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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-10-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
00:15 proller joined #minetest-dev
00:25 Zughy[m] I don't understand why it only affects Android but thank you savilli, it worked
00:36 MTDiscord <savilli> Because android is the most different setup
00:37 MTDiscord <savilli> It could affect everything except Android, but you would notice it and do smth sooner ofc
02:07 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:25 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
05:53 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
07:02 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
08:24 sfan5 bad param2 means what?
08:32 pgimeno joined #minetest-dev
08:43 appguru joined #minetest-dev
09:44 olliy joined #minetest-dev
11:38 appguru joined #minetest-dev
12:37 appguru joined #minetest-dev
13:32 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
13:39 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:57 appguru joined #minetest-dev
16:12 beanzilla joined #minetest-dev
16:17 beanzilla joined #minetest-dev
16:23 MTDiscord <savilli> It means > 5 for wallmounted nodes
16:26 appguru joined #minetest-dev
16:26 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Seems like it would be nice if MT just always defined sane behavior for those things, like "treat any value >5 as if it's 0" or "treat all values as mod 6" or something.  At least, better than "crash, but only on certain platforms".
16:26 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Is there an Issue for it?
16:29 schwarzwald[m] What if we documented it as undefined behavior so it would be clear values > 5 had no meaning? Is defining the behavior worth it?
16:31 rubenwardy it should not crash if the value >5, no need to define it
16:31 MTDiscord <savilli> The server shouldn't be able to trigger UB in the client. I'll fix it.
16:32 schwarzwald[m] Oh, that point is hard to dispute. :|
16:32 MTDiscord <savilli> Does anyone use "mesh cache" feature? It's disabled if smooth lighting is enabled, and smooth lighting is enabled by default.
16:33 rubenwardy btw: by defined/undefined behaviour, we're talking about the Lua API. Not C++
16:34 rubenwardy the server not sending invalid param2 would fix this for older clients, but it should probably be fixed in the client too
16:35 MTDiscord <Warr1024> What does the "mesh cache" feature do?  I've got a client that's been getting like 2fps since 5.6 and I've been looking for some kind of config changes that would speed it up; would disabling smooth lighting improve that?
16:38 MTDiscord <savilli> Well, it "caches" meshes. The engine can either recalculate normals and bounding box every time you see a mesh, or calculate it on loading and store the mesh in the cache.
16:38 MTDiscord <savilli> The feature looks very old and not popular. I wonder if I should fix it or just remove it.
16:41 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Is this just for mesh nodes, or does it speed up entity initialization too?  I think my problem seems most strongly correlated with scenes that have a lot of ents.
16:41 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Like I guess I don't know whether it's specific to certain kinds of meshes, like mapblock meshes, node meshes, or ent meshes...
16:41 MTDiscord <savilli> It's only for mesh nodes
16:42 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Odd that it would be tied to smooth lighting
16:42 MTDiscord <savilli> Because you can't cache a mesh with smooth lighting
16:42 MTDiscord <savilli> You need to change it every time
16:42 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I thought you'd need to change it every time with unsmooth lighting too.
16:42 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I can try turning off smooth lighting and see if it makes any difference, at least.
16:43 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If it does then I might argue that we try to keep the feature, but if not (which seems likely) then yeah, it might not be worth keeping.
16:43 MTDiscord <savilli> You also need to enable mesh cache in advanced settings
16:43 rubenwardy test the performance improvement, and remove if it doesn't improve performance and does cause issues
16:43 rubenwardy it's disabled by default?
16:44 MTDiscord <savilli> Yes
16:44 rubenwardy sounds like a removal candidate :)
16:44 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Remove it if it doesn't improve anything, regardless of whether it causes issues.  Existing is itself at least a minor issue, and a feature needs to justify its existence to counterbalance that.
16:44 rubenwardy true
16:45 rubenwardy we could do with a suite of benchmarks
16:45 MTDiscord <savilli> I feel I have too high-end hardware to test that. Maybe it does for someone.
16:45 MTDiscord <Warr1024> lemme check the settings involved and try configuring my currently-pathologically-performing client and see what happens...
16:45 rubenwardy the benchmark suite could then run on people's computers, and we could have CI set up for it running on different hardware
16:45 rubenwardy extended
16:46 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If you want low-end hardware, just run my minetestcast client, which wraps an MT client, ffmpeg and Xvfb in a docker container for automated livestreaming.  Basically no 3D acceleration support, and the sandboxing seems not so nice for the CPU either...
16:46 MTDiscord <Warr1024> which settings are involved in this?
