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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-07-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
00:16 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
00:16 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
00:43 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
01:11 twoelk left #minetest-dev
01:15 paramat #6168
01:15 ShadowBot -- Network protocol: Document settable player collisionbox by paramat
02:08 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
02:39 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
02:41 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
03:40 bigfoot547 #6165
03:40 ShadowBot -- Advanced lighting by kaadmy
03:43 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
05:12 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:26 nerzhul_ joined #minetest-dev
05:32 nerzhul_ merged #6168
05:32 ShadowBot -- Network protocol: Document settable player collisionbox by paramat
05:37 Raven262 joined #minetest-dev
06:07 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
06:39 nerzhul_ pushing a trivial code move (move MapEditEventAreaIgnorer for server.h to emerge.cpp
06:42 nerzhul_ strange i can push but not pull, not very easy to rebase :p
06:43 nerzhul_ seems github bugs...
06:43 nerzhul_ has problems too
08:22 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
08:28 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
08:41 Vadtec joined #minetest-dev
08:42 exio4 joined #minetest-dev
08:44 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
08:50 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
08:55 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
09:07 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
09:39 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
09:46 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
10:27 octacian__ joined #minetest-dev
10:32 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
10:51 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
11:02 lisac joined #minetest-dev
11:22 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
11:39 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-dev
11:39 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
11:51 shalmezad joined #minetest-dev
11:53 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:17 est31 joined #minetest-dev
12:22 rubenwardy game#1849
12:22 ShadowBot -- Separate player code into new mod by rubenwardy
12:22 rubenwardy needs more testing
12:23 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
12:24 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
12:55 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
13:21 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
13:28 antims joined #minetest-dev
13:48 thePalindrome joined #minetest-dev
14:06 octacian joined #minetest-dev
14:14 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
14:17 est31 left #minetest-dev
14:55 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
15:21 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
15:22 RobbieF joined #minetest-dev
15:23 est31_ joined #minetest-dev
15:48 Krock joined #minetest-dev
15:51 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
15:59 est31_ left #minetest-dev
16:04 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
16:34 soupfly joined #minetest-dev
16:40 * KaadmY waits for more devs to come online
16:42 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
16:44 nerzhul Krock, for casts, in guideliens we define a space after cast if i remember ?
16:44 KaadmY nerzhul: is there a problem using NULL instead of nullptr for style consistenct?
16:44 KaadmY nerzhul: the guidelines don't say
16:44 nerzhul NULL vs nullptr should be used carefuly in code
16:44 Krock there's neither a rule for casts nor nullptr
16:45 KaadmY That entire file (game.cpp) uses NULL only, there's only one instance of nullptr
16:45 KaadmY Krock: the guidelines say use nullptr
16:45 nerzhul the main problem is if you init with nullptr and somewhere you have if (a != NULL) instead of i (!a) you will do a null crash
16:45 Krock new code should be written with nullptr whenever possible
16:45 nerzhul nullptr should be used everywhere yes, it's C++11 guidelines
16:45 KaadmY Should I use nullptr and hope someone else replaces all the NULLs with nullptrs?
16:45 nerzhul the only case where you should be careful in a C++11 program is C interfaces which compare to NULL
16:46 nerzhul no never
16:46 Krock change all affected pointers
16:46 nerzhul yes
16:46 nerzhul maybe add a point on next meeting and vote for a cast style
16:47 nerzhul strange my mail didn't work
16:47 nerzhul v3s16 && = moved variable
16:47 nerzhul it permits to no create any reference and move the memory area passed to the function
16:47 nerzhul it should be used very carefully as it removed variable from caller
16:48 nerzhul in updateFastFaceRow case there is no problem as we pass hardcoded values
16:49 nerzhul (it('s not a remove, it's a memory move)
16:49 KaadmY ^ are you talking to me or just in general?
16:49 nerzhul for the move i answer Krock on #6169
16:49 ShadowBot -- VoxelManip cleanups (const ref, const move) + function removal by nerzhul
16:51 Krock nerzhul, how high is the benefit of using these expressions for 48 bits?
16:51 Krock v3s16 isn't much of data copy, so optimizing within the functions might be better (?)
