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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-07-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 turtleman joined #minetest-dev
00:26 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
00:44 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
00:55 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
00:59 paramat joined #minetest-dev
01:01 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-dev
01:05 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
01:18 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-dev
01:30 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
02:07 MillersMan_ joined #minetest-dev
02:40 lisac joined #minetest-dev
02:40 domtron joined #minetest-dev
03:00 domtron joined #minetest-dev
03:16 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
03:45 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
03:50 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
03:56 paramat joined #minetest-dev
04:19 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
04:25 Zeno` hmm
04:25 Zeno` hmmmm, finished review
04:26 hmmmm sweet
04:27 hmmmm Zeno`:  the way I understood the terms when i first saw them somewhere, a shallow copy is exactly that, storing a pointer, whereas a deep copy is copying the memory contents
04:27 Zeno` only minor stuff
04:27 Zeno` hmmmm, yeah I understand it differently but *shrug*
04:28 hmmmm perhaps i could avoid the terminology debate by rephrasing it altogether
04:28 Zeno` I understand a shallow copy as copying the struct (for example) but not the contents of any pointers in the struct itself (i.e. they will still point to where they point to in the original struct)
04:29 hmmmm ahh
04:29 Zeno` In a deep copy it would recursively copy anything pointed to in the struct as well
04:29 hmmmm i think that's a better use of the term
04:29 hmmmm you're right i'm just going to change it completely
04:31 Zeno` :)
04:31 Zeno` I think all of my review comments are about comments (or just questions)
04:31 Zeno` it looks good
04:33 hmmmm what do you prefer
04:33 hmmmm if (foobar != NULL) or if (foobar) ?
04:34 hmmmm i've always done the latter but maybe it's best to be as explicit as possible
04:35 Zeno` yeah explicit is ok
04:36 Zeno` I prefer the other way but I don't really care when reading code as long as it's all consistent
04:36 Zeno` I think maybe the ones I picked out are in different files which is why it may not have been noticeable until it was in diff format on github
04:37 hmmmm aaa
04:37 hmmmm you didn't point out the possible null dereferences in map.cpp
04:37 hmmmm that's sort of my no-brown-m&ms canary :)
04:38 hmmmm was waiting to see if any reviewers would pick up on it
04:38 Zeno` which possible null deref?
04:38 hmmmm getMapgenParams()->chunksize
04:38 Zeno` I left that for you to find
04:38 hmmmm 'left as an exercise to the reader'
04:38 Zeno` =)
04:39 hmmmm heh
04:39 hmmmm yeah, idk what to do about that
04:39 domtron joined #minetest-dev
04:39 hmmmm how would i handle it if getMapgenParams() returned NULL in those functions?
04:39 hmmmm so my thinking was maybe getMapgenParams should be guaranteed to never return NULL
04:40 hmmmm but mehhhhh.... idunno
04:40 Zeno` yeah making the guarentee seems the most reasonable way if it can be done
04:40 hmmmm too many allocations reallocations deallocations for something that doesn't ultimately matter because in practice none of those will ever get called before mapgenparams are made
04:41 Zeno` maybe put asserts there... would slow down debug builds (very slightly) but at least the guarantee is made explicit even if it's not really yet lol
04:41 Zeno` I dunno
04:41 hmmmm from an interface point of view I know that creating a copy of the mapgen_params early makes the most sense
04:42 hmmmm but it just feels excessive
04:42 hmmmm still not 100% sure what i wanna do
04:42 Zeno` yeah I'll let you think on that :)
04:42 hmmmm in fact, the entire class MapSettingsManager feels excessive to me
04:42 hmmmm what do you think?  too much stuff for a really simple task?
04:43 Zeno` well... it didn't jump out at me as too much
04:43 Zeno` probably because it seems clearer than how it was before anyway
04:43 hmmmm yeah
04:43 hmmmm now i've made the part where each source of parameters comes together explicit
04:44 hmmmm and i made their precedence as obvious as possible
04:47 Zeno` yeah. I like that
04:48 Zeno` the only bit I didn't understand was where I said "Is this to stop setting a map setting or overriding meta after mapgen_params has already been initialised?"
