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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2023-12-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:13 MTDiscord <paradust> sfan5: ouch. i can take a look in a bit
03:51 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> @savilli I'll plan to check out your PR tomorrow to confirm or deny that it fixes the equality precision rubbish.
03:51 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> It's a little late here for me to do it tonight.
03:55 MTDiscord <savilli> I've checked it already pretty much, but ok
04:06 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> That may be good enough, then. I thought you might appreciate feedback since I have the MSVC build set up. If you have reproduced it as well then I won't need to check.
04:06 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Thank you so much for helping look into this and fix it.
04:34 MTDiscord <savilli> Yes, I reproduced it. morelights_chain_ceiling.objwas a good hint.
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
07:52 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
07:59 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
08:35 SpaceManiac joined #minetest-dev
09:38 Swift110-mobile joined #minetest-dev
10:22 [MTMatrix] joined #minetest-dev
10:43 fgaz_ joined #minetest-dev
10:47 sfan5 @paradust
10:58 sfan5 0x2c0(%rcx) should if I'm not mistaken be m_dummy_stream
10:58 sfan5 but it's merely a member variable, how could that be invalid?
11:18 Krock joined #minetest-dev
11:18 fgaz__ joined #minetest-dev
11:18 Swift110-mobile_ joined #minetest-dev
11:20 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
11:21 SpaceManiac joined #minetest-dev
11:26 appguru joined #minetest-dev
12:06 MTDiscord <wsor4035> @paradust
12:24 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
12:25 sfan5 doesn't crash with this patch, weird
12:28 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
12:46 Pexin joined #minetest-dev
13:03 Desour joined #minetest-dev
13:03 nrz sfan5, order to removal, as m_buffer is in the stream ?
13:22 sfan5 could be
17:38 sfan5 merging #14054, #14137, #14139, #14141 in 10 or 15m
17:38 ShadowBot -- Manually configurable minimum protocol version by Warr1024
17:38 ShadowBot -- Fix on_(grant|revoke) not being run by mods by appgurueu
17:38 ShadowBot -- Split windows from linux CI workflows by sfan5
17:38 ShadowBot -- Fix set_bone_position regressions by appgurueu
17:44 [MTMatrix] <localhost> rolling minetest dev
17:55 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
17:59 lhofhansl Re: log destruction. Looks like bug. According the C++ standard member variables are destroyed in reverse order they appear in the class definition.
17:59 lhofhansl sfan5: if your fix works we can use that.
18:04 sfan5 code bug or compiler bug you mean?
18:08 lhofhansl compiler bug
18:09 lhofhansl If members are destructed in reverse order I see no way that log has a problem.
18:09 lhofhansl (Or should have a problem)
18:10 lhofhansl Maybe the segment heap messes with that order...?
18:11 lhofhansl I guess one thing one could try is moving m_stream and m_dummy_stream to the end. That *should* have the same logical effect as your change. But I doubt that's going to help.
18:12 sfan5 could also be some weird bug involving large structs in thread_local storage
18:12 sfan5 and/or how mingw interacts with the heap
18:12 sfan5 I'll wait for @paradust's opinion
18:14 sfan5 (note that the order in my patch is actually less safe, the StreamProxys will have dangling pointer momentarily)
18:14 Krock how did you get this backtrace? wine-gdb ?
18:14 sfan5 gdb on real windows
18:14 Krock til that's a thing
18:14 sfan5 with a cross-compiled RelWithDebInfo build
18:16 lhofhansl sfan5: true (that it's actually less safe)
18:20 Krock valgrind might be interesting - if that exists on Windows
18:24 lhofhansl While I have your attention... Any further opinion on #13881? I think this is ready. In future might add an extra API to allow a mod to force the tint (instead of calculating it from Rayleigh based on conditions on earth)
18:24 ShadowBot -- Continuation of x2048's implementation of 'Godrays' by lhofhansl
18:25 lhofhansl Would squash it into two commits to leave x2048's original change in place.
18:30 sfan5 I am neutral on the feature itself, can give the code a quick look later
18:30 Krock 2 commits are fine if you're only asking for that
18:34 MTDiscord <paradust> I'm not getting a crash with latest windows build (Release, x86, VS 17 2022, commit cad8e895f24c). Is there something I need to do to triggerit?
18:35 grorp joined #minetest-dev
18:41 lhofhansl paradust: Nope. Just running it and exiting from a game is enough for me to cause this reliably.
18:42 lhofhansl Which version of Windows? Segment heap will be ignored on older versions.
18:42 MTDiscord <paradust> Windows 10
18:43 MTDiscord <paradust> does it need to be built using Mingw64?
18:43 lhofhansl I used the Mingw64 build indeed. I found the msvc builds to be *far* slower (in terms of FPS)
18:44 MTDiscord <paradust> is Windows 10 new enough?
18:44 lhofhansl Later versions of Windows 10... Lemme check.
18:48 lhofhansl Looks like Windows 10, version 2004 (build 19041) and later is required
18:49 lhofhansl And version 2004 was around May/June 2020.
