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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-03-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:12 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest-dev
00:53 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
00:56 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
00:58 Dragonop_ joined #minetest-dev
01:42 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
01:52 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
01:53 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
03:01 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
03:43 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
04:13 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
04:17 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
05:47 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:25 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
06:54 Obani joined #minetest-dev
07:23 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
08:24 blaze joined #minetest-dev
08:26 Terusthebird joined #minetest-dev
08:31 Terusthebird joined #minetest-dev
08:35 Terusthebird joined #minetest-dev
08:38 Terusthebird joined #minetest-dev
09:01 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
09:30 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
09:42 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
09:43 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:49 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
09:55 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
10:05 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
10:28 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
10:29 Megaf Hi folks.
10:41 paramat joined #minetest-dev
10:48 paramat #3887 is needed but merge fails due to line endings problems, any ideas how i can get this to merge? i might try replacing every line ending in my text editor
10:48 ShadowBot -- Shaders: Reduce amplitude of waving leaves and plants by paramat
10:58 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
11:04 linkedinyou joined #minetest-dev
11:04 neoascetic joined #minetest-dev
11:05 neoascetic Tests for OSX failed. Again:
11:05 neoascetic I think it is better to rewrite the test. It is machine/speed/something-else dependent
11:05 paramat that fail happens often, there's an issue for it
11:06 neoascetic Oh, okay
11:06 paramat it happens on good PRs
11:06 red-001 It happens on all PRs
11:07 paramat builds are failing so often now i rarely take notice of them =/
11:07 neoascetic May I have a link to issue, please?
11:07 neoascetic #3786
11:07 ShadowBot -- Unreliably failing unittests on mac
11:07 neoascetic got it
11:29 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
11:37 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:43 red-001 #3900
11:43 ShadowBot -- Add a button for disabling all mods to world config. by red-001
11:45 paramat nore sfan5 ShadowNinja PilzAdam reviews needed for game#908 game#957 game#959 game#862 game#962 game#964 game#945
11:45 ShadowBot -- Default: New jungletree_top texture with square character by paramat
11:45 ShadowBot -- Doors: Allow schematic placement of wooden doors. by sofar
11:45 ShadowBot -- Default: Make some plant nodes non-flammable by paramat
11:45 ShadowBot -- Tnt: Improvements by sofar
11:45 ShadowBot -- Fire: Allow placing only above flammable blocks by kilbith
11:45 ShadowBot -- Books: Move page buttons at the bottom by kilbith
11:45 ShadowBot -- Creative: Code cleaning + Fix items moving in virtual inventory by kilbith2
11:46 nore paramat: 945 is +1 from me once it is tested
11:46 paramat ok
11:46 sfan5 wat
11:46 sfan5 why would a tree have perfectly square inner structure
11:47 paramat i tried rounding the corners but it looked bad
11:47 sfan5 paramat:
11:48 paramat all our trees have square structure :)
11:48 sfan5 yeah but not like this
11:49 paramat i tried adding those rounded corners to my cross-shape, it looked really bad
11:49 paramat that texture ignores the 4 lianas
11:49 sfan5 but why do we want to plus inside the tree
11:50 paramat that's explained in my comments
11:50 paramat it looks cool and has character
11:51 sfan5 i disagree
11:51 red-001 I looks strange to me
11:51 paramat heh textures are difficult merges
11:53 sfan5 paramat: approve 957 and 959
11:54 paramat ok
11:56 paramat i'll try to test 945 later
11:58 paramat then i'll merge another batch
12:02 paramat i'll re-try rounding my texture
12:10 sfan5 paramat: 964 is ok too
12:11 paramat ok
12:20 red-001 #969
12:20 ShadowBot -- Refactor the main method in main.cpp
12:20 red-001 game#969
12:20 ShadowBot -- Remove `default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps` and add alias. by red-001
12:22 paramat ^ VanessaE i seem to remember it's used on some servers?
