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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2023-04-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 sunsun joined #minetest-dev
00:09 proller_ joined #minetest-dev
00:16 andreeeeew_its_m joined #minetest-dev
00:16 andreeeeew_its_m you certainly care about the reason for this ban to justify such an action, you listened to only one version of the story (the one given by the Minetest team) and this needs to be called out. Moreover, it is written nowhere in your policies that a channel's ban evasion is against your policies, otherwise lots of people could be k-lined on the sole
00:18 andreeew_its_me joined #minetest-dev
00:19 last_try joined #minetest-dev
00:25 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
01:26 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
02:31 fsckparamat_ joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:34 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
05:09 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
05:32 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
05:47 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
07:44 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
08:30 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
09:16 Guest54 joined #minetest-dev
09:23 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
09:59 rubenwardy What's our compatibility policy on settings? Can formspec_default_by_color be removed? It's pretty pointless given that most formspecs in-game theme their backgrounds
10:00 Guest54 what's the advantage of removing it? simply less code or is there a security or performance issue?
10:01 rubenwardy less code and improved UX
10:01 rubenwardy alternatively, I can just hide it from the new settings menu
10:02 Guest54 you mean the advanced one?
10:03 rubenwardy
10:06 Guest54 ah that one
10:36 olliy joined #minetest-dev
11:24 olliy joined #minetest-dev
12:12 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
12:49 vampirefrog joined #minetest-dev
14:35 Desour joined #minetest-dev
14:41 Desour rubenwardy: I don't think we have a policy for removing existing settings. we don't try to keep backwards compat for them afaik, and some client visual settings (e.g. bumpmapping) have already been removed without replacement
14:42 Desour as for formspec_default_bg_color: I doubt many people use this. the only use-case I could think of is higher transparency to label[]s
14:42 Desour but I'd put the setting removal in a separate PR or commit
15:16 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
15:46 Fleckenstein joined #minetest-dev
16:13 Guest54 joined #minetest-dev
16:58 sfan5 imo we should also merge #12764 soon so it can be tested over the whole dev duration
16:58 ShadowBot -- Sound refactor and improvements by Desour
16:58 rubenwardy agreed
16:58 rubenwardy that's high on my list
16:59 Desour đź‘€
17:00 Desour you could merge #13415 first to make 12764 simpler
17:00 ShadowBot -- [NOSQUASH] Smart ptr stuff from sound refactor PR, and add make_irr by Desour
17:08 Fleckenstein joined #minetest-dev
17:30 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
17:35 appguru joined #minetest-dev
17:36 appguru Would anyone be opposed to me creating & maintaining a repo for semgrep rules (such as celeron55
17:36 rubenwardy does this need to be an official project?
17:37 appguru What would be the downsides to it being unofficial?
17:37 appguru official*
17:37 appguru Making it official would increase discoverability, at the risk of slightly cluttering the Minetest org
17:38 Guest54 i think semgrep rules for minetest should have the widest possible visiblity and endorsement. i already privately asked rubenwardy to add semgrep scanning to cdb since i found a lot of crashes with it a few days ago, but rubenwardy did not want more bloat.
17:38 appguru But I don't see why this shouldn't be centralized under the Minetest org
17:39 Guest54 the question is: is there any danger
17:39 Guest54 i mean, given the existing approach to code quality and understanding of boundaries and security issues differs extremely between contributors
17:40 Guest54 like would it lead to minetest as an org rejecting rules if coredevs believe it is “too far out” or so?
17:40 Guest54 or similarly, is there a danger of endorsing useless rules?
17:40 Guest54 appguru you can always start making it yourself and if it is any good donate it to the org
17:41 appguru we wouldn't want to many false positives and I already anticipate bikeshedding about rules, lol
17:41 appguru too many*
17:41 rubenwardy the risk is that it becomes our responsibility or another dead repo
17:41 appguru fair
17:41 Krock what's special about "irr_ptr", Desour ?
17:41 rubenwardy Irrlicht points use ->grab() and ->drop, irr_ptr does this automatically based on RAII
17:42 Krock shared_ptr would do that too
17:42 rubenwardy appguru: it's not a big deal though, I'd start it and then see how useful it could be
17:43 Krock ah I see. it's mainly for Irrlicht integration
17:43 Desour lua51 vs luajit compat isn't minetest-specific. it's also not complete (i.e. missing ULL number prefixes and similar). and I kinda doubt we want to maintain it
17:43 rubenwardy yeah, you can use a custom deleter/allocator iirc - but it's simpler to have a new irr_ptr type. Also, this already exists
17:43 rubenwardy irr_ptr already exists, this just adds a util for it
17:43 Guest54 Desour a rule does not need to be complete. it is supposed to find issues, not prove code correct.