16:52 nerzhul Krock, sorry but copy is the main problem in updateFastFaceRow :p
16:52 nerzhul in a single call no problem
16:53 nerzhul when it's 4 millions calls, callgrind shows we have ~5% time to copy this
16:53 nerzhul updateFastFaceRow take ~40% of the client CPU usage
16:54 Krock :<
16:54 nerzhul i have a biggest optimization to do on it, i think i will work on it this evening, we have ~12% CPU used to do TileSpec copy
16:55 Krock get your assembler skills ready :P
16:55 nerzhul i should reduce memory copy massively on this function
17:01 nerzhul i will do the other optimizations in a future PR as it needs a specific diff
17:02 Hijiri #5612
17:02 ShadowBot -- Allow overriding tool capabilities through itemstack metadata by raymoo
17:03 iZacZip joined #minetest-dev
17:04 nerzhul in 6169 the main optimization is the getExtent caching it has a nice impact on index function we called many times, and getVolume. Both are massively called in MapGen and updateFastFaceRow :)
17:05 KaadmY Does anybody know where the mapblock mesh vertex alpha is set?
17:05 KaadmY It's supposed to be the day/night ratio which doesn't make much sense
17:05 KaadmY Since it's the same data per-vertex
17:05 KaadmY I want to put that into a uniform and make the per-vertex data store how much artificial light there is
17:08 nerzhul Krock, my dream is to load map as fast in debug mode as in release mode now :p
17:09 nerzhul i don't think if it's possible, but i saw some map generation & loading improvements in release mode after this PR, mapgen valleys was generating a little bit faster than before
17:09 Krock maybe the map will be faster but everything else is heck slow without many optimizations from the compiler
17:09 nerzhul yes server side emerging is not the high bottleneck except on new maps
17:09 nerzhul it's a side effect of my getExtend change :p
17:10 nerzhul the optimization was for updateFastFaceRow, i want to reduce its client usage, 40% is crazy
17:10 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
17:11 nerzhul on client, in regular mode, running 5 mins (with 1 or 0 fps under valgrind/callgrind) 40% usage is updateFastFaceRow and 15% generation of the mapblockmesh
17:12 nerzhul Krock, =>
17:12 nerzhul it's the client
17:12 nerzhul i used remote server in release mode to drop the CPU usage of the server from graphs
17:13 Krock heh, 200k calls on updateFastFaceRow. I see
17:14 shalmezad joined #minetest-dev
17:14 nerzhul with callgrind yes
17:15 nerzhul part i want to optimize after this merge
17:15 nerzhul
17:15 nerzhul it's copy :)
17:15 soupfly joined #minetest-dev
17:17 nerzhul Krock, i fixed 6169 it's ready for a merge
17:19 Krock LGTM
17:24 Krock nerzhul, spotted a function you restyled a bit:
17:24 Krock nothing special about this part but there's an "else" case
17:25 Krock same functionality, but using "verticies" instead of "tangent_vertices"
17:26 lisac joined #minetest-dev
17:26 Raven262 joined #minetest-dev
17:27 Krock sounds a bit wrong to only re-style one part of it
17:31 nerzhul yeah it's more complicated the second part
17:31 nerzhul it's not only 1 loop
17:31 nerzhul go clion, do it instead of myself
17:32 nerzhul you are exact it's same loop
17:33 Krock :P
17:33 nerzhul done
17:33 Krock s/exact/right/
17:34 nerzhul :p
17:37 nerzhul Krock, is this okay for you now ?
17:38 Krock already approved but the other devs should have the possibility to look at it
17:38 nerzhul yeah i'm waiting tomorrow morning
17:40 Krock good, thanks :)
17:40 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
17:49 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
18:06 KaadmY Why is sun and night light (?) stored in each node?
18:06 KaadmY Instead of being a global value for the entire world?
18:07 sofar nerzhul: since we're going incompat to 0.5, why not see if we can make the worlds larger in XZ coordinates?
18:07 KaadmY sofar: why though?
18:07 nerzhul sofar, do it yourself haha, i will not doing that
18:07 sofar KaadmY: the game uses that to calculate dawn/dusk values which are in between
18:07 KaadmY It'd require a pretty large rework of the map format as well as the entire mapgen
18:07 nerzhul it's the biggest change
18:07 KaadmY sofar: it's global though
18:07 KaadmY Not per-node
18:08 KaadmY Lemme check more
18:08 Krock we're breaking the proto compat - yet. not sure if changing the map format is a good idea
18:08 sofar not every node gets direct sunlight
18:08 sofar surface is just much more valuable than depth imho
18:08 nerzhul mapblock serialization is not compatible with new corridnates as it uses s16 :)
18:09 KaadmY Also seriously, why increase X/Z?
