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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2024-03-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:46 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> still not sure what to do with #14103. Is it supported somehow or...?
00:46 ShadowBot -- Add drawtype sunken and covered by sfence
00:47 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> It feels rude closing it whilst there is a discussion in progress, but nobody is really supporting it (meaning assigning themselves)
00:55 y5nw joined #minetest-dev
00:57 Mantar shame, that's a cool feature
01:08 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
01:46 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
01:47 MTDiscord <herowl> Zughy, isn't that feature in roadmap anyway?
01:47 MTDiscord <herowl> Graphical improvements, API improvements...
02:11 MTDiscord <mistere_123> Don't let it get closed. Some dev assign yourself, please! Missing Sunken drawtypes is one of the graphical issues with minetest that really should have been fixed long ago.
02:13 MTDiscord <warr1024> Having the ability to mark a node as "don't draw the outside boundary of neighboring nodes, act as if they connect with this node" in general would be really nice.  I've got some game types where the level design is fixed, and thus geometry should be optimizable ... and the fact that the game has prepared polygons for faces that can never be seen because of where the player is trapped, and has to cull them from every frame ... just
02:13 MTDiscord feels wrong 😄
02:14 MTDiscord <mistere_123> Also, yeah, sfence's pr seems pretty roadmappy
02:18 MTDiscord <herowl> cx384 was casually paramatting that PR :hyperXD:
02:20 MTDiscord <herowl> funny how the related issue was approved by paramat
02:21 MTDiscord <herowl> although, I guess one could say that sfan5 was the one approving the concept
02:46 MTDiscord <paradust> pgimeno: Indeed, you can convert a quaternion to a matrix, and expect that p * q * v == p.mat() * q.mat() * v, as long as conventions were chosen to be consistent. But it looks like matrix multiplication is also somewhat different than math conventions
03:21 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:09 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
04:20 proller joined #minetest-dev
05:12 imi joined #minetest-dev
06:22 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
06:58 appguru joined #minetest-dev
08:11 nore btw, does anyone know how the CI works? I don't understand why the last commit of #13687 makes the CI fail on something that looks completely unrelated
08:11 ShadowBot -- Client-side translations: gettext and plural support by Ekdohibs
08:57 sfan5 is your branch rebased on latest master?
09:19 nore I rebased it less than a week ago, since I saw you had merged a commit related to it, but it didn't seem to fix it
09:26 sfan5 strange
10:34 pgimeno @paradust oh well, starting with the axis convention choice, little is standard in Irrlicht or MT
10:37 grorp joined #minetest-dev
11:46 Lupercus joined #minetest-dev
12:37 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:44 appguru joined #minetest-dev
14:49 Desour joined #minetest-dev
14:52 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev
16:08 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
17:20 Desour joined #minetest-dev
17:26 sfan5 should I merge irr#295?
17:26 ShadowBot -- [no sq] Reformat the code (adopted) by Desour
17:29 Desour :+1:
17:29 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
17:37 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
17:42 Desour how do we actually do #13642 in a way that people don't get weird side issues?
17:42 ShadowBot -- Import Irrlicht by numberZero
17:43 Desour we have to delete the .git folder in irrlichtmt, as git will otherwise treat it as submodule
17:45 Desour but if you switch from master to the irrlicht import branch, and presumably also when you pull, the .git is there again (but somehow doesn't show up in git status), as well as other files that differ from the imported irrlichtmt
17:47 Desour should we maybe move the imported irrlicht to another directory, and keep the old irrlichtmt repo ignored?
18:23 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Rebased #14427
18:24 ShadowBot -- Dual wielding (revival) by Andrey2470T
18:26 Desour I haven't found a better way. so I think we should import irrlicht to a lib/irrlichtmt_imported/, and let cmake use that one.
18:27 Desour this way, the old repo will not be magically deleted or anything
18:27 Desour it'll also makes bisecting easier if you can still have the old irrlichtmt there, and have just the old minetest use it
18:30 sfan5 or maybe even under <root>/irr?
18:31 sfan5 that way the paths aren't so long e.g. /irr/src/CIrrDeviceSDL.cpp
18:31 Desour sounds good
18:31 Desour could also be src/irr
18:31 Desour or lib/irr
18:34 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Isn't consistent project structure more important than path length?
18:35 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Could this be a reasonable time to re-organize the directory structure a little if necessary?
