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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-03-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:21 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
03:20 enesbil joined #minetest-dev
03:21 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
03:40 enesbil joined #minetest-dev
03:50 enesbil joined #minetest-dev
04:08 pozzoni joined #minetest-dev
04:13 paramat joined #minetest-dev
04:14 paramat i'll merge #3885 #3886 later
04:14 ShadowBot -- Mapgen: Stop tunnel-floor biome nodes being placed everywhere by paramat
04:14 ShadowBot -- Fix connected nodes' selection boxes. by sofar
04:45 paramat will also merge another batch of PRs to game
04:53 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
05:12 _tutima joined #minetest-dev
06:14 paramat now merging games 916 928 933 944 955 956
06:17 sofar how can GenericCAO not have m_pitch? *tears hair out*
06:17 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:23 paramat no idea
06:24 sofar apparently the server only ever sends yaw, but never pitch
06:24 sofar anyway, I was attempting to look at head rotation for players
06:25 paramat nice. merged
06:25 sofar good job
06:25 sofar I think I lost an hour figuring out what each of the [CS]AO
06:25 sofar 's are
06:25 sofar and which one I'd actually need to look at
06:25 paramat btw is it possible to place new doors using lvm?
06:26 sofar lbm?
06:26 paramat door + hidden i guess
06:26 paramat lua voxelmanip
06:26 sofar can lvm write node metadata?
06:27 paramat nope
06:27 sofar you can get pretty far. I suppose we could make the door code recognize a "metadata-less" door and assume it was placed as a closed door
06:28 sofar should be easy to test, sec
06:28 paramat it would be good to allow schematics with doors
06:28 paramat closed by default would be fine
06:29 paramat for example sokomine's villages mod  has schems with doors
06:29 sofar actually
06:30 sofar I think it's already working
06:30 sofar you have to make sure you place doors tops and bottoms with the same facedir, tho
06:30 sofar I just placed one with //lua minetest.setnode() and checked if the doors API code sets the metadata
06:31 sofar and it does, properly
06:31 sofar lemme try right-sided door, though
06:31 sofar right-hinged
06:34 paramat set node is different to lvm though
06:35 sofar yes, but set_node only sets content and param1/2
06:35 paramat ok. lvm doesn't call callbacks
06:36 sofar hummm, how can I detect in lua whether a nodemeta value is entirely missing? get_string() it?
06:36 paramat uhm i don't know =/
06:36 sofar ah, yes, that works
06:37 paramat placing doors using set node is essential, by lvm would be good too
06:39 paramat phew down to 26 PRs, now i'd like to keep it down to 1 page (25)
06:47 sofar ok, I have a patch for that
06:47 paramat good
06:47 paramat lvm and schematics can set node id and rotation, both need to be able to place doors, i would say it's essential
06:48 sofar the hidden top should be included in the schematic for best results
06:48 paramat sokomine is currently updating villages mod to new doors, you could perhaps discuss with her
06:48 sofar but it can be missing
06:48 paramat yes
06:51 sofar of course, mods using lvms could set nodemeta, and then lvm in the blocks.
06:52 sofar but, this will work for wooden doors
06:52 sofar (not for locked doors, obviously)
06:52 paramat ok
06:52 Soni joined #minetest-dev
06:53 sofar actually, it works fine
06:53 sofar can place a steel door this way
06:53 sofar it's just openable by everybody
06:53 paramat lol
06:53 sofar game#957
06:53 ShadowBot -- Doors: Allow schematic placement of wooden doors. by sofar
06:54 paramat thanks
06:58 sofar why did you reopen #953?
06:58 ShadowBot -- When re-loading map, map is totally black
06:58 sofar game 953, of course
06:59 paramat oh error
07:00 est31 joined #minetest-dev
07:00 paramat thinking it was open i just hit the 're open' button thinking it was the 'close' button
07:00 paramat oh it auto-closed the issue, creepy
07:01 paramat it does that when some PRs are merged
07:01 sofar must be a new thing
07:01 est31 no
07:02 linkedinyou joined #minetest-dev
07:02 est31 you can add "fixes #blabla" to your commit msg then issue #blabla gets closed when you push and you also have commiter rights for a repo
07:02 est31 its an old thing
07:03 paramat ah
07:03 est31 also works for "merge" i think, there are a couple of magic words.