18:09 KaadmY It's already massive
18:09 sofar surface is just much more valuable than depth imho
18:09 sofar any player will confirm
18:10 sofar you could decrease the depth and not many players would complain
18:10 sofar not until you get to about 1024 or so
18:10 Krock I agree with KaadmY. I barely play outside of 2000m X/Z as the coordinates get hard to handle
18:10 sofar you barely play outside 100Y
18:10 sofar so surface is 20x more valuable
18:10 Krock for realms
18:11 sofar for reals
18:11 sofar if a protocol break is on the table, I would think this would be open for discussion
18:11 nerzhul protocol break != mapblock break
18:11 nerzhul but i really want to see comprssion algorithm change
18:12 nerzhul using zstd or lz45
18:12 sofar potato, potato
18:12 nerzhul lz4
18:12 nerzhul i use lz4 on my server since 2 years it's smooth and CPU thanks me :p
18:12 Krock potato compression algorithm?
18:13 nerzhul i prefetch ketchup hamburger :p
18:14 Krock SELECT taste FROM ketchup WHERE usecase LIKE `%hamburger%`
18:14 sofar derailing the discussion will only make it come back
18:15 Krock if we break the compatibility, then we should do it for real - which requires some pulls that improve the game largely
18:15 sofar that's not how reality works
18:16 sofar we don't magically have a bunch of hail mary patches lying around
18:16 Krock I know, that's why I'm not sure if we should consider map break already now
18:16 sofar celeron55 maybe :)
18:16 Krock s/maybe/definitely/
18:17 nerzhul sofar, i don't have time for a such change i prefer to solve the performance bottleneck client side & add server side features like mobs
18:18 nerzhul i don't know if you look at the whole code but using v3f instead of v3s16 is not a simple change :p
18:18 * KaadmY would prefer real CSM
18:18 sofar optimize ABMs -> #1 performance issue
18:18 ShadowBot -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome
18:18 nerzhul sofar, i don't think we can fix ABM more, the current ABM implementation is fast, the Lua modding usage is wrong, that's all
18:18 KaadmY LOL that issue has like 100 references
18:19 sofar a single ABM is causing my server over 95% of it's CPU usage
18:19 nerzhul i have some ideas of Lua calls which can permit to solve some lua bottlenecks, for example TNT explosion should be in core to manage node explosion spreading over loop time easily
18:19 nerzhul it's easy if it's just a bad ABM
18:19 nerzhul which ABM is this ?
18:19 sofar lava cooling
18:19 Krock well, it would be nice to speed up the ABMs but the way it works, there have to be this many loops and node lookups
18:19 nerzhul the dirt/grass ABM is consuming too
18:19 sofar the only abm on my server actually
18:19 nerzhul you don't have dirt/grass ABM ?
18:19 sofar nope
18:19 nerzhul lava cooling is too heave
18:20 sofar needed for gameplay
18:20 nerzhul find the generic algorithms make them core side lua calls
18:20 sofar no other way of doing it still
18:20 nerzhul i hope you can provide some nice PR i don't see PR from you in core since a long time and it seems you have some needs, then code !
18:20 Krock caching of the affected nodes would be an option
18:20 sofar building up some energy atm
18:20 sofar house build is starting tomorrow
18:21 nerzhul Krock, it's not as simple as that
18:21 sofar still spending a lot of time on building stuff atm
18:21 nerzhul caching can be performance painful is caching map increase
18:21 nerzhul i think we should have specific unittests to permit performance analysis
18:22 nerzhul i don't know how but when i will need it i will add some unittests to call code parts isolated to run valgrind/callgrind on them
18:24 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
18:24 sofar I'm thinking ABM's can be optimized one step further
18:24 nerzhul how ?