04:48 Zeno` which a comment would fix
04:48 Zeno` the rest was very readable
04:48 hmmmm gotcha
04:48 hmmmm i'll add a comment for that too
04:58 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
05:07 domtron joined #minetest-dev
05:16 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
05:24 hmmmm i just caught a fatal bug rofl
05:24 hmmmm
05:27 Zeno` a blank line?
05:27 hmmmm missing defs for get/set_mapgen_setting_noiseparams
05:27 hmmmm this is what i get for not testing everything
05:27 Zeno` oops
05:34 hmmmm i found a bug with CreateAllDirs
05:34 hmmmm it needs to be passed a path with no file or else it'll create the filename too lol
05:34 hmmmm (or is that a bug?)
05:35 Zeno` i think it should be a bug
05:35 Zeno` err
05:35 Zeno` hmm
05:35 Zeno` it would make sense that it *didn't* create a file
05:36 Zeno` doesn't match with the function name for a start
05:36 hmmmm /usr/home/fred/minetest/foobar.txt
05:37 hmmmm obviously foobar.txt isn't intended to be a directory here
05:37 hmmmm but if that path were /user/home/fred/minetest/foobar.txt/, not so clear
05:37 hmmmm ending with a trailing dir delimiter means the path is all dirs imho, whereas ending with no dir delimiter should represent a path ending with a file
05:38 hmmmm ?
05:40 Zeno` Yeah I'm not sure
05:40 Zeno` your definition makes sense though
05:42 Zeno` I don't get it though
05:42 * Zeno` checks man mkdir
05:43 hmmmm well mkdir is obviously going to treat the last path component with no trailing dir delimiter as a directory
05:43 hmmmm due to the context
05:43 Zeno` err CreateAllDirs() --> CreateDir() --> mkdir()
05:43 Zeno` how is it creating the file?
05:43 hmmmm oops :)
05:44 hmmmm not creating the file, creating a directory that has the same name as the file
05:44 Zeno` oh ok
05:44 Zeno` yeah I think that would be a bug
05:44 Zeno` I *think*
05:44 hmmmm i've decided that my expectations for this function is probably wrong
05:44 hmmmm it's called CreateAllDirs
05:45 hmmmm not CreatePathUpTo
05:45 hmmmm s/expectations/expectation/
05:45 hmmmm I'm gonna add a unit test to make sure this stupidity doesn't happen again
05:46 Zeno` Actually it's not a bug in CreateAllDirs() though because that should behave the same as mkdir() which it does
05:47 Zeno` I guess it depends on how it's called :/
05:47 hmmmm yeah
05:47 hmmmm i added a RemoveLastPathComponent before the call to CreateAllDirs'
05:48 hmmmm so it should be ok
05:49 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:51 hmmmm thanks for the review Zeno`
05:51 hmmmm I'm gonna write up some more unit tests and do a little bit more testing and then i will be satisfied
05:51 Zeno` that's ok... I didn't build and test though
05:51 hmmmm would you like to do a re-review after I make my changes?
05:52 Zeno` if they're significant changes
05:52 hmmmm well
05:52 hmmmm here are the non-unit test changes
05:52 Zeno` I don't want to review unit tests so I'll just quickly look through what you're about to provide :)
05:54 hmmmm ehehe just compiling
05:57 hmmmm
05:59 hmmmm i've decided on that comment in the mapsettingsmanager constructor: no, leave it the way it is, have the caller check for NULL or have knowledge of the object's state before using it
05:59 Zeno` yeah
06:01 Zeno` those changes all look good
06:01 Zeno` I still think there should be some in-code comment regarding
06:02 Zeno` but apart from that +1
06:03 hmmmm oh, in the code?
06:03 hmmmm i put it in the header file
06:03 Zeno` oh is it?