12:27 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
12:28 red-001 so should I keep the texture?
12:29 red-001 that way servers can re add it more easily
12:31 paramat we may have to keep the node, best wait for more input
12:45 MegafEee joined #minetest-dev
13:14 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
13:20 paramat left #minetest-dev
13:20 VanessaE keep the node, paramat.
13:20 VanessaE some servers/games use it.
13:27 nore I'd say, keep the node, even if it can't be obtained without creative or /giveme
13:27 sfan5 ^ ack
13:29 nore game#852 should be tested and merged before 0.4.14 I think
13:29 ShadowBot -- Call on_place_node() callbacks after placing door. by sofar
13:29 nore #game#862 I meabt
13:29 nore grrr
13:29 VanessaE bbl
13:30 nore well, the TNT one
14:03 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
14:39 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
15:20 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:22 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
15:25 paramat joined #minetest-dev
15:28 paramat 945 is tested and shift-clicking works
15:31 paramat nore sfan5 agree to close game#969 ?
15:31 ShadowBot -- Remove `default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps` and add alias. by red-001
15:31 sfan5 yes
15:32 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
15:34 paramat ok
15:35 paramat done
15:36 paramat will soon merge games 893 945 957 958 959 960 964 968 =P'
15:42 paramat now merging
15:44 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
15:56 paramat merged
16:19 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
16:43 est31 joined #minetest-dev
16:44 est31 paramat, what PR is do you think more important: the metadata PR or the noclip one?
16:44 VanessaE metadata.
16:45 est31 both still needs lots of work
16:45 VanessaE which one's the noclip one?
16:46 paramat erm metadata, but noclip is needed for new doors
16:46 est31 #3894
16:46 ShadowBot -- Add serverside noclip enforcement by est31
16:46 est31 well which one is more important
16:46 Fixer paramat, not only new doors
16:46 est31 i dont think i have time for fixing both this week
16:46 paramat i guess both unfortunately, happy to delay freeze
16:47 Fixer paramat, it is not just doors, there are a lot of problems with cheaters that it can solve (noclip mining, or going through any block)
16:47 paramat hmm
16:48 paramat perhaps noclip is then if it's essential for new doors
16:48 Krock joined #minetest-dev
16:48 paramat metadata would be really nice to have in but isn't as essential
16:48 Fixer paramat, right now cheater can go through any block and mine everything, with this PR it will not
16:48 est31 noclip needs path search improvement
16:48 est31 metadata pr needs bugfixing
16:49 Fixer please, delay the freeze
16:49 paramat man these new doors have caused trouble
16:49 Fixer why so much rush?
16:49 paramat no rush
16:49 est31 its not rush
16:49 est31 why so feature creep :)
16:51 paramat i almost feel the minor advantages of mesh doors are not worth the trouble and complexity (but hate to say it after so much good work by sofar)
16:51 paramat still i'll stay neutral on that for now :)
16:52 VanessaE est31: metadata is more important imho
16:52 VanessaE fewer people are affected by noclip bugs, imho
16:52 est31 fewer?
16:52 est31 people lag into houses all the time
16:53 VanessaE sure, but *everyone* is affected by performance problems caused by excessive metadata changes :)
16:53 paramat yeah hmm
16:54 paramat perhaps we should delay freeze
16:54 paramat and aask other devs for help on these 2
16:54 paramat (ask)
17:00 paramat ok i would say metadata, and leave noclip to someone else
17:03 paramat and i'm holding freeze until further notice
17:04 VanessaE so you're freezing the freeze? :P
17:05 est31 hehe
17:06 paramat lol
17:07 VanessaE I would say start the freeze and just run it for longer
17:08 VanessaE it's not like you're adding features anyway
17:08 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
17:10 paramat guess it depends on when we consider these 2 PRs 'merged'. anyway announced and lets see how stuff goes over the next few days
17:10 Elinvention joined #minetest-dev
17:16 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
17:20 DevBox joined #minetest-dev
17:23 Obani joined #minetest-dev
17:23 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
17:24 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
17:25 srifqi paramat, I've some question in 2561. (I've updated my last comment)
17:26 paramat !tell ShadowNinja is it possible you could work on noclip 3894 so est can concentrate on metadata 3848?