18:24 nerzhul the ABM processing is not the biggest usage in core it's the Lua part on ABM run
18:24 sofar if the nodes for the ABM are not present in a mapblock, and the mapblock hasn't changed since last run, there is no need to check again
18:25 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
18:25 sofar it's not the lua that is the problem
18:25 sofar the ABM core loop is what is consuming 95% of my server's CPU
18:25 sofar even though there is NO lava anywhere
18:25 sofar it's just the abm loop going over all the mapblocks trying to find lava nodes
18:25 nerzhul maybe we should index which nodes content_t are present in the mapblock
18:26 nerzhul if node is not present it can prevent looping over it
18:26 KaadmY There should be "related" ABMs or something
18:26 sofar afk
18:26 KaadmY That are called when nodes are placed
18:26 KaadmY Or dug, like leaves
18:31 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
18:36 paramat joined #minetest-dev
18:38 paramat increase XZ dimensions .. absolutely not, not yet anyway with our severe dev shortage, we're not going to break map format
18:39 paramat players love the depth of MT and the height that allows stacked realms, it's just as valuable as width and actually makes more interesting things possible, width is usually just more of the same
18:42 paramat oh, freeminer has an ABM optimisation that may be worth looking at (if it's any good)
18:45 paramat the lavacooling ABM runs very frequently, maybe we can reduce the interval more
18:45 paramat eek it's still at interval 1s, i'll change that to 2
18:45 octacian paramat: You know, here's another reason why "real" realms could be better. The game could be configured so that clients would only have to load mods and other data for the particular realm. Otherwise, it could get really heavy if there's a large amount of differences between realms.
18:47 paramat sounds like sending a player to a different server, it's been discussed a lot and there seems to be issues. stacked levels are not meant to be a replacement for 'dimensions' and are just as 'real'
18:48 paramat i'm saying have both if possible, it isn't a choice
18:51 octacian paramat: That clears things up a bit. I'd love the possibility of having both stacked realms and "real" dimensions then
18:54 sofar stacked realms are proof that more surface is needed
18:54 rubenwardy ^
18:54 rubenwardy stack realms seem to be a work around
18:55 rubenwardy that cause lighting issues
18:55 rubenwardy skylands? Far enough
18:55 rubenwardy nether/hell? Fair enough
18:55 sofar I'm not discounting the complexity of the change, I'm saying that it's *needed* and it will always remain a heated debate problem
18:55 rubenwardy because it's okay for the player to come accross those
18:56 sofar nether is essentially a biome imho
18:56 rubenwardy agreed
18:56 rubenwardy but it's not that important to me
18:56 rubenwardy so I'll butt out now :P
18:59 nerzhul we have ABM optimization like freeminer since 0.4.16 if i remember
18:59 nerzhul multiple maps in a single server can be nice
19:00 nerzhul oh nice
19:01 nerzhul i reduced TileSpec operator load 4 times by using a shared_ptr, nice
19:02 nerzhul the lifetime of the object is correctly controlled
19:02 nerzhul Krock, becomes
19:02 nerzhul 10 times, not 4 times
19:03 Krock nerzhul, 2nd unique link please
19:03 nerzhul Krock, i don't understand
19:03 Krock you proved that 14881832 == 14881832. it's the same image URL
19:03 nerzhul oops
19:04 nerzhul before:
19:04 nerzhul the Ir is the relevant metric here
19:04 nerzhul it's the consumed time
19:04 Krock wow amazing.
19:05 nerzhul the change is simple
19:05 Krock and I thought the compiler would know the important tricks
19:05 nerzhul std::vector<FrameSpec> frames; => std::shared_ptr<std::vector<FrameSpec>> frames = nullptr;
19:05 nerzhul compiler does memcpy the non trivial object in all cases in release mode too
19:05 nerzhul here compiler copy the shared_ptr
19:05 nerzhul int + sizeof(ptr) copy
19:06 Krock lovely
19:06 nerzhul instead of 4 to 16 * sizeof(FrameSpec) copy (Framespec = 3 * sizeof(ptr) + int)
19:06 nerzhul i publish the patch in a secodn pr later (depending on previous pr)
19:09 paramat stacked realms are a more interesting way to get more surface, and it can be different types of surface: netherworlds, floatlands, alien planets, moons, dimensions, none of those make sense displaced horizontally
19:09 Krock would like to see that :)  gtg now
19:09 paramat larger world is not really needed, just a few have a non-essential desire mostly due to being used to MC
19:11 paramat no-one has run out of surface area or even got close to that, even with one level
19:19 shalmezad_ joined #minetest-dev
19:19 VanessaE paramat: the problem with your idea is light propagation, and keeping users from being able to move from one realm to another without e.g. a teleporter or something
19:20 VanessaE (except maybe from base terrain to floatlands or something)
19:28 paramat those can be solved
19:28 VanessaE I'm sure.
