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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-05-20

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Time Nick Message
00:05 est31 joined #minetest-dev
00:06 Puka joined #minetest-dev
00:19 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
00:36 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
01:40 hmmmmm hey paramat
01:40 paramat hi
01:40 hmmmmm was just wondering what you thought about removing generateNoise()
01:41 hmmmmm and splitting all the noise generation calls into each method where they're used
01:41 hmmmmm if i do this, it is a bit less organized, but now you're able to use each generateThing() method independent of eachother
01:42 hmmmmm but there are methods that use the same noise, so i'd have to add a little mechanism to tell if a certain noise has been generated for that position yet or not
01:43 hmmmmm what's your opinion on this?
01:43 paramat you mean splitting the calculateNoise() function in the mapgen cpp file?
01:43 hmmmmm yup
01:44 hmmmmm so move out all the terrain noise generations to generateTerrain() and so on
01:44 hmmmmm and eliminate calculateNoise() entirely
01:44 paramat cave noise is already moved out of that for optimisation
01:44 paramat hmm
01:44 hmmmmm yeah that's another advantage, it's easier to optimize for cases where it's not going to be used
01:45 paramat at one point mgv7 had mountain noise calculation moved into generateMountainTerrain() for optimisation too
01:45 paramat sounds good to me
01:46 paramat i guess this helps with making mapgen more modular
01:47 hmmmmm yeah but less organized
01:47 hmmmmm i like grouping similar tasks all in one place
01:47 hmmmmm also what do you think of getting rid of MapgenParams, BiomeParams, etc.
01:47 hmmmmm just pass around a Settings instead to everything
01:49 paramat "oh i remember why i did it this way now" < not an obstacle anymore?
01:50 paramat reading your posts on this in logs
01:52 paramat well as far as i understand it, seems good, as long as we still have per-mapgen biome noise parameter defaults, and still have dungeon params (per mapgen too)
01:53 paramat of course i don't much understand the settings architecture
02:08 paramat you mention it's simpler, so sounds good to me
02:14 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
02:35 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
02:44 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
03:13 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
03:13 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
03:17 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
03:25 hmmmmm paramat, here's what I'm thinking:
03:26 hmmmmm we start out with g_settings
03:26 hmmmmm it gets updated with the game-specific settings
03:26 hmmmmm the map_meta.txt is a configuration file that creates its own Settings
03:28 hmmmmm so then we merge the map_meta.txt *into* a copy of g_settings
03:28 hmmmmm this creates our world-overridden Settings that we'll have to somehow trim the non-mapgen settings from
03:29 hmmmmm then we'll have a mapgen_settings api that modifies this mapgen Settings that works with the same interface as the regular global settings
03:30 hmmmmm and you'll be able to discriminate on biome settings by mapgen by checking "mg_name" inside the script initialization
03:32 hmmmmm the new settings API should be minimal in comparison to the ridiculous amount of code that goes into mapgen configuration currently
03:32 hmmmmm configuration is a very mundane task, there's no reason why it has to be so expansive and complicated
03:40 paramat this settings API is used in a mod?
03:42 paramat hmmmmm can the default biome noiseparams still be set different for each mapgen? doing that in a mod doesn't seem right
03:43 hmmmmm why not, paramat?
03:44 paramat erm
03:45 paramat ok, just seems strange. noiseparams seem something to be set in c++ code before any mods run
03:45 hmmmmm the defaults are set
03:46 paramat oh of course, default is a mod
03:47 paramat it would be done in mapgen.lua
03:47 paramat i'm sure it'll seem fine once i understand it :)
03:51 hmmmmm well the reason why i'm asking you is to make sure everybody who has anything to do with the mapgen is on board with this
03:51 paramat ok so biome noiseparams are set to a single default, then made per-mapgen by the settings API
03:51 hmmmmm right, in mapgen.lua you'd have a bunch of if mapgen_name == "v6" then minetest.mapgen_settings_set("np_biome_humidity", { ... });
03:52 paramat likewise with dungeonparams i guess
03:52 hmmmmm if we were to really do it the way you want, do you realize how many different settings there would be?
03:52 paramat i don't heh
03:52 hmmmmm you'd need to have a different set of settings for every single combination of mapgen, biomegen, cavegen, etc.
03:53 hmmmmm as if those settings weren't enough the way it is
03:53 hmmmmm there are simply too many mapgen settings as it is right now
03:53 hmmmmm and modifying it through the config file is incredibly unwieldy and i don't think it should be in the config file to begin with
03:54 hmmmmm the only reason why it's there now is for legacy purposes
03:54 hmmmmm people who know how to modify the noise params are able to write mods
03:54 paramat caveparams also work like this?
03:54 hmmmmm yes
03:54 paramat ok
03:54 hmmmmm so this is: general mapgen settings, specific mapgen settings, cave settings, dungeon settings, biome settings
03:55 hmmmmm and of course there are different cave settings for each specific cave generation type
03:55 hmmmmm same with biomes, dungeons, etc.
03:55 hmmmmm there are simply too many permutations to deal with individually
03:55 paramat so only base terrain noiseparams remain per-mapgen from the beginning?
03:55 hmmmmm not quite
03:56 hmmmmm for mapgen v6 the trees and apple noises are still v6-specific for example
03:56 hmmmmm also part of the refactor is making it easy, no, trivial to add features to mapgens
03:57 hmmmmm so i'm going to add the unified biome system to v6
03:57 paramat as an option
03:57 hmmmmm i haven't decided if v6 biomes will be its own BiomeGen or what
03:57 hmmmmm or how to expose the option
03:59 paramat i considered writing a 'mgv62' which would be mgv6 terrain with the new biome system, looks like you might make this possible
03:59 hmmmmm please stop making so many mapgens
03:59 hmmmmm consider ways of adding options or modifying existing interfaces
03:59 hmmmmm i'm sorry to say, but if you did make a pr for mgv62 i'd have to -1 it
03:59 paramat heh that's what i mean, i won't need to do this now
04:00 hmmmmm this is getting ridic
04:03 hmmmmm i think you were a bit too ctrl+v ctrl+c happy
04:03 hmmmmm i'm having trouble dealing with how to handle reverse compatibility when it comes to mgXX_np_cave1 and so on
04:04 hmmmmm i have many options.. but all of them suck
04:04 hmmmmm whatever happened to the old days when you'd just be able to type in a seed and get a map
04:12 paramat it was scary when you were absent, good to see it being organised. afk for noms
05:07 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:18 paramat joined #minetest-dev
05:24 paramat hmmmmm to be clear, everything you have proposed seems good to me, i'm on board and have fastened my seatbelt
05:26 hmmmmm the real takeaway from using Settings instead is that adding a new mapgen param is as simple as writing float foobar_amount = settings->getFloat("mg_blah_foobar_amount");
05:26 hmmmmm no additional work required, you get everything else - the lua modability, the config setting, for free
06:06 paramat left #minetest-dev
06:12 swaaws joined #minetest-dev
06:20 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
06:40 Thomas-S joined #minetest-dev
06:41 Thomas-S Hello! The PR minetest_game#1099 got updated according to your wishes.
