22 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I mean to be fair, gravity has ruined way more than just games.
18:22 appguru This isn't just gravity BTW
18:22 appguru This applies to all acceleration
18:23 appguru Gravity just usually happens to be the only acceleration used
18:23 MTDiscord <Warr1024> but only to acceleration?
18:23 appguru Only to acceleration, yes
18:23 appguru Hence all projectile physics are broken
18:23 erle yeah but come on there is like 10 years of history of “wrong” physics
18:23 appguru erle: The implications of this are HUGE
18:23 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I was hoping it might be related to but soundsn't like it is.
18:23 erle if you change this, will my egg-throwing mesecons machine still hit its target?
18:24 appguru No, it won't
18:24 appguru But currently you are relying on undefined behavior that it hits its target in the first place
18:24 appguru You're relying on the server step
18:24 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I suspect that 12317 is also a case of "I had to implement a calculus thing but didn't know how to integrate over time" but might be a different manifestation of that.
18:24 appguru If lag changes server steps, it will miss its target
18:25 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I can confirm that lag step sizes can have a very big impact on entity aim, yeah.
18:25 erle i can confirm that lag has a big impact on everything
18:25 erle like prediction or if i am going to get out of the water before drowning
18:25 appguru Currently, the percentual error after a time may be calculated as `dtime / time`.
18:25 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I've designed most of my game mechanics to be very lag tolerant and sometimes test under extreme artificial lag, but engine mechanics tend to break down first.
18:25 appguru erle: yes, but this is fixable!
18:25 appguru you'd just have to integrate properly (as Fleckenstein did)
18:26 MTDiscord <Warr1024> tbh lag is only partially fixable.  Integrating properly only fixes an uninterrupted trajectory, but if the object was supposed to collide with something, then respond to that collision in some way, there's no way to fix that, really.
18:26 MTDiscord <Warr1024> it'd be nice to get at least the first collision to behave consistently of course
18:26 appguru granted
18:27 MTDiscord <Warr1024> but the more I run into this class of problem, the more I start to think that the solution is less "integrate properly" and more "run the internal simulation with a fixed step size" and then integrating correctly becomes less critical.
18:29 appguru The error after a single step is 100% (dt/dt =1)
18:34 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If it could be switchable, like the way there's that "new player movement" option, then I'd probably just enable it for my game.
18:34 appguru Not just players, all entities
18:34 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I mean I'm thinking like per-world.
18:35 MTDiscord <Warr1024> you enable it, it's replicated to the client, and it makes every thing in the world operate with the corrected math.  Not everything needs to be all that fine-grained.
18:35 MTDiscord <Warr1024> People can start migrating to it for an eventual 6.0 cutover, and stuff that relies on the old behavior can keep compat.
18:36 MTDiscord <Warr1024> then for 6.0 I guess you just flip around the default and deprecate/remove the old jank math.
18:36 erle appguru my suspicion is that fleckenstein hat integration in school and then was like WAIT I KNOW WHERE TO USE IT
18:36 appguru yes, Fleckenstein must've had the basic physics courses the Minetest devs clearly lacked
18:37 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Ironically a lot of MT core devs actually have had pretty strong backgrounds in physics...
18:37 appguru well, not the one who wrote this code I suppose
18:37 appguru whoever that is :-)
18:37 MTDiscord <Warr1024> IIRC at least rubenwardy or paramat would not have made this mistake had they been aware of this.
18:37 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Well, I once had to fix a bug ages ago caused by somebody not knowing trig, so I guess somebody not knowing calculus is not a stretch :-D
18:37 erle some even have a background in programming. and still minetest runs on undefined behaviour and MSN crystals!
18:38 erle i once did runge-kutta integration for a physics simulation and then i figured out that you can just do a flyby if you get close enough to another object and gain speed
18:38 erle physics, not even once!
