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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2023-05-14

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Time Nick Message
01:55 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
02:45 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:01 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
04:29 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
04:57 imi joined #minetest-dev
05:48 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
08:22 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
08:47 appguru joined #minetest-dev
11:06 appguru joined #minetest-dev
12:48 HuguesRoss3 joined #minetest-dev
13:20 Zughy[m] OP has disappeared and this should be closed, but I don't have any power in the irrlicht repo:
13:23 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:34 Zughy[m] Sorry I haven't created the meeting note, I completely forgot. Anyway, meeting in about 3:30h
13:38 Desour joined #minetest-dev
13:51 Desour Zughy[m]: that's some interesting feedback! did they by chance name an example of a project that has less "gatekeeping vibes", and what they did better?
13:52 Desour (otherwise, to make getting into engine development easier, we should definitely add more recent engine documentation, i.e. explaining the architecture on a high level)
14:26 Zughy[m] Desour: unfortunately not, but I guess Godot it'd be a nice example
15:15 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
16:06 MTDiscord <numzero> Take a look at irrlicht/examples/AutomatedTest/main.cpp. That’s the only file that was using that function IIRC. Replacing it took a few lines but was straightforward.
16:08 Alias joined #minetest-dev
16:08 MTDiscord <numzero> If you need it in several tests now though, restore it as a free function somewhere in test code (am I right you only need it for tests?).
17:02 Zughy[m] Dlin dlon, meeting time 🛎️
17:02 Zughy[m] How many people here?
17:03 Desour hi
17:04 MTDiscord <Thresher> hello
17:05 MTDiscord <Thresher> desour: what exactly was wrong with c_converter.h?
17:05 Zughy[m] please keep these questions for later
17:06 Desour will answer in PR
17:06 Zughy[m] >close all the Jude's PRs that haven't been adopted (Zughy)
17:06 Zughy[m] anyone wants to adopt something?
17:07 Desour I will definitely adopt some, regardless of whether they're open or closed.
17:08 Desour if the adoption_needed label is used correctly (i.e. applied on all non-adopted ones of them), it shouldn't be hard to find them
17:08 Zughy[m] yes, I usually remove it after a couple years
17:08 Zughy[m] but I forget most of the time
17:09 Zughy[m] well then, I'll close them for now
17:10 Desour joined #minetest-dev
17:10 Zughy[m] >"Dual Wielding" I think OP is waiting for a core dev feedback, see their last comment (Zughy)
17:11 Zughy[m] #11016
17:11 ShadowBot -- Dual Wielding by LizzyFleckenstein03
17:12 Zughy[m] basically, it says "Action/Change needed", but I'm afraid it's not OP's
17:13 Desour >I usually remove it after a couple years   <-- please don't, at least not without comment. the PRs will get lost otherwise, and iirc, we don't have so many closed adoption needed PRs
17:15 Zughy[m] 53
17:20 Zughy[m] anyway, since it seems only Desour and I are here, I'll just leave some food for thought: we should really consider to change name, people think we're some alpha version of Minecraft. In general it's very misleading, since mines are not a core feature (plenty of games have none) nor we've been a test of Minecraft for years
17:20 Krock the Dual Wield issue is tricky to fix overall
17:20 rubenwardy everyone agrees the name is rubbish, no one agrees what to rename to
17:20 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> nodetech
17:21 Desour I like having a rubbish name, it suits minetest
17:21 Desour (sorry for offense)
17:21 Krock this has been brought up at least as often as infinite worlds and no solution has been found for either
17:21 Zughy[m] well, let's start with the core feature: it's a voxel game engine
17:21 Zughy[m] something with "cube"?
17:21 Desour voxels are not cubes
17:22 Zughy[m] the world is made of cubes, c'mon
17:23 Desour a mtg flower is not a cube
17:24 Zughy[m] Krock: I imagine, but I (nor anyone else) can't spend 5 minutes every time for every single person to explain them that we're not Minecraft and why we're called like that
17:25 Krock instead we're wasting time here trying to find a name that everyone agrees on which hasn't worked in years
17:26 Krock the forum should have a few topics with name suggestions
17:26 Krock perhaps it's possible to get inspired there
17:26 Desour searched for the renaming threads, found #11657, #5670,;t=17133
17:26 ShadowBot -- Rename Minetest to better communicate this project being a sandbox engine, perhaps by conducting an up-to-date vote by the community
17:26 ShadowBot -- Renaming Minetest
17:28 Krock the survey says "no", though.