16:46 rubenwardy I think our low end hardware target should be the RPI 4
16:46 rubenwardy or an Android phone
16:47 MTDiscord <savilli> Interesting that smooth lighting is disabled for android by default
16:47 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I found smooth_lighting = false and enable_mesh_cache = true ... is that enough to enable it?
16:47 MTDiscord <savilli> Yup
16:48 rubenwardy is enable_mesh_cache still disabled on Android though?
16:48 MTDiscord <savilli> Looks like so
16:48 rubenwardy for a benchmark suite, you probably want low end, mid, high end, and old.  And different platforms
16:48 schwarzwald[m] Related to system requirements, are we planning to bump the Irrlicht C++ standard to C++14? I thought we already did this for Minetest proper, or am I forgetting?
16:49 rubenwardy that would be allowed
16:49 rubenwardy as we already require C++14 for Minetest
16:51 MTDiscord <savilli> When you use C++21 on regular basic, C++14 feels extremely old
16:52 rubenwardy C++17 is when it starts to feel almost like a good language
16:52 rubenwardy almost
16:52 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Performance improvements, if present, aren't dramatic enough to be definitely noticeable.  I'd say it's well within the massive margin of error of my methodology.
16:52 rubenwardy [DELETE]
16:52 rubenwardy when was it added, and by who?
16:53 rubenwardy !title
16:53 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Add option to enable mesh caching, add wallmounted for meshes. · minetest/minetest@dd4c21c · GitHub
16:53 rubenwardy looks like it was enabled by default to start with
16:53 rubenwardy and then disabled here
16:53 rubenwardy !title
16:53 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Disable mesh cache by default · minetest/minetest@b2160bc · GitHub
16:54 schwarzwald[m] I'd like to remove the reference counter in Irrlicht and replace it with RAII resource management, but it looks like it's not an easy thing to do.
16:54 rubenwardy #2597
16:54 ShadowBot -- Disable mesh cache by default by est31
16:55 MTDiscord <Warr1024> There are few things in compsci more universal and consistent than the answer to whether caching improves performance:  "oh geez, maybe?  Like, it probably depends on a lot of factors..."
16:55 rubenwardy > this doesn't affect FPS at all, only mesh generation, which happens in another thread.
16:56 rubenwardy ok so I guess you need to check the meshgen profiler, rather than FPS differences
16:56 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Yeah, though if you've got tight enough CPU constraints, then the meshgen thread could start colliding with the drawing one
16:56 MTDiscord <Warr1024> In my case, though, I doubt this is happening.
16:56 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I guess I'll revert my settings changes and conclude "it didn't help, at least for me."
16:56 rubenwardy given that it's obscure and off by default, I doubt anyone is using it
16:57 MTDiscord <Warr1024> sounds like an excellent candidate for the axe
16:57 MTDiscord <savilli> It was implemented with mesh nodes
16:58 MTDiscord <Warr1024> The last time I saw meshgen as a significant performance bottleneck, I had an even bigger bottleneck caused by a PCI video card.
17:05 rubenwardy Minetest has way too many settings
17:05 rubenwardy settings increase complexity and make it harder to find bugs
17:05 rubenwardy would be good to question a bit more before adding a setting
17:06 schwarzwald[m] Are there any thoughts on the Irrlicht reference counter?
17:06 rubenwardy RAII would be a good idea. Question is whether it's worth the effort over other things, such as getting SDL in or moving from Irrlicht in general
17:07 rubenwardy using shared_ptr in IGUIElement would be nice
17:07 rubenwardy I never know whether I should ->drop()
17:19 MTDiscord <Warr1024> More settings are fine as long as people don't actually USE them.  Settings to disable features that are on by default are fine, as long as you investigate why people are turning things off if they should normally be on.  Settings to enable some obscure feature are probably a suggestion that either the feature should be removed, or the default setting changed.
17:21 hmmmm [01:05 PM] <rubenwardy> Minetest has way too many settings                    aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh going the way of firefox and dumbing down the interface
17:21 hmmmm remove options at your own peril
17:22 MTDiscord <savilli> hmmmm: maybe you know smth about mesh cache?
17:22 hmmmm what about it?
17:22 MTDiscord <savilli> Why does it exist and can we remove it?
17:23 hmmmm because uploading meshes to the gpu is a performance bottleneck, i'm sure somebody mentioned this above
17:23 hmmmm (i haven't read the convo fully)
17:24 MTDiscord <savilli> Then why is it disabled by default?
17:24 hmmmm it is???
17:24 MTDiscord <savilli> Yup
17:24 hmmmm that's closed not merged...
17:25 hmmmm and it's from 2015
17:25 MTDiscord <savilli> That's a trick, it was merged
17:25 MTDiscord <savilli> Yeah, it was disabled in 2015
17:25 hmmmm oh was this before github allowed for fast forward merges?
