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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-03-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:24 paramat joined #minetest-dev
00:27 paramat now pushing game#477
00:27 ShadowBot -- default/mapgen.lua: Register mgv6 decorations by paramat
00:27 VanessaE paramat: port it to dreambuilder plz? ;)
00:28 VanessaE (actually probably not needed)
00:31 prozacgod joined #minetest-dev
00:34 paramat push complete =)
00:37 paramat that file is looking nicely organised now
00:52 paramat mgv6 should be significantly faster now
00:52 paramat left #minetest-dev
00:52 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
01:21 64MACF19J joined #minetest-dev
01:22 misprint joined #minetest-dev
01:49 werwerwer joined #minetest-dev
02:14 Tablet_One joined #minetest-dev
02:36 Tablet_One joined #minetest-dev
03:15 younishd joined #minetest-dev
03:35 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
03:35 younishd joined #minetest-dev
04:19 fuznuts joined #minetest-dev
04:29 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
04:38 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:38 leat joined #minetest-dev
05:44 est31 joined #minetest-dev
06:19 fuznuts Any minetest devs currently available?  I might have a proposition worth hearing for him/her...especially if they are familiar with C++
06:19 fuznuts i am not trying to profit from it :)
06:28 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
06:29 sofar it's open source, show the code to everyone?
06:45 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:46 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
07:00 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
07:13 Tablet_One joined #minetest-dev
07:18 Tablet_One joined #minetest-dev
07:54 proller joined #minetest-dev
08:03 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
08:08 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:09 nrzkt VanessaE: => i have a patch for the mod, i also experienced the problem
08:10 fuznuts_ joined #minetest-dev
08:10 nrzkt ~tell hmmmm ZFS and FreeBSD powa, i agree :). Using snapshots is good too :p
08:10 ShadowBot nrzkt: O.K.
08:13 nrzkt minetest is installed on 380 phones and has been tested on 1130 phones on Google Play Store
08:22 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
08:38 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
08:38 neoascetic Hi to everyone
08:41 neoascetic Can someone tell me why do we have this rule?
09:05 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:27 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
09:49 prozacgod joined #minetest-dev
10:12 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:42 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
11:13 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
11:14 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
11:20 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
11:39 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
11:41 JeDa_ joined #minetest-dev
11:47 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
11:47 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
11:48 JeDa_ joined #minetest-dev
11:49 kilbith it's only me or we can't execute anything on git ?
11:49 nrzkt github has problems
11:49 nrzkt it's difficult for me to push and for jenkins to clone/pull :(
11:50 nrzkt some Netherlands datacenters are shutdown due to very big electrical problems, maybe some github datas are in Netherlands
11:50 kilbith Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out
11:50 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
11:50 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
11:50 est31 "10:00 UTC We continue to respond to an ongoing DDoS attack. Some users may experience intermittent connectivity with git operations as we mitigate the problem."
11:50 est31
11:50 nrzkt thanks est31
11:53 est31 O.o
11:54 Hunterz hi im trying debug #2566 but change server step does not have effect :(
11:54 ShadowBot -- Inventory manipulation on multiplayer server is very slow/laggy
11:55 nrzkt Hunterz server step change doesn't have many effects on player inventory because it's a trigger action, the server_step wasn't used for this
11:55 nrzkt s/many/any/g
11:56 Hunterz client not send information to server immediatelly when item is dropped to chest slot?
11:57 nrzkt i don't know for client side, but the packet processing now triggers instanly an inventory update and send it to client
12:00 Hunterz I think some problem is on the client side, because when open chest - gui show instantly - server sends informations fast
12:00 Hunterz when client make some update in the chest
12:00 Hunterz i think send update to server slowly or with some delay
12:01 Hunterz Im running wireshark on client side and see some periodical cycles of communication client-server
12:02 Hunterz when debugging for example minecraft - see packet instantly when do some action...
12:03 kilbith ok #2555 updated, res. values no longer hardcoded...
12:03 ShadowBot -- Add display resolution settings by kilbith
12:03 kilbith sfan5 ^
12:12 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
12:41 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
12:47 srifqi please check #2561
12:47 ShadowBot -- [WIP] Add mapgen specific flags to create world dialog by srifqi
12:49 kilbith sfan5, i don't get it... why it would need a conditional return ?