17:29 Krock seems like the majority has decided
17:29 Zughy[m] probably the majority has never been to a festival trying to explain outsiders what Minetest is
17:30 Zughy[m] this comment is a great summary:;sid=698563ecd79b5759849859ab0418d0d2#p261117
17:30 rubenwardy honestly, it's a good warning. Primes them to the amount of jank
17:30 MTDiscord <luatic> what's an festival
17:30 rubenwardy maybe one day when we have fewer issues, we can rename ourselves to Mineprod
17:31 rubenwardy a conference but more fun, I'm guessing
17:31 Krock summary or not. the community is OK with it
17:31 Desour to enchance the warning, we could add a typo: minetset
17:31 MTDiscord <luatic> mesetint
17:36 rubenwardy biased survey
17:37 MTDiscord <Thresher>
17:37 MTDiscord <Thresher> whar
17:37 MTDiscord <Thresher>
17:39 Krock I have an idea -hear me out! what about.... Freeminer?
17:40 MTDiscord <Thresher> multicraft?
17:40 Krock good idea
17:40 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> minecraft, even
17:40 appguru joined #minetest-dev
17:41 MTDiscord <Thresher> voxeltest
17:41 rubenwardy this is why I don't like renaming conversations
17:41 Desour testtest
17:41 MTDiscord <Thresher> wardytest
17:42 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> irrvoxel
17:42 Pexin CaveCubes
17:43 MTDiscord <Thresher> how are you even supposed to pronounce "irrlicht"
17:43 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> it's german
17:43 pgimeno maybe the game should be separated from the engine? it's hard to give a name to something that is an engine but contains a built-in game which can be used or not, but is mostly a base to build on
17:43 MTDiscord <Thresher> ear - lisht?
17:44 MTDiscord <Thresher> the game is separated from the engine
17:44 rubenwardy the name we need to change is the game engine / game creation platform
17:44 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> anyways jokes aside, having a -tech suffix as opposed to -test could make it more clear it's an engine, rather than a scrappy minecraft clone game
17:44 Desour if we were some big cooperation, it would've already gotten some stupid generic name, like core
17:44 pgimeno I like minetech
17:45 rubenwardy any name starting with mine or ending with craft probably invokes too many comparisons with MC, better to try and form our own identity
17:45 Desour we could also softly just change the capitalization: MiNetEst (has "net" in it, because the engine is multiplayer-focused)
17:45 rubenwardy and any name with "test" in it doesn't solve the problem
17:45 Krock Craftminer  passes your sanity checks
17:46 rubenwardy haha
17:46 rubenwardy thinking too much like a programmer
17:46 Krock somewhat
17:47 Pexin well I'd suggest decide on newname in time for 6.0
17:47 giov4[m] Desour: "Voxacore" ahah
17:47 Desour 6test
17:47 Pexin (in 20 years)
17:47 MTDiscord <Thresher> voxey!! >w<
17:48 Zughy[m] and a fox as a mascotte
17:48 Zughy[m] boom
17:48 rubenwardy 5.0 was 7 years after 0.4, so we have until 2026
17:49 Pexin bet it wasnt 7 yrs between 0.1 0.2
17:49 Krock those were minor versions
17:50 Krock but from 0 to 5 we did 5 steps at once, which means that in 2026 there will be version 10.0
17:50 Desour yes, skip more versions
17:51 Pexin Minetest Vista
17:51 pgimeno Landscape Engine
17:51 MTDiscord <Thresher> minecraft 2
17:51 pgimeno can we drop the jokes?
17:52 Zughy[m] I genuinely like Voxey, it sounds childish and playful. Draw a fox as a mascotte and profit
17:52 MTDiscord <Thresher> "minetest vista" isn't a joke?