17:26 MTDiscord <savilli> No clue about that
17:26 hmmmm i don't know if i was around MT during this time so i can't recall this debate very well
17:26 hmmmm the bottleneck was worst on intel integrated gpus
17:27 hmmmm see if you remove it right now you're going to harm performanse the worst on the platform it was intended for
17:27 Krock hello hmmmm. it's been a while :)
17:27 hmmmm celeron made this specifically to run on intel GMA
17:27 hmmmm hi krock
17:28 hmmmm like do you know how linux and such used to run great on older computers
17:28 hmmmm but then they started REMOVING shit
17:28 Krock with the rather recent shader additions, quite a few Intel driver bugs unrevealed
17:28 hmmmm maybe separate it out of core somehow
17:28 hmmmm but remove italtogether?  god no
17:28 hmmmm ask celeron55
17:30 Desour joined #minetest-dev
17:47 Desour schwarzwald[m]: irrlicht's IReferenceCounted doesn't hinder raii, you just have to use irr_ptr. (it might even be a bit faster than shared_ptr, i.e. because it's not thread-safe)
18:23 rubenwardy The mesh cache is disabled by default and there's been a few tests that show it doesn't make a difference to performance - but does impact memory usage. There's no point keeping around features with no benefit and no users
18:26 rubenwardy If tests do show it makes a difference, then it should be disabled
18:26 Desour enabled*
18:26 Desour ?
18:30 rubenwardy Yes
18:53 rubenwardy [18:27] <+hmmmm> celeron made this specifically to run on intel GMA
18:53 rubenwardy celeron55 made this over 10 years ago, it's ok to update min requirements (and he has suggested this)
19:15 hmmmm isn't there the 0.3.x MT fork still?  how well maintained is it?
19:16 MTDiscord <Jonathon> yes, its dead, if we are thinking of the same one
19:17 rubenwardy Voxeland died about 4 years ago iirc
19:20 hmmmm so what does somebody do when they have a low end vintage computer they want to play a low-resource voxel game on?
19:20 hmmmm you can't even install linux on vintage computers now because the drivers had been yanked out, so you're stuck with unmaintained branches with unpatched vulns
19:21 hmmmm same story with firefox
19:21 hmmmm and somebody can always checkout an older version and compile that..... right???
19:21 hmmmm right??
19:25 MisterE[m] you can always checkout stable-4 or something
19:28 rubenwardy The thing is that continuing to support ancient devices is limiting our ability to make the experience good for those with a recent device
19:30 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I think we all agree that supporting older devices is something we all want to do, but people have very widely varying ideas of how much older.
19:31 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Like, we've got some people who are on 10 to 15 year old computers, but then some others who are like "your machine is from 2020?  Dude, why haven't you upgraded yet?!"
19:32 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I really appreciate that MT continues to work smoothly on machines from 2010 ... but once we're talking like machines from 2005 or something, then I start to get impressed the thing can even POST, and stop expecting to find software that actually runs on it...
19:32 rubenwardy I believe we decided on a cutoff of high end 12 years ago
19:32 rubenwardy Which was 2010
19:33 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Hmm, that seems fine, but I guess that means I've only got about 2 more years worth of Minetest left 😅
19:42 MisterE[m] <MTDiscord> "<Warr1024> Hmm, that seems fine,..." <- well, its not guranteed to stop working then.
20:00 schwarzwald[m] <Desour> "schwarzwald: irrlicht's IReferen..." <- I need to invoke `drop` at some point, and I'd rather use STL types to keep Irrlicht more focused on graphics and not on maintaining its own shared pointer implementation.
20:01 schwarzwald[m] My current thought is to introduce a wrapper object that calls `drop` on the resource after it goes out of scope, so that I can introduce nicer lifetime management gradually instead of having to make huge changes all at once.
20:01 Desour as I said, use irr_ptr
20:02 Desour it calls drop
20:02 schwarzwald[m] > rather use STL types
20:02 Desour unique_ptr with a deleter that calls drop would probably also work, but it wouldn't be copyable
20:03 schwarzwald[m] My current interface uses a `unique_ptr` and just doesn't call `drop`. As far as I can tell there are no ill effects of not calling `drop` except that Irrlicht will think it wasn't freed.
20:04 schwarzwald[m] Optimally I'd rather not have multiple owners of a resource if I can avoid it, hence `unique_ptr`.
20:05 schwarzwald[m] If I need to pass it somewhere non-owning I'll just pass the raw pointer.