06:03 Zeno` that's ok then
06:03 Zeno` oh I see it
06:03 Zeno` yeah that's fine
06:04 hmmmm sweet
06:04 hmmmm gonna just code up the rest of the unit tests, do some more manual testing with the lua apis, and then i should be good to go
06:05 Zeno` fun times :)
06:13 Zeno` I wonder if v3s16 EmergeManager::getContainingChunk(v3s16 blockpos)  should really be moved as well
06:13 Zeno` meh
06:14 Zeno` forget it I was reading something wrong
06:14 hmmmm yeah
06:15 hmmmm the reason why those were there to begin with was... my reasoning was that they're like static functions except they only require one piece of context, the mapgen params
06:15 hmmmm and since emergemanager managed mapgenparams, why not put it there?
06:15 hmmmm but they don't quite fit tbh
06:15 Zeno` made sense at the time
06:15 Zeno` but they're better in ServerMap
06:16 hmmmm yup
06:16 Zeno` only other option would be to make them friend functions which is kind of silly
06:16 hmmmm i've been thinking a lot lately about what the roles are for each class in the heirarchy of minetest
06:16 hmmmm a lot of my earlier stuff isn't the greatest and i'm trying to fix that
06:17 Zeno` continual improvement
06:17 hmmmm (but on that note:  the code that wasn't made by me is downright atrocious :P)
06:17 Zeno` we'll make you our QMS ISO 9001 (or whatever it is) officer!
06:17 hmmmm heh ISO9001
06:18 Zeno` you'll spend 15 hours a day filling out useless forms and other paperwork
06:20 hmmmm we'll become a CMMI level 5 certified organization in no time
06:24 TheReaperKing joined #minetest-dev
06:27 Zeno` yay
06:42 Hijiri so does that stuff about CreateAllDirs earlier change the behavior of minetest.mkdir?
06:42 Hijiri or was that just something used internally in minetest
06:46 Hijiri I checked, minetest.mkdir does use CreateAllDirs
06:46 Hijiri Doesn't this conflict with the API in lua_api.txt?
06:46 Hijiri oh
06:46 Hijiri you were using CreateAllDirs in another function
06:46 Hijiri sorr
06:46 Hijiri sorry*
06:49 paramat zeno thanks for reviewing that
06:50 Zeno` paramat, np
06:50 Zeno` Hijiri, yeah that's what I meant by my "depends how it's used comment" :)
06:53 T4im joined #minetest-dev
06:54 Zeno` and just checked Lua docs... all seems good
06:55 Zeno` everything behaves the same as POSIX mkdir so no bug
06:55 Zeno` if a mod wants to create a directory called file.txt/ then that's the mods problem :)
06:56 Zeno` if it was called CreateAllPaths then there might be room for argument but it's not, so...
07:24 Krock joined #minetest-dev
07:49 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:57 MillersMan joined #minetest-dev
09:23 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
10:04 edgrey joined #minetest-dev
10:16 paramat joined #minetest-dev
10:37 eeew joined #minetest-dev
10:43 fling joined #minetest-dev
10:45 est31 joined #minetest-dev
10:46 est31 pushing this:
10:46 est31 in 20 minutes
11:08 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
11:23 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
11:34 damiel_ joined #minetest-dev
11:45 lisac joined #minetest-dev
12:02 xunto joined #minetest-dev
12:04 Krock joined #minetest-dev
12:38 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:14 xunto left #minetest-dev
13:41 xunto joined #minetest-dev
13:48 yang2003 joined #minetest-dev
14:04 sloanonlinux joined #minetest-dev
14:06 asl97 joined #minetest-dev
14:51 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
15:35 KaadmY joined #minetest-dev
15:36 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
15:45 paramat left #minetest-dev
16:01 whitephoenix joined #minetest-dev
16:02 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
16:11 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
16:15 Zeno` who can merge _game commits without being yelled at?
16:15 Zeno` should just be merged
16:16 Zeno` that is the longest discussion I've ever seen over, what, less than 50 lines of code?
16:17 est31 is this issue fixed:
16:18 est31 but the two mtgame devs online right now are nore and sfan5
16:19 Zeno` if it's not fixed wouldn't it be an existing bug anyway?
16:21 Zeno` est31, I think that it would be an unrelated bug/issue
16:22 Zeno` if it's still an issue...
