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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-08-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:41 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
03:51 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:00 nrz joined #minetest-dev
05:01 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
06:51 lionkor joined #minetest-dev
09:04 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
09:06 appguru joined #minetest-dev
09:14 appguru joined #minetest-dev
09:54 Baytuch Greetings. I probobly fix my internet connection. I am sorry for re-connections recently.
10:06 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
10:16 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:29 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
11:32 Zughy[m] Meeting reminder, in about 7:30h
11:45 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
12:14 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
12:28 MTDiscord <savilli> Android fixes:
12:31 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
14:56 lionkor joined #minetest-dev
15:10 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
15:12 vampirefrog joined #minetest-dev
16:53 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
17:52 lionkor joined #minetest-dev
18:17 sfan5 merging #12692, #12641, #12417 in 5m
18:17 ShadowBot -- Limit force shadow update to urgent blocks by x2048
18:18 ShadowBot -- Add handling of environment variables to control terminal/logging colors by lionkor
18:18 ShadowBot -- Docs: add "flip moon texture" into breakage file by Zughy
18:27 MTDiscord <savilli> How many core devs does it take to add one line to docs? :D
18:28 celeron55 looks like github hates me. no pages will load and i can't write more hype comments to my PR
18:29 celeron55 now it works again
18:32 rubenwardy meeting in 30 minutes
18:45 celeron55 i'm sleeping in 30 minutes... good timing
18:46 celeron55 well, should be
19:03 nrz celeron55, time to stop sleeping, you will join NATO to be with us soon ?
19:04 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
19:10 Zughy[m] ?️
19:13 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
19:24 rubenwardy !dev Meetings
19:24 ShadowBot Meetings - Minetest Developer Wiki --
19:25 rubenwardy sfan5, Krock, @x2048, HuguesRoss, nrz, nore
19:25 rubenwardy maybe we should move an hour earlier
19:27 Krock oh. totally missed it.
19:30 rubenwardy my internet connection is playing up
19:30 Krock >
19:30 Krock I suppose this is to process?
19:34 Krock IMO the "Question" label should be avoided. Nobody knows when to close it
19:34 Krock they stay open forever, even if there's nothing more to discuss or answer
19:37 celeron55 these seem like one of the least productive issues to discuss
19:38 rubenwardy I think it's more "please look at these questions at some point" than discuss now
19:38 Krock > #12367
19:38 ShadowBot -- Add minetest.get_player_window_information() by rubenwardy
19:38 Krock concept question?
19:39 rubenwardy I don't think sfan5 was happy with the privacy element
19:44 Krock I don't see much of an issue, but at the same not much of an use-case
19:46 Krock although the maximal non-shrinking formspec size would be a helpful addition
19:46 rubenwardy this is one of the highest requested features from modders
19:46 rubenwardy just look at the reactions
19:47 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> privacy is simply an irrelevant argument
19:47 Baytuch_2 joined #minetest-dev
19:48 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I dont mean to say that in a provocative way, but it is simply true. As a game developer and by extension application developer, having the window size is a basic and integral need for visuals
19:48 celeron55 i agree mods need a way to know the fullscreen formspec size
19:48 rubenwardy yeah seems like a non issue to me. If users complain then we can add a setting later
19:49 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> And it may feel like semantics, but its more games that need to know than mods. A game is an entire experience, where knowing the visual setup of the user can make or break the feel.