17:52 rubenwardy owu voxey
17:52 rubenwardy uwu voxey
17:53 Zughy[m] you're not helping
17:53 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I only need it for tests, and I've already written my own subclass which should be portable. The tests treat Irrlicht as a black box so they can't access Irrlicht's internal implementations (CReadFile and CLimitReadFile).
17:53 Pexin I still like tunnelbauer
17:53 MTDiscord <Thresher> gitvoxel
17:54 MTDiscord <Thresher>      BlockVerse     TerraCraft     Voxiland     CubeWorld     MineCraftopia     PixelQuest     WorldForge     GeoRealm     Craftopia     LandBlocks     TerraBlocks     VoxCraft     PixelMiner     CubicExplorer     Earthscape     CraftVerse     BlockScape     TerraMiner     VoxWorld     CubeMiner
17:54 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I like Tunnelbauer as well. Irrlicht is already a German name so it'd fit wonderfully.
17:54 Zughy[m] CubeWorld is a game
17:55 rubenwardy chatgpt vibes from that list
17:55 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> This feels unproductive
17:55 rubenwardy renaming conversation? well I never
17:55 Zughy[m] Does anyone mind if I open an issue about that?
17:55 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> voxey sounds very cute
17:55 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Do you think it might be productive to turn that list into a community survey?
17:55 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Not likely
17:55 Zughy[m] to turn it into a survey it means we should provide a few options first
17:56 MTDiscord <Thresher> textbox survey 🤯
17:56 Pexin huge list of prefixes, huge list of postfixes
17:56 Pexin winner: MineMine
17:56 Desour textbox, and arrange it into a wordcloud?
17:56 Zughy[m] selfish name
17:56 MTDiscord <Thresher> Voxey 😻
17:57 Zughy[m] Ofc the issue will be strictyl moderated
17:57 Zughy[m] *strictly
17:57 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Something that worked pretty well for making the US Constitution was to elect a bunch of delegates and have them work it out.
17:57 Zughy[m] to avoid.. well, this
17:58 MTDiscord <Bla> MinetestNotCraft
17:59 Desour tbh, I'm still for something like MiNetEst. I don't remember any positive example of software renaming. someone will always be unsatisfied, and everyone has some work to do to update to the new name. therefor: less disruption = better
18:00 rubenwardy The name sucks, it's not been changed in the past because of the pain of deciding and doing it. Most people in the community have already passed the hurdle of the name and it's not a big deal to them, if it was then they would have left
18:00 MTDiscord <Thresher> MiNetEst
18:00 MTDiscord <Thresher>
18:01 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> You could probably call it anything other than something related to blocks or voxels and it would sound better
18:01 Pexin Zughy's point is that without a namechange, its appeal to current NON-community members is stunted
18:01 Zughy[m] ^
18:01 rubenwardy exactly
18:01 rubenwardy I'm saying why the issue is downplayed, it's a selection bias within our community
18:02 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I'll take "Cantaloupe Game Engine" over something like "VoxelMaker"
18:03 MTDiscord <Thresher> 😻 【Voxey】😼
18:03 Pexin voxbauer?
18:03 Zughy[m] and since I've been talking with outsiders for two events here in Italy (and 4 more to come), I'm not asking to trust me, I'm asking to trust them - they were interested
18:03 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Is there a reason we can't try a new name for a month with the plan to change it back if the response is terrible?