16:22 est31 no the PR adds position rounding
16:22 est31 so it would be a regression
16:22 est31 the xanadu server was maintained by tenplus1
16:22 Zeno` I'll rebase and check
16:23 Zeno` you mean the .1f stuff?
16:23 Zeno` when inserting in the table I mean
16:25 Zeno` est31, so clip's server when it existed used this PR as well?
16:26 est31 i think so
16:26 Zeno` ok
16:26 Zeno` there is potentially a problem with .1f but... hmm
16:26 est31 tenplus1 has submitted mods to that server as well
16:27 Zeno` v.x etc should probably be multiplied by 10, rounded and divided by 10 if it's an issue but you've confused me now :)
16:28 Zeno` thanks est31
16:29 Zeno` but I think .1f rounds anyway
16:29 Zeno` not really sure though
16:30 Krock > return string.format("%.1f", 0.987654321)
16:30 Krock 1.0
16:30 Krock <3 LuaJIT command line
16:31 Zeno` what about 0.58?
16:31 Krock > return string.format("%.1f", 0.58)
16:31 Krock 0.6
16:31 Zeno` ok, so that rounding issue is probably old (and fixed)
16:32 Zeno` maybe a year ago the PR didn't have %.1f
16:32 KaadmY does anybody know of a mgv7 problem with mt's PRNG and mapgen decorations?
16:36 Zeno` KaadmY, hmmmm would know if there was/is
16:37 sfan5 Zeno`: if you looked at the code of game#669 tell me and i'll take your word and merge it
16:37 Zeno` or maybe paramat. What kind of a problem?
16:37 ShadowBot -- Tidy sethome code, add global functions, round coords to 1 decimal by tenplus1
16:38 Zeno` sfan5, I've looked at it and to me it seems good. I can't see anything wrong. And based on what Krock just contributed to the discussion I'm even more sure. Krock, what do you think?
16:38 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
16:39 Krock "local input, err"
16:39 Krock I wonder why not using "err" to check if it failed
16:39 Krock but well, that doesn't matter
16:39 sfan5 ok whatever
16:39 sfan5 merging
16:40 Zeno` thanks sfan5
16:40 Krock yep, merge dat stuff
16:58 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
16:59 T4im game#747 (except perhaps the documentation?) and game#1127 are essentially duplicates of 669, and can probably be closed
16:59 ShadowBot -- Sethome: Create global functions set_home, go_home and get_home by LeMagnesium
16:59 ShadowBot -- Globalize sethome by everamzah
17:06 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
17:19 hmmmm shoot, just found another bug with my commit
17:19 hmmmm if the seed isn't present in map_meta.txt and hasn't been explicitly set by a mod, the seed in the global config gets overwritten by a random one
17:19 hmmmm all hail unit tests
17:22 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
17:38 est31 okay what about this commit :
17:39 est31 its a better version of #4269
17:39 ShadowBot -- Removed minetest version number from top left corner by Plonski
17:39 est31 lol did i really write file management bar
17:40 est31 I've meant window manager bar :)
17:41 est31
17:41 est31 Its *not* something I actually do like
17:41 est31 but it seems people dont like the watermark
17:42 est31 so lets remove it
17:42 est31 we can't lose version information though
17:43 whitephoenix joined #minetest-dev
17:45 est31 hmmmm, Zeno` what do you think
17:45 hmmmm not right now chief, i'm in the zone
17:46 est31 zone ?
17:46 KaadmY hmmmm: i have several excavators to *help* get people out of places when they're stuck
17:49 est31 I see its a quote
17:49 everamzah it's an expression
17:49 everamzah a figure of speach
17:49 everamzah autozone
17:57 T4im est31:
18:04 hmmmm what is this sfan5-patch-1
18:07 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
18:08 hmmmm well i think i made a big mistake
18:08 hmmmm one of the patches i thought i had committed weeks ago turns out to not have been committed
18:12 Zeno` :-o
18:13 * Zeno` gets out his ISO9001 non-conformance form
18:13 hmmmm requesting final approval for merging both
18:13 hmmmm
18:13 hmmmm and
18:15 T4im game#1085 could be ready for merge after a second approval (it's quick to look through and review)
18:15 ShadowBot -- Disabling TNT by tenplus1
18:15 Zeno` The first I've already approved so I can't review again
18:15 Zeno` oh they're together
18:15 hmmmm i'm paranoid that i'm going to screw something up
18:16 hmmmm well the first one of those, i already had approval for and i thought i merged it weeks ago
18:16 hmmmm but it turns out that i forgot to push it to upstream
18:16 Zeno` I see. Well, everything seems ok to me, but someone else should review as well if you have doubts
18:16 Zeno` I couldn't see anything wrong though
18:16 Zeno` apart from what we discussed earlier and you've fixed
18:17 hmmmm hey guys, what's the lua function to print a table?