06:49 troller joined #minetest-dev
06:55 Obani joined #minetest-dev
06:55 Obani left #minetest-dev
07:09 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
07:56 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
08:16 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
08:29 damiel joined #minetest-dev
08:35 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:28 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
09:32 Puka_ joined #minetest-dev
09:44 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
10:35 Zeno` #4141 is a bit mysterious
10:35 ShadowBot Zeno`: Error: Delimiter not found in "An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information."
10:35 Zeno` #4142
10:35 ShadowBot Zeno`: Error: Delimiter not found in "An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information."
10:36 Zeno` bot broken :(
10:38 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
10:46 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
11:09 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:11 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
11:19 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
11:19 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
11:22 Zeno` I have no idea how to test
11:22 Zeno` But it's gotta be right... anyone using irrlicht 1.8.1 ?
11:23 Zeno` brb
11:24 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
11:29 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
11:33 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
11:54 nrzkt nore ?
11:55 nore yes?
12:00 nrzkt can you help me to finish ? if you can look at last kwoelr comments to help me to finish fixing, and maybe answer to my idea to add an extra field
12:01 nrzkt thanks :)
12:01 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
12:02 * nore looks
12:05 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
12:11 nore nrzkt: IIRC, the main problem is that you use sizeof(int)
12:11 nore where you need instead the *stored size* of an int
12:12 nore which I don't know how to get, sorry :/
12:12 nrzkt nore i think this is a problem. I can set it to 4 to be sure it's always 4
12:14 nore it should be better
12:21 nrzkt nore i'm doing it and renaming val(ues) to arg(s)
12:21 nore ok, good :)
12:22 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
12:33 nrzkt nore updated
12:35 Zeno` you updated nore?! :-o
12:35 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
12:35 nore :D
12:35 nrzkt Zeno`: lol
12:35 nrzkt Zeno`: can you help on the linked PR, i asked for a question about a new field and i want the last things to be fixed
12:35 * nore is happy as his script that changes the clock's color when he is highlighted works
12:36 nore also, your suggestion looks like a good idea to me
12:37 nore and I can't help you with the other issues hmmmm talked about, it's beyond me :/
12:38 Zeno` what's the sizeof(int) issue?
12:38 nrzkt nore thanks
12:38 nrzkt i replaced sizeof(int) by 4
12:39 Zeno` where?
12:39 nrzkt but honnestly i don't care about amstrad cpc with MT
12:39 nrzkt in the argLen arrays
12:42 nrzkt which machine set int to other thing than 4 nowadays
12:46 Zeno` not sure
12:47 Zeno` I mean I'm not sure about the size thing
12:47 sfan5 why replace sizeof(int) by 4?
12:47 sfan5 is it faster somehow?
12:47 Zeno` it couldn't be for speed because sizeof is evaluated at compile time
12:48 nrzkt sfan5: because hmmmm said sizeof(int) could move between architectures...
12:48 nrzkt he said: No, no, no. I don't get what it is you changed here but this is all wrong.
12:48 nrzkt pos.X and so on are not integers, and they do not have the same size as integers. This is an out-of-bounds memory access bug. And same with saveBlock.
12:48 Zeno` nrzkt, but now we have a different problem... an architecture where sizeof(int) != 4
12:49 nrzkt oh no
12:49 nrzkt i saw the problem in fact
12:49 nore sfan5: the problem is that this number should be the same on all versions of mt
12:49 nrzkt i'm stupid, it's a v3s16
12:49 nore so that the db is consistent between versions
12:49 nrzkt s16 memory access into a int
12:49 nrzkt i should convert s16 values to int and then do the proper thing
12:49 nrzkt sorry for the stupid fix :)
12:49 sfan5 please tell me you're not using the bytes of the v3s16 as a database key
12:50 nrzkt no
12:50 nrzkt i split into X Y Z
12:50 nore sfan5: btw, that reminds me we *really* should fix that sql backend into x/y/z someday
12:50 sfan5 but you're using the bytes of those?
12:50 nrzkt triple field primary key, i have 10M mapblocks on my server and it response < 0.1 ms
12:50 nrzkt in fact i find the error, i'm reading a S16 values and said we read 4 bytes
12:50 nrzkt it's the mistake
12:51 nrzkt i didn't see it
12:51 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest-dev
12:51 sfan5 are you using the bytes of the position as keys or not?
12:51 nrzkt look at the scheme in the db creation you will have the answer
12:52 sfan5 so you won't tell me nice
12:52 sfan5 using &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z as database indices is not portable
12:53 nrzkt sfan5: in fact that's not the problem pointed by hmmm, i understand it now
12:54 sfan5 ah it's an int
12:54 nrzkt s16 = 2 bytes, int = 4 bytes that was the mistake
12:54 nrzkt i'm fixing it properly
12:54 sfan5 &pos.X is not 4 bytes long though
12:54 sfan5 yeah
12:54 sfan5 can't you use indices of type int2?
12:55 nore sfan5: what's int2?
12:55 nore 2-bytes long int?
12:55 nrzkt i can but i think it's not a good idea if we want to change our map size to 4 bytes radius
12:55 sfan5 nore: short
12:55 nrzkt shortint yes
12:55 sfan5 or int16_t or whatever you want to call it
12:55 nore sfan5: yeah, I have the same opinion as nrzkt
12:55 davisonio joined #minetest-dev
12:55 nore it's better to keep them 4 bytes long
12:56 nore it doesn't take much memory
12:56 nore and it's more future-proof
12:56 nrzkt no, the many memory per record is entiteis and after the block itself
12:56 sfan5 changing the maximum map size is probably not going to happen any time soon but whatever
12:57 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
12:57 nore nrzkt: yep, 6 bytes is ridiculous
12:57 nore sfan5: I know, I was the one who made the infinite_map branch
12:57 nrzkt sfan5: no , but beeing ready on a new backend is a good idea :)
12:57 nore (which, btw, had more issues that just map saving)
12:57 nrzkt nore i hope you use bigint :p (8 bytes)
12:57 nore nrzkt: well, I abstracted v3s16 into v3pos
12:58 nore but the problem is that it affected network too
12:58 VanessaE why not make every change you can toward the idea of "infinite" maps, without actually "enabling" the feature?