12:49 kilbith my code is perfectly functional
12:53 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
12:59 werwerwer joined #minetest-dev
13:10 neoascetic Could someone explain me why do we have this rule please?
13:13 neoascetic Please?.. :D
13:14 kilbith you have to learn great patience here...
13:17 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:22 kilbith ~seen sapier
13:22 ShadowBot kilbith: I saw sapier in #minetest-dev 2 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, 24 minutes, and 56 seconds ago saying "no it doesn't but I'm quite sure it doesn't cache the result too"
13:41 sfan5 kilbith: you don't need a cond. return
13:41 sfan5 it works but makes no sense
13:42 sfan5 your function does this:
13:42 sfan5 * get all video modes
13:43 sfan5 * go through all video modes
13:43 sfan5 ** return the video mode's height
13:43 sfan5 it also takes a param it doesn't use
13:44 sfan5 basically all your function does it return the first video modes width
13:49 kilbith sfan5: to be clear, this function *set* the size in the .conf, but i've not noticed that it always return the 1st mode width
13:49 sfan5 it's not only broken, it doesn't make sense
13:49 kilbith and i swap to Default or 1280x800 (example), both settings are changed correctly
13:50 kilbith s/and/when
13:50 kilbith width and height
13:50 sfan5 <kilbith> sfan5: to be clear, this function *set* the size in the .conf
13:50 sfan5 thats not relevant because the function is still broken
13:50 sfan5 it returns wrong results
13:51 sfan5 in an inefficient way
13:51 kilbith *shrug* not noticed it
13:51 sfan5 and takes a parameter that is not used
13:52 kilbith for answering about fgettext("Default")... this doesn't work if you put it directly in the dropdown formspec, the options must be "a,b,c"
13:52 kilbith this is why Zeno has exteriozed the filters gettext labels too
13:52 sfan5 wat
13:52 sfan5 local foo = "123"
13:52 kilbith listen, do the test ;)
13:53 sfan5 local s = "abc," .. foo .. ",def"
13:53 sfan5 and local s = "abc," .. "123" .. ",def"
13:53 sfan5 _should_ be exactly the same
13:53 kilbith no for the dropdown it's particular
13:54 sfan5 that doesn't sound possible
13:54 kilbith moment
13:57 sfan5 uh, no
13:57 kilbith sfan5,
13:57 kilbith see what happens ?
13:57 kilbith (look the code below)
13:57 sfan5 kilbith: dd_filter_labels and dd_mipmap_labels exists to be able to check which field value means what
13:57 sfan5 because it's translated
13:58 sfan5 umm
13:58 sfan5 kilbith: fgettext("Default") .. "," is NOT THE SAME as fgettext("Default,")
13:58 kilbith same thing
13:58 sfan5 wrong
13:59 neoascetic lol
13:59 sfan5 fgettext formspec-escapes what it gets
13:59 sfan5 this way your Default, turns into a Default\,
13:59 kilbith hmmm, yep you're right
14:00 kilbith and what's your proposal for the rest then ?
14:00 kilbith i'm out of ideas
14:02 sfan5 kilbith: also: don't set it to 800x600 when the default has been selected, that will cause that someone needs to find 2 places (defaultsetting.cpp & builtin/tab_mainmenu.lua) to set the default res
14:03 kilbith what do you suggest ? best solution would be delete screenW and screenH but i dunno how doing that
14:03 sfan5 wouldn't setting them to "" work?
14:03 kilbith no
14:03 kilbith you can't run the client if it's blank
14:04 neoascetic sfan5 what do you think about #2510? IMO it should complement display resolution selector
14:04 neoascetic #2510
14:04 ShadowBot neoascetic: Error: Delemiter not found in "Page is too big or the server took too much time to answer the request."
14:04 sfan5 #2510
14:04 ShadowBot neoascetic: Error: Delemiter not found in "Page is too big or the server took too much time to answer the request."