18:17 hmmmm is it dump() or something similar?
18:17 T4im dump or dump2, yea
18:17 Zeno` has it been tested with existing maps/worlds?
18:17 hmmmm yup
18:17 Zeno` be bold
18:18 Zeno` =)
18:19 Zeno` wait
18:20 Zeno` const char *getName() { return "TestMapSettingsManager"; }
18:20 Zeno` what's that for?
18:20 hmmmm that's standard for all unit tests
18:20 Zeno` but what's it used for?
18:20 hmmmm so the TestBase::runModules knows what to print out
18:20 Zeno` just printing?
18:21 Zeno` ok, it's an existing thing so I'll let my concern pass
18:22 Zeno` C++ doesn't require that string literals that are equivalent be stored just once though, so that's probably something that should be fixed in all the unit tests
18:23 hmmmm what do you mean?
18:23 hmmmm you're saying that returning a string literal from a function is bad?
18:23 Zeno` i.e. if I have "blah" somewhere and "blah" somewhere else C++ is perfectly within rights to have the pointers to each point to a different place
18:23 hmmmm sure absolutely
18:24 Zeno` but yeah, it's not applicable here
18:24 hmmmm in any case, we should have string pooling enabled in our compiler flags...
18:24 hmmmm MSVC doesn't enable it by default iirc.
18:25 Zeno` well comparing pointers to test for equivalence is bad practice anyway, so it's not too much of an issue
18:26 est31 doesnt strcmp early return anyway if the pointers match?
18:26 hmmmm oh no no nothing is being compared here
18:26 est31 I mean a sane implementation would
18:26 Zeno` hmmmm, yeah, that's why I asked how it was used
18:26 est31 maybe not all
18:26 hmmmm just printed to stdout
18:26 hmmmm <hmmmm> so the TestBase::runModules knows what to print out
18:27 Zeno` hmmmm, yep
18:27 Zeno` so it's not an issue
18:28 Zeno` and if it *is* an issue that needs addressing it has nothing to do with these current changes anyway
18:29 Zeno` so forget I brought it up hehe
18:32 hmmmm weird
18:32 hmmmm hey guys, was minetest.get_mapgen_settings always broken?
18:32 Zeno` est31, strcmp does do that but there is no guarantee that the two string literals "blah" and "blah" point to the same location
18:32 est31 yeah I get that one
18:32 Zeno` hmmmm, it's broken?
18:33 hmmmm it appears so
18:33 hmmmm get_mapgen_params i mean
18:34 Zeno` no idea... I've never looked at it
18:34 hmmmm
18:34 hmmmm is there something wrong with this code?!
18:34 Zeno` yeah of course
18:35 Zeno` err
18:35 hmmmm it is all getting executed
18:35 hmmmm i don't...
18:35 hmmmm minetest is an enigma
18:37 Zeno` I'd have to look into that further
18:37 Zeno` I can't tell just from what I can see
18:38 hmmmm nothing seems to be getting set to that table
18:38 hmmmm the type returned is a table, a blank one
18:39 hmmmm we push the table onto the stack, so it's at -1
18:39 hmmmm now we push each parameter onto the stack, making those -1, before setting it to the thing at -2, i.e. the table
18:39 hmmmm this has not been changed at all....
18:42 Zeno` not good
18:44 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
18:48 hmmmm whatever this is, it's been broken since before my patches
18:48 hmmmm can anybody else verify this?  paramat?