12:58 nrzkt yes nore that was the big problem
12:58 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
12:58 nore VanessaE: that should be done someday
12:58 nore but it breaks many many PRs
12:58 VanessaE so?
12:58 VanessaE that'll happen anyway no matter when it's done
12:58 nrzkt VanessaE: the big problem is the protocol, maybe use a v3s32 on the next release with a new packet could be good but compat is very difficult
12:59 nore but anyway, I always think about it when coding something new
12:59 nore nrzkt: well, I think it should internally be changed where possible
12:59 VanessaE that's what I mean.
12:59 nore just, v3s16 to v3pos
12:59 VanessaE change it everywhere you can without breaking compat yet.
12:59 nore so that sometime in the future, it can work better
12:59 nrzkt VanessaE: in fact this will do some spaghettis :p
13:00 nrzkt many conversions from one to one
13:00 VanessaE perhaps
13:00 nore (even if we add a static_assert(sizeof(pos) == 2) in network functions)
13:00 nore and we change that later
13:00 nore it will need to be done sometime anyway
13:00 nore before servers run out of space :D
13:01 nrzkt i use lz4 instead of zlib for mapblocks on my fork this decrease greatly the compression load
13:01 nrzkt i didn't use it on network
13:02 nrzkt and this have a nice compression ratio without any load problem
13:03 nrzkt Zeno`, nore, sfan5: i updated the pgsql PR to fix really the int problem :p
13:08 Zeno` grr.. ARRLEN!
13:08 Zeno` (or whatever it's called)
13:08 Zeno` maybe ARR_LEN
13:09 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
13:12 nrzkt Zeno`: what do you think about the PR now ?
13:15 Zeno` scary
13:16 Zeno`
13:16 Zeno` what does the cast do?
13:17 nrzkt it's in the postgresql api, they use this exact code to properly use the API
13:17 Zeno` geez
13:18 Obani joined #minetest-dev
13:18 nrzkt geez ?
13:18 nrzkt what is this :p
13:19 Zeno` jesus
13:19 Zeno` in the sense I used it, a blaspheme
13:20 Zeno` I probably should have said "I can't believe they do that shit"
13:21 nrzkt
13:21 nrzkt take that book
13:23 Zeno` the problem looks like it's more in
13:23 Obani is geez really a blaspheme ?
13:24 Zeno` Obani, these days? Not really
13:25 Obani left #minetest-dev
13:25 Zeno` execPrepared() should be fixed I think to use void ** and then cast inside the function
13:25 Zeno` it's all a bit confusing as it currently is (IMO)
13:26 Zeno` and probably implementation defined behaviour
13:26 DonBatman joined #minetest-dev
13:28 Zeno` yeah
13:30 Zeno` it doesn't make sense to cast to char ** (effectively) just because postgres wants that (not in the calling functions anyway)
13:32 Zeno` how is this safe for binary data anyway?
13:32 Zeno` it doesn't seem to care about endieness for a start
13:32 Zeno` or am I missing something?
13:33 Zeno` e.g. isn't this making the database itself non-portable?
13:34 Zeno` nrzkt ^^^^^^^^
13:39 sfan5 Zeno`: i assumed declaring the type "int4" in postgres means that the library decodes the pointer into a number and not just stores the 4 bytes
13:42 Zeno` perhaps it does
13:42 Zeno` the values pointed to I assume you mean
13:43 Zeno` that doesn't address the first issue though
13:43 Zeno` maybe comments would help
13:43 Zeno` but there is no way (IMO) that execPrepared() should be wanting char ** and not void **
13:44 sfan5 what is "the first issue"?
13:45 Zeno` execPrepared()'s expected type for params
13:45 Zeno` here:
13:47 nrzkt the ::int4 is a sql cast
13:47 nrzkt to ensure the type is correct
13:47 Zeno` there is no reason that I can see that it should be char **  and coercing things to char * when setting up the params array is a) hard to see why it's done in the calling functions; and b) probably not portable
13:48 nrzkt const char * const *paramValues,
13:48 nrzkt did you see that in the API Zeno`?
13:48 nrzkt PGresult *PQexecPrepared(PGconn *conn,
13:48 nrzkt const char *stmtName,
13:48 nrzkt int nParams,
13:48 nrzkt const char * const *paramValues,
13:48 nrzkt const int *paramLengths,
13:48 nrzkt const int *paramFormats,
13:48 nrzkt int resultFormat);
13:48 Zeno` nrzkt, it doesn't matter... execPrepared is not part of the API
13:48 Obani joined #minetest-dev
13:48 Obani left #minetest-dev
13:48 nrzkt did you look at the called function ? :p
13:48 Zeno` cast it when needed (in the inline function)
13:48 nrzkt return checkResults(PQexecPrepared(m_conn, stmtName, nbParams,
13:48 nrzkt +params, valLen, valFormats, nobinary ? 1 : 0), clear);
13:48 Zeno` yeah
13:49 nrzkt why casting to void ** and then recasting to char **
13:49 Zeno` because that's where it makes sense?
13:49 Zeno` you don't cast to void **
13:49 nrzkt maybe be we are going out of the pg API design
13:49 nrzkt it's better to be near the API than hidding the things not beautiful they do
13:49 Zeno` void * can accept a pointer to ANY type
13:50 nrzkt i know
13:50 nrzkt but casting to recast is useless
13:50 Zeno` there would be no cast in the calling function
13:50 Obani joined #minetest-dev
13:50 Obani left #minetest-dev
13:50 Zeno` it'd be simply const char *args[] = { &x, &y, &z };  for example
13:50 Zeno` err
13:51 Zeno` const void *args[] = { &x, &y, &z };  for example
13:51 nrzkt htonl is requried too, i forget it
13:51 Zeno` there is no "wtf are these casts to (char*) for" questions raised
13:52 nrzkt okay then
13:53 Zeno` also by being void* it gets rid of the undefined behaviour (sizes of different pointers can technically be different)
13:57 nrzkt i'm changing this
13:59 nrzkt Zeno`: i pushed, can you look ?
14:00 Zeno` looks better
14:01 Zeno` now things like can have the casts removed ;)
14:01 nrzkt oops forgot it
14:01 nrzkt i do it in other place :p
14:01 Zeno` heh
14:02 Zeno` after that change, and from what I understand, it looks good (apart from the style issues hmmmm pointed out)
14:02 sfan5 huh why is htonl needed?
