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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-09-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:20 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:48 MTDiscord <MisterE> its still not relaying messages
05:24 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
07:05 definitelya joined #minetest-dev
07:07 definitelya Hi, something is messed up with world creation. It creates the world under a different game every time (even resetting mod.conf didn't help).
07:07 definitelya s/mod.conf/minetest.conf
08:10 appguru joined #minetest-dev
08:22 Warr10240 joined #minetest-dev
08:44 definitelya left #minetest-dev
09:04 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
09:25 clavi joined #minetest-dev
09:25 clavi joined #minetest-dev
10:04 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
10:17 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
10:38 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:47 appguru joined #minetest-dev
11:12 MTDiscord <GoodClover> Once Bountysource is fixed, £5 bounty on #11640.
11:12 ShadowBot -- Manual media management
11:16 appguru joined #minetest-dev
11:38 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
12:10 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
12:17 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> passive aggressive reminder that I would like a wiki account:
12:25 Krock Calinou: ^
12:35 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
12:42 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
12:57 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
13:12 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
13:16 sfan5 @rollerozxa what definitelya reported is caused by your commit
13:16 sfan5 please fix
13:16 sfan5 or actually Krock added the change I guess
13:17 Krock checking logs....
13:17 ROllerozxa what the
13:18 Krock hmmm
13:18 ROllerozxa oh, my PR to fix texture pack sorting
13:20 MTDiscord <luatic> the mainmenu codebase is an absolute mess
13:27 ROllerozxa it was just supposed to be a trivial PR to flip the ordering of texture packs, changing mods/games/texturepacks to sort by title rather than name should have been left for another PR :S
13:43 MTDiscord <MisterE> sfan5, what would you think about embedding this lua-scriptable, embeddable real-time music generation library in minetest?
13:46 MTDiscord <MisterE> or, embedding alda:
13:53 sfan5 where would it run? on the client?
13:54 Krock currently fixing the mainmenu thing
13:54 Krock please no touchy
14:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> yes. It would probably use the mod channels api to send musical scripts to the client
14:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> alda would be ideal for that, since there are no constructs that can do anything other than play music in alda
14:12 MTDiscord <MisterE> sfan5
14:34 Desour joined #minetest-dev
14:41 Desour alda requires java (according to <>), which would be quite a big new dependency
14:49 Desour (for tracker music, we should rather use something like libopenmpt, I guess)
14:52 ROllerozxa libopenmpt support would be awesome
14:54 Desour btw. regarding sounds: in singleplayer, if you press esc, the whole game pauses (i.e. object animations). should sounds be paused, too?
14:56 Krock yes
14:57 Krock looped sounds never end. that's a bit annoying when pausing the game
15:04 Krock #12758  ROllerozxa
15:04 ShadowBot -- Mainmenu: Properly sort mods and games by SmallJoker
15:05 Desour I see, thx Krock!
15:16 appguru joined #minetest-dev
16:33 Dacmot joined #minetest-dev
17:11 Krock will merge #12708 and #12729 in 15 minutes
17:11 ShadowBot -- [no squash] Serialize: LuaJIT workaround & restore forwards compat by appgurueu
17:11 ShadowBot -- Fix potential use-after-free with item metadata by TurkeyMcMac
17:13 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
17:13 Krock #11431 too
17:13 ShadowBot -- Add paramtype2s for 4 horizontal rotations and 64 colors by Wuzzy2
17:18 sfan5 I looked at that yesterday without making any comments and found a few places in the docs that could be improved
17:18 sfan5 also the manual comparisons with param_type_2 == this || param_type_2 == that || param_type_2 == those don't scale
17:18 sfan5 but don't wait for that
17:19 Krock feel free to leave a comment there
17:19 Krock I'll wait. It's a feature after all
17:23 appguru joined #minetest-dev
17:24 appguru Krock: Could you review The code is pretty simple, and you have already invested the time to understand the issue, the fix & the implications of the fix.
17:26 Krock appguru: gravity should be a member of LocalPalyer
17:26 Krock merging the two former PRs I mentioned.....
17:28 Desour small reminder: there's a meeting planned today at <>
17:28 Krock done.
17:30 Krock meeting in 30 minutes
17:40 appguru LocalPlayer or Player? Player holds speed, and gravity being downwards acceleration, I somehow think it belongs there.