07:03 sofar est31: I started looking at head animation client-side. turns out GenericCAO only stores (gets from server?) yaw, never pitch :^((
07:04 est31 of course real fun when you write "doesn't fix #blabla" and it closes the issue
07:05 est31 lemme see
07:05 sofar 623 in content_cao.cpp
07:05 sofar I can extend, obviously, new version, woohoo
07:06 sofar not that I figured out the rest yet. I can mess up rotation of players, though, that's hopeful, lol
07:07 est31 i remember a bug where the yaw is sent wrongly, turned by 90 degrees or something
07:07 sofar that's to lua
07:07 est31 bug in the protocol
07:07 est31 ah
07:07 sofar this one is to the client, and it's correct
07:07 est31 cool
07:08 est31 so, its not that big of an issue to bump the protocol version, is it?
07:08 sofar anyway, I'm out of gas, it's late, and I gotta work tomorrow. I now know where I can mess up bone rotation
07:08 est31 now that you know how it works :)
07:08 sofar well it's still weird
07:08 sofar updateBonePos is only called once
07:08 sofar UpdateNodePos is called every step
07:09 sofar not sure why. oh well?
07:09 sofar the version bump should indeed be fine
07:10 est31 idk either
07:11 Soni joined #minetest-dev
07:11 sofar it's gonna be a hack for starters to begin with. if it works as a concept I'll be happy. No rush
07:11 * sofar gives up for the day
07:11 sofar later
07:11 est31 bye
07:42 Obani joined #minetest-dev
07:59 LuciousLisa left #minetest-dev
07:59 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
08:01 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
08:02 Obani paramat, should #3890 be merged ?
08:02 ShadowBot -- Update menu header image by kilbith
08:05 paramat i'd rather the spaces were removed, see my comment
08:06 Obani I personnaly prefer with spaces
08:06 Obani It's more readable and airier
08:07 Obani But I agree it would do some strange things switching to singleplayer tab :)
08:11 paramat i'd also prefer a new surface texture instead of stone, perhaps something metallic.
08:12 Obani mmh
08:12 Obani I would have seen personally something more organic with dirt, grass, trees, flowers, lianas,... :p
08:12 Obani But kinda hard to make
08:12 paramat #958
08:12 ShadowBot -- Add player list, viewable by holding Tab by sfan5
08:13 Obani :o
08:13 paramat well the header is for the engine, so perhaps needs to be more universal
08:13 paramat oops
08:13 paramat game#958
08:13 ShadowBot -- Default: Fix rotation errors for mapgen aspen and sapling jungletree by paramat
08:49 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:59 Samson1 joined #minetest-dev
09:03 lordfingle joined #minetest-dev
09:19 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
09:39 red-001 #3657
09:39 ShadowBot -- Allow players to drop unknown items and add a setting to remove them on drop. by red-001
09:54 paramat game#959
09:54 ShadowBot -- Default: Make some plant nodes non-flammable by paramat
10:00 red-001 paramat are you working on adding an on_flood callback?
10:02 paramat not yet but maybe after release
10:11 paramat but i don't like the idea of allowing water to drop nodes and would rather not bloat the liquid code with something non-essential
10:28 Elinvention joined #minetest-dev
10:51 paramat hm so actually no i won't work on it and will vote against it :)
11:24 est31 joined #minetest-dev
11:25 est31 okay noclip enforcement works so fa
11:25 est31 r
11:25 est31 but it has some problems though
11:25 est31 mostly because of failing path search
11:26 est31 and because path search is so slow
11:26 est31 it really is, searching 16 nodes takes like 100 ms
11:26 est31 thats not nice
11:27 paramat 100ms == forever
11:28 est31 yeah
11:30 est31 that path search code needs a big cleanup anyway
11:30 red-001 what is quicktune?