18:51 MTDiscord <paradust> i have 19045.3803. i'll try to build it up mingw
18:52 MTDiscord <paradust> *in
18:54 lhofhansl You can just download a build from github... That's what I am doing. Click the "Actions" tab, pick the "build" action, then pick a build (pick the latest on the master branch) and download the mingw64 build from there.
19:15 sfan5 19044.3803 here; open minetest, enter world, back to main menu -> unexpectedly closed
19:15 sfan5 with the mingw64 build from github
19:17 sfan5 ah oops I downloaded win32 by accident
19:17 sfan5 but shouldn't make a difference
19:21 sfan5 it wouldn't be the first time we hit a mingw bug
19:38 MTDiscord <bla8722> win10(64) 19045.3803 here and mine doesnt crash on "back to main menu", neither ming64 artifact nor msvc self compiled
19:41 sfan5 ok wow this is awful: if you search for a setting that isn't shown because it depends on something else the settings tab will show zero results
19:41 sfan5 in this case i *know* the setting existed and was going insane
19:54 MTDiscord <paradust> ok well, I built it mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64 under msys2, and no crash at all
19:54 MTDiscord <paradust> guess I'll try the pre-built one. Could it be a 32-bit only thing?
20:00 sfan5 nope it surely happened on 64-bit
20:01 sfan5 different gcc versions/runtime? dunno
20:04 MTDiscord <paradust> The mingw64 version from works fine for me. No crashing
20:05 MTDiscord <paradust> the win32 version crashes the moment I run it o_O
20:06 MTDiscord <paradust> could there be some difference between 19044.3803 and 19045.3803? Bla says his doesn't crash either, and we're using the same version
20:08 MTDiscord <paradust> @bla8722 have you tried the ming32 artifact?
20:09 MTDiscord <paradust> oh, the 32-bit crash looks like the GL calling convention bug. It is using an old irrlicht build I assume?
20:13 MTDiscord <bla8722> not yet but will try all 4 artifacts of the commit you linked in a few mins
20:15 MTDiscord <paradust> oh wait, after several tries it did crash
20:26 MTDiscord <paradust> It might be this:
20:35 MTDiscord <bla8722> for me both 32bit crash on starting minetest, mingw64 crashes on "back to main menu", msvc64 doesn´t crash. same conf & mtg world for all 4
20:36 MTDiscord <bla8722> no error messages at all or in debug.txt
20:57 MTDiscord <paradust> So basically, for thread_local storage, the code that runs destructors and the actual freeing of the TLS memory block happen in different callbacks, and so the ordering between them is undefined. It's possible for the C++ destructor to be called after the memory is already gone.
20:57 MTDiscord <paradust> And since this hasn't been fixed in 6 years, it's unlikely to be fixed any time soon.
20:58 MTDiscord <paradust> i'll look into workarounds
21:32 sfan5 honestly not sure if that's applicable anymore
21:32 sfan5 maybe in a different variant
21:32 sfan5 e.g. we had but that's definitely no more
21:41 MTDiscord <paradust> in gdb I'm seeing "this" pointing to an address that is unaccessible
21:41 MTDiscord <paradust> that's consistent with it being deallocated before the destructor call..
21:41 MTDiscord <paradust> but I guess it is possible that the pointer was corrupted somehow
21:42 MTDiscord <paradust> I'll see if I can rule that out
21:45 MTDiscord <paradust> hmm
22:27 MTDiscord <paradust> it seems to work 99% of the time when a thread exits, but it is crashing in one particular situation.
22:28 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
22:28 MTDiscord <paradust> Maybe reloaded to unloading a particular library. Maybe there's a way to prevent that thread from using the log system in the first place.
22:29 lhofhansl Do other folks also find that the msvc builds are far slower than mingw? (as in 100fps vs 20fps)?
22:42 sfan5 a perf regression with msvc was recently fixed fyi
22:43 lhofhansl Lemme try again. Although I did last week.
22:43 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> I always did, would run the goal fps at double the refresh rate. Good to hear that's fixed
22:50 sfan5 @paradust looking at it again it seems like yes, this bug in mingw/gcc still exists
22:50 sfan5 question is: why couldn't they fix it in 6 years?
22:53 MTDiscord <paradust> Maybe they did, but this is an edge case that still exists. Because it working almost always. It's just one thread (which doesn't look like the others... very different address) which is causing crash. Maybe there's something that can be done to prevent it from using the log in the first place
22:53 MTDiscord <paradust> If this thread is being created by an external DLL in a strange way, that might explain it
22:54 MTDiscord <paradust> trying to figure out what this thread is doing before it crashes
23:04 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-dev
23:04 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest.
23:27 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
23:30 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
23:32 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
23:42 MTDiscord <paradust> ok I was wrong. It is just happening on a random thread each time
23:46 lhofhansl I take it back on msvc, just tried again and it show roughly the same performance mingw. It also does not crash on shutdown.
23:46 lhofhansl Why do we have both builds?
23:50 lhofhansl Going to merge #13881 in a few (after squashing to two commit)
23:50 ShadowBot -- Continuation of x2048's implementation of 'Godrays' by lhofhansl
23:51 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev

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