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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-06-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:57 Evergreen joined #minetest-dev
02:01 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:24 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
06:30 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
08:20 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
09:26 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
10:28 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:02 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:03 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
15:09 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
16:42 Desour joined #minetest-dev
17:05 nore so, hi again everyone :) I updated my translations PR, it is now #12446
17:05 ShadowBot -- Translations gettext2 by Ekdohibs
17:19 rubenwardy yay thanks
17:35 Zughy[m] #11042 seems like an upstream issue due to the Intel GPU. Should I close it as an upstream issue or..?
17:35 ShadowBot -- Screen flickering
17:35 Zughy[m] *and can't fix
17:36 rubenwardy yes close
17:36 rubenwardy I'll do it actually
17:46 Zughy[m] #9008 might share the same fate
17:46 ShadowBot -- The skybox stopped working. I think an update on my computer may have messed something up.
18:12 Zughy[m] #11738 is caused by Intel GPU as well, should I close it?
18:12 ShadowBot -- Setting gui_scaling=128 in minetest.conf hangs entire computer
18:15 Zughy[m] ..and also #11739 maybe?
18:15 ShadowBot -- Setting gui_scaling=512 in minetest.conf makes game crash (division by zero)
18:24 MTDiscord <luatic> How is this a hardware bug?
18:24 MTDiscord <luatic> Or an upstream issue?
18:24 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> I was able to reproduce 11739, on an AMD GPU. most likely not GPU related but just minetest breaking down at ridiculously large GUI scaling settings
18:24 MTDiscord <luatic> ^
18:24 MTDiscord <luatic> texture_side_length / font_size becomes zero if font_size > texture_side_length
18:25 MTDiscord <luatic> and is used as operand for division / modulo
18:25 MTDiscord <luatic> both may raise the exception
18:27 appguru joined #minetest-dev
18:27 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> although if you crash while setting an abnormally large gui_scaling it will of course reset back to the previous one on next startup so it's honestly a bit moot until people want to play minetest on like, screens that have a 64K resolution or whatever would require such a large GUI scaling in the first place
18:56 nore #12446 now with tests, and I fixed a few bugs! it should be ready for review
18:56 ShadowBot -- Client-side translations: gettext and plural support by Ekdohibs
19:20 Zughy[m] I see no reason why someone should set gui scaling to 512, I'll label it as a possible close
19:21 Zughy[m] especially for the thing that it fixes itself when restarting MT
19:25 nore also, I would be happy if someone could give me another approval for merging #12447 :)
19:25 ShadowBot -- Update my name in credits and copyright headers by Ekdohibs
19:27 erle “caused by intel GPU” LOL
19:31 erle “i see no reason to set this setting to an invalid value, better not have an embarassing issue about the program choking on invalid values”
19:31 erle also it does not *necessarily* fix itself
19:38 nore merging #12446
19:38 ShadowBot -- Client-side translations: gettext and plural support by Ekdohibs
19:38 Krock nore: where's the approval?
19:39 nore Krock: sfan5 added it on github
19:39 sfan5 looks like number mix up
19:39 nore oops yes it was #12447
19:39 ShadowBot -- Update my name in credits and copyright headers by Ekdohibs
19:39 nore sorry for the mixup
19:54 sfan5 #11738 is probably down to Minetest not handling texture max sizes (which are GPU dependent)
19:54 ShadowBot -- Setting gui_scaling=128 in minetest.conf hangs entire computer
19:55 Krock should be limited to some sane value nonetheless, like requested in #8979 for other settings
19:55 ShadowBot -- Missing lower and upper bounds in many settings
19:55 sfan5 yes
19:58 erle didn't wuzzy make a PR for that
20:02 Krock #11463 but it doesn't actually implement the limits
20:02 ShadowBot -- Add many limits to settingtypes by Wuzzy2
20:55 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
21:06 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:12 Zughy[m] Imo GUI should have fixed values, like 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2. There is no need to give players the possibility to tweak it up to the millimiter
21:12 Zughy[m] *GUI scaling
21:26 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
21:46 sfan5 merging #11929 in 5m
21:47 ShadowBot -- Fix zlib (de)compressor memory leaks by savilli
21:47 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
21:55 erle joined #minetest-dev
22:32 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
22:58 Zughy[m] best way to emulate Android on Linux, to check some unconfirmed MT mobile bugs?
23:14 MTDiscord <Jonathon> i would assume android studio, given it is by google/jetbrains
23:30 rubenwardy Best to use a phone if you have one
23:31 rubenwardy The emulator may not work, haven't tested it in a while
23:31 rubenwardy Does need to be an arm image though as x86* isn't supported
23:50 Pexin my very limited experience with android studio emu (4 years ago?) is they were unconcerned with host hardware compatibility
23:51 Pexin architecture rather

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