18:03 rubenwardy overhead of renaming and if we move domains we could sabotage our SEO
18:04 rubenwardy Public renaming conversations end up with bikeshedding and nonsense, would rather avoid them. The best way to rename would probably be to:
18:04 rubenwardy 1) decide to rename. This is a boolean, needs celeron55/etc buy in
18:04 rubenwardy 2) a small group of people come up with names and then test them. Focus groups would be better than a survey as people don't know what they want
18:04 rubenwardy 3) do the rename
18:04 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> We don't have to change infrastructure yet
18:04 rubenwardy alternatively, replace 2) with "celeron55 decides the new name"
18:04 giov4[m] <Zughy[m]> "I genuinely like Voxey, it..." <- Voxily 👀
18:04 Zughy[m] yeah, people wouldn't fall for the trap
18:05 giov4[m] rubenwardy: MineTest55
18:05 rubenwardy if people don't get the memo for the rename then more people could fall for it. Google has options to redirect entire domains, not sure if it would be clever enough to keep our new name as #1 for the old name
18:05 ShadowBot -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome
18:05 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I believe new names could be designed more purposefully than just riffing off of blocky words
18:05 rubenwardy Minetest-c55, I'll have you know
18:05 rubenwardy GreenXenith: yeah, that's what you get with these unproductive naming conversations
18:06 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> A convenient time to rebrand would be when MTG is decoupled
18:06 rubenwardy the most important step would be 1)
18:09 Zughy[m] We could send an e-mail but enough people in the staff you should agree with that first
18:10 Zughy[m] as far as I can tell is a no from Krock, a yes from me, a... yes from both ruben and Desour? I'm not certain
18:10 rubenwardy My position is that I see the name as a problem, but I'm worried about the confusion, pain, and SEO implications of renaming, especially when there are malicious actors owning prominent domains
18:12 Desour I'm feeling the same as ruben. and I'm also worrying about the overall increased maintenance and renaming costs
18:16 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I think the overhead is lower than we think it is. That, and the longer we wait, the harder it gets
18:17 rubenwardy the costs of renaming are more indirect than direct
18:18 rubenwardy it's fairly easy to buy a domain, rename stuff in the application, etc
18:18 rubenwardy the indirect costs is the confusion and ensuring that enough people find out the change
18:18 Zughy[m] what Matrix did when it changed its name was to call the app "Matrix (previously Riot)" for a while
18:19 Desour and "minetest" being used in repo names, in code, in discussions, ...
18:19 rubenwardy code really isn't that hard, in discussions doesn't matter
18:19 Desour but the readers of the discussions still need to know the old name
18:19 Zughy[m] *Element, Matrix is the protocol, sorry
18:20 pgimeno RewriteRule (.*)\*) $1.newname.tld/$2
18:20 Desour I see Element as a negative example for renaming. "element" is an english word and much too generic
18:21 Desour (and renaming costs were not big, as it wasn't already a decade old)
18:22 pgimeno it's easy to make every old link point to the new site's corresponding page once moved
18:22 rubenwardy yeah, domain redirects are easy
18:22 ROllerozxa "it's fairly easy to buy a domain" assuming a malicious person doesn't snipe any potential names...
18:23 pgimeno rubenwardy: who would not find out the change if all links are redirected then?
18:23 rubenwardy those googling "minetest" and seeing a malicious domain
18:24 rubenwardy ROllerozxa: yeah, one of the reasons to discuss in private and buy domains before any public announcements
18:26 Desour if we had in-game news (which would be useful anyways), we could use that to communicate to the userbase when we rename. but to get that rolled out to most distros, it will take some months or years
18:28 Zughy[m] why do you need in-game news when you can rename it like Element did? See my previous message
18:28 MTDiscord <Thresher> there are many other reasons in-game news would be useful
18:28 Zughy[m] totally, I was talking about this point in particular
18:29 rubenwardy merging web#279 in 10
18:29 ShadowBot -- [NoSquash] Add App Privacy Policy by rubenwardy
18:30 MTDiscord <numzero> Not sure of CLimitReadFile but CReadFile is accessible via device->getFileSystem()->createAndOpenFile
18:31 MTDiscord <numzero> (replying to a message well above... the bridge apparently discards that info)
18:31 Desour Zughy[m]: I was actually using riot when they did the renaming. it caused some confusion for me. and in the case of minetest, searching the web for help is assumably more common. and large portions of minetest users don't use a rolling distro, so they'd have more issues, I guess
18:32 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> > I only need it for tests, and I've already written my own subclass which should be portable. The tests treat Irrlicht as a black box so they can't access Irrlicht's internal implementations (CReadFile and CLimitReadFile).
18:38 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Thank you numzero. That will allow me to eliminate about an hour's worth of code. Thank you very much.
18:39 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I guess I should have grepped or searched online for relevant functions before writing my own file opening implementation.