17:26 ShadowBot paramat: O.K.
17:26 paramat ok looking
17:30 paramat i'll list the defaults
17:37 paramat replied
17:37 srifqi i've read your reply
17:39 srifqi thanks for reply, i'll work asap 'cause it's already late night here (0.39 a.m.)
17:39 paramat est31 since you have a grip on 3848 i recommend focussing on that
17:39 paramat ok
17:41 Hunterz anyone familiar with worldedit? Does MT WE //undo command or something similar?
17:48 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
17:56 Obani Hunterz, no
17:56 Hunterz :(
17:56 Obani paramat, is #3893 mergeable ?
17:57 ShadowBot -- Credits: Make that easy to add/remove by Rui914
18:06 ssieb Any comments on ?  Would be nice to get in for 0.4.14...
18:10 paramat 3893 is low priority
18:11 paramat we're having to prioritise and we're half frozen so ..
18:12 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:17 * ssieb should have read the topic more carefully.
18:17 ssieb I didn't realize how close freeze was :-/
18:35 sofar paramat: the *one* thing that is imho still worth it for doors is that it's only one node update to open/close doors
18:35 sofar we could have done the API changes without it, of course
18:35 sofar but only having 1 node update state is a lot cleaner and safer
18:36 ssieb Is it enough to make a pull request or should I create an issue as well?
18:43 Fixer sofar, it is fine, noclip will solve it anyway and many other problems
18:49 paramat yes i was just grumbling, we should of course continue on with the new doors
18:50 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
18:52 paramat Minetest is semi-frozen, it's in the fridge door next to the fruit juices
18:54 rom1504 so, if we cut the power, minetest will get more activity ?
18:58 celeron55 it will rot and spoil
18:58 rom1504 ah damn
19:01 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
19:03 Krock vacumize it then
19:03 Krock it will prevent Minetest from rot
19:03 Krock for a while at least
19:04 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:04 ssieb paramat: Is it enough to make a pull request or should I create an issue as well?
19:07 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
19:08 paramat just the PR is ok we can discuss there, perhaps add more description to explain what this fixes
19:09 ssieb ok
19:13 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
19:13 sofar paramat: I'm very aware that the whole doors PR has been a massive learning curve for me ;)
19:16 red-001 sofar the maximum intensity for TNT should be dependent on the size of the explosion
19:16 red-001 or versa
19:16 red-001 or vice versa
19:16 sofar yes, we need to calculate a square inverse curve to make intensity based on radius
19:17 sofar this is why I protested against using radius earlier
19:17 sofar but, we can inverse calculate it
19:17 paramat ah hm good point
19:17 sofar the conversion factor will be a weird constant, though
19:18 sofar red-001: did you see my TNT video btw?
19:18 sofar
19:19 red-001 yeah
19:19 paramat assume the outermost removed node always has the same 'intensity'. 'intensity = 1 at midrange of normal tnt' means at radius 2 of radius 3 tnt
19:20 paramat or something
19:20 sofar right
19:21 sofar I'll have to math that out
19:21 paramat or maybe just have intensity = 1 at outermost removed node
19:21 red-001 that would make more sense
19:23 paramat simpler, more intuitive, simpler maths
19:23 sofar actually no
19:24 sofar I had some nice and easy math model laid out before
19:24 sofar but y'all pooped over it
19:24 paramat yeah i remember disagreeing
19:24 sofar so, it's going to be a kludge
19:24 sofar because you guys think that expressing "TNT intensity" as "radius" is a good idea
19:25 sofar the radius is a consequence OF the intensity
19:25 sofar the intensity is the *energy* of the tnt
19:25 sofar that, is simple math
19:25 sofar :P
19:26 paramat intensity = (1 / radius ^ 2) * destructionradius ^ 2 ?