14:02 Zeno` and maybe the ARRLEN comment I made
14:05 nrzkt sfan5: because the library doesn't know the binary data is a int and it's required for network
14:05 nrzkt
14:06 sfan5 i'd assume that libpq does that
14:06 sfan5 postgres is weird
14:07 sfan5 (since it's not minetest doing something with network but libpq doing that)
14:07 nrzkt libpq is like minetest, it's a generic engine :p
14:16 nrzkt Zeno`: ARRLEN is a standard macro ?
14:16 nrzkt err i didn't see no :)
14:17 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
14:17 nrzkt i didn't see why i should use ARRLEN there
14:21 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
14:23 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
14:23 Zeno` will merge #4145
14:23 ShadowBot Zeno`: Error: Delimiter not found in "An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information."
14:27 nrzkt Zeno`: and 4124 ? :D
14:27 nrzkt is this good for you now ?
14:27 Zeno` nrzkt, I'm happy with it apart from the style issues :P
14:27 nrzkt if it's good i will do last tests locally
14:27 nrzkt can you set your comment on the PR ? :)
14:28 nrzkt i will test the last changed to ensure all is good and re-test the unescape issue mentionned by hmmm
14:28 Zeno` ok
14:32 Zeno` nrzkt, you're really opposed to ARRLEN?
14:33 nrzkt i'm not opposed i didn't see what is the benefit
14:33 nrzkt you want to replace sizeof with ARRLEN ?
14:33 Zeno` no, the 4
14:34 Zeno` here for example
14:35 Zeno` and line 214... might be other places
14:35 Zeno` ARRLEN(args) would probably do
14:40 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:41 nrzkt i removed the 4 and set sizeof
14:41 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
14:41 nrzkt oh
14:41 nrzkt i see
14:41 nrzkt sorry :)
14:41 Zeno` heh
14:41 nrzkt okay for me to replace this thing
14:43 Zeno` what's PGSQL_V3S16_TO_INT ?
14:43 Zeno` nevermind
14:43 Zeno` shouldn't pos be an argument to the macro? :P
14:44 nrzkt no i generate the code
14:45 hmmmm nrzkt:  I hate to say this but you really suck at C++
14:45 hmmmm there are three distinct errors with that single piece of code
14:45 hmmmm a). Out-of-bounds read
14:46 hmmmm b). Relying on the size of a variable width type to be a certain number of bytes
14:46 nrzkt hmmmm: it's now fixed, did you update your window ?
14:46 hmmmm c). Relying on always having the same endianness
14:47 hmmmm I don't see anything fixed
14:47 Zeno` I asked about the endianness earlier... it really needs a comment if the explanation was correct
14:47 nrzkt conversion from s16 to int + usage and htons to fix endianess
14:48 hmmmm Oh, this PGSQL_V3S16_TO_INT macro?
14:48 hmmmm First off, EW, you couldn't come up with any better way to do this?
14:48 nrzkt what's your proposition ?
14:48 hmmmm second, there's still the mistake of assuming sizeof(int) == 4
14:49 nrzkt int = 4, it's not a 16byte computer
14:49 hmmmm no, int != 4
14:49 hmmmm int is "at least 2"
14:50 hmmmm and not even depending on the definition of CHAR_BIT
14:50 nrzkt then what's your suggestion to not hardcode 4
14:51 hmmmm use a fixed width type, but the most correct answer here would be to use a type that guarantees at least a certain amount of storage, such as uint_least16_t
14:51 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
14:52 nrzkt i can use uint32_t
14:52 hmmmm that would cause problems when you go to compile for MSVC
14:52 nrzkt int32_t *
14:52 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
14:52 hmmmm s32 would be a nice compromise
14:52 hmmmm but positions are s16s
14:52 hmmmm why don't you just use s16?
14:53 nrzkt because i prefer to have now the possibility to extend map to s32 for the future instead of having problems later
14:53 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:53 nrzkt it's a new backend we can do it now
14:53 hmmmm nobody is ever going to change the max size of the map.
14:53 hmmmm trust me.  it's a pipe dream.
14:53 nrzkt maybe, but that's not a reason
14:53 hmmmm and it's not even necessary
14:53 hmmmm how about sqlite and leveldb though?
14:53 nrzkt i didn't remember about level b but sqlite use this magic shit
14:54 hmmmm you're not magically saving work by making postgresql use s32s
14:54 hmmmm you're just using up extra storage space
14:54 nrzkt lol
14:54 nrzkt 6 bytes vs metadata
14:54 nrzkt just ridiculous
14:54 nrzkt we can populate at maximum 11M mapblocks * 6bytes. 66 MB wow, the whole database: 14GB
14:55 hmmmm sqlite uses "magic shit"?
14:55 Zeno` umm
14:55 Zeno` htonl is POSIX
14:55 hmmmm in any case I can go along with making the fields s32
14:55 hmmmm i don't have a huge problem with that
14:55 Zeno` unless we redefined it somewhere
14:55 nrzkt okay i change s32 to int
14:56 nrzkt htons is used un socket.cpp
14:56 hmmmm no, change int to s32
14:56 nrzkt sorry : yes :)
14:56 nrzkt i inverted the case :p
14:56 hmmmm however i do have a huge problem with assuming a non-fixed-width type will be exactly a certain number of bytes
14:56 nrzkt void UDPSocket::Bind(Address addr)
14:56 nrzkt address.sin6_port   = htons(addr.getPort());
14:56 hmmmm this is not a design choice or something
14:56 hmmmm this is a BUG
14:57 hmmmm Zeno`:  We rely on other POSIX-isms like the famous function-pointers-as-void-pointers
14:57 hmmmm I'm okay with being dependent upon POSIX
14:57 Zeno` ok
14:57 nrzkt hmmmm: we are using htons into socket.cpp on our listener
14:57 nrzkt it's portable
14:58 Zeno` well, so long as the functions are implemented :P
14:58 Zeno` everything breaks if they're not I guess
14:59 hmmmm the only place I'd see that as a potential issue is mingw, like they did with strtok_r
14:59 Zeno` if we don't currently have an issue then there probably is no issue
14:59 Zeno` well, there /is/ no issue
15:00 nrzkt Zeno`, hmmmm: the pr was updated with ARRLEN + s32
15:01 hmmmm nrzkt:  I'm not too happy with using a macro to declare variables like x y and z
15:01 nrzkt i can reset those to function if you prefer, it's only to have the same way everywhere if we add functions
15:02 hmmmm Zeno`, what do you think?
15:03 Zeno` I'm not sure in this context. TBH I have (had?) a similar issue with the macro assuming that the places where it's used assumes that a parameter is named pos
15:04 hmmmm I think it'd make a lot more sense if it were more than 3 times
15:04 nrzkt then, removal, not removal ?