17:44 Guest54 Desour semgrep rules work best for stuff where you have few false positives and next to no false negatives.
17:44 sfan5 it'd definitely be good to get the irr_ptr changes out of the PR
17:44 Desour Krock: shared_ptr allocates an (atomic) refcounter. IReferenceCounted classes have a (non-atomic) counter as member (via inheritance). irr_ptr counts this one
17:44 sfan5 because it'll be squashed
17:44 Guest54 for example, you can easily write a semgrep rule to find a double free in C.
17:44 appguru Desour: I don't think it's possible to write semgrep rules at a sub-token level
17:45 appguru But yes, Lua 5.1 vs LuaJIT compat isn't Minetest-specific
17:45 Krock at least for #13415 I don't see any issue with the changes, although the sound PR is still pretty large afterwards
17:45 ShadowBot -- [NOSQUASH] Smart ptr stuff from sound refactor PR, and add make_irr by Desour
17:45 appguru I believe that we'd get more rules for Minetest- than for Lua-specific things in the long run though
17:45 appguru E.g. each deprecation should have a semgrep rule added (if applicable)
17:47 Guest54 you could also add an autofix if you are enterprising
17:47 Guest54 i mean, if it is easy to fix
17:48 Guest54 appguru here, take this gem: but please credit me as the author if you commit it anywhere
17:49 Guest54 i found so many crashes using it
17:50 rubenwardy could try writing rules for
17:50 Guest54 i mean, technically i stopped verifying the crashes after the first few, since it is clear what happens without the nil check
17:50 appguru hmm
17:51 appguru rubenwardy: missing word: "you should make [sure] you check it before use"
17:51 Guest54 rubenwardy oh no i think i may have done an itemstack doo doo in my “harvest and replace” mod
17:52 rubenwardy appguru: damn, common mistake :'(
17:52 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
17:52 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
17:52 appguru hah
17:52 Guest54 ok so since semgrep is the topic at hand:
17:53 rubenwardy another one is when mods assume a puncher/placer/etc is a player
17:53 Guest54 also i suggest you all refrain from throwing all semgrep C/C++ rules at minetest engine, i already did that and it's too much fluff. better keep to domain-specific rules after you find a bug to fix that entire class of bugs.
17:53 rubenwardy anyway, I suggest making a repo, working on it until it's mvp, then maybe it can be transferred in
17:53 appguru Hmm. I think "Don’t Trust Formspec Submissions" can't really be implemented using semgrep. "Set ItemStacks After Changing Them" is probably possible. "Be Careful When Storing ObjectRefs" might also be possible, albeit limited.
17:53 appguru rubenwardy: sounds reasonable
17:54 Guest54 appguru you can have different confidence levels for results though
17:54 appguru yeah
17:55 rubenwardy there's also using chat_send_player in a chat command instead of return, and also assuming the player is online
17:55 Guest54 and i don't think it is unreasonable to check for stuff like minetest.set_player_privs() that it is inside a code block that checks for some privs if the privs are elevated
17:56 Guest54 rubenwardy there is so much comedy gold to be earned using a small investment of only a few semgrep rules
17:56 Guest54 imagine all the random crashes it might find
17:59 Guest54 rubenwardy so appguru claims to have had a DL script to download cdb and last time it killed the API. are you *sure* you want people to use the API instead of providing a tarball of all mods or so?
17:59 appguru (last time was 2021 tbf tho)
17:59 Guest54 yeah but was it a bug that got fixed
17:59 Desour merging #13415 in 5
17:59 ShadowBot -- [NOSQUASH] Smart ptr stuff from sound refactor PR, and add make_irr by Desour
18:01 rubenwardy that's because it went via the PYthon, I've fixed it so downloads are served directly by nginx
18:01 Guest54 well, then
18:01 rubenwardy I suggest only downloading the latest release for each mod
18:01 Guest54 appguru, release the kraken!
18:02 rubenwardy then you can tail /api/releases/ for new releases
18:02 Guest54 well, i am not interested in crashes in older releases anyway
18:02 Guest54 but it would be a good test case to figure out if the semgrep rules are any good
18:02 MTDiscord <Fleckenstein> why are downloads served by contentdb?
18:02 Guest54 hysterical raisins
18:02 MTDiscord <Fleckenstein> why doesn't it just store git links?
18:02 rubenwardy Fleckenstein: security, the client doesn't have git support and the download needs to be immutable
18:03 rubenwardy not all git hosts support direct download links
18:03 MTDiscord <Fleckenstein> sha sums exist
18:03 rubenwardy if they did, you could use a checksum to pin the version
18:03 rubenwardy but they don't
18:03 rubenwardy also, you don't need to use git
18:03 rubenwardy and some packages have a build/compilation step meaning you can't use the raw git repo
18:03 appguru1 joined #minetest-dev
18:04 MTDiscord <Fleckenstein> contentdb supports that?