19:50 Krock I mean there might be a more helpful was for modders. formspecs: maximal dimensions.  HUD: x/y position increment per "size" unit
19:50 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Absolutely useful for mods, but it is integral for games
19:50 Krock s/was /ways /
19:51 MTDiscord <luatic> Krock: Idealized solutions would be considerably more work to implement
19:51 MTDiscord <luatic> Consider the simple use case of drawing a circle on the screen (e.g. sniper scope)
19:51 Krock luatic: maybe more work, but it's supposed to be usable by mods
19:52 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Side-note, in the future will there be a client-sent window change event? Because with this PR (which is great, mind you) we'll have to do regular polling to detect changes
19:52 MTDiscord <luatic> Suddenly you need to introduce vh / vw units like CSS to make this possible
19:52 MTDiscord <luatic> IMO the PR should have been designed using events
19:52 MTDiscord <luatic>
19:52 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Well you need a server request to request the data in the first place
19:52 MTDiscord <luatic> but yes, ruben answered "that can come later"
19:53 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Ah, thank you
19:53 MTDiscord <luatic> no, we might as well have the client push it when it changes
19:53 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Well no, the client can choose to never send it
19:53 MTDiscord <luatic> the client can also choose to not respond to server requests
19:53 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> You need both
19:53 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Irrelevant anyway
19:53 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Moot point
19:53 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> My two cents given, moving on
19:53 MTDiscord <luatic> the client should send at join and then at every change IMO for minimum unnecessary network traffic
19:54 Krock I don't see much point in introducing an API now that needs additional code so that it's actually reliably usable
19:54 rubenwardy it's already reliable, just needs polling
19:54 Krock for example, you need to know the spacing of HUD elements, or their size respecively
19:54 rubenwardy the client pushes the data at join and when the data changes. There's no need for the server to request
19:54 Krock also size considerations for formspecs
19:55 rubenwardy Krock: you can already use this for fullscreen formspec . See the devtest code
19:55 MTDiscord <luatic> ah, so ruben implemented it properly at the network level
19:55 MTDiscord <luatic> yay
19:55 MTDiscord <luatic> Krock: Since when do HUD elements have spacing?
19:55 MTDiscord <luatic> Text is hard to deal with, granted
19:55 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> That smells like a tangent
19:56 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> rubenwardy: So adding the event feature would be dead simple later then? Since it already sends it upon changes?
19:56 celeron55 the lua api event could be added at any point. eg. now, in a year, or never
19:56 Krock luatic: exactly they don't come with any. that's why mods need to make sure they're far enough apart so that large scalings do not make it look bad
19:56 MTDiscord <luatic> I'd add the clean Lua API now and keep the polling API internal
19:56 rubenwardy We've been arguing for better approaches for about 8 years, and yet modders have been left hanging
19:56 rubenwardy yes, it would be nice to have proper containers or sizing or whatever, but this is useful now
19:57 MTDiscord <luatic> ^
19:57 MTDiscord <MisterE> I have used screen information to make fullscreen formspecs. It works, and if we have that information, then we can make fullscreen formspecs. Krock: it is useful, it is something we want
19:57 rubenwardy god, this is unusuable. WTF is Virgin media doing. 11 second latency
19:57 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I think we've diverged far from the original point
19:58 celeron55 what is the polling luatic is talking about
19:58 rubenwardy mods need to call minetest.get_player_window_information() to get the info, there's no callback
19:58 Krock MisterE: there's many ways to Rome. the one in the PR does it by letting modders calculate everything manually
19:58 celeron55 the client sends events over the network, and the lua api is effectively a local getter method on the server
19:58 rubenwardy yeah
19:59 MTDiscord <MisterE> yeah. Better to do it that way, and then later add helper functions, than to gicve mods too little precomputed information
19:59 Krock MisterE: yet it could be reached easier by retrieving the formspec size directly
19:59 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> what else actually needs to be discussed on the PR?
20:00 MTDiscord <MisterE> I do not understand how getting the formspec size lets modders know the screen size
20:00 MTDiscord <MisterE> but, I am now retreating from this conversation, this is a dev meeting
20:00 Krock why do you need the screen size if you have the maximal formspec size?
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> We dont currently have max form size do we?
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> If we did that would effectively be the screen size, no?
20:01 celeron55 i think the screen size is useless, mods don't draw anything using it, right?
20:01 rubenwardy you can calculate the max formspec size from the screen_size and real_gui_scaling
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> you guys are killin me
20:01 MTDiscord <MisterE> They would
20:01 Krock GreenXenith: defined by the maximal dimensions where it does not downscale
20:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Im lost, is this an existing API feature?