15:04 hmmmm like for the script api functions, where you have 500 entry points, totally makes sense
15:04 hmmmm here, i'm not sure the decrease in readability is worth it
15:05 Zeno` I don't mind it too bad because it's just in that one file
15:05 Zeno` it's not in a header or anything...
15:05 hmmmm Yeah, at least there's that
15:05 nrzkt it's why it's there :p
15:06 hmmmm I'd rather it be less misleading though
15:06 hmmmm PGSQL_V3S16_TO_INT makes it sound like..
15:06 hmmmm why is a macro necessary anyway
15:06 nrzkt difficult to descript this operation without writing a book :p
15:06 nrzkt but okay, i remove it
15:06 nrzkt no problem
15:06 hmmmm v3s32 = v3s32(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
15:07 hmmmm errm
15:07 hmmmm v3s32 pos32(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
15:07 hmmmm that's one line
15:08 hmmmm if you were to keep it as a macro though, I would at least rename PGSQL_V3S16_TO_INT to PGSQL_MAKE_COORD_VARS_FROM_POS or something
15:08 nrzkt too late, removed
15:08 hmmmm the former sounds like it's a conversion macro whereas the latter implies you're making something (in this case, new variables)
15:09 hmmmm so, about this
15:09 hmmmm nrzkt, have you actually *tried* testing postgresql speed with the single 64 bit position hash?
15:10 hmmmm I'm willing to bet it would be a bit faster
15:10 nrzkt no
15:10 hmmmm why not?
15:10 hmmmm what are the numbers?
15:10 nrzkt it's definitively not recommended by postgresql
15:10 hmmmm where does postgresql say that?
15:10 nrzkt the primary key is composed with 3 int
15:10 nrzkt it's a very simple key
15:10 hmmmm sure it's simple
15:10 hmmmm i just wanted to know if you tested it
15:11 hmmmm satisfy my curiosity here
15:11 nrzkt i didn't tested it and i didn't agree with this key design it's just a pain for server owners who wants to read easily their database to do things with it
15:12 hmmmm you could be missing out on performance in loading
15:12 nrzkt no
15:12 hmmmm how do you know?  you said, by your own admission, that you never tested it
15:12 nrzkt i'm using this backend (except i'm using char conversion for coordinates using itos) since 1 year with 11M mapblocks in database (the maximum mapblocks generated by a map) and there is no fetching issue
15:13 hmmmm and?
15:13 nrzkt the keys are not varchar and text
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15:13 hmmmm i never said there was a problem with loading performance
15:13 hmmmm i'm saying that, if the point of postgresql is speed, why are you missing out on at least trying what could be an extremely simple optimization?
15:14 nrzkt it's a stupid optimization
15:14 hmmmm because right now it sounds to me like your primary motivation for this PR is to add support for postgresql because that's your favorite database
15:15 nrzkt postgresql is not sqlite. it have very very good indexes, memory pools, optimizations etc.
15:15 hmmmm irrelevant
15:15 nrzkt maybe but i will not do it. I'm against this stupid method
15:15 hmmmm but I just don't get it
15:16 nrzkt i don't care, we only need 2 core dev to approve
15:16 nrzkt you are free to set a -1
15:16 hmmmm not if you have a -1
15:16 nrzkt then we will be three to agree that the user experience is better than you big head
15:17 hmmmm so because you don't like a certain design that might actually be faster, you are not even willing to entertain the possibility of using it
15:18 hmmmm therefore we can conclude that to the author of this PR, performance is not the primary concern for adding PostgreSQL
15:18 hmmmm so if it's not about performance, what is the benefit of PostgreSQL...?
15:18 nore hmmmm: combining a position into an int is not a good idea
15:18 hmmmm because I am highly opposed to adding support for 50000 different kinds of Foobars to minetest just because everybody has their own favorite Foobar
15:19 nrzkt postgresql is slighter better for huge maps than redis
15:19 nore because it makes the format impossible to extend
15:19 nrzkt redis is just the worst backend we have
15:19 nrzkt postgresql permit user to create websites to interact with it
15:20 nrzkt redis with mapsize > physical RAM = shit
15:20 nore I.e. you can't extend the size without changing the format
15:20 nrzkt exact
15:20 hmmmm so you're not satisfied with redis's default caching policies
15:20 hmmmm it sounds to me like it might possibly be a configuration issue
15:21 nrzkt did you test MT with redis 3.0 ?
15:21 hmmmm ..
15:21 hmmmm no i haven't and i'm not going to
15:21 nrzkt redis 2.8 no problem, 3.0 is a big problem
15:21 nrzkt redis load the whole map in memory and then, bye bye :p
15:21 nrzkt it seem you are only a developper, not a user in fact
15:21 nrzkt think about the user needs, not your big head
15:21 hmmmm if you're willing to put forth the time and effort to configuring an advanced database for use with MT, you should also be willing to put in research into what each of the options do
15:21 nrzkt postgresql fetch for 1000 mapblocks is < 1ms
15:22 hmmmm nrzkt:  a string is 10cm long
15:22 nrzkt i don't know if you put string on your head :p
15:23 hmmmm nore:  also that argument is bunk because you can just as easily upgrade a map by running a conversion utility like there exists for 0.3.x -> 0.4.x
15:23 nrzkt hmmmm: your argument is stupid because you want to complicate the user's life if they want to interact with the database backend and with the current representation no conversion is needed.
15:23 hmmmm why would the user want to interact with a database
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15:24 nrzkt i have plans to move some files to databases, for example players
15:24 hmmmm absolutely not
15:24 nrzkt this will permit server owners to interact with the game using a website
15:24 hmmmm i -5000 that
15:24 nrzkt and do REAL gaming, with REAL community
15:24 hmmmm the whole point of text files is to be modifiable by the end user
15:24 nrzkt they can unify authentication, create inventory modifiers from a website, or see the items from pages, etc
15:25 nrzkt the end user can do a query in database to modify the real data
15:25 nrzkt update player_attribute set hp=20 where id=(select id from player where name = 'toto');
15:25 hmmmm nrzkt, just the same way you're highly opposed to using a coordinate hash for the key in the postgresql backend, i am highly opposed to this idea as well
15:26 nrzkt you are against progress, sorry you are just the minetest Donald Trump
15:26 nrzkt go vote for him, remove 80% of the americans from your country :p
15:26 hmmmm besides, you say it's "for the players" but you're the only nerd here who wants to modify players by SQL instead of editing a text file
15:26 nrzkt i'm not the only user to need this
15:26 hmmmm literally nobody else wants to write sql queries
15:26 nrzkt lol
15:27 hmmmm also that's the progressivist fallacy
15:27 nrzkt i think you didn't see how many servers have a website
15:27 nrzkt or maybe you are working for minecraft and didn't want MT to win some gaming parts
15:28 hmmmm I would be okay with keeping database copies of the other files as long as it's only an option in any case
15:28 hmmmm and one that is disabled by default
15:28 nrzkt it could be an option yes
15:28 hmmmm it should be an option
15:28 nrzkt but i plan to have a migration mode.