17:42 Krock if it's needed in Player, then yes. if it's only used in LocalPlayer, then I'd yet refrain from that
17:42 Krock to keep it as close to the place where it's used
17:55 appguru Alright Krock, fixed; gravity is a local player property now
17:57 Krock appguru: duplicate m_downwards_acceleration in player.h
17:58 appguru ah darn it glossed over that
17:59 appguru thanks, fixed now
18:00 Krock ping Zughy[m] rubenwardy v-rob  --- meeting time. it's a rather short one this time around
18:05 Krock I just saw that a 5.6.1 is long overdue
18:05 Krock > #12697  - can this be fixed by Minetest/Irrlicht at all?
18:05 ShadowBot -- Can't look/play (Incorrect XScreen mouse position)
18:05 Krock if not, it's pointless to keep in the milestone
18:08 Krock nvm. we just need a volunteer who's affected by the bug so that it can be fixed reliably
18:12 Krock > #7712
18:12 ShadowBot -- Add an item pick up callback (2) by Desour
18:12 Krock Desour:  core.item_pickup relies on entity.itemstring, hence there's no further use-cases for this function other than __builtin:item unless that dependency is documented
18:13 Desour __builtin:item is a engine-internal for dropped items
18:13 Desour I still don't see how "picking up" other objects makes sense
18:14 Krock me neither, hence I wonder why core.item_pickup is needed when it's already largely the same as on_punch
18:15 Krock granted, there's automatic on_pickup callbacks run
18:15 Desour core.item_pickup could be changed to do nothing if it's called with some other object...
18:15 Desour oh, you mean it's useless because one can call on_punch instead
18:16 Krock exactly
18:17 Krock another thing that bothers me is that registered_on_item_pickups passes the object, unlike any other function. if it's only used for __builtin:item, then why not pass the itemstack as parameter and handle the return value to update the stack?
18:17 Desour hm, would that just be obj:get_luaentity():on_punch(hitter, ...) ? I'm fine with removing that function then
18:17 Krock or if it's supposed to be generic: pass an ObjectRef, but not LuaEntitySAO (which is inconsistent to the other API)
18:18 Desour ok, will change that to objref
18:19 Desour + itemstack
18:19 Krock also don't get me wrong. ItemDefinition:on_pickup seems promising, and I like this addition a lot
18:19 Zughy[m] I'll do my best, but I have to constantly update the IRC log to actually see something
18:19 Krock Zughy[m]: is the matrix bridge still broken?
18:19 Zughy[m] yes
18:20 Krock that's unfortunate. hopefully someone will have a look at that soon. it's somewhat not convenient like that
18:21 Desour oh, Krock I forgot something. core.item_pickup is actually useful if you overwrite it
18:21 Desour to do a global (=for all items) callback before the itemdef's callback is called
18:21 Desour => maximum versatility
18:22 Krock that makes sense I guess
18:22 Desour but that's also achievable then by overwriting on_punch
18:22 Desour I think I had just misunderstood you then, sorry ^^
18:23 Krock no problem. I might've not expressed myself that well
18:26 Krock I think you could also omit the "inventory" parameter if you work with ItemStack return values
18:26 Krock i.e. let __builtin:item's on_punch handle the return value and add to the inventory accordingly
18:27 Desour the inventory thing is actually some more benefit of the item_pickup. you don't need a fake player
18:27 Krock that would also be consistent with other callbacks, such as on_rightclick and on_place
18:27 Desour edit: oh nevermind, the hitter is in ...
18:28 Krock on_pickup = function(itemstack, picker),    and we're back to the common format
18:29 Desour returning an item in the callback makes sense, I guess
18:30 Desour is function(itemstack,picker,...) also ok? it's still shares the common format in its first part
18:32 Desour imagine a stinging nettle that damages you if you pick it up from the wrong angle
18:32 Desour or some sensible item that breaks if you attack it with a weapon
18:34 Krock sure
18:34 Desour *fragile, not sensible
18:36 sfan5 @appguru can 12353 be renamed to be more descriptive
18:36 sfan5 something like "Fix acceleration to use the correct formula"
18:37 appguru joined #minetest-dev
18:37 MTDiscord <luatic> sure
18:38 Krock > #11885
18:38 ShadowBot -- Add unittests for item movement code by savilli
18:38 Krock could someone please have a look at this and review?