20:02 MTDiscord <MisterE> celeron, I have made fulscreen formspecs using the screen size in the main menu api
20:02 Krock you could still add or subtract 20%, send it to fullscreen and it would look okay
20:02 rubenwardy here's how you calculate max_fs_size using my PR:
20:02 MTDiscord <MisterE> Looks ok ~= full control ?
20:02 rubenwardy I don't want to document this yet as the client-side code is still a bit buggy
20:02 celeron55 can someone explain what is the thing mods couldn't do if they only got the maximum non-scaling formspec size?
20:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> Calculations with HUDs
20:03 celeron55 not the screen size
20:03 celeron55 so what is the unit huds use?
20:03 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> You asked what they couldnt do with only form size. The answer is HUD calculations.
20:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> We really need both
20:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> both maximal formspec size and screen size
20:03 celeron55 do huda use pixels?
20:03 celeron55 huds*
20:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> yes
20:04 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I believe so
20:04 rubenwardy huds use scaled pixels, so pixel * real_hud_scaling
20:04 rubenwardy but I imagine there's hud elements that render pixels directly or something
20:05 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Ill be blunt: Window information is a basic part of applications. It's not up to anyone to decide if it is "useful" for game developers. It is an important feature to have.
20:05 MTDiscord <MisterE> and besides that, it is useful
20:05 MTDiscord <MisterE> well, would be if we had it
20:05 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> What else needs discussing on the PR to get it merged?
20:07 MTDiscord <MisterE> Modders who know what they need, to do what they want, have repeatedly asked for this feature over many years. Please, dont say that they dont know what they need.
20:07 celeron55 as long as someone does a code quality review and adds the necessary formulas to docs that modders need to know i think it's fine
20:07 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Fantastic
20:07 MTDiscord <MisterE> claps
20:08 celeron55 the network protocol looks ok to me, that's what i really only care
20:08 celeron55 +about
20:10 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Next item then?
20:14 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Guess that lived long
20:15 rubenwardy next item is
20:16 rubenwardy how important is keyboard navigation support, and what should be done to improve it
20:16 rubenwardy formspecs are lacking generally in keyboard support
20:16 rubenwardy !title
20:16 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Important to support but outside the scope of the PR
20:16 ShadowBot [Manual Squash] Redesign/unify mainmenu settings interface by rubenwardy · Pull Request #12480 · minetest/minetest · GitHub
20:16 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> (imo)
20:16 rubenwardy It's relevant because the old advanced settings supported keyboards very well, and someone complained in the issue
20:16 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Oh, it did?
20:17 rubenwardy I agree that it's a larger formspec issue to be improved though, and this redesign will improve things for more users
20:17 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Yeah I thought you meant it needed support for key-controls in forms in general
20:17 rubenwardy Yeah, the current All Settings dialog can be used 100% with a keyboard faily easily
20:18 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Interesting
20:18 pumpkkin[m]1 joined #minetest-dev
20:21 pumpkkin[m]1 hello everyone. I'm hoping to become part of this community one day, and my desire is to aid this game in gaining the popularity it deserves.
20:21 MTDiscord <MisterE> pumpkin, please move to #minetest-irc
20:22 rubenwardy Hey!  o/    General discussion is in #minetest
20:22 MTDiscord <MisterE> there is a meeting occuring here
20:22 Zughy[m] frankly, the average is user is way more important than the geeky advanced one
20:23 Zughy[m] *average user
20:23 Zughy[m] the geeky can still find some way to implement an easy navigation because they know where to put their hands, the average user will just quit
20:27 rubenwardy Ok, I've gone through the questions, there's only one left:
20:27 rubenwardy !title
20:27 ShadowBot minetest.register_schematic · Issue #7917 · minetest/minetest · GitHub
20:27 rubenwardy I don't know the answer to this, might be a bug or documentation issue
20:32 Zughy[m] actually two: #12684
20:32 ShadowBot -- Falling in liquids doesn't take viscosity into account for half a node
20:33 Zughy[m] basically no one knows what that register schematic function does?
20:36 rubenwardy that's new
20:36 rubenwardy *one old one left
20:38 Zughy[m] how about deprecating that function and then nuking it in 6.0?