14:04 sfan5 #2510
14:04 ShadowBot sfan5: Error: Delemiter not found in "Page is too big or the server took too much time to answer the request."
14:04 neoascetic github issue probably
14:04 kilbith github has problems
14:04 ShadowBot sfan5: Error: Delemiter not found in "Page is too big or the server took too much time to answer the request."
14:04 sfan5 actually github seems to be down
14:05 kilbith neoascetic, do you have read the huge issues i have reported on your PR ?
14:05 neoascetic works for me
14:05 sfan5 works for me again
14:05 neoascetic your issues are not issues if proper display resolution is selected
14:06 kilbith so we have to take the precaution to select the max_resolution before checking your checkbox ?
14:06 kilbith we can't even a screenshot in this mode
14:06 kilbith even take*
14:06 neoascetic let user decide. this option doesn't breaks everything. user will check that something is wrong and will select a better resolution for him
14:07 kilbith and it's not *my* issues, Zeno has noticed too
14:07 neoascetic he said it is DM issue
14:08 kilbith ...
14:08 kilbith the user will be greatly pissed off in seeing those issues and how to get around them
14:09 sfan5 kilbith: basically you need to fix video_mode_to_option_w and video_mode_to_option_h, or better just merge them into one function; and do what nrzkt suggested on the pull
14:09 kilbith sfan5, i already explained why the else don't works
14:10 racam joined #minetest-dev
14:10 kilbith and what do you suggest for the default resolution then ?
14:10 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
14:11 sfan5 i don't know
14:11 sfan5 but the else thing works
14:11 sfan5 local w, h
14:11 kilbith setting 800*600 is the least worst solution IMO
14:11 sfan5 if fields["dd_resolution"] == default_label then
14:12 sfan5 w = 800
14:12 neoascetic kilbith btw on windows everything is not as bad as on linux
14:12 sfan5 h = 600
14:12 sfan5 else
14:12 sfan5 w = video_mode_to_option_w(fields["dd_resolution"])
14:12 sfan5 h = video_mode_to_option_h(fields["dd_resolution"])
14:12 sfan5 end
14:12 sfan5 core.setting_set("screenW", w)
14:12 kilbith neoascetic, perhaps but it must be 100% reliable, otherwise it's not worth it
14:12 sfan5 core.setting_set("screenH", h)
14:12 sfan5 kilbith: there ^
14:13 kilbith sfan5, thanks i'll try
14:16 kilbith neoascetic, anyways a windowed full-screen is better than a pure broken fullscreen screwing the DM
14:17 neoascetic user is till able to uncheck the box, so what's the problem?
14:17 kilbith broken feature, no thanks
14:18 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
14:18 neoascetic it is not broken. is just mapping to config option that we already have for ages
14:20 kilbith nah, i report you broken facts in your pull but it's not broken ...
14:22 kilbith there are other options available but not ready to be within the reach of the average user
14:22 kilbith such as the local_map_saving
14:24 neoascetic yeah, maybe you are right in result. so, I leave to devs to decide and close PR is necessary (however,  there are lot of them still not closed :D)
14:25 kilbith look, the windowed full-screen resolution is close enough of what you're expecting
14:26 kilbith i really wuld like to complement my pull with your but it's currently possible, really
14:26 kilbith not possible*
14:30 neoascetic wouldn't it be easier to choose max resolution then? in windowed mode user always may resize the window without need to restart
14:30 kilbith yes, it would and this is what my PR allow to
14:31 kilbith because get_video_modes() detects the max. res.
14:31 neoascetic I mean, resize with mouse without selector somewhere deep in the settings
14:32 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:33 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
14:34 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
14:42 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest-dev
14:44 Calinou '''Warning:''' This page contains too many expensive parser function calls.
14:44 Calinou It should have less than 100 calls, there are now 138 calls.
14:44 Calinou I get this when using the new language template on Minetest wiki :/
14:44 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
14:49 Calinou fixed, by including only common languages
14:49 est31 ?