19:27 paramat = 1 at edge, falls as inverse-square
19:27 sofar the whole problem is moot anyway
19:27 sofar we never calculate intensity for nodes getting destroyed
19:28 Obani sofar, your connected nodeboxes are really good looking :D
19:28 red-001 so the feature freeze is today?
19:29 paramat it's more there for mods. with that equation node is removed at intensity >= 1
19:29 paramat fridge door
19:29 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
19:30 sofar
19:31 sofar the "1" in that line... that's the problem
19:31 red-001 but what to replace it with?
19:31 sofar so here's my proposal
19:31 sofar 1) keep radius
19:31 sofar 2) internally, convert radius to *actual* tnt intensity/energy
19:32 sofar 3) then do math based on the actual energy
19:32 ssieb paramat: ok, I've added a (hopefully clear) explanation of why my change is useful
19:33 red-001 all math or only `on_blast` related?
19:34 sofar why would we do a bad job at it?
19:34 sofar if the internal conversion is good, it doesn't matter
19:34 sofar maybe one day with proper math, we can make softer materials explode futher
19:35 sofar and harder materials explode less
19:35 sofar so the size of the hole becomes variable
19:35 sofar e.g. group:ore is hardest, group:stone less hard, group:cracky even less
19:35 red-001 so rewrite explode?
19:36 sofar to actually calculate intensity per node, yes, and compare it to a threshold
19:36 sofar that would be awesome for sedimentology as well
19:37 sofar now I have to do this:
19:39 red-001 well that wouldn't work too well with voxel manipulator
19:40 sofar sure it will
19:40 sofar doesn't make a difference at all
19:40 red-001 It does
19:40 paramat intensity = (destructionradius ^ 2) / (MAX(radius, 1) ^ 2) = 1 at edge
19:40 red-001 you need to select an area of the map
19:41 sofar just make it large enough
19:41 red-001 that would be slower
19:41 sofar it's fast enough
19:41 sofar did you see my radius=8 explosion?
19:42 sofar
19:42 sofar tell me that that was slow
19:42 red-001 I created an radius 12 explosion
19:43 red-001 I know it's fast
19:43 sofar besides that, the extra radius needed beyond 3 would probably be only 1-2 extra blocks
19:47 red-001 the amount of drops seems to be the largest limiting factor on explosions
19:48 sofar F = U / r^2 <= the core forumula
19:48 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
19:48 sofar U = energy
19:48 sofar F = force
19:48 sofar r = radius (or distance)
19:49 sofar if you want to have a F of 1 at radius 3, then logically U = 9
19:49 sofar so, we can express U (tnt "energy") as "radius*radius"
19:49 Krock isn't P = energy?
19:49 sofar P is power
19:50 Krock force [N], radius [m] -> Nm -> Joule -> Ws
19:50 Krock it's power! :P
19:50 sofar ah , sure, very good
19:50 sofar someone is paying attention!
19:51 Krock nah, just clicked on this tab and seen that
19:52 sofar anyway, now we have a trivial formula to calculate intensity at any radius
19:52 sofar based on tntradius
19:52 Krock and other trivial power conversion method
19:52 sofar P = tntradius*tntradius / radius*radius
19:53 sofar (where radius is never smaller than 1.0)
19:53 Krock aww fuck. It's not P, it's W.