20:40 MisterE[m] register_schematic? isnt that for making lua schematics? Im pretty sure Ive seen that used in commonly used mods
20:41 rubenwardy most use minetest.create_schematic and minetest.place_schematic
20:41 MisterE[m] please, zughy, do not go yeeting out functions that mods use :P
20:41 MisterE[m] oh, does that use lua tables?
20:41 MisterE[m] then I guess it is redundant after all?
20:42 Zughy[m] an example of the function can be seen in #10669 code snippet
20:42 ShadowBot -- minetest.place_schematic fails to update surrounding liquids
20:43 rubenwardy register_schematic is used by 6 packages:
20:43 rubenwardy 4 unique
20:44 MisterE[m] the nether mod uses place_schematic:
20:44 MisterE[m]
20:45 MisterE[m] we cant very well deprecate these
20:45 rubenwardy we're talking about register_schematic, not place_schematic
20:46 Zughy[m] don't create_schematic and register_schematic do the same thing or I'm missing something?
20:46 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
20:46 rubenwardy no, create_schematic saves an area of the map to a file
20:47 rubenwardy register_schematic loads a schematic into Minetest, either by filename or definition
20:47 rubenwardy but you don't need to register, you can just place directly
20:47 rubenwardy I think register_schematic allows preloading
20:48 rubenwardy weird how it's not documented at all in the schematic section, and is instead in another section
20:52 rubenwardy I think this is a documentation issue and an unconfirmed bug
20:59 sfan5 I get the feeling todays meeting was(?) very inefficient
21:01 sfan5 anyway someone should review #12695 so essentially trivial changes don't take 2 weeks again
21:01 ShadowBot -- Cut back on Gitlab-ci & misc. updates by sfan5
21:01 sfan5 applies to some other PRs too
21:02 fluxionary_
21:02 fluxionary_ should that `&&` be an `||`?
21:02 fluxionary_ (apropos nothing anyone is talking about)
21:04 rubenwardy sfan5: looks good to me
21:05 rubenwardy and yeah, today's meeting was pretty bad
21:06 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> offer improvements
21:07 sfan5 you need a person who takes initiative, leads through the agenda and pushes forward
21:08 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> you also need persons in general.
21:08 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> seems like not many devs were available today
21:08 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> er, consistently available*
21:10 sfan5 fluxionary_: no, definitely not
21:11 fluxionary_ sfan5: is the part that comes after the `&&` redundant then? the size will be 0, and 1 is less than 1/2 the minimum window size?
21:11 sfan5 queued_commands != queued_reliables
21:11 fluxionary_ oh i see
21:11 fluxionary_ ok, got it
21:12 sfan5 commands are things to send before they're split into packets (and assigned a seqnum)
21:12 sfan5 and since data must not be reodered you can't bypass the queue if it's not empty
21:13 fluxionary_ yeah i need to read more of this before commenting again. trying to figure out why there's a flood of "Possible packet stall" messages in the log
21:15 sfan5 I think very useful would be to attach prometheus to the queues/lists/whatever in the connection code
21:16 sfan5 then you could easily monitor for this specific case how big the queue is, the window size and how fast commands are converted to packets and how fast they end up being sent
21:16 sfan5 all in production
21:16 fluxionary_ i've suggested that to the server owner, will suggest it again
21:29 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:58 Zughy[m] RE: you need a person who takes initiative, leads etc.
21:58 Zughy[m] I'm very good at that, but since I'm not a core dev I didn't chime in
22:02 Zughy[m] I've already created the note for the next meeting, just in case
22:03 MTDiscord <savilli> Aren't you a core manager or smth?
22:04 MTDiscord <savilli> It makes sense that a manager leads meetings
22:04 MTDiscord <savilli> At least it's how it's usually done in IT companies
22:08 Zughy[m] I still see myself as a subordinate. But if core devs are fine and I'm available in those days (like today), I'll be more than glad
22:32 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
23:08 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
23:42 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
23:53 vampirefrog joined #minetest-dev

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