20:20 Zughy[m] So I still don't get if we should bother celeron or not
20:28 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
20:30 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
20:32 celeron55 renaming minetest has always been an option
20:32 celeron55 however many things need to align for it to happen
20:33 jordan4ibanez What will it be renamed to? :)
20:34 celeron55 that's one of the difficult things
20:34 celeron55 the universal namespace is very crowded
20:34 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
20:35 celeron55 and people have different preferences and goals with a nae
20:35 celeron55 name*
20:36 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
20:36 jordan4ibanez That is quite true. We must find something that differentiates minetest from the others within that namespace
20:39 jordan4ibanez So Minetest's basis is: A game engine. This game engine's world consists of nodes which in default state exist as a block, cubes, equally sized 3x3 planes. Within the default state of the engine, with a blank game exists nothing but air & stone. There is no goal. There is no point. You must give the game within this game engine a point. A reason to exist. What encapsulates this vision of the engine without intertwining any game that has
20:39 jordan4ibanez ever existed within the space of it? What word exists in the english language in which someone hears it they think of this project?
20:40 v-rob I can empathize with the pain of explaining the name Minetest to other people.  I made a education theory of computation mod (, not as yet published in ContentDB), and it seems that no one could get past "Wait, you said Minecraft, right?" "No I didn't: 'Minetest'--it's an open source game *engine*" "But it looks like a clone of Minecraft" "That's a game made with the engine, it can do much more than that" "Yeah, but
20:40 v-rob Minecraft can do XYZ" "Gaah! That's not relevant! Pay attention to the mod already!"
20:40 v-rob It got old fast
20:41 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Voxel Canvas?
20:43 runs joined #minetest-dev
20:43 runs Please someone adopt this one
20:43 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
20:44 runs I propose CubeZ as a new name, it has punch.
20:46 runs is a brand generator wit AI
20:47 runs namelix give me "Blocko" I love this name
20:49 runs
20:50 celeron55 my style in naming is such that i'd like minetest to be called mesetint, for example. uniqueness is more important than easily understandable logic. however that name has been already taken by multiple minetest-related projects
20:51 celeron55 CubeZ is a widely used name already, it's not an option at all
20:51 jordan4ibanez Well, perhaps the shifting of the engine's global ID within understanding of the community takes presidence over the games within it?
20:51 celeron55 as is Blocko
20:51 v-rob I don't care a whole lot about what name we have; Minetest is a fine name from a lot of standpoints. For instance, it's easily searchable online, since there's nothing else that will come up for "Minetest". It's not overly hard to type or remember. Perhaps the only downsides are that it gets confused with Minecraft and it sounds "new" because it has "test" in the name, which are both point of pain when talking to new people. I would dislike a name
20:51 v-rob along the lines of "Voxel Engine", for instance, because it would be hard to search online.
20:52 runs cubega, voxelio, blocktopia, bloxit are examples of short and punchy names
20:52 celeron55 a name is very easy to learn for people. that's why the name doesn't have to be derivable in any way
20:52 runs no more than two syllables
20:52 v-rob Mesetint sounds like a fine name to me along my line of reasoning.
20:52 jordan4ibanez DreamVox?
20:53 celeron55 one name that has stuck into my mind is Kuutio. it's the finnish word meaning cube and it is still totally unused in the video game context
20:54 celeron55 paramat suggested it at some point
20:54 jordan4ibanez Ooo, that's pretty good. For americans, that also gives it an element of mystique!
20:54 v-rob Non-English words actually sound like a very smart idea
20:55 jordan4ibanez What if you cut out one of the Us to make it just Kutio?
20:55 v-rob Irrlicht, Kuutio, Lua--sheesh, none of our names will be English at this rate :)
20:55 jordan4ibanez Kew-Tee-Oh
20:55 celeron55 well kutio isn't a finnish word so as a finnish person i wouldn't like it
20:55 celeron55 it would seem silly here locally
20:55 jordan4ibanez I suppose, we're finnished with my idea
20:55 runs no, kutio or kutyo, NOT kuutio, double letters are confusing to read and type in a browser.
20:56 v-rob ..."letters" has a double letter
20:57 v-rob So does "Irrlicht"
20:57 runs I propose a contest with several options to be voted by a committee of wise men.