11:33 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
11:37 est31 joined #minetest-dev
11:39 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
11:40 est31 I guess half of the time is wasted to print stuff to verbosestream or something
11:41 est31 idk, i have to do non minetest things, now, as much fun as fixing the noclip enforcement would be
11:41 est31 first I would have to understand what all the path search code does
11:43 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
11:43 est31 its not that hard, its just a bit uncommon
11:44 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:49 nore #3895
11:49 ShadowBot -- Make node timers more efficient by Ekdohibs
11:49 paramat nice
11:49 nore Needs review, and some more testing than just mine
11:50 Megaf Merge that please
11:50 paramat yeah i'm a little concerned about adding nodetimer crops for release, hopefully 2 weeks is enough to debug
11:51 nore Also, I did not profile it, so I don't know if is really is faster, but it should be, the speedup should be enough to balance the slightly higher constant factor
11:51 nore (2 maps instead of one)
11:51 nore So, adding a node timer is 2 timers slower as before
11:51 nore But each nodetimer step should only have complexity O(number of timers that were triggered)
11:52 est31 it should be profiled
11:52 nore (maybe * log (number of nodetimers in block))
11:52 est31 i had suggested a speedup to RBA
11:52 nore meaning that nodetimer can be decreased
11:52 est31 didnt profile it and he applied it
11:52 est31 what we ended with was master having a big speed regression in meshgen
11:52 nore est31: how do you profile it? (I've never done profiling before :/)
11:53 est31 usually you measure some code
11:53 Megaf when will this be merged?
11:53 est31 how long it takes to execute
11:53 Megaf #3848
11:53 ShadowBot -- Send only changed node metadata to clients instead of whole mapblock by est31
11:53 est31 take the time before, and the time after it
11:54 nore ok
11:54 est31 afk
11:54 nore hm, it looks like I added a bug :/
12:06 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
12:07 kilbith paramat, give me a reason why you removed the milestone on my Creative cleaning ?
12:07 kilbith it's important, i don't want to ship a least optimized code for 0.4.14
12:09 paramat ok i'll re-add
12:10 kilbith reviewing appreciated as well please
12:10 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:13 paramat no reason for removing the milestone apart from undecidedness on what is essential for release, happy to re-add it
12:15 paramat i would like to see it included for release, so that was a mistake sorry
12:16 kilbith sorry to be sensitive on that because it's my area of expertise
12:17 rubenwardy Just because something's not on a milestone doesn't mean that it won't be added before release
12:17 kilbith yes but at least i have a clear warrant that it will be shipped
12:19 rubenwardy very true
12:24 rubenwardy why is Minetest so terrible at transfering files w/o remote media server?
12:35 nore est31: so the real bottleneck is actually iterating the mapblocks: I get a little speedup, but the code is actually already very fast
12:36 nore averaging over many steps, it looks like nodetimers currently take 1/4 to 1/3 ms per step (with ~200 active nodetimers)
12:37 nore with my pull, it more like 1/5 to 1/4 I would say
12:40 est31 ok
12:40 est31 well its a speedup
12:40 est31 thats goo
12:40 est31 d
12:45 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
12:50 MegafEee joined #minetest-dev
12:50 MegafEee joined #minetest-dev
12:55 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
13:05 paramat left #minetest-dev
13:10 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
13:10 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
13:21 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
13:39 red-001 #3896
13:39 ShadowBot -- Made more keys configurable in-game and remove a few keybinds used for debugging. by red-001
13:50 DevBox joined #minetest-dev
13:52 rubenwardy / Sorry, I was too lazy to implement this. --kahrl
13:52 rubenwardy 10/10
14:09 celeron55 it's a well optimized function
14:28 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
15:18 Fixer compiled minetest-0.4.13-9388704-win64-PR3810-3848-3856-3886-3894 and getting strange server crash if player takes out item from chest
15:19 Fixer no errors in logs, i will build debug build and try gdb on it
15:44 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
15:48 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:48 Sokomine sofar, paramat: handle_schematics and mg_villages are both updated now so that they can place new doors (they use voxelmanip) if the schematic contained an old door. i'm not sure if i caught all possible setups of doors, but those i tested worked fine. the _a version of the door seems to work right out of the box; the _b version needed extra treatment
15:55 Sokomine sofar, paramat: and yes, the actual setup of the doors is done after the placement and lvm is finished; just like chests and other things with metadata. the existing door-abm can't be used due to the old nodes no longer existing
15:55 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:56 pozzoni joined #minetest-dev
16:08 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
16:11 Obani joined #minetest-dev
16:16 Fixer i have crash minetest with some pull requests applied, can someone look at it? can it be related to PR 3848? i will do more tests
16:21 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
16:27 sofar Sokomine: did you use that patch that I posted yesterday?
16:35 paramat joined #minetest-dev
16:36 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:39 red-001 sofar doesn't the minetest.after(0.1) you added to TNT just increase the delay to 1.1 seconds?
16:39 sofar no
16:39 sofar go watch the video linked
16:39 sofar
16:40 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
16:44 red-001 I see
16:48 sofar 1.1sec right? ;)
16:50 red-001 wouldn't it be better to use a nodetimer for that?