18:39 Krock I'd like to bring in the callback execution order fix at least before xmas if possible
18:39 sfan5 I believe I have a review request on that already
18:39 Krock yes, but after three rebases and some fixes it would be great to have a look at it again
18:40 Desour appguru: suggestion for title: "Use Heun's method for position calculation instead of explicit euler"
18:40 appguru Desour: Any mention of Euler vs. Runge-Kutta/"Heun" is too technical IMO
18:40 Krock "Use more accurate acceleration calculation" would do the job just fine. I don't think many people know what these terms mean
18:42 Desour Or "Use 2nd order instead of 1st order approximation"
18:42 appguru well, it's not just more accurate - the formula is theoretically 100% correct now, although practically float imprecisions will OFC still lead to a negligible error
18:42 Krock there's nothing more on the meeting page. I assume it's the time for regular dev discussions now
18:54 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
19:07 sfan5 I hope we can get 5.6.1 done soon
19:12 sfan5 I guess I could prepare a backports branch in the next few days
19:12 MTDiscord <MisterE> Hey, something seems to have changed with 5.7 dev, where minetest.get_mod_storage now required the mod name to be passed to it. Is this intentional? It will break most mods out there. If it is intentional, shouldn't it accept no argument if called from within the mod for to which the storage belongs?
19:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> minetest.get_mod_storage() <- as such, now crashes
19:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> with "bad argument #1 to 'get_mod_storage' (string expected, got no value)"
19:13 ShadowBot -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome
19:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> stop it shadowbot :{
19:14 MTDiscord <MisterE> it doesnt crash when I pass the mod name
19:15 sfan5 as always: open an issue
19:17 Krock
19:17 Krock ^ responsible change
19:19 Krock interesting. the unit test for that is still pending because it's mixed into a different PR
19:19 sfan5 well no, the change is not responsible
19:19 sfan5 @MisterE is running a broken build
19:19 sfan5 builtin is older than the binary
19:19 MTDiscord <MisterE> oh thank you
19:19 MTDiscord <MisterE> that was it
19:27 Zughy[m] can we see some of these <del>closed</del> discussed? ?
19:35 Desour ^ regarding the "closed": you do know that nobody is helped by just rejecting changes, and that minetest won't get more contributions if there's a super toxic, dismissive and pedantic atmosphere, right?
19:35 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:38 Zughy[m] what you call "toxic" I call it "respectful". Is anyone paid in here? No. Do we want to go back to the huge bottleneck with people complaining and nothing really happening? No. There is a roadmap, if people don't want to follow it, they assume the risk to have their PRs rejected. Also because they're explicitly warned when opening a PR
19:40 Zughy[m] also because according to comments, something like #12517 is not going very far
19:40 ShadowBot -- Let cmake support automatic search of irrlichtmt installed in msys environment by Pevernow
19:45 hmmmm I don't think that any PRs that genuinely add value should be 'closed', because the changes might not be 100% perfect, or they might not fit in with what minetest needs *right now*, but that doesn't mean it should go down into a memory hole
19:46 hmmmm the reason why PR closings are so aggressive these days is a side effect of the sheer volume and complete disorder if they are left open
19:47 hmmmm too bad there's no "maybe later" tag D:
19:55 sfan5 I tend to agree but what practical value is there to keeping something open if there are no concrete plans to do anything to it?
19:57 Desour I didn't want to say that one shouldn't close any PR. But the number of open PRs is definitely not the real bottleneck in development speed, it's rather the available coredev time. And as you said, nobody is paid here (well, at least as good as nobody), this includes contributors. Having high-quality PR lying around that does not "follow" the roadmap doesn't slow others down following the roadmap. And contributors kinda don't care about the roadmap,
19:57 Desour they do stuff that *they* want to be changed, for themselves, because nobody else will. A "maybe later" tag like hmmmm suggested would be nice to have, but it's only applicable for large features.
19:57 hmmmm sometimes you don't know the practical value of something until much later on D:
19:59 hmmmm I guess this is where minetest 'hits the wall' or so to speak.  the linux kernel gets around this by having corporate sponsorships and paid developers, because it has utility far beyond fun vidya gamez
20:00 hmmmm too bad that one guy who wanted to sponsor minetest dev to turn it into a viable educational product isn't around anymore.  if we could find somebody like that...