20:57 jordan4ibanez I was only saying that because I'm monolingual and uu is not common in american english
20:58 runs "Irrlicht" is an example of a horrendous name, I never know how to write it.
20:58 v-rob Only if you don't speak German.
20:58 v-rob For reference, I don't speak German or Finnish, but I see no reason to be hostile to names in those languages
21:00 runs Good morning in finish: Hyvää päivää
21:01 jordan4ibanez Vokseli?
21:02 runs In esperanto: Bonan matenon
21:02 runs I propose to use Esperanto
21:06 runs In esperanto Minetest = Minaprovo
21:08 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> minemod
21:09 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> whelp
21:11 Zughy[m] I'm in favour of Kuutio
21:15 Zughy[m] It'd stick right after you tell people "it's the Finnish word for cube", so they'll go " oooooh!", with also the feeling they know some Finnish now (well, one word, but you get what I mean)
21:17 Zughy[m] I also suggest to ban runz after such a comment right after someone had told the author passed away
21:17 Zughy[m]
21:23 jordan4ibanez That is ultra extremely disrespectful
21:26 celeron55 we can now do a thought experiment
21:26 celeron55 can one come up with a realistic path through which Minetest would change its name to Kuutio, and what would that path be
21:26 celeron55 like, does it begin with a renewed forum poll? is it just me buying the domain, committing the change to github and declaring that's the way it is now, deal with it?
21:27 jordan4ibanez Okay well let us see here
21:27 celeron55 there's no process for this as it's a thing that generally, in any project, essentially never happens
21:28 jordan4ibanez Yes precisely. I think, the fist step here is, every core developer should give the input on the name change. Next, the forum post should be made to declare the change. Finally, the Minetest discord should be notified about the change.
21:29 jordan4ibanez These steps should be taken before any other steps are even considered
21:29 jordan4ibanez Before change, it is best to have knowledge of the change to not be blindsided
21:30 Pexin really seems like any new name should not be simply a single common word, in any language
21:31 jordan4ibanez Don't be like me and just go changing names willy nilly, people will be like, why am I in kuutio? What is kuutio??
21:31 Zughy[m] celeron55: it depends, are we sticking with Kuutio? If so, probably the first thing you want to do is buy the domain to avoid a second scenario
21:32 rubenwardy domains are already taken
21:32 MTDiscord <savilli> Looks like there are no free kuutio.* domain, take it into consideration
21:32 celeron55 i'm not set on any name
21:32 rubenwardy once we get the new domain, we can set up redirects. Google has a form to tell them when you move everything from one domain to another
21:32 celeron55 basic words in any language are super likely to have all the domains taken, it's what you get when formulating a name that way
21:33 jordan4ibanez Is taken?
21:33 rubenwardy .net is a bad tld for us, best to use .org or .com
21:34 jordan4ibanez Well okay then, is taken? As this is an organization not a company
21:34 Zughy[m] according to the list rubenwardy posted a few hours ago, the next step is "a small group of people come up with names and then test them. Focus groups would be better than a survey as people don't know what they want"
21:34 rubenwardy although you'd probably want to get all the main ones to avoid an .org scenario
21:34 runs I freak out. Ban me because I ask someone to retake the PR?
21:35 celeron55 runs: don't worry about it. just try to understand many people don't like you demanding PR progress from the dead
21:36 runs I will delete the message, but that was not my intention.
21:36 Zughy[m] rubenwardy: who should that group be? What if we create an issue on GitHub where people propose names? So that outsiders too can have a saying
21:37 jordan4ibanez That is a great idea
21:37 runs Not another PR no. There are already 1100. Better a regulated contest.
21:38 celeron55 when considering the word "vokseli" vs. "kuutio" in how they sound to me as a finnish native speaker, i'd say "vokseli" sounds very nerdy and like a mathematics lesson. "kuutio" sounds very ordinary and approachable, but not plain - it has some mystery to it
21:38 jordan4ibanez A forum post linking to it, GreenXenith can post an announcement on the Discord linking to it as well
21:39 Zughy[m] I can regulate the issue, runs. The important thing is to set a rule, like: only comment with the name you're proposing, and you can comment three times top
21:39 celeron55 (that's probably because vokseli is a more direct loan word)
21:39 jordan4ibanez Hmm I see, well I suppose to create a game in the engine you must be very nerdy and mathematical so perhaps that is more fitting?