19:53 Krock P is just Watt where W contains the time aswell
19:54 sofar Nm would be correct, I think
19:54 Krock yeah, and so is Joule ;)
19:54 sofar but that's the unit, not the symbol :)
19:54 sofar (darn convention letters)
19:55 paramat that's identical to my equation
19:55 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
19:55 sofar anyway, logically from that curves follow that Nm can't be larger than 0.25 at r=6, for instance, so there's no need to make the voxelmanip that huge
19:55 sofar it gets smaller pretty easily
19:56 sofar paramat: yup, it is
19:56 paramat ok lets update th etnt PR with that
19:56 paramat (the tnt)
19:57 paramat nore sfan5 ShadowNinja i updated game#908
19:57 ShadowBot -- Default: New jungletree_top texture with square character by paramat
19:58 sfan5 now it's diamond formed
19:58 sfan5 i still prefer the texture the way it is
19:59 paramat current one is too round and the lianas are too thin
20:00 Obani paramat, current one is not good, but your new one is worse :s
20:01 paramat lol
20:01 Obani I like Rui914's proposal
20:01 sofar compare them with the other trees
20:01 paramat that one ignores the lianas
20:01 Obani Actually it just doesn't fit in any way with the environment
20:02 sofar well jungles are the worst biome right now
20:02 paramat it perfectly fits the structure of the side texture
20:02 Obani No
20:02 sofar we all hate the side texture
20:02 sofar lol
20:02 Obani It doesn't fit at all
20:03 Obani Just look at the environment and see if it goes out of your view obviously
20:03 Obani Of course it fits with that lianas thing
20:03 Obani Bu nobody cares about looking if there are lianas :p
20:03 fling joined #minetest-dev
20:03 fling joined #minetest-dev
20:11 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
20:11 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:12 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
20:17 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:33 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
20:41 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
21:03 paramat thoughts on #3655 ? i support. mgv7 still has a lighting bug at y = 63 but i think making a good impression on reviewers etc is worth it
21:03 ShadowBot -- Defaulting to Mapgen V7
21:05 paramat ^ hmmmm
21:15 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
21:21 hmmmm i dunno, that's more of a question for everybody else
21:21 hmmmm ask celeron what he thinks
21:22 hmmmm i'm really curious about his opinion on the matter
21:23 sofar +1
21:23 celeron55 what about all the other options
21:23 nrzkt
21:24 nrzkt v6 and v7 seems to be equal for the most active servers
21:24 celeron55 v5 was what many people realized loving about minetest when v6 had been around for a bit
21:24 nrzkt also v5 isn't used in public servers and seems unpopular
21:25 celeron55 well, it has been around in 0.4 for less time and people probably float towards higher numbers
21:26 celeron55 i mean, i'm not seriously suggesting it, but i have almost just as little reason to suggest v7
21:29 hmmmm i think it's a perception thing thanks to the number versioning
21:29 nrzkt yes version number is important
21:31 celeron55 but i mean, seriously, try v5 sometimes
21:31 celeron55 it will make you smile
21:31 celeron55 it's like "hey, we have this completely freeform voxel world; how about actually using it"
21:39 celeron55 v7's problem is that it is constantly too large-scale and sparing in detail
21:40 celeron55 v5's problem is that it's constantly very playful and just crams the whole world full of small detail that gets repetitive after a while
21:41 celeron55 v6 kind of avoids doing both of those things, instead doing its own signature pattern, kind of
21:43 celeron55 really, there needs to be something with more balls
21:46 celeron55 in my opinion the ideal default mapgen should be able to generate at least both, v5 and v7 like stuff in the same world
21:46 red-001 what about valleys ?
21:46 celeron55 (and why not v6 too)
21:46 red-001 is that too unstable?