19:28 paramat i have ideas for vertical travel
19:28 VanessaE there's a better idea though,
19:28 VanessaE multiple worlds, multiple instances
19:29 VanessaE with a teleporter or other maguffin to move between them while in-game
19:29 paramat in which the vertical travel itself is an adventure and a challenge, much more interesting than teleporting
19:30 VanessaE well that's fair, if you're moving between say base terrain and float lands.
19:30 VanessaE but for example nether, you're not supposed to be able to get there without a teleporter portal
19:31 paramat well for a MC nehter, but if MC had the vertical height, nether would have been a hell realm physically below
19:31 paramat *nether
19:31 VanessaE but what I meant by multiple-worlds-multiple-instances is, think of the 5 servers I run right now.  Suppose there were a mod I could install in all of them that would let a player "teleport" to another world, without them having to exit to the menu, select the other world, and manually connect with username/pw
19:31 paramat travelling to it would be more interesting too
19:32 paramat yeah, it's being discussed
19:32 VanessaE I think in MC you'd use a linking book for that, but in MT I think something more akin to Sokomine's travelnets are more appropriate.
19:34 VanessaE I think this is a much better idea than multiple stacked "realms" because not only does it avoid the problem of losing vertical space, but also it allows you to spread the CPU load without clustering or anything special.
19:36 paramat we don't have to choose between the 2, and the dimensions idea has been discussed a lot and has issues (and importantly, doesn't exist yet)
19:38 VanessaE dimensions?
19:39 VanessaE you mean as in map size?
19:39 VanessaE screw that.  leave the map the way it is now.
19:39 VanessaE there's no reason to increase the map size if you do multiple-worlds-multiple-instances.  for that, all you'd need is a way to send a player to another server without an exit to the menu.
19:40 rubenwardy dimensions -> multiple maps on a server
19:40 VanessaE rubenwardy: no
19:40 VanessaE not on A server
19:40 VanessaE on MANY servers.
19:40 rubenwardy errr no
19:40 VanessaE one minetest instance, one realm/world/dimension/whatever
19:40 VanessaE that's what i'm proposing
19:40 rubenwardy dimensions is another co-ordinate for the map
19:40 VanessaE I'm*
19:40 rubenwardy it's been discussed at length
19:40 VanessaE yeah I know, and honestly it's a stupid idea
19:40 VanessaE I'm sorry, it is.
19:41 rubenwardy not a feature I care about, tbh
19:41 VanessaE by doing it that way you make it impossible to adapt an existing map to be able to have other "realms"
19:41 VanessaE a "realm" should just be another random minetest server instance with a suitable world, but of course not announcing to the master server list
19:42 VanessaE the client just needs something user-readable that makes it evident where they'll be connecting to if they sign off one day, and come back in some other time.
19:42 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
19:43 sofar server redirection
19:43 sofar MC does this and it works really well
19:43 VanessaE sofar: in essence, yeah, but done in such a way that it looks to the user like they're being transported magically :)
19:44 sofar you'd still have a loading screen
19:44 sofar which is fine, I guess
19:44 VanessaE yeah but don't make it look like a server sign-on screen
19:44 sofar the functionality is the thing that's needed
19:44 VanessaE make it look more... I dunno...less clinical
19:48 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
19:49 Qbiq joined #minetest-dev
19:58 Hijiri having the maps on separate servers will make sharing mod data between them much more of a pain though
19:59 Hijiri at least, if it's meant to fulfill the "dimensions" feature
19:59 Hijiri each map would also cost a lot more than if they were on the same server
20:00 Hijiri so it would be harder to have a mod that adds new dimensions or whatever you want to call them during gameplay
20:00 VanessaE http access?
20:00 Hijiri what about http access?
20:00 VanessaE use curl/http to share said data?
20:01 Hijiri I mean when the servers need to share data that they can also all modify
20:01 Hijiri a simple example would be player achievements, they could get an achievement on any world
20:01 Hijiri or a more problematic example could be a faction system
20:01 VanessaE that plus player inventories is a question, yeah
20:02 Hijiri a team leader could kick a player on one server while the player is doing stuff using the faction on another
20:02 VanessaE but if you can send a player to another server, surely there should be a way to send this "shared" data along with the new connection
20:03 Hijiri there will be cases where all servers need to be able to modify a player's data, not just the one with the player online right now
20:03 Hijiri and there might be data not associated to a specific player at all
20:03 VanessaE but all of that is somewhat less relevant at the moment
20:03 Hijiri I thought this was all hypothetical
20:03 VanessaE the first goal should be getting the player transported to the other server.