14:49 est31 ah
14:49 est31 ok
14:50 Calinou the wiki now has a dynamic language bar
14:50 Calinou visible on FAQ right now
14:50 Calinou
14:50 Calinou only shows available languages
15:12 blaze joined #minetest-dev
15:15 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:24 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
15:28 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
15:58 zat joined #minetest-dev
16:03 zat joined #minetest-dev
16:11 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
16:16 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest-dev
16:27 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:34 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
16:59 Anchakor_ joined #minetest-dev
17:19 selat joined #minetest-dev
17:24 roniz joined #minetest-dev
17:46 rickmcfarley joined #minetest-dev
17:47 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
18:00 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
18:04 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
18:10 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
18:14 Krock joined #minetest-dev
18:18 prozacgod joined #minetest-dev
18:20 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
18:20 hmmmm well'
18:21 hmmmm migrating is much more difficult than i imagined
18:21 hmmmm i'm not really sure which component is at fault but the permissions got FUBAR'd
18:22 Tablet_One joined #minetest-dev
18:24 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
18:25 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
18:41 ElectronLibre left #minetest-dev
18:49 ShadowNinja Merging build cleanup.
18:52 hmmmm +2
18:56 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
19:00 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
19:01 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
19:03 Warr1024 anyone else wanna take a look at #2536?
19:03 ShadowBot -- Anti-alias all 2D GUI Elements. by Warr1024
19:05 ShadowNinja Changing docs to allow nil as discussed in #2108.
19:05 ShadowBot -- decide whether can_dig should be called with a nil player or not
19:07 Krock ShadowNinja, please look at minetest/cmake/Modules/FindOpenGLES2.cmake Line 32
19:08 Krock Tried to compile the stuff and failed because there's no endif()
19:08 ShadowNinja Krock: Oops.
19:08 ShadowNinja Krock: Anything else?
19:08 Krock Couldn't find any further bug
19:09 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
19:09 Krock maybe a bug from someone else in debug.cpp
19:11 Krock
19:11 Krock Strange, it's an error.
19:14 ShadowNinja Krock: Fixed, anything else?
19:15 ShadowNinja (move std::string version_str... to the top)
19:15 Krock ShadowNinja, nope, nothing wrong with the build system
19:16 Krock Yes, moving that line helped
19:17 Krock nuh. ..\..\minetest\src\game.cpp(4249): error C2308: joining together not matching chars
19:18 rickmcfarley Any minetest devs have a flattr account?
19:22 leat joined #minetest-dev
19:25 ShadowNinja error_message goes through a few wchar/char conversions, but at always starts and ends as a char, so I'll just change it to that.
19:25 Calinou in which file is the debug string defined?
19:27 est31 joined #minetest-dev
19:29 Krock ShadowNinja, solved with "L" running a different version of " + narrow_to_wide(PROJECT_NAME ".")"
19:30 Krock Compiling more *.cpp files to see if there are more errors :)
19:31 Calinou nevermind
19:35 Krock ShadowNinja, green light. There are no other errors
19:36 Krock except in the linker <.<
19:38 Krock strange. I'm getting error like error LNK2005: _strchr is already defined in LIBCMT.lib(strchr.obj)
19:40 Krock okay, this needs a clean build to verify
19:42 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
19:44 kilbith ShadowNinja, you may want to close #2403 now
19:44 ShadowBot -- Fix freetype detection by AMDmi3
19:45 est31 ?
19:45 est31 hmmmm confirmed it was broken, didn't he?
19:46 est31 nrzkt said he wasnt sure...
19:46 hmmmm maybe his jenkins build is running 10
19:46 hmmmm i noticed a lot of weird things break because i'm on 9
19:46 hmmmm in any case... yeah.. i'm upgrading very soon
19:46 hmmmm i just need to figure out a strategy of how to do this
19:47 hmmmm i'm not switching to linux btw =]
19:47 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
19:48 Calinou BSD user problems :p
19:48 hmmmm i think my problems are the same problems as anybody with a rolling release distro would have
19:49 nrzkt hmmmm: jenkins is on FreeBSD 10.1
19:49 hmmmm i'm just going take better care of my OS
19:49 hmmmm nrzkt, this might not be a problem then.