21:47 hmmmm well i did learn something valuable from v7 - making a good mapgen is difficult
21:47 hmmmm i suppose you could literally take v7/v5/v6 and mix the terrain together using large-scale perlin noise
21:47 hmmmm but then the interpolation between them all would make its own unique yet monotonous blob
21:48 hmmmm in order for mapgen mixing to work, the interpolation would need to be relatively sharp
21:48 celeron55 i think creating a meta-mapgen that just mixes up individual mapgens could be worth a try
21:49 celeron55 it doesn't even need to be perfect; just something kind of plausible enough
21:50 celeron55 red-001: it kind of is a one-trick pony too
21:50 celeron55 mapgens love being one trick ponies; it allows them to be efficient in the one thting
21:50 red-001 true
21:50 celeron55 thing*
21:55 celeron55 so, really
21:55 celeron55 i don't think v7 would make a good impression on reviewers or anything
21:56 celeron55 you usually spawn on some flat hills with nothing to be seen anywhere; then if you fly fast to some direction you end up to some medium-sized but very boring mountains
21:56 celeron55 with v6, at least the initial impression is more like "this is an okay hilly forest"
21:58 celeron55 with v5, the initial impression is like "there is a weird-shaped floating blob of rock in front of me above this medium-sized body of water"
22:02 celeron55 with valleys, the initial impression is "this is a very hilly forest with small rivers in it" and then at some point you realize those are spaced apart by medium-sized mountains with nothing interesting on them
22:08 celeron55 the thing about map generators is that they allow you to replace static pre-made content with an arbitrary amount of generated content
22:08 celeron55 but it's an illusion
22:08 celeron55 the content is the map generator, and when it runs out of new things to generate, that content has run out like any static content would
22:12 celeron55 the "run out" threshold is hard to notice - at the point a player notices it, they are quite fed up with it already and might not still understand what it even is that they are fed up with 8)
22:13 red-001 why does mg_flat generate caves?
22:14 red-001 and dungeons
22:16 red-001 it isn't really flat
22:23 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
22:25 paramat mgv7 isn't completely stable yet, if we insist on that for the default
22:25 sofar apart from tree massacres though, any other issues?
22:29 paramat good points. mgv6 is good for beginners and the biomes are not huge
22:30 paramat i watched a let's play last night in mgv7, it was the usual 'spawn in grassland biome "there's no trees"' thing
22:31 sofar that's why I really think we should add some scarce mini-tree-shrubs to grassland
22:31 paramat seems to freak some people out if they're used to minecraft
22:31 sofar e.g. one stump and 5 leaves
22:31 paramat i thought that too, bushes
22:31 sofar make it really sparse, but still, just a few pieces
22:32 sofar we can re-use them in jungles as well
22:32 sofar to make the ground cover more varied and really bush-bush like
22:33 paramat bushes would be good for savanna too
22:33 sofar tbh that's what I hate about jungles. to me, jungles are high-diversity eco systems
22:33 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
22:33 sofar our current jungles have 2 things, really
22:33 paramat hmm so perhaps we stick to mgv6 for now
22:33 sofar set a goal for 0.4.15 to improve decorations
22:34 sofar do it early, right after 0.4.14
22:34 sofar maybe open an issue already so we can track and discuss
22:36 paramat i'll put this on my todo list
22:37 nore to my mind, jungles would look a lot better if there were different kind of trees and otger vegetation in them
22:38 nore that is, at least two different kinds of trees, and some big trees (and wide too)
22:38 paramat mgflat is meant to be, or configurable to be, a complete mapgen with lots of flat ground for building / cities. that's why there are options for simple lakes and hills too
22:38 nore maybe vines from bas080's mod, that adds another kind of vegetation in the air
22:39 nore and another kind of vegetation on the ground maybe too
22:39 sofar there's several vines, I have some ideas for them
22:40 nore also, I think that jungles could be greener
22:40 nore imho, textures lack green saturation for something that is supposed to be a rainforest
22:41 paramat you'd like Gambit's texture pack
22:43 nore hm, I should give it a try :)
22:43 Dragonop joined #minetest-dev
22:43 nore but nevertheless, jungles lack vegetation, I guess this should be added for 0.4.15
22:44 paramat nore
22:45 nore paramat: thanks !