18:04 rubenwardy yes
18:04 rubenwardy
18:04 MTDiscord <Fleckenstein> ah so it's not like it offers cloud builds tho
18:05 Desour a cool thing one could do is preprocess / build your mod in some way and upload the build artifact to cdb. this could also be done by a CI runner
18:05 rubenwardy yeah. RPG16 and nodecore do that
18:05 rubenwardy also that fennel game
18:06 appguru hmm so I think I found my scripts
18:06 appguru one scans CDB for dependency cycles, one counts licenses and the third counts file extensions after unpacking to a ramdisk
18:06 appguru can't seem to find the one that did the downloading lol
18:07 Guest54 in before wget --mirror
18:07 Guest54 maybe one of the first steps would be to put the scripts in a git repo
18:08 appguru my filesystem is a mess
18:08 MTDiscord <Fleckenstein> can recommend dust / ncdu
18:10 Guest20 joined #minetest-dev
18:17 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
18:17 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
18:19 rubenwardy How do you build with SDL now?
18:20 rubenwardy I've tried editing the option in Irrlicht's cmake and doing cmake . -DUSE_SDL2=1, but I'm still getting _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_SDL_DEVICE_ undefined
18:20 rubenwardy building with irrlicht at libs/irrlichtmt
18:20 rubenwardy *lib
18:21 Desour iirc _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_SDL_DEVICE_ is no longer used
18:21 Desour are you sure you're using irrlichtmt master?
18:22 sfan5 cmake also outputs whether it's building with sdl2 or not
18:23 rubenwardy I'll delete caches etc
18:23 nrz if SDL2 is sufficient stable, do you think we can consider a full switch and drop legacy backend ? (i don't know if it works well on android)
18:23 rubenwardy that's our plan
18:23 nrz perfect
18:24 rubenwardy _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_SDL_DEVICE_ is from my patch in minetest/minetest that's checking whether SDL is enabled. I still see it used in lib/irrlichtmt though, in CIrrDeviceSDL.cpp for example
18:25 rubenwardy I'm on "Use a buffer for quads indices"
18:26 sfan5 it's still used but you can't check the flag from outside
18:45 rubenwardy merging #13419 in 9.345 ± 10 minutes
18:45 ShadowBot -- Remove formspec_default_bg_color/opacity settings by rubenwardy
18:50 Guest54 > In practice, most games do theme their GUIs.
18:50 Guest54 rubenwardy did you actually check that using semgrep or something?
18:50 Guest54 i mean, i don't think you'd pull that out of thin air, i just wonder if it is the same as earlier “this is not used” assertions, i.e. “this is not used in stuff i know”
18:53 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:57 rubenwardy well, most games are MTG soups and MTG has a custom background and bgcolor
18:58 Guest54 in this case, i both retract my statement about pulling factoids out of thin air and assert the opposite and ask how such a rule could look like?
18:58 Guest54 after all, it is a code smell now to have none of that
18:59 rubenwardy not sure if you misread, this removes a setting it doesn't remove the default background
18:59 Guest54 uh, i think it implies that not setting a background is a problem, am i misunderstanding it?
19:00 Guest54 (i probably am)
19:16 rubenwardy was #12780 forgotten about?
19:16 ShadowBot -- Put server sound handles into userdata by Desour
19:18 Desour no
19:18 Desour it's separate
19:18 rubenwardy looks like it has changes from the mega PR though
19:19 Desour it basically does the client and main menu sound handle stuff for server sound handles
19:19 Desour the code is similar
19:19 Desour but duplicated
19:22 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
19:45 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
19:45 PrairieWind joined #minetest-dev
20:22 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
20:43 boldcoder55[m] joined #minetest-dev
20:44 boldcoder55[m] oopsie, k-line broken
20:45 boldcoder55[m] ping moonmoon
20:54 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
20:55 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:06 boldcoder55[m] moonmoon has turned to eclipse tonight? :(
21:09 boldcoder55[m] looking forward for the next k-line and how to get around it, I love challenges
21:12 Guest54 joined #minetest-dev
21:25 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> don't you have better things to do
21:28 Guest54 ROllerozxa i honestly think that a specific breed of bullies does not have something better to do in their own mind. i know only very few people who regularly evade bans (and I wish i would not know them) and with all of them i got the feeling that getting the attention after evading a ban gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment.
21:41 boldcoder55[m] left #minetest-dev
21:44 libera-staff joined #minetest-dev
21:55 Desour joined #minetest-dev
22:14 Guest54 joined #minetest-dev
22:19 Desour joined #minetest-dev
22:42 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
22:44 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
22:45 tekakutli left #minetest-dev
23:05 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
23:39 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev

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