21:39 runs blocko is taken
21:39 runs It must be an almost original name because the registration issue will be difficult.
21:41 celeron55 one thing i think you'll have to be prepared for is to essentially give me (with a small number of minetest staff) essentially license to pick a name and grab the domains once it seems so to me and the said group that a name has enough acceptance
21:41 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
21:41 celeron55 if a name is publicly announced before taking domains and stuff, an ill intentioned person could get the domains and start playing other games with us
21:42 Zughy[m] Fine for me
21:42 MTDiscord <savilli> Probably every single word is taken, need to combine two words
21:42 jordan4ibanez KuutioVokseli :P
21:42 jordan4ibanez Math block, mysterious block
21:42 jordan4ibanez Or vice versa actually
21:43 MTDiscord <savilli> Terrible
21:43 MTDiscord <numzero> too much like QtVoxeli...
21:44 jordan4ibanez Damn I've been KIA. lohkosuunnittelu?
21:44 jordan4ibanez It is very hard to make a small name in Finnish
21:44 MTDiscord <numzero> I agree with c55 that the name doesn’t need to be obvious. i.e. no “voxel” or “cube” or likewise in it
21:45 jordan4ibanez Voxelua?
21:45 rubenwardy luatic
21:46 jordan4ibanez You're going to give Lars a big head
21:47 MTDiscord <numzero> and add that “open”, “libre”, “free” (suggested somewhere above) aren’t good name parts either IMO, they suggest a clone too much
21:49 MTDiscord <numzero> on “Kuutio”, um... clearly better than “Minetest”
21:49 runs luatic is very similar to lunatic :-D
21:49 rubenwardy how do you pronounce Kuutio?
21:50 rubenwardy I suppose google would help me there
21:50 runs I am going to propose "kreiblokon" which means to craft a block in Esperanto.
21:51 runs that no one steals my idea
21:51 runs kreibloko
21:52 jordan4ibanez_ joined #minetest-dev
21:52 runs KK would be the acronym
21:52 runs the logo would be two KK's joined together in some way
21:53 rubenwardy yeah let's not
21:53 runs KreiBloko
21:53 runs sounds good
21:55 runs KB better, cos KK can be confused with the racist KKK :-D
21:56 runs good evening and ciao I'm going to start working on the design
22:09 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
22:12 MTDiscord <savilli> Finnish words are hard to combine for me, I did my best and ended with "lohikuutio", which apparently means cubed salmon.
22:12 Zughy[m] so shall I proceed with the issue?
22:12 MTDiscord <savilli> Sure
22:33 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
23:03 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
23:05 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I mentioned earlier that id rather have a completely unrelated word to voxels as a name than something lame like "blockmaker" in any language
23:05 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> err... "word completely unrelated to voxels"* my brain jumbled those words
23:06 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I dont see a lot of engines that self-describe with their name
23:09 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Suppose that this engine, in the future, eventually decoupled the voxel renderer from the rest of the engine to form a more general game engine with a hyper-optimized voxel rendering module. Having a voxel-related name would be problematic :]
23:11 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> It may be wise to not repeat the same mistake of self-describing in case it changes later. "Minetest" was accurate in 2010, after all.
23:16 AliasAlreadyTake joined #minetest-dev
23:43 Zughy[m] Due to the lack of feedback, I've proceeded. If you think it should be unpinned, please do #13510
23:43 ShadowBot -- A different name for Minetest
23:45 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I recommend making a note to encourage names outside of "voxel" nature
23:49 pgimeno would someone do me the favour of adding "Terraforma" for me? I left Github
23:49 Zughy[m] GreenXenith: done
23:50 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> Awesome, thanks
23:51 Zughy[m] pgimeno: done
23:51 pgimeno tyvm
23:54 MTDiscord <savilli> Here we go

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