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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2023-03-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:42 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
00:47 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
00:51 Guest64 joined #minetest-dev
00:58 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
01:02 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
01:36 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
01:51 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
02:03 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
02:58 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
03:00 srifqi Hello, can #13187 be reviewed and included in 5.7.0? It is highly requested fixes/improvements in my view.
03:00 ShadowBot -- Place nodes with single tap on Android (+ bugfix) by grorp
03:40 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
03:43 dzho joined #minetest-dev
03:43 dzho joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:54 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
05:57 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
07:03 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
08:22 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
08:50 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
08:55 vampirefrog joined #minetest-dev
09:29 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
13:45 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:30 Zughy[m] Meeting reminder, today at 18:00 UTC
14:34 proller maybe its time to speak again about ?
14:45 Goobax[m] joined #minetest-dev
16:44 sfan5 no
18:04 Krock currently busy. will begin a meeting at latest in 30 minutes unless someone else would like to begin
18:07 Zughy[m] I could but it's way better to wait for the core dev
18:08 Zughy[m] oh, never mind, there is only one point: rubenwardy Desour
18:09 rubenwardy !dev Meetings
18:09 ShadowBot Meetings - Minetest Developer Wiki --
18:10 Zughy[m] -> Current roadmap evaluation and draft of the next one
18:11 Zughy[m] Current:
18:11 Zughy[m] Issues with suggestions (summary):
18:11 Zughy[m] *issue
18:13 Zughy[m] for sure there was no focus on 2.4 at all (Object and entity improvements), entities are still broken as they used to be
18:14 rubenwardy yeah, graphics far exceeded my expectations,  UI was eh, object and entity improvements wasn't really done at all
18:15 Zughy[m] 2.3: no formspec replacement on sight (v-rob often disappears) and the mainmenu is still waiting for the settings window PR, which makes possible a soft transition
18:18 Zughy[m] I agree with rubenwardy about graphics, I can't tell about code refactoring
18:19 Zughy[m] also, as someone who's not a core dev, I must say it's really nice to see all these bugfixes lately ❤️
18:22 rubenwardy <3
18:22 rubenwardy it's taking a while, but minetest is getting better - just need infinite time
18:22 rubenwardy Anyway - we can agree that something is a priority but that doesn't necessarily correlate to it being worked on
18:23 Zughy[m] like SSCSM?
18:23 rubenwardy when it comes to huge projects, maybe we need to be able to make plans involving multiple people on how it can be done and merged
18:24 rubenwardy for the main menu redesign, maybe we need a staging branch where multiple people can work on adding to it without needing it to be 100% done before merge
18:24 rubenwardy or maybe there could be builtin/mainmenu2
18:24 Zughy[m] for the main menu, we should agree on a concept first
18:25 Zughy[m] as someone who has tried to make a mockup, I can assure you it takes a lot of time, and seeing these mockups ending into the Minetest void.... eh
18:27 rubenwardy there's too many opinions and not enough action, we need a decision from key people
18:27 rubenwardy I don't think your design is perfect, but I think it's a good starting place for iteration
18:28 Zughy[m] Definitely not perfect
18:30 Zughy[m] I think "key people" should be artists, same logic behind devs making decisions about code
18:31 Zughy[m] designers mostly
18:32 rubenwardy UX designers and user researchers are the skills needed in this area
18:33 nrz a question about main menu, i saww design in the past year, none has been approved/merged ?
18:33 nrz the one with the main menu left and the content righjt was pretty ghood
18:33 nrz good
18:33 rubenwardy I disagree, that design doesn't say anything about games
18:34 rubenwardy Zughy's design is basically celeron55's proposal from years ago, fleshed out a bit more
18:35 Zughy[m] nrz: see here
18:36 Zughy[m] rubenwardy's settings PR is basically following my proposal
18:41 Zughy[m] so I guess we can keep point 2.3 also for the next roadmap?
18:41 rubenwardy > We want to promote the fact that Minetest is based around games to users, so any design will need to make selecting a game to be an explicit choice, ideally with a fullpage game selector with cover art like you'd see in Steam. Separating games also allows each game to customise their section
18:41 rubenwardy User interfaces and mainmenu (2.3) definitely needs to be on the next roadmap
18:45 rubenwardy bad design often comes from bad requirements
18:45 Zughy[m] I guess code refactoring as well, considering that sfan wants to merge Irrlicht into MT eventually?
18:46 rubenwardy arguably code refactoring shouldn't be covered by the roadmap, it's an ongoing goal. Irrlicht stuff is also in the graphics goal
18:50 rubenwardy Anyway, we need to delay 5.7.0 release - next weekend I guess?
18:51 MTDiscord <x2048> What's left in 5.7.0?
18:53 rubenwardy
18:55 MTDiscord <x2048> I guess, translations, credits and protocol bump are part of release process.