15:28 nrzkt when you get 10k files in a folder it's just a performance shit for your FS
15:28 hmmmm you can't force 99% of the users to interact with a pgsql prompt if they want to modify a player file
15:28 nrzkt you inode is very big and the file fetching is por
15:28 nrzkt poor*
15:29 hmmmm this simply goes against the original design ideals of minetest
15:29 nrzkt design can change
15:29 hmmmm i don't approve of automatically doing anything to anybody's files
15:29 nrzkt and can be enhanced for players
15:29 hmmmm sorry
15:29 hmmmm you're not 'for the players' if you think you know what's best for them
15:29 hmmmm option only
15:29 nrzkt in fact, SQLITE fetching for players is very fast compared to read and write a file on the FS
15:30 Calinou hmmmm_thinking_he_is_a_player.webm.mp4.mkv.ogv
15:30 hmmmm and that's why the map was moved from a set of files to sqlite...
15:30 hmmmm player files on the other hand
15:30 hmmmm there's not really any good argument that can be made there
15:30 Calinou there are GUI front-ends to PostgreSQL by the way, I use Adminer here.
15:31 Calinou
15:31 hmmmm maybe for extremely large servers and people who want to modify things by writing raw SQL queries in a web interface
15:31 hmmmm but don't take away peoples' options to just modify the damn text file
15:31 hmmmm nrzkt, you have some big ideas that just suck
15:31 hmmmm the network changes were one of them
15:31 nrzkt hmmmm: you have a big head that just suck :p
15:31 Calinou our current network protocol sucks, let's admit it
15:31 hmmmm i had to spend a lot of time and effort mopping up your bugs from that screwup
15:32 Calinou it's incredibly laggy and intolerant to network faults
15:32 nrzkt our current protocol is just a stupid fucking shit
15:32 Calinou 1999 games had better networking
15:32 nrzkt go to enet
15:32 hmmmm and it wasn't even the network that you modified, it was network serialization
15:32 hmmmm it has nothing to do with the networking code
15:32 Calinou nrzkt: ENet does not support IPv6, IMO it's not a solution…
15:32 Calinou (except some fork of it)
15:32 hmmmm ENet is not a solution anyway because it doesn't offer any real advantages over TCP
15:32 Calinou (which has no guarantee of being maintained)
15:32 nrzkt Calinou: i studied different libraries and i didn't see good gaming libraries
15:32 Calinou and yes, IPv6 *is* being used in the real world
15:32 nrzkt with IPv6 support
15:33 Calinou hmmmm: TCP is slow for games. never use it.
15:33 hmmmm Calinou:  And ENet is faster than TCP?
15:33 Calinou yes, by far
15:33 nrzkt hmmmm: yes
15:33 hmmmm Calinou:  Because I actually did research on the topic
15:33 Calinou reliable UDP will always be faster than TCP
15:33 Calinou TCP is the Python of network protocols.
15:33 Calinou UDP is the C.
15:33 hmmmm ENet is not faster than TCP because it blocks on reordering packets
15:33 nrzkt Calinou: depends of the implementation
15:33 Calinou and reliable UDP is the PyPy.
15:33 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
15:33 Calinou (:D)
15:33 hmmmm I asked about this in #enet and the author admitted I was correct, but was very defensive about it
15:34 nrzkt i tested both TCP and Enet on my fork, and i didn't see a real difference between them. The ony problem with pure TCP was the non reliable packets which are too slow
15:34 hmmmm In fact the only thing I can see visibly different from TCP is that it has the concept of channels (which MT already has)
15:34 celeron55 oh, it's this discussion again; i should remind people that the current protocol was meant to be a temporary solution before a final assesment on enet would be done and enet would likely be taken into use
15:34 hmmmm Big NO to enet
15:34 hmmmm fuck that shit
15:34 Calinou we currently support IPv6 (and have done since 2013) btw :/
15:35 Calinou my Quake 3 client can do IPv6, why can't a modern game like Minetest do it
15:35 nrzkt Calinou, hmmmm: you can take enet, fix the wrong things and integrated it with core
15:35 hmmmm nrzkt:  In my experience I've found that fixing a third-party turd ends up requiring more work than fixing up what we already know the problems of
15:35 hmmmm trust me, I've done it before..
15:36 nrzkt i know you know all and you are a fucking god and others suck :)
15:36 kahrl and then some update comes along with security fixes and someone has to figure out a way to merge the upstream changes with ours
15:36 hmmmm instead of saying that why don't you attack the substance of my claims
15:37 sfan5 nrzkt: what's wrong with redis 3 and minetest?
15:38 nrzkt sfan5: before i switch to postgresql 1 year ago (that's why i created this backend) redis takes more and more RAM when v3.0 comes, and at the end, redis take the whole server ram and stuck it.
15:38 nrzkt because my map growed to 14GB
15:38 sfan5 yes that's because thats what redis does
15:38 Calinou yes, Redis is not suited for everything
15:38 Calinou which is why we ought to support a client-server DBMS as well that's still SQL
15:38 nrzkt it's why postgresql is best for big maps, you have a shared buffer, you tune it to the best memory you have and it's as better as redis
15:40 nrzkt my shared buffer is set to 2GB (for a 10GB storage backend) it's sufficient to load a mapblock < 0.1mss and 1000mapblocks in 1ms
15:40 hmmmm nrzkt:  I'm not saying I am against having composite primary key, I am simply asking if you've tested the performance difference
15:40 nrzkt i talked with my DBA at work
15:40 hmmmm nrzkt:  If the performance difference is negligible then nobody would feel bad about not doing that
15:40 nrzkt to be sure
15:41 hmmmm so it's about going forward with design decisions and having no regrets
15:41 hmmmm investigating all the possibilities first
15:41 nrzkt the performance will be negligible because it's CPU friendly types for PG, the extra usage was only 4 bytes and there is no join with other tables
15:41 hmmmm that's guesswork
15:41 hmmmm you have no evidence for that
15:42 nrzkt the problem could occur if we have many join with other tables because pg will replicate the indexes for position for each table. But we only have 1
15:45 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:46 nrzkt hmmmm: give me the calcul you want to generate the key from 4 int to 1 int8 ?