18:43 appguru Anyways,
18:44 MTDiscord <Warr1024> tbf sometimes the janky physics can still be a valid part of the game.  IRL tunneling happens only on quantum scales, but if your collision detection is sloppy enough, what constitutes such a scale just gets a bit larger in your game.
18:45 MTDiscord <Warr1024> There's no real way around the "stuff unloads in mapblock units" thing that can leave machines half loaded and half unloaded, so I expose the mapblock boundaries to players via an in-game mechanism (they are meant to play without debugging enabled) so players can account for it in their designs.
18:47 erle Warr1024 elaborate please
18:54 MTDiscord <Warr1024> elaborate on which thing?
18:57 erle Warr1024 what is the mechanic about mapblocks
18:59 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Well what I ended up settling on is anywhere an optic beam crosses a mapblock boundary, it generates some subtle sparks floating along that boundary.
19:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> So basically you can visualize where mapblock boundaries are, so you can plan around them proactively, instead of just discovering them via your machines not working the way you expect when you travel far enough away.
19:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:01 sfan5 distributions that have updated to 5.5.1 already (according to alpine linux, chocolatey, fedora, freebsd, homebrew, openmandriva, scoop
20:26 Wuzzy NICE
20:44 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
20:48 x2048 kilbith: Regarding the shadow updae lag, would this be an improvement:
20:48 x2048 *shadow update
21:12 hlqkj_ joined #minetest-dev
21:13 Zughy[m] is #3476 still relevant, considering we have a roadmap?
21:13 ShadowBot -- A clear mission statement for Minetest is missing.
21:20 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> lol
21:20 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> minetest isn't just off the rails, there aren't any rails to begin with
21:23 Zughy[m] you should have been here two years ago, when the roadmap wasn't even a thing and nobody had any idea where to go
21:25 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> what a stupid bucket :trollface:
21:26 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> Rails are overrated, magnetic hover carts are the way to go
21:27 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> nonono
21:27 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> cars
21:27 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> body pillows
21:27 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> airplanes
21:27 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> and selling texture packs for 9,999$
21:28 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> harshtest ™️
21:31 MTDiscord <Warr1024> "A clear mission statement for Minetest is missing."  <-- it's not missing, it's just clear.  Try raising the opacity.
22:09 kilbith x2048: looks good yeah - there's no performance concern to have from map update when you activate ultra high resolution and that your HW can support it
22:10 kilbith * ultra high resolution shadows
22:11 kilbith we need to revise the rules btw, there should be a lead core-developer role and their approval counts for 2.
22:12 kilbith and I vote for sfan5 to be the lead dev as he is more responsible and more consistent on the long run than anyone else
22:12 kilbith ^ celeron55, opinion?
22:35 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
23:10 queria joined #minetest-dev
23:28 MTDiscord <Warr1024> You mean create a sort of "steward benevolent dictator" role to supplant our "benevolent dictator at large"?  That can be a very high-risk-high-reward way to run a project, though MT might be at a point in its lifecycle where it's a lot harder to get support for something like that.  It's easier to implement when there aren't so many existing dependants demanding stability, and it's a lot easier lost than added.
23:29 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I would kind of want to know though how often it happens that sfan approves of something but can't get a second.  It seems like the things that don't make it to 2 approvals tend to be things that everyone feels unsure about...
23:52 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> the steward benevolent dictator should be Warr1024 because he made funny eggcorn game
23:52 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> and also because he's rather knowledgeable about minetest
23:55 MTDiscord <Warr1024> My time might be a bit too unreliable for that.
23:55 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
23:55 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Also I'm not sure "benevolent" really fits :-)
23:56 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> lol
23:56 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> nc_stairs
23:56 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> :trollface:
23:56 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev
23:57 kilbith ZweiKamel: please refrain from making noise in this channel
23:57 kilbith Warr1024: your moderation job btw
23:58 MTDiscord <ZweiKamel> sorry, i like to mix in jokes with serious statements

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