18:55 Desour joined #minetest-dev
18:58 Krock sorry. it took longer than I anticipated. from what I can tell the 5.7.0 milestone is looking pretty good
18:59 Krock although #13290 needs clarification where to put the file
18:59 ShadowBot -- Privacy policy draft by Charleston314
18:59 rubenwardy It needs to go on the website because it's about online services and not tied to a release
19:00 Krock i.e. a PR for ?
19:00 rubenwardy Yeah
19:00 rubenwardy I was planning to pick this up soon
19:00 Desour hi, I'm now also here, sry for being late
19:01 Krock that's great to hear
19:01 Krock (for both messages)
19:03 MTDiscord <x2048> I'm getting my PRs finished and a few are ready to merge (for 5.7.0) (except #13340)
19:03 ShadowBot -- Return shadow_sky_body_orbit_tilt setting by x2048
19:04 Krock I'm quickly testing #13339 before merging them in bulk
19:04 ShadowBot -- Move rendering engine reset after deletion of game objects by x2048
19:05 MTDiscord <x2048> I'm making fixes in 13340, it was approved a bit too early, there are comments from sfan5
19:06 Krock Zughy[m]: I think sfan removed the approval from #13339 because usually implicit approvals by the author are not counted in
19:06 ShadowBot -- Move rendering engine reset after deletion of game objects by x2048
19:07 Krock at least not for labels
19:07 MTDiscord <x2048> It's difficult to track either way
19:09 MTDiscord <Flamore> is there a milestone for 5.8.0 underway?
19:09 Krock there is one
19:09 MTDiscord <x2048> Yes,
19:10 Krock will merge #13341 #13338 #13332 #13240 #13181 and #13339  in 10 minutes
19:10 ShadowBot -- Remove obsolete rendering core init code. by x2048
19:10 ShadowBot -- Move drawing of wield tool into HUD step of the pipeline by x2048
19:10 ShadowBot -- Fix server-side formspec state keeping issue by luk3yx
19:10 ShadowBot -- Various smaller lua_api documentation updates by Wuzzy2
19:10 ShadowBot -- Clarify documentation of inventory actions by Wuzzy2
19:10 ShadowBot -- Move rendering engine reset after deletion of game objects by x2048
19:12 Krock @x2048 : how come the wielded tool was not drawn before everything else? I thought that was in the code for the longest time already
19:13 Krock must be some kind of regression I think?
19:14 Desour the wield tool used to be drawn after a z-buffer clear, see also linked commit in x2048's 2nd comment
19:15 Krock after opening git blame I now found the same thing
19:15 Desour Krock: wait with merging 13338 a little pls
19:15 Krock okay
19:22 Krock merging the others....
19:23 MTDiscord <x2048> I'm done with 13340, a quick look would be nice.
19:24 Zughy[m] core devs: thoughts about the roadmap?
19:25 rubenwardy Replying to the issue is on my to do liat
19:26 Krock done. such with new comments were skipped
19:27 Desour joined #minetest-dev
19:36 Krock tbh I currently don't care much about the roadmap, hence no input on that
19:37 MTDiscord <GoodClover> The (now merged) PR 13240 added a spelling mistake on like 7000. > anoter_key = "Another Value",
19:37 MTDiscord <GoodClover> *line
19:39 Desour who knows, maybe that's intended. if you want as modder that the meta field key will never be used by the engine, use spelling mistakes
19:40 Krock feel free to open a PR about this if it triggers your OCD
19:40 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> now probably isnt the time but I suggest #12764 go on the 5.8 roadmap
19:40 ShadowBot -- Sound refactor and improvements by Desour
19:41 Krock (although one-liner PRs are kinda pointless. at least change relevant stuff)
19:43 Krock when did that PR get to tremendously large?
19:43 Krock nvm it already started like that
19:47 rubenwardy yeah, it reduced in size when some things were split off
19:48 rubenwardy the camera api would be good to have for 5.8 as well
19:51 Desour the most prioritized thing should be sscsm imo, as so many things depend on it, or are easier to do with it. i.e. you wouldn't have to implement server handles for cameras, ropes, or any other thing you add
19:51 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
19:51 Desour and it would enable so much dehardcoding. i.e. we could move most of game.cpp to lua builtin and let mods override it (e.g. movement, footstep sounds, digging behaviour, ...)
20:11 MTDiscord <x2048> Desour: I've moved drawing of wield mesh into a dedicated step, before postfx (13338)
20:13 Desour testing...
20:23 Desour done.
20:26 MTDiscord <x2048> Thank you
20:30 MTDiscord <x2048> Merging #13338 now...
20:30 ShadowBot -- Move drawing of wield tool into a dedicated step of the pipeline by x2048
20:33 Desour_ joined #minetest-dev
20:52 Zughy[m] next meeting notice created
22:42 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
23:40 rubenwardy web#279
23:40 ShadowBot -- Add App Privacy Policy by rubenwardy

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