20:04 VanessaE worry about their inventory or achievements or whatever later.
20:04 Hijiri assuming we take this approach for dimensions
20:04 Hijiri they could even be separate features, one for multiple maps per server and one for linking servers
20:04 VanessaE well if "dimensions" were implemented the way rubenwardy suggests, then it would be a fourth dimension to the map.
20:04 Hijiri where mods that want to use the worlds more tightly coupled could operate on the former thing
20:05 VanessaE i.e. multiple worlds on a single server instance
20:05 Hijiri VanessaE: that's what I mean by multiple maps per server
20:05 VanessaE meaning such things wouldn't be an issue at all.
20:05 VanessaE but doing that doesn't allow you to spread the load
20:06 Hijiri well, one server per map also adds a lot of overhead if you want a mod to be able to add new worlds
20:07 Hijiri I guess you could shut down a server with no players and only restart it when a player tries to go to it
20:07 paramat joined #minetest-dev
20:07 Hijiri then the worst case would be one server thread or process per online player
20:07 VanessaE can't do that.
20:08 VanessaE then the server won't be able to do things like keep technic machines running, or furnaces cooking, or other active things
20:08 VanessaE (think world anchors)
20:08 Hijiri right
20:08 Hijiri but maybe that would be an acceptable compromise to not need to have 1000 server processes running?
20:08 Hijiri (if 1000 worlds are made)
20:09 VanessaE why would it matter how many server instances are running?
20:09 Hijiri Or you could mark worlds as not being always online
20:09 Hijiri I guess it doesn't matter that much
20:10 Hijiri I don't know what the memory overhead of a server instance with no players on it is so I can't say anything specific about memory use or anything
20:11 paramat VanessaE by 'dimensions' i don't mean a 4th co-ordinate (which is silly), just either moving players between servers or having multiple 'worlds' in one world database, these seem to be the 2 ideas currently discussed
20:11 VanessaE it's pretyt low on light-weight servers.
20:11 VanessaE paramat: ok so basically more or less what I said.
20:11 VanessaE one world/dimension per server instance is the best. :)
20:12 Hijiri I don't like that modders will have to deal with concurrency problems
20:12 paramat yeah what you suggest :]
20:12 Hijiri if Minetest exposes a good transactional memory API then that might be enough
20:13 Hijiri but otherwise it won't really be a substitute for multiple maps on the same server
20:14 Hijiri And I have a feeling that such an API is something that will take either a long time or forever to get implemented
20:14 Hijiri I guess it could just be a thin wrapper over sql
20:15 Hijiri and redis supports transactions too
20:16 Hijiri you would also need a messaging API between servers
20:16 Hijiri but if you're sending players across then maybe that is something that would come naturally?
20:19 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
20:22 sofar keeping players in different dimensions on the same server seems like a bad idea for performance
20:23 sofar I think you'd want to make them connect to a different IP address even based on GEO
20:23 Hijiri what if the players want to meet each other
20:23 sofar just an option, of course
20:23 thePalindrome joined #minetest-dev
20:24 paramat can anyone consider #6167 ? quite simple mapgen stuff
20:24 ShadowBot -- Mgv7: Add 'mount_zero_level' parameter by paramat
20:24 sofar but spreading the load to different physical servers makes sense
20:24 Hijiri I don't think players in different dimensions on the same server is significantly worse than if they are 500 nodes away from each other on one dimension, but I guess it's worse than if you had the dimensinos on separate servers
20:24 Hijiri but implementing multiple dimensions within a server I don't think on its own will make a server support less players than before
20:25 Hijiri I mean, on average
20:26 Hijiri it's possible that dimensions would encourage players to all be in their own dimension, which would increase active block count
20:26 Hijiri it's possible now for players to go far away from each other, but you have to go through the pain of walking
20:26 Hijiri players to each be in their own dimension*
20:32 sebastian321 joined #minetest-dev
20:52 paramat ok #6167 is fairly trivial and internal to mgv7 so i'll merge later on my own approval, let me know if any objections :]
20:52 ShadowBot -- Mgv7: Add 'mount_zero_level' parameter by paramat
21:03 Qbiq joined #minetest-dev
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21:37 nerzhul wow #6171 has a nice side performance side effect. I passed from 1 FPS to 4 FPS when calgrind run
21:37 ShadowBot -- TileLayer: use shared_ptr for FrameSpec vector by nerzhul
21:41 paramat nice
21:43 nerzhul it's not playable but seeing it under callgrind shows an interesting benefit
22:03 Corvus_ joined #minetest-dev
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22:41 KaadmY Is video::SColor (irr::video::SColor) clamped from 0 to 1 anywhere?