20:00 hmmmm I want to spend time working on MT again so bad too, but I have to be honest with myself when there are too many other prior committments
20:00 Desour Anyway, don't just reject something before enough people have looked at it. I.e. let enough core devs express their uninterested-ness before closing
20:01 sfan5 Desour: inactive but open PRs are in the way everytime someone looks at the list and the canonical way to have things disappear from the list is closing them
20:01 hmmmm ye I agree, one core dev is not going to understand how everything can fit into the roadmap
20:02 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
20:02 rubenwardy [21:00] <Desour> let enough core devs express their uninterested-ness before closing
20:02 rubenwardy That's what we do in meetings
20:02 rubenwardy Or should be doing
20:02 Desour for inactive PRs we have the 30 days rule, which should work fine imo
20:02 Krock even though you can wait 30 days, it might simply be forgotten
20:03 Krock rather than neglected entirely
20:03 sfan5 I used 'inactive' as a shorthand for 'PR that is not planned to be merged anytime soon' here
20:04 Desour ah, well then 'inactive' could use the "maybe later" tag
20:06 rubenwardy If a PR isn't on the roadmap, it's labelled. PRs with the label are discussed during meetings, and then either marked as supported or closed
20:06 rubenwardy Or they can be marked as supported before then, to save time
20:08 Zughy[m] since you're all here, do you have time to discuss them?
20:09 Zughy[m] I'm just the secretary
20:09 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
20:10 Zughy[m] I'll just open it, let's see if someone has got time
20:10 Zughy[m] #12757 Add dynamic media without loading from disk
20:10 ShadowBot -- Add dynamic media without loading from disk by GoodClover
20:10 Desour rubenwardy: yes, sure. what I complained about was rather that one shouldn't go into such a discussion with the goal to close as much as possible, just to get them out of ones eyes, especially for new PRs, because that would be dismissive, imo
20:11 sfan5 most of the PRs in the list I'd put down as maybe
20:11 sfan5 (including this one e.g.)
20:11 sfan5 all in all it's not that many and IMO if a dev has time right now it's better spent looking at any of the "One approval" PRs which there are more of
20:15 sfan5 but don't want to discuss this now
20:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:48 MTDiscord <MisterE> so why does escaping not work anymore for textures?  even the example given in the api docs: cobble.png^[lowpart:50:color.png\^[mask\:trans.png causes a crash with: "invalid escape sequence near 'cobble.png^[lowpart:50:color.png'"
20:49 Desour have you tried escaping the \? "\^" isn't valid lua
20:50 Desour ("\\")
20:52 MTDiscord <MisterE> what?
20:52 MTDiscord <MisterE> this is in a string
20:52 MTDiscord <MisterE> there is no ? in there
20:52 Desour the `\` I mean
20:53 Desour did you write "cobble.png^[lowpart:50:color.png\^[mask\:trans.png" ?
20:53 Desour because that should be "cobble.png^[lowpart:50:color.png\\^[mask\\:trans.png"
20:53 MTDiscord <MisterE> I wrote what I pasted above
20:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> cobble.png^[lowpart:50:color.png^[mask:trans.png
20:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> aaah
20:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> it is being un escaped for me
20:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> by discord
20:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> cobble.png^[lowpart:50:color.png\^[mask\:trans.png
20:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> does that show the escapes?
20:55 MTDiscord <GoodClover> "cobble.png^[lowpart:50:color.png\\^[mask\\:trans.png", or use [[]] strings to only have to use one \
20:55 MTDiscord <MisterE> ok, why?
20:56 Desour ahh, discord is doing weird, non-plain-text, things
20:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> and it works, but why are the api docs wrong?
20:56 MTDiscord <GoodClover> "\^" is a Lua escape, we want the backslash to stay for the texmod parser to see. So "\\^"
20:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> grr
20:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> some mention should be made about that in the api
20:56 MTDiscord <GoodClover> Just use [[]], makes like easier.
20:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> totally non-intuitive
22:25 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
22:35 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
23:27 Zughy[m] MisterE: it takes less time to fill in a PR to fix #12759 than opening a issue about it with a debatable name ?
23:27 ShadowBot -- DOCS:
23:27 Zughy[m] *an issue
23:34 MTDiscord <Jonathon> done
23:45 MTDiscord <MisterE> well, thx, you're right. But I consider it a hassle to fork minetest, open a branch, run into some problem, figure it out, and make the PR. I didnt consider doing it on the web, that would have been super easy.

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