20:07 Desour one problem is that currently raw ptrs are passed and you don't know if the callee takes ownership
20:08 schwarzwald[m] Yes, that is indeed a problem.
20:08 Desour using unique_ptrs where it makes sense is probably a good thing in the long run, but if you want to do gradual changes, irr_ptr is easier. (and performance-wise the refcounter is probably not that big of a problem)
20:09 schwarzwald[m] I added a new method instead of changing the interface of the old one, so I can introduce the unique_ptr strat in one place at a time.
20:09 schwarzwald[m] Maybe I should focus on that rn instead of trying to refactor the OBJ mesh loader, which was my original purpose. I get distracted easily, haha.
20:09 Desour we should move irr_ptr to the irrlicht repo btw.
20:09 schwarzwald[m] irr_ptr isn't in the irrlicht repo?
20:10 Desour no, it's from minetest
20:11 Desour > I get distracted         I know that feeling when you see raw ptrs everywhere near the code you touch, then you replace them with smart ptrs, and never come to an end
20:11 schwarzwald[m] What actually happens if I just call the destructor and don't drop it from the reference counter? As I mentioned, I do that in my test suite, and it seems to just work.
20:12 rubenwardy potentially a double free
20:12 Desour just deleting is fine, iff the thing is referenced nowhere else.
20:13 rubenwardy unique_ptr and shared_ptr have different semantics, don't abuse a unique_ptr where a shared_ptr would make more sense
20:13 schwarzwald[m] Desour: Somewhere way back where this all started, I'm still trying to fix the memory leak Coverity detected lol.
20:15 Desour oh, can I get a link to more info about the leak?
20:15 schwarzwald[m] It claims the mesh buffer allocated in SObjMtl (temporary struct object in the OBJ loader) is getting leaked.
20:16 schwarzwald[m] When I looked at it, it looked like the meshbuffer ownership gets transferred to the Mesh object, and way later the Mesh object correctly frees the meshbuffer, but of course who knows where all that pointer ends up and what happens to it inbetween.
20:18 Desour i see
20:19 schwarzwald[m] Also unclear from that how serious a leak that would be. I assume not very serious, or we would've already tried to fix it.
20:19 schwarzwald[m] But I like trying to fix stuff.
20:21 schwarzwald[m] I'd like to push something small, but I have to figure out what exactly is small enough to be harmless and easy to review, but big enough to actually be something worthwhile.
20:23 schwarzwald[m] I guess I need to limit the scope of the change to just introducing the `unique_ptr` or something.
20:25 Desour I'd just use smart ptrs for everything in the whole file (+header), then adjust other code to use the new interface by calling .release() (for createMesh())
20:26 Desour => limited in scope to file, enough of a change, because it's a whole file
20:27 schwarzwald[m] The reason I added a new method instead of changing the old one is that I didn't want to change all the other mesh loaders at once. xD
20:27 schwarzwald[m] But maybe I should.
20:27 schwarzwald[m] That would require changing the method signature in the base class as well as all mesh loader implementations at once.
20:27 schwarzwald[m] = more work, and I already am spending too much time on this lol
20:28 Desour createMesh() isn't called in minetest. and the compiler will show you all code instances that you need to change
20:31 schwarzwald[m] True, maybe there won't be very many.
20:32 schwarzwald[m] The tricky part might be figuring out where ownership of the Mesh gets transferred in the rest of the code. xD
20:32 schwarzwald[m] But that should be possible with a little investigating.
20:33 schwarzwald[m] I guess I should remove my test suite for now? I was just starting it and it hardly tests anything at this point, + adding a dependency.
20:34 schwarzwald[m] I went and made an in-memory implementation of IReadFile so that I could write OBJ data in source code and pass it as a "file" to the loader. :(
20:40 Desour btw. FYI, you can't just use a unique_ptr for SObjMtl::Meshbuffer, as it's grabbed by the mesh and also owned in the Materials irr::array
20:40 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
20:41 Desour if you want to add irr_ptr to irrlicht without causing API or ABI compatibility, you can put it inside the irr namespace, and later do using irr_ptr = irr::irr_ptr; in minetest
20:43 schwarzwald[m] Ah, no, I'm using the unique_ptr for the Mesh object currently.
20:44 schwarzwald[m] I was thinking I might change the design of SObjMtl entirely because I didn't understand why it was done that way. That's why I started writing tests so I could start from scratch.
20:45 schwarzwald[m] i.e. maybe do away with SObjMtl completely
20:45 schwarzwald[m] The createMesh function is over 200 lines or something, which seems a little overkill.
21:35 Desour joined #minetest-dev
22:35 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
22:49 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
22:52 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:16 proller joined #minetest-dev

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