15:46 nrzkt int64
15:47 nrzkt i will duplicate my production table with 11M records with this and doing a benchmark
15:48 hmmmm nrzkt, Database::getBlockAsInteger()
15:49 nrzkt it's a int64 ?
15:49 hmmmm yes
15:49 nrzkt ok will look at this, but didn't get time to do this now, maybe tomorrow
15:49 hmmmm :|
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15:54 nrzkt the v3s32 is a good idea yes, why not, but i need to do the htonl
15:54 hmmmm oh you're right
15:55 hmmmm that won't save on lines
15:55 hmmmm ok nevermind that idea then
15:58 * Zeno` pushes away the debris covering his bomb shelter, slowly emerges and peers through the dust
16:01 nrzkt transaction type: Custom query
16:01 nrzkt scaling factor: 1
16:01 nrzkt query mode: simple
16:01 nrzkt number of clients: 10
16:01 nrzkt number of threads: 1
16:01 nrzkt duration: 60 s
16:01 nrzkt number of transactions actually processed: 1321121
16:01 nrzkt latency average: 0.454 ms
16:01 nrzkt tps = 22017.011141 (including connections establishing)
16:01 nrzkt tps = 22018.197392 (excluding connections establishing)
16:01 nrzkt this is with the triple key
16:01 nrzkt 10 servers connected to the same database
16:02 nrzkt query: select posx,posy,posz from blocks WHERE posx=(SELECT RANDOM(-1800,1800)::int) AND posy=(SELECT RANDOM(-1800,1800)::int) AND posz=(SELECT RANDOM(-1800,1800)::int);
16:02 nrzkt 1.3M mapblocks in 1min this is quite good
16:03 nrzkt pgbench -S -f test.sql -c 10 -t 60 epixel
16:03 nrzkt that was the command used
16:10 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
16:10 nrzkt hmmmm: is this posx+posy*4096+posz*16777216 ?
16:10 nrzkt did you agree with this calcul ?
16:10 hmmmm yes
16:10 nrzkt hmmm strange then
16:10 nrzkt pos          | bigint                      | not null
16:11 nrzkt ERROR:  integer out of range
16:11 hmmmm did you make it unsigned
16:11 hmmmm it's supposed to be signed
16:11 nrzkt we have negative coordinates
16:12 nrzkt in my db i see -1800 -> 1800 at least
16:13 nrzkt wtf then
16:14 hmmmm how are you doing this
16:15 nrzkt a single sql query, but it seems it's not a 64b int
16:15 nrzkt SELECT (posx+posy*4096+posz*16777216)::int8, block_data, b_nodes, b_nodes_metas, b_time FROM blocks
16:15 hmmmm errm
16:15 hmmmm ::int8 means an 8 byte int, not 8 bit, right?
16:15 nrzkt remove the cast for the first try
16:15 nrzkt yes yes
16:15 nrzkt it's the last try, i tried to cast it
16:16 hmmmm and in this copy of your database you converted all the blocks from x, y, z format to the hash format?
16:16 nrzkt in fact i'm trying to doing the SQL query to do it :p
16:16 nrzkt insert into block_bigint (pos, blockdata, b_nodes, b_nodes_meta, b_time) SELECT (posx+posy*4096+posz*16777216)::int8, block_data, b_nodes, b_nodes_metas, b_time FROM blocks;
16:17 nrzkt it's the exact query to do it
16:17 nrzkt except the integer problem
16:17 nrzkt i have an idea
16:17 hmmmm well that's your problem
16:17 hmmmm "insert into block_bigint"
16:17 hmmmm but
16:17 nrzkt okay this is working
16:17 nrzkt i found
16:17 hmmmm your select statement is selecting from blocks
16:17 hmmmm not block_bigint
16:17 nrzkt no no
16:17 nrzkt this is the good query
16:17 nrzkt i need to cast posx,y,z to int8 before doing the calc
16:18 hmmmm oh, yeah, duh
16:18 hmmmm otherwise they'd overflow and not give you the correct result
16:18 nrzkt postgresql prevent it :p
16:19 nrzkt okay conversion in progress, could be long because there is 11M entry and 14GB datas to change
16:20 nrzkt the pg transaction will be huge but interesting
16:20 nrzkt i go back home, will test it this evening or tomorrow
16:20 hmmmm ok
16:21 hmmmm thanks, by the way
16:21 nrzkt no problem
16:22 nrzkt will fix the last mentoinned issues when i will do the last bench
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16:53 Krock joined #minetest-dev
17:04 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
17:08 naltamur joined #minetest-dev
17:08 naltamur Hello
17:08 naltamur Can anyone zip all build files?
17:08 naltamur and can anyone send me them?
17:10 sfan5 which build files
17:11 naltamur build files of minetest
17:11 Krock what platform? win, mac, linux, android?
17:11 naltamur includes libs and minetest source
17:11 naltamur Windows
17:11 Krock I have the most important win32 libraries uploaded if you need them
17:11 Krock no idea if they work with 64-bit too.. I doubt it
17:12 sfan5
17:12 sfan5 alternatively run the buildbot script and abort it midway
17:12 sfan5 then you'll also have all those libs
17:12 naltamur sfan5: thanks
17:12 Krock
17:12 naltamur krock: thanks
17:12 Krock mine were compiled with M$ visual C++, the one from sfan5 with MinGW
17:13 naltamur thanks guys!
17:13 naltamur minetest is faster than minecraft
17:13 Krock good luck with your mission
17:14 Krock compiling on windows isn't easy when you do it the first time
17:15 naltamur okay but I want To try
17:16 naltamur :)
17:17 naltamur Can I delete my post on forum?
17:19 Krock nope.avi
17:19 naltamur :*)
17:20 Krock but you can edit them and use later <-- if you want to be a environmentalist
17:21 naltamur Okay
17:22 naltamur :)
17:39 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
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18:28 nrzkt hmmmm, look at my last comment on github for the bench in MT conditions
18:31 hmmmm strange
18:31 hmmmm well whatever then
18:31 hmmmm it's good to know
18:32 kahrl what's the query for the single-key benchmark?
18:41 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
18:49 nrzkt select blockdata from block_bigint WHERE pos=(SELECT RANDOM(-1800::int8*4096::int8*4096::int8,1800::int8*4096::int8*4096::int8)::int8);
18:49 nrzkt and select block_data from blocks WHERE posx=(SELECT RANDOM(-1800,1800)::int) AND posy=(SELECT RANDOM(-1800,1800)::int) AND posz=(SELECT RANDOM(-1800,1800)::int);
18:49 nrzkt in multi key
18:49 nrzkt it's better to pull the block_data :)
18:51 hmmmm hmm
18:51 hmmmm just FWIW, neither queries really approximate the minetest use case
18:51 hmmmm blocks are usually loaded close to each other, not randomly
18:52 hmmmm how much of an impact that has on your results is anyone's guess
18:57 rubywarden Surely sqlite uses some sort of hash map to find records with a composite primary key? Why is a single key faster?