18:49 hmmmm do dump(mg_params) right after local mg_params = minetest.get_mapgen_params() in minetest_game/mods/default/mapgen.lua
18:51 T4im hmm
18:52 T4im I got some stuff out, but only with a loop
18:52 T4im flags string, water_level number, seed number, mgname string, chunksize number
18:53 T4im so this might be rather a dump/dump2 problem
18:53 hmmmm nope
18:53 hmmmm i tried for k, v in ipairs(mg_params) do print(k) end as well
18:53 T4im not ipairs, pairs
18:54 T4im ipairs is indexed, that doesn't work well on a k-v table
18:54 hmmmm i'll try pairs
18:55 hmmmm ahh there it is
18:55 hmmmm okay, seems like dump and dump2 are broken
18:55 hmmmm i seriously thought my table wasn't getting populated lopl
18:55 T4im :D
18:55 hmmmm "shit... how is this broken?!? all i'm doing is creating a table and pushing some values into it"
18:59 T4im oh, could be that dump/dump2 is attempting ipairs too
18:59 T4im ah nvm, does both
19:02 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
19:02 T4im urgh, no, ok this is embarrassing, it's just print(dump(minetest.get_mapgen_params())), nothing broken
19:03 hmmmm print(dump())!?
19:03 hmmmm whatt
19:03 T4im yea
19:03 hmmmm that is embarassing
19:03 T4im hah
19:06 hmmmm works; couldn't be happier.
19:06 hmmmm thank god.
19:06 hmmmm i would be pretty embarassed if get_mapgen_params were really that broken.
19:13 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
19:24 hmmmm found a huge bug with my latest commit
19:24 hmmmm thank goodness i tested
19:25 hmmmm
19:28 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:37 Krock joined #minetest-dev
19:37 hmmmm now i can give this the seal of quality
19:40 hmmmm testing really is essential.  it's so easy to give code a pass by convincing yourself that it's too simple to get wrong, but then you make a typo like forgetting a single !
19:40 est31 okay
19:41 est31 are you still focused on the change
19:41 est31 or some other change
19:41 hmmmm ?
19:41 est31 or can you review my commit :(
19:41 hmmmm I can review your commit
19:41 hmmmm paste here
19:41 est31 err I've meant :)
19:41 est31
19:41 hmmmm aah
19:41 est31 better version of #4269
19:41 hmmmm but... have you TESTED it?
19:41 ShadowBot -- Removed minetest version number from top left corner by Plonski
19:41 est31 yes
19:41 est31 manually
19:42 hmmmm good good
19:42 hmmmm so how many people signed off on the concept of removing the watermark?
19:42 est31 #4209
19:42 ShadowBot -- Hide watermark in the top left corner
19:42 hmmmm it personally doesn't bother me much.
19:42 est31 me neither
19:42 hmmmm hum
19:42 hmmmm looks like 8 players
19:43 est31 but it seems to be popular amongst players
19:43 hmmmm alright then
19:43 hmmmm if 8 players spoke up about it chances are many more like the change as well
19:43 est31 I would be okay with us saying "no, it stays in"
19:43 hmmmm my position on this is neutral
19:43 est31 but for the case we want it removed, I have made the commit
19:43 hmmmm i really don't care tbh
19:43 hmmmm so the original PR simply removes the text
19:44 est31 in a bad way
19:44 hmmmm rofl
19:44 hmmmm yeah i can see that
19:44 hmmmm it just makes it print a blank string
19:44 est31 e.g. chat would leave a blank for the version string
19:45 est31 and in the main menu, its still there
19:45 hmmmm why not comment in the PR asking the original author to fix it the right way?
19:45 est31 because thats tiresome
19:45 hmmmm rather, that'd probably be too much work
19:45 hmmmm coding it yourself is so much quicker
19:45 est31 yeah
19:45 est31 and I have added the version string to the window caption
19:45 hmmmm so you set it in the window title now
19:45 Void7 joined #minetest-dev
19:46 hmmmm and you kept the version hash in the watermark
19:46 hmmmm or, rather, nevermind, that's the window caption again
19:46 hmmmm fixed the line height
19:46 hmmmm yup looks good
19:47 est31 nice.