22:41 KaadmY Or can I safely overflow it
22:41 KaadmY (0 to 255 technically)
22:41 KaadmY Nope
22:41 KaadmY It's one byte each
22:45 paramat not sure
22:46 KaadmY I wonder how much performance loss I'll get if I use SColorf for passing around vertex colors in the final light/sunlight pass
22:46 KaadmY Instead of SColor
22:47 KaadmY paramat: is having a mapgen max height plateau possible right now without a custom Lua mapgen?
22:50 KaadmY Huh seems like all of the Irrlicht color types clamp from 0 to 1 range :(
22:53 sfan5 pretty sure SColor just stores those as u8 which makes any kind of invalid values impossible
22:54 KaadmY Yeah
22:54 KaadmY There's also video::SColorf, which according to Irrlicht, still only allows values from 0.0 to 1.0
22:55 KaadmY All I need is the ability to bleed alpha to an arbitrary value :(
22:55 KaadmY Hm
23:00 KaadmY Egh getting waaaaaaaay too much inaccuracy from mapping 1k+ to 0.0-1.0
23:00 sfan5 wat
23:01 sfan5 if you have value range around 1k why not just use u16?
23:01 KaadmY sfan5: can't
23:01 KaadmY SColor
23:01 KaadmY Which clamps 0-1
23:01 KaadmY I'm assuming anything along the line might also clamp 0-1
23:01 sfan5 in any case float should have enough bits for your usage
23:01 KaadmY Since OpenGL might also do it IIRC
23:02 sfan5 how are you mapping values?
23:02 KaadmY sfan5: I need to fit two floats in a 0.0 to 1.0 range
23:03 KaadmY Both floats are 0.0 to 1.0 though
23:03 KaadmY And I can't do binary stuff
23:03 sfan5 and how are you doing that
23:04 KaadmY
23:04 KaadmY Shitty method since accuracy is horrible
23:04 KaadmY But unless someone can think if a cleaner way I'm using it
23:08 KaadmY If both values have 2 digits of accuracy and the first is 0.0-0.5 it'll work
23:09 KaadmY Accuracy is really bad, wonder if it'll work
23:09 KaadmY Yeah a lot of accuracy is lost casting to a byte :|
23:09 KaadmY (Not surprising)
23:13 KaadmY LOL
23:13 KaadmY Apparently one of Irrlicht's features is that is has 5 video drivers to chose from
23:13 KaadmY D3D, OpenGL, Irrlicht's SW render, Burningsvideo SW render, and a null render
23:13 KaadmY So now if nothing is rendered, that's a "renderer"
23:17 KaadmY Are the actual color channels for vertices used for tinting nodes?
23:17 KaadmY Or is that texture-side
23:17 KaadmY I can reuse a color channel for artificial brightness
23:20 paramat a plateau hmm ..
23:21 KaadmY Yay node colors don't change the vertex color
23:21 KaadmY Hm no
23:21 KaadmY Yeah they do :(
23:22 paramat "Are the actual color channels for vertices used for tinting nodes?" the person to ask is 'juhdanad' who did a lot of work on colouring when he coded hardware colouring
23:22 KaadmY Yeah
23:22 KaadmY So I have RGBA, RGB is used
23:22 KaadmY So it's down to the alpha channel to store two numbers :|
23:22 KaadmY Can't use binary encoding
23:23 KaadmY Since it's cast when passing through Irrlicht, so I don't have a binary representation between the CPU side code and the shader
23:23 paramat see #4986 it might have some answers
23:23 ShadowBot -- Hardware node coloring by juhdanad
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23:26 paramat mggv7 can be tuned with noise params to have completely flat plateaus at any height but there would be occasional mountains sticking up from it, but you can disable mountains
23:27 paramat that PR is where there were some changes to shader colour stuff (i don't understand it)
23:29 KaadmY Yeah
23:29 KaadmY Not related though
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23:50 paramat oops
23:52 KaadmY > But I will probably change this to another function which can approximate the current lighting better.
23:52 KaadmY The problem, as you can see, is that the shader does not know the day and night light intensity, but their ratio (q).
23:52 KaadmY From #4986
23:52 ShadowBot -- Hardware node coloring by juhdanad
23:54 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev

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