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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2023-09-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:26 servantofTestato joined #minetest-dev
06:04 calcul0n__ joined #minetest-dev
06:16 Charleston314 joined #minetest-dev
06:16 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
06:31 vampirefrog joined #minetest-dev
07:42 runs joined #minetest-dev
08:25 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
08:36 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
09:40 appguru joined #minetest-dev
09:56 TenPlus1 joined #minetest-dev
09:56 TenPlus1 Hi folks
10:00 TenPlus1 Does anyone know a lot about initial_properties in objects ?
10:04 MTDiscord <luatic> It's documented in the "object properties" section, what do you need?
10:05 TenPlus1 Am looking for the reason it was changed and why
10:05 TenPlus1 going through old pull requests and merged and cannot find initial addition and why it was added
10:07 MTDiscord <luatic> Ah, that I do not know. But it makes sense from a namespacing perspective to not put the lua entity related stuff (including callbacks) and the properties into the same table.
10:08 TenPlus1 am trying to update my mods to be compatible but keep getting errors about deprecation even when I use initial_properties
10:08 TenPlus1 I'm doing something wrong but the information in lua_api is rather scant
10:09 TenPlus1 either that or it breaks compatibility
10:09 MTDiscord <luatic> Could you show an example of (1) how you use initial_properties (2) the deprecation warning you're getting?
10:10 TenPlus1 using new 5.7dev run mobs redo and mobs animal, place sheep, boom error straight away
10:10 TenPlus1 2023-09-23 11:10:35: WARNING[Server]: Reading initial object properties directly from an entity definition is deprecated, move it to the 'initial_properties' table instead. (Property 'hp_max' in entity 'mobs_animal:bee')
10:11 TenPlus1 when changing to initial_properties table, it breaks api
10:11 MTDiscord <luatic> Yes, hp_max is an object property which you have in your entity definition. You should rename the field to _hp_max and replace all self.hp_max with self._hp_max.
10:12 MTDiscord <luatic> You could also use initial properties for this, esp. if mods expect to read hp_max from there. But that will likely make your code slower and slightly less readable.
10:12 TenPlus1 so renaming all preset object vars to have an underscore before it ?
10:13 MTDiscord <luatic> no, not quite
10:13 MTDiscord <luatic> i'll get back to you after breakfast
10:13 TenPlus1 no probs, enjoy and thanks
10:43 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
10:44 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
10:44 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
10:45 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
11:04 Desour joined #minetest-dev
11:20 MTDiscord <luatic> So. Basically you have to move properties from the entity definition to initial properties now. Of course this means you can't access them as anymore. You could simply access them as though.
11:21 TenPlus1 yeah I've just changed mobs api to do just that and got it working
11:22 TenPlus1 I'm still curious as to WHY this change was forced when the old way worked fine, and if a mod dev wanted to tidy their variables they could have simple added a table themselves
11:22 MTDiscord <luatic> Great. As for backwards compat: Is the hp_max property used by any other mods? Do any mods expect entity.hp_max to be the hp max?
11:22 TenPlus1 I'm going to have to go through all mods to test this
11:22 TenPlus1 again, why force a change that will break mods, it's insane
11:23 MTDiscord <luatic> TenPlus1: btw, per convention, custom entity definition fields should start with an underscore
11:23 TenPlus1 and worlds containing old objects not containing the changes are gonna break new changes
11:24 MTDiscord <luatic> TenPlus1: Huh? How is this a world issue? As far as I can see, this is only a mod issue, not a world issue.
11:24 MTDiscord <luatic> I don't think object property serialization was broken.
11:24 TenPlus1 will need to put some bulletproofing into mods that expect the new values to check for the old one's too
11:27 TenPlus1 this is my point though, you use initial_properties to host object variables now, mods need to be tailored to use it, but putting checks for the old values will show deprecation errors
11:28 TenPlus1 many thanks for your help lunatic, will begin testing to see how changes take
11:28 MTDiscord <luatic> np
11:29 MTDiscord <luatic> also, i think the change does make sense; self.initial_properties.hp_max makes more sense than self.hp_max - it makes it explicit that you're really reading an initial property here
11:29 MTDiscord <luatic> I think it is probably possible to find a solution that makes Minetest happy while providing backwards compatibility. It will probably be hacky though.
11:37 MTDiscord <luatic> Okay. So basically entities use the entity definition as a metatable. You want absent fields (like hp_max) to index initial_properties. You can do that using a metatable on the entity definition, but it would trigger the deprecation warning. HOWEVER you should be able to do local def = minetest.registered_entities["mymod:myentity"]; def.__index = function(_, key) local val = def[key]; if val ~= nil then return val end return
11:37 MTDiscord def.initial_properties[key] --[[TODO add deprecation warning]] end (untested). This will effectively allow you to continue using self.<property> without requiring def.<property> to exist through metatable trickery.
12:07 Desour joined #minetest-dev
13:22 erle luatic sounds like you have a polyfill mod to publish
15:44 grorp joined #minetest-dev
15:55 grorp Merging #13829 in 10min
15:55 ShadowBot -- Fix error when enabling texture packs in the "Content" tab by grorp
16:21 grorp Done.
16:33 ivanbu joined #minetest-dev
18:53 rubenwardy sfan5: how can someone get the latest build on an rpi? I remember you have a ppa or builds or something
21:06 grorp left #minetest-dev
22:32 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
22:38 MTDiscord <mistere_123> I mean, building minetest is fairly trivial
22:39 MTDiscord <mistere_123> There's also linux builds on gitlab (which ase hard to find and iirc don't have jit)
23:02 sugarbeet joined #minetest-dev

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