19:47 hmmmm your version actually fixes it in all places
19:47 est31 I hope so
19:47 est31 its at least more than the PR :)
19:47 hmmmm it's surprising how many locations the draw version code is replicated
19:47 est31 yeah, we have multiple draw loops
19:47 hmmmm +1 i approve of this
19:48 est31 ok do you think we need another pair of eyes
19:48 hmmmm for this?  nah
19:48 hmmmm it's relatively simple
19:49 hmmmm with every commit, minetest slowly but surely becomes better than it was the day before
19:49 est31 thats the idea :)
19:50 hmmmm it's inspiring
19:50 est31 doesnt have to be the case actually
19:50 est31 regressions do happen
19:50 hmmmm shhhh
19:51 hmmmm we don't need any bad vibes in here
19:52 est31 is this a hug circle?
19:54 hmmmm a safe space for recovering alcoholic developers
19:54 TheGManRocks joined #minetest-dev
19:54 est31 lol
19:54 whitephoenix0 joined #minetest-dev
19:55 est31 it annoys me a bit that irrlicht has no api function to set the window icon
19:56 est31 we have this ugly X icon
19:56 est31 its not beautiful
19:56 est31 there is a feature though for windows
19:56 est31 its ridicoulous
19:56 T4im that sounds about as great as the copy paste features?
19:56 est31 on start, it looks for a file on a pre-defined path
19:57 est31 some .ico file
19:57 est31 if its there, it gets loaded
19:57 est31 and becomes the window icon
19:57 est31
20:00 est31
20:00 est31 just rofl
20:00 hmmmm ugh
20:00 hmmmm the "correct" way to set an icon on windows is to embed it in the executable resource
20:00 hmmmm which requires an .rc
20:02 est31 hmm
20:02 est31 we seem to not use that irrlicht feature after all then
20:02 est31 well thats good
20:02 est31 but on x, you need to call an api function
20:02 TheGManRocks left #minetest-dev
20:03 est31 that sets the icon, and irrlicht controls the x handle
20:04 est31 hmm
20:05 est31 seems the handle can be obtained
20:05 est31 that sounds really good
20:05 hmmmm yeah
20:05 hmmmm well i propose we just make our own setwindowicon() and put it in porting.cpp
20:08 est31 yeah
20:11 est31 ohh thats nice thanks to ranting i might have discovered a way to fix an age old bug of minetest
20:12 hmmmm it always helps to talk things out :)
20:12 hmmmm that's why i rant in this channel occasionally
20:38 est31 lol part of the api that I've thought wouldnt exist was used by minetest already
20:38 est31 this codebase is already open for suprises
20:38 est31 always*
21:00 MillersMan joined #minetest-dev
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21:44 est31 oh it seems to be working
21:44 est31 okay, now I have to make it beautiful
21:44 est31 atm there is a giant c header file  which spews out a million warnings :)
21:45 troller joined #minetest-dev
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22:54 est31 hmmmm, what do you think.
22:54 est31 there is a tool
22:54 est31
22:54 est31 it converts into the xlib compatible format
22:54 est31 the one you can use to set the window icon
22:55 est31 now there are two options:
22:55 est31 1. put the output of the program (its a big C-array) into a header in the source tree
22:55 est31 2. store the array in binary form and read it at program start
22:56 est31 I'm leaning towards 2, because its more compact
22:56 est31 also, it seems the c-array is not liked by the c++ compiler
22:57 est31 generates a *ton* of warnings
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23:39 est31 oh fuck it
23:39 est31 I gonna use the text file
23:40 est31 in fact, if I just write the array into a file in binary representation, its actually longer than if its written into a header file in ascii
23:40 est31 thats probably because lots of padding bits
23:40 est31 AND I would have had to modify the deserialisation + serialisation to store in consistent order (network order)
23:40 est31 that would be too much
23:40 est31 so lets use the text file instead
23:55 est31 okay if I want to resort to the older method to read the file manually: its my local commit 3def0e57a5f6f58e77855f4cafc4b8c52a04c5f7
23:56 est31 hehe I am mean, using this channel as my notebook

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