19:49 nrzkt hmmmm: have you resolved your ZFS problems ? :p
19:49 hmmmm nope
19:50 nrzkt if you need some help maybe i can help you, i use ZFS on our data storages and virtualization storage at work
19:50 hmmmm yea... I was asking on #zfs already
19:50 hmmmm they have no idea either
19:50 nrzkt freebsd-fs mailing list ?
19:50 hmmmm it's not necessary anyway, i'm not migrating anymore
19:51 nrzkt you want to upgrade from 9.X to 10.X ?
19:51 hmmmm well this is probably a better discussion for #minetest
19:51 hmmmm quite off-topic
19:51 nrzkt maybe :p
19:55 rickmcfarley joined #minetest-dev
20:38 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
20:50 est31 joined #minetest-dev
20:53 Krock ShadowNinja, sorry when I 'ping' you again but for some strange reason, it's required for me to compile json with the cmake setting set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "/MT")
20:53 Krock Any other try resulted in many linker errors
20:59 hmmmm are you building libjson as a dll or a static link library?
21:04 Calinou how can I build Minetest using static libraries only? I'd like to make a build that I can easily redistribute
21:04 Calinou (ie. copy system libs to static ones)
21:07 Krock hmmmm, good question. I only get the output of a .lib file :3
21:07 hmmmm yea... that's called a static library
21:08 Krock Yes it is. <ConfigurationType>StaticLibrary</ConfigurationType>
21:08 hmmmm all of the static libraries and the project itself needs to use the same CRT version
21:08 hmmmm in your case MT is multithreaded static lib iirc
21:08 Krock yeah
21:08 hmmmm so yea... the symbols would be slightly different and it'd say "unresolved symbol __imp__SomeJsonApiHere"
21:08 hmmmm errm, unresolved reference
21:10 Krock so __imp__ errors are caused by dlls?
21:10 hmmmm erm __imp__ errors are caused by static lib libraries not being all linked against the same CRT version
21:10 hmmmm they ALL need to be MT, MTd, MD, or MDd
21:11 Krock strange. I build the complete thing from scratch (also json) and still got those errors. somehow I solved it by adding that cmake line and recompiling it afterwards
21:12 Krock Thanks for the information :)
21:12 hmmmm no problem
21:13 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
21:24 rickmcfarley Any minetest devs have a flattr account?
21:25 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:32 Krock rickmcfarley, no answer = nope
21:41 rickmcfarley Just trying to give money away and was afraid the message was missed
21:43 hmmmm if i recall, there is a donation box on that goes toward hosting
21:44 hmmmm nope, money donations aren't accepted anymore =] sorry
21:47 kilbith
21:47 hmmmm there's no link to that page
21:47 kilbith Development > Donate
21:47 hmmmm o
21:47 hmmmm wtf
21:47 hmmmm that should be under Community, no?
21:49 sfan5 you don't donate towards the "community" though
21:50 hmmmm helping the community
21:50 est31 the donate page is linked on f-droid
21:51 hmmmm iirc, celeron shut the donations down about 2 years ago
21:51 est31;fdid=net.minetest.minetest
21:51 est31 rly?
21:51 rickmcfarley Thanks all. I just started a flattr account looking for software I use on flattr
21:52 est31 I assumed it still was online, as the page made it appear that way
21:52 est31 if/when you know it for sure please tell me.
21:52 est31 then I'll send a PR to f-droid to remove the link
21:52 Calinou rickmcfarley, if you want to support free game development, you can donate to the Red Eclipse devs
21:53 rickmcfarley Thank you Calinou
21:53 pozzoni joined #minetest-dev
21:54 * JeDa saluda!
21:59 paramat joined #minetest-dev
22:15 ElectronLibre left #minetest-dev
22:24 paramat left #minetest-dev
22:49 est31 hmmmm, have you made a forum topic describing your RPC plans yet?
23:09 rickmcfarley joined #minetest-dev
23:45 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
23:56 paramat joined #minetest-dev
23:59 paramat game #479
23:59 ShadowBot -- Dont see through nodes without noclip privileges by ShadowNinja
23:59 paramat ass! game#479
23:59 ShadowBot -- default/mapgen.lua: Remove absheight to remove rare ores from mgv5/mgv7 mountains by paramat

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