18:57 rubywarden well, s/faster/significantly faster/
18:57 rubywarden a good hash map would have max 10 blocks in a cell
18:58 hmmmm because software is never as highly optimized as you assume
18:58 hmmmm disappointing truth
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19:03 Krock joined #minetest-dev
19:06 nrzkt hmmmm, i know yes, i don't know the real impact but it depend on the mapblock generated and stored in database. I think for most server it doesn't have a huge impact because the whole map isn't generated
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19:09 hmmmm by the way nrzkt did you ever try using binary data instead of escaped text
19:09 hmmmm i was wondering how that ended up working out
19:09 hmmmm according to the documentation you shouldn't *need* to use PQunescapeBytea
19:10 hmmmm i'm not saying it's a bottleneck, but things could be a bit faster without it
19:12 BrandonReese joined #minetest-dev
19:20 nrzkt hmmmm, i will try it a little bit later, i know the current way works well, but i didn't tested without it atm since my old devel 1 year ago
19:21 hmmmm look I don't mean to be a pain in the ass but I've seen it 10000 times before, when code gets added as-is with promises to fix it later or make it better or whatever, 9 out of 10 times it doesn't happen
19:21 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
19:22 hmmmm i'm plenty guilty of this too
19:22 nrzkt yeah, i didn't mean i will not do it for this pr, just not atm :p
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19:35 naltamur joined #minetest-dev
19:35 naltamur hello
19:41 Krock wb
19:44 naltamur I m compiling minetest with vs
19:45 naltamur I hope no errors
19:51 Krock that's what we all hope
19:53 naltamur :(
19:53 naltamur *:)
19:54 sofar I got stuck on zlibwapi.dll
19:54 sofar yesterday night
19:55 sofar I thin that's the last dependency, and then I have a msvc build
19:55 Krock you must use the wapi to link the stuff but then use zlib1.dll to run Minetest
19:55 Krock kinda strange but works
19:55 sofar problem is that I don't have the zlibwapi.dll and I don't know how to build it
19:56 sofar docs are ... shoddy and old
19:56 sfan5 i built those by manually editing zlib's makefile
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19:56 sofar also cmake entirely messes up the sqlite3_include_dirs
19:56 sofar I have to manually edit the vcxproj files
19:57 Krock well, I used the cmakelists.txt and it built it (with "/p:Configuration=Release") into zlib-1.2.8\contrib\vstudio\vc10\x86\ZlibDllRelease
19:57 sofar it ends up writing ;SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIRS.lib;
19:57 sofar hmm, will check tonight again
19:58 Krock there are also other project files, like zlibvc.sln which should build that dll
19:58 Krock but I'm not 100% sure how I did that last year
20:01 naltamur is libluajit.a the lua library?
20:01 sfan5 yes
20:01 naltamur okay tank
20:01 naltamur thanks
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20:45 nrzkt hmmmm, the unescape is mandatory
20:45 nrzkt i don't find better thing else the mapblock is wronly read
20:46 nrzkt using std::string(PQgetvalue(results, 0, 0), PQgetlength(results, 0, 0)) trigger the following error due to non unescaped string: 2016-05-20 22:39:48: ERROR[Main]: "ERROR: MapBlock format not supported"
20:47 nrzkt it's the only method i found to properly read our datas
20:47 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
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20:51 paramat nore PilzAdam sfan5 please can anyone review/approve Change Vessels Textures ?
20:51 sfan5 lgtm
20:52 paramat thanks
20:59 paramat i'll merge that and game 1094 later
21:06 paramat even if a larger world is possible, it's not worth the effort and disruption, and is not even needed, please work on more important and useful stuff
21:11 Fixer egh, feels like some server entered into unstability phase again
21:12 Fixer new crashes, lock ups, rage quits
21:12 sofar lol, rage quits
21:12 red-001 joined #minetest-dev
21:14 Fixer maikerumines servers are down, locking up again (even on server with few mods, also max_lag went up a lot by his words), Xanadu guys say it crashes more often and even lockups sometimes, strange
21:15 Fixer evermzah may also has some lock up issue, but i'm not sure, need to ask him
21:17 Fixer on amhi
21:17 Fixer this server lock up issue is worrying me, it was reported long ago, but still elusive and nobody provided more data on it
21:19 Fixer MillersMan: any results on that flow gap problem? it is only biggest problem i see with those flow prs.. (at least for me)
21:22 paramat not much of a problem if the gap closes up again
21:24 Fixer paramat: it closes nicely, but cpu load will be higher obviously (because some parts will reflow again)
21:25 paramat i see
21:25 Fixer gap closes, it is 1 mapblock gap iirc
21:25 Fixer on some very big and talls flowsd
21:25 Fixer tall* flows
21:33 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
21:57 troller joined #minetest-dev
22:03 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
22:05 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
22:13 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
22:36 Puka joined #minetest-dev
22:44 hmmmm nrzkt, maybe your problem is "nobinary = true" in execPrepared()
22:56 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
23:02 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:30 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
23:31 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
23:31 Megal joined #minetest-dev
23:37 cheapie I should have a PR coming soon to improve /rollback performance significantly.
23:37 cheapie Same general idea as the one I made a while back improving /rollback_check.
23:38 cheapie I'm just currently testing it to make sure that everything still works properly with it, and measuring the improvement.
23:43 est31 joined #minetest-dev
23:45 * cheapie waves to est31
23:45 cheapie est31: I'm doing more work on the rollback DB stuff.
23:45 est31 hello cheapie
23:45 cheapie Hi.
23:45 est31 still reading the log of this channel
23:45 est31 today was a busy day
23:45 est31 and lots of discussion
23:46 est31 lots of heated discussion to be precise
23:46 * cheapie scrolls up
23:46 est31 Database::getBlockAsInteger is shit
23:46 est31 it does not use z indexes
23:46 cheapie Not surprising :P
23:46 Fixer hai
23:47 est31 If we use our own id's we should use z indexes
23:47 cheapie est31: The stuff I'm talking about would be the 3 lines right before you joined.
23:47 est31 hehe I started from the other side
23:47 Fixer est31: about that network bug, does it lock up server (increasing lag) or just refusing to connect people?
23:50 est31 it only refuses to connect people
23:50 est31 the server should have minimal lag only
23:51 Fixer ok

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