16:56 sofar nodetimers run 1.0 seconds apart
16:57 red-001 I see
16:58 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:11 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
17:12 luizrpgluiz_ joined #minetest-dev
17:12 Sokomine sofar: havn't seen that yet
17:13 luizrpgluiz_ left #minetest-dev
17:13 sofar Sokomine: it fixes up the _b doors automatically once the first player opens them
17:14 Sokomine sofar: ah. that is good to hear. so no more extra handling of _b doors necessary?
17:14 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
17:15 sofar right, if you place the two nodes with param2 to rotate them properly with the schematic, then it should autocorrect them without a hitch
17:15 Sokomine that sounds good. param2 rotatiion is handled by the mods
17:16 sofar yes, that would be in your schematic
17:16 sofar mts schematic, right?
17:23 enesbil joined #minetest-dev
17:29 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
17:31 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
17:36 paramat will merge #3885 #3886 in a moment
17:36 ShadowBot -- Mapgen: Stop tunnel-floor biome nodes being placed everywhere by paramat
17:36 ShadowBot -- Fix connected nodes' selection boxes. by sofar
17:38 paramat now merging
17:40 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
17:45 Obani joined #minetest-dev
17:48 paramat merged
17:49 Obani paramat, #3143 can be merged :)
17:49 ShadowBot -- Add by davisonio
17:50 paramat i almost did but thought est might want to give it a final check
17:51 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
17:51 paramat left #minetest-dev
17:53 Arron joined #minetest-dev
17:53 Arron hello there
17:53 Arron i m stick
17:54 Arron can anyone can helpo me
17:54 Arron i m trying to create a Bot for minetest
17:54 Arron but no way to connect on my server
17:54 Arron i m trying this -->
17:54 Arron i do'nt understand how that's works can someone can hep me to found the way ?
17:57 Arron i haev this error --> raise ValueError('Access denied. Reason: ' + self.access_denied)
17:57 Arron ValueError: Access denied. Reason: Your client sent something server didn't expect.Try reconnecting or updating your client
17:57 sofar ask in #minetest
17:58 numZero joined #minetest-dev
17:58 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
18:02 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
18:03 ssieb Looking in the C++ source files, it's not clear if the code style is opening braces on the same line or new line.  Which is it or does it not matter?
18:04 sofar following line for function braces, same line otherwise
18:05 sofar ssieb: don't look at C++ for code style rules, lol
18:07 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
18:08 ssieb ok
18:09 ssieb I want to change the colorize command to respect the destination alpha.  A brief look at mods indicates that changing the current way it works would change how current nodes are displayed.
18:10 luizrpgluiz left #minetest-dev
18:11 ssieb Would it be ok to add an option where if the second parameter is "alpha" instead of a number, it will do what I want?  This will not affect any current mods or clients.  It will only add new functionality for new clients.
18:13 sofar is that a lua function?
18:14 red-001 colorize?
18:14 ssieb Oh, sorry, it's the ^[colorize option for textures.
18:18 Arron waou works with minetest 0.4.9
18:18 Arron i have my bot
18:19 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:19 Arron ok now i have to create an IA
18:20 Arron well i don't how to start
18:26 sofar 1) program it to have goals
18:27 sofar 2) let it do random stuff
18:27 sofar 3) if that progresses towards goals, repeat
18:27 sofar 4) if not, stop doing it
18:28 Arron for now no way to move it
18:29 Arron i try command like that :
18:30 Arron bot/walk
18:30 Arron or bot/turn
18:30 Arron nothink appening
18:32 Arron well all command i send is just asking in the chat
18:32 red-001 well then your doing something wrong
18:33 Arron yes i think to
18:36 Arron evrythink is incvalid command
18:38 kilbith Arron, wrong channel, thanks this to #minetest please
18:38 Arron ok
18:38 kilbith s/thanks/take
18:42 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
18:44 ssieb Any comments on my [colorize change?  I guess I'll just file a PR and see what happens. :-)
18:59 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
19:06 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
19:13 Player-2 joined #minetest-dev
19:55 Calinou_ joined #minetest-dev
20:04 Calinou__ joined #minetest-dev
20:25 everamzah joined #minetest-dev
20:31 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:44 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
21:00 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
21:18 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:32 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
21:46 sofar can someone move "" to "News" perhaps?