22:45 * nore goes to bed now
22:50 Samson1 joined #minetest-dev
22:54 celeron55 many mods and subgames do map generation with a lot of stuff quite well
22:54 celeron55 there's not much need to invent anything new there; just look at what works and implement it
22:57 celeron55 how this development should probably work is that the core mapgen generates something, and mods add stuff over it; then it's looked at what mods generally do and that stuff is added to the core mapgen so that it can be done faster, and then mods start using that functionality and can move to figure out more new stuff over it
23:00 VanessaE oh screw it, just add biome_lib, moretrees, and the whole plantlife modpack. Get it overwith ;)
23:03 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:05 sofar I don't like mods that replace (we're missing one or two variants of X) with (add 25 variants of X)
23:05 sofar they don't solve any problem
23:05 sofar they don't make singleplayer more interesting
23:06 sofar they make things for multiplayer often worse
23:06 sofar they're only good for creative
23:06 sofar and barely at that
23:09 VanessaE I was joking :P
23:10 sofar I know
23:11 VanessaE now, that said,
23:11 VanessaE imho there *are* a few nodes in plantlife that would be good candidates for inclusion in a vanilla game
23:12 VanessaE such as say one type of fruit bush, maybe one of the beach-ready grasses
23:13 sofar I'm thinking vines are a good addition. Make them craftable into rope
23:13 VanessaE maybe.
23:13 Dragonop I think the fruit bushes need retexturing and remodeling if you want to add them to mtgame
23:14 VanessaE don't use the existing vines code though, it's got a few bugs and is perhaps overthought
23:14 VanessaE Dragonop: make them plantlike drawtype like they used to be
23:15 VanessaE I'm sure the old textures can be found with some effort.
23:15 Dragonop VanessaE, seems like a good idea
23:19 paramat vines should hang from under leaves/branches not signlike hanging off the side of trees, otherwise a 5x5 tree is doubled in volume to 7x7 and unavoidable gaps are created between trees
23:19 paramat plantlike drawtype perhaps
23:19 VanessaE make a new leaves texture that includes the vines already hanging off?
23:20 Dragonop ^
23:20 VanessaE in a normal working environment though, the vines are added after the trees have spawned.
23:20 VanessaE no new spaces are created, so the trees' volume remains unchanged.
23:21 sofar paramat: we can do a trick
23:22 sofar paramat: hang the vines facing OUT on the outside of the 5x5
23:22 sofar that way they look like they're on the outside, but they're actually inside
23:22 VanessaE the problem comes when trying to cut the vines - the existing code makes a lot of effort to cutting down whole strings of them.
23:22 sofar it even digs holes in the ground when you do
23:23 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
23:23 VanessaE yeah, there's an issue open somewhere about that.
23:23 VanessaE the existing mod puts vines on the bottom-side of dirt(_with_grass) blocks as well.  not sure how much I like that idea, but it's been that way since forever
23:24 paramat yeah good trick
23:25 sofar paramat: then make vines cut by craftable into rope
23:25 sofar something you could use in caves to descend
23:25 sofar e.g. if you place a 5-stack of rope on a ceiling, it would descend 5 nodes down
23:25 VanessaE I like that idea.
23:25 sofar would be fun to do it with 99 :)
23:26 VanessaE make sure they can self-extend.
23:26 sofar maybe limit it to 12 and repeatable
23:26 sofar yes
23:26 VanessaE place a stack of 5 against the bottom of a vine, it goes down another 5
23:26 sofar cool, I'll see if I can code that up nicely
23:26 sofar after 0.4.14 gets release ;))
23:26 kaadmy been thinking about something similar for Pixture :D
23:26 kaadmy extending ropes
23:27 sofar could also make other uses for rope later on
23:27 kaadmy climbing? ;)
23:27 VanessaE sofar: would you mind adding appropriate aliases into mt_game so I can discontinue the vines mod in plantlife?
23:27 sofar sure, I'll consider that, yes
23:27 VanessaE thanks.
23:27 sofar reasonable enough
23:27 Dragonop xDecor has that kind of ropes
23:30 sofar I'll talk with kilbith
23:30 Dragonop Rightclicking a rope with a rope could extend its length
23:32 sofar right
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