18:36 Desour do you have suggestions?
18:37 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I think your lib/irr suggestion makes sense because Irrlicht still has an upstream project. But if we're going to treat it as part of our Minetest codebase, I would suggest maybe putting it under src/irrlicht and moving its includes to include/irrlicht or something.
18:38 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Thoughts on that?
18:38 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Oh, you suggested src/irr as well. Looks like we're pretty much thinking the exact same thing.
18:39 Desour for now we want to build irrlicht separately though (see ), because of which it's probably better to not put it into src/
18:41 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> It can be built as its own component even if it's in the src/ directory. We already do something like that in our existing code with the headless server vs the client. They share the same source tree but they're two different executables.
18:42 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> It's also easy to ask CMake to build a single target from the command line without any additional configuration. A simple script could be used to build and package it as a standalone library.
18:44 Desour to keep the import PR simple, it's imo better to not merge the irrlicht cmake project into the minetest cmake project
18:45 Desour (not in the import PR)
18:46 rubenwardy An includes dir only makes sense if you're making a library, I'd prefer to merge the trees into one
18:46 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Agreed. Although I don't really have any say in this, I'm not even a core dev. 😄
18:46 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> (agreeing with Desour)
18:47 Desour contributor feedback is valuable though :)
18:47 rubenwardy especially good not to merge the irrlicht cmake project in if it's super painful cmake code as well
18:48 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I was in the process of cleaning it up a lot after the move to CMake 3.12, but I haven't landed it yet.
18:48 Desour we can (and imo should at some point) still move irrlicht around the minetest repo later
18:50 Desour if we first want to merge the irrlicht cmake project into the minetest one, before mergeing into src/, it might be best to put it to <root>/irr, like sfan5 suggested
18:50 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I don't think anything has to be done CMake-project-wise at this point, because both are already designed to work correctly in their own project context.
18:50 Desour (because all other libs in lib/ have their own cmake project, afaik)
18:51 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> What's the benefit of combining it into one project()?
18:51 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Versioning, maybe?
18:52 Desour not sure. but there's no real reason to have a separate project, I think
18:52 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I think it boils down to whether you want to version it separately or not.
18:53 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Or perhaps in a broader sense, whether you want to package them separetely.
18:54 Desour we dont
18:55 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Probably a good idea to combine it into one project then like you said. Only thing to be aware of might be that per-project configuration will be shared, so all Minetest's configuration will apply to the Irrlicht code. I expect that to mostly work out of the box but it'd be good to pay attention to that when the merge happens.
18:56 Desour right
18:57 Desour this might also be a thing we want. it's weird if we're using -ffast-math for example in irrlicht only
18:57 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> It will also make sense to remove all the target export code from the Irrlicht CMake lists, to make things a lot simpler, and some dependency management that is done separately for the two projects can be combined.
18:59 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> The one annoyance there is that Minetest does much of its dependency management in <root>/src/CMakeLists.txt, so  <root>/irr/ won't be able to pick that up.
19:00 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> I think if you add the subdirectories in the right order it would work, although I'd have to review whether you can link to the irrlicht target before it's been created.
19:09 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
19:15 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
19:22 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
19:32 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
19:48 pmp-p joined #minetest-dev
19:55 book` joined #minetest-dev
19:58 Desour #14483
19:58 ShadowBot -- [no squash] Irrlicht import by Desour
20:08 celeron55_ interesting to see the irrlichtmt line count. that's about a sixth of the upstream irrlicht 1.8.whatever line count as far as i can tell
20:48 appguru joined #minetest-dev
21:01 sfan5 Desour: i can the fix android the mingw build
21:02 Desour ah nice
21:02 Desour feel free to push to the branch
21:22 Lupercus joined #minetest-dev
21:35 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
21:54 sfan5 Desour: probably everything should work now
21:57 Desour thanks!
21:59 sfan5 apparently we're crashing clang++-10 in one CI job
21:59 sfan5 can't hold on to old software forever 🤷
22:16 sfan5 Desour: fyi i pushed a change to the irrlicht mt repo, might wanna include that in the commit
22:18 Desour the irr/.github workflows are currently not run btw.
22:18 Desour I guess we should maybe move them to root .github at some point
22:22 sfan5 dunno. I'm not sure what the goal should be regarding integration into our cmake/test suite/logging or keeping it separate
22:43 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:33 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev

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