22:07 celeron55 sofar: doing
22:07 sofar awesome
22:08 sofar FYi if you haven't seen this one: possible long read, but may be interesting
22:08 celeron55 ...assuming i can actually figure out how to move a topic
22:09 sofar "In each topic, there is an option to "Move topic" (click the dropdown next to Quick-mod tools)."
22:09 celeron55 moved
22:10 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
22:13 celeron55 sofar: it's called Lua, not LUA
22:13 sofar sure, lol
22:14 celeron55 this is important!
22:14 sofar fixed it :)
22:15 sofar don't have to discuss in the forums, but I'd be interested to know which items people would like to see prioritized
22:15 sofar or, toileted ;)
22:17 celeron55 well, none of them need to be toileted
22:17 celeron55 just be very wary of performance in some
22:18 celeron55 11 is something i have been wanting a long time already
22:18 celeron55 and contains a typing error
22:18 sofar 11 doesn't sound like a technically complex thing
22:19 celeron55 it clearly wants to say "server to client", not "client to server"
22:19 sofar ahh lol, yes
22:19 celeron55 yeah it's not complicated at all
22:19 sofar I've pretty much written down the whole implementation there as well
22:20 sofar just in words, not code
22:21 sofar 4 may be an issue, but I think it could be *faster* if implemented correctly
22:21 sofar 5 is really something that should be simple - just allow optional tiledef instead of "texture = "
22:23 sofar I however keep coming back to 2 being the one thing that blocks so much progress
22:25 ssieb Is it possible to use mesh objects for tool inventory images?
22:26 sofar right now, or with patches?
22:30 celeron55 sofar: what you elaborate in 2 could be a reasonable way to do the thing; people often get into all kinds of database complexness when they talk about that
22:30 ssieb sofar: right now
22:30 ssieb but I'm assuming from your response that the answer is no :-)
22:31 sofar celeron55: it could easily be done in steps, too
22:31 celeron55 and probably not even difficult; the most difficult part can be designing all the compatibility things to work perfectly
22:31 sofar ssieb: only way now is to make an entity and bone_attach
22:31 sofar ssieb: I think
22:32 ssieb I meant just in the inventory, but yes, for the wielding as well
22:32 sofar oh
22:32 sofar if you have a mesh node block
22:32 sofar like e.g. fencegate
22:32 sofar that just *works*
22:33 sofar just open the game with current git for minetest, and minetest_game, and look at the fencegate item
22:42 Dragonop joined #minetest-dev
22:46 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
22:48 ssieb sofar: is that a tool?
22:48 sofar ah, no. mesh tools? never heard of it
22:50 ssieb would look nicer in the inventory
22:51 ssieb and for wielding
22:51 sofar honestly, if you've seen my list I think you'd realize how little I could care about something like that, sorry
22:52 ssieb sure, it was just a general question
22:52 nore sofar: btw, about #3895, I tested it with ~150 active nodetimers; the speedup was not very high since nodetimer managing is already quite fast, but there still is one
22:52 ShadowBot -- Make node timers more efficient by Ekdohibs
22:52 sofar ah, ok, I thought you were suggesting something for my list
22:53 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
22:53 nore I guess with ~1000 nodetimers the speedup would be more noticeable
22:53 sofar nore: the optimization is nice, it'll make the farming conversion even better
22:53 sofar with increased range for timers activating, one could grow huge fields of crops ;)
22:54 nore I could optimize it even more, to avoid iterating blocks that don't need to
22:54 nore but I'm not sure it would be very useful, nodetimers are already *very fast*
22:54 sofar tbh I don't see the current implementation as bad at all
22:54 sofar nod
22:54 nore i.e. < 1ms each step
22:54 nore whereas ABMs take ~30ms...
22:56 nore (well, I was even wondering if it would be possible to handle ABMs the way nodetimers are handled instead, that would remove quite a lot of server load)
22:56 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
22:56 nore anyway, it's getting late here, so good night! :)
22:57 sofar nore: if you want something that abuses abm's try minetest-mods/mymonths
22:57 sofar it'll make abm's overflow it's timeslice :)
22:58 nore isn't it the thing that add seasons?
22:58 nore for a mod like that, I'd rather use voxelmanip; but there would need to be a way to know which blocks are active
22:58 nore and that's something I've been waiting for for a loooong time
22:59 nore maybe I should try again to code it someday (IIRC I tried once, but failed as I was not experimented with the engine enough back then)
23:11 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:31 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev

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