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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-12-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
00:16 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
00:19 lhofhansl Anybody here?
00:23 ThomasMonroe yeah, sorta
00:38 lhofhansl He he. I wonder whether I can get a review for #6723, #6721, and #6667
00:38 ShadowBot -- Allow Irrlicht caching of animated meshes by lhofhansl
00:38 ShadowBot -- Limit active object step time budget by lhofhansl
00:38 ShadowBot -- Improve active object behavior - extend active object in view direction. by lhofhansl
00:38 lhofhansl They kinda all go together.
00:41 ThomasMonroe hmm sounds interesting, though not sure about #6667
00:41 ShadowBot -- Improve active object behavior - extend active object in view direction. by lhofhansl
01:03 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
01:05 paramat joined #minetest-dev
01:05 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
01:25 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
02:05 lhofhansl ThomasMonroe: #6667 is needed to avoid having mobs simply vanish when they go out of sight. Cannot simply extend the active object radius; it's too expensive on the server. So there a inner radius where they are active, and an extended radius where they are only active inside the view cone (which saves 90-99% of the server work)
02:05 ShadowBot -- Improve active object behavior - extend active object in view direction. by lhofhansl
02:10 ThomasMonroe ah ok thanks for clarification
02:25 lhofhansl I clarified the description. It's also configurable (server side), default is off.
02:27 ThomasMonroe seems like a good thing to implement then
02:31 paramat lhofhansl #6729 in case you haven't seen it
02:31 ShadowBot -- Some particles do not render after 6be6fb78
02:52 CBugDCoder joined #minetest-dev
03:00 lhofhansl Took a look. Not sure what do you. Textures are scaled so they're not blurred too much. The rain textures seems to have incidentally relied on this.
03:04 lhofhansl We shouldn't scale *all* textures because of this. (used memory on the client)
03:05 lhofhansl We can of course revert that change.
04:18 paramat joined #minetest-dev
06:00 paramat joined #minetest-dev
06:04 paramat celeron55 please could you consider #6662 sometime, as our 'conflict resolver'? very concerning how unhappy our top server owners are
06:04 ShadowBot -- CSM causes security issues
06:55 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
07:04 celeron55 it's a lot of backlash for sure
07:04 celeron55 also, there's barely any middle ground that makes sense
07:04 celeron55 to be taken, that is
07:05 celeron55 i mean seriously, it's a real possibility that we just need to rip out CSM and live without it
07:06 celeron55 it's useless to try to be idealistic about it
07:10 celeron55 but i think people are misjudging the effect of CSM; cheating has been on the rise anyway
07:10 celeron55 it's a really bad time to be fueling cheating with CSM though
07:14 sofar can't ignore the cheating by waving away csm
07:14 sofar we need some serious action on that side
07:14 celeron55 of course not, but you can't fix it in a short timespan at all
07:14 sofar and if people who run servers aren't jumping in, they are just as guilty as cheaters
07:15 sofar they're effectively enabling it
07:15 sofar I agree there should be a compromise btw
07:15 VanessaE I'd jump in but my typing is compromised. I can't keep up.
07:15 celeron55 the security issues pointed out by Wuzzy are accurate, personally those have been my main concern ever since i decided client-side mods downloaded from the server could be interesting; and given the lack of trust to the programming skills of anyone... ehm
07:15 sofar but it shouldn't be "remove csm"
07:16 sofar VanessaE: just say "warm", "colder", "freezing"
07:16 VanessaE heh
07:16 celeron55 for one, i think leaving csm in without code downloaded from the server is stupid
07:16 sofar agreed
07:16 celeron55 either that or nothing is the future
07:17 sofar I've said something similar a few times
07:17 celeron55 i'm fine with either
07:17 VanessaE my opinion is that we should have never had client-provided csm.  it should have been server-provided from the start
07:17 sofar I will start making CSM mods when servers can send code
07:17 sofar not before
07:17 sofar well it's a good lesson
07:17 sofar I don't think nerzhul and red thought it through either
07:18 celeron55 VanessaE: that was my plan, but things tend to go the way the actual implementer does it
07:19 VanessaE I know. just saying.
07:19 celeron55 it's very much a "the kettle fell on the floor and now your feet are in boiling porridge" situation
07:19 celeron55 it doesn't help telling yourself you shouldn't have done it
07:20 celeron55 oops, as the linux kernel likes to say
07:21 celeron55 but, like
07:21 celeron55 the complete lack of actual lists of problems is amazing
07:22 celeron55 i can see two: scanning for ores and taking items from chests without collision detection
07:22 VanessaE shouldn't the latter be entirely the server's job?
07:23 celeron55 in the design MT happens to be using both of those could be made impossible by the server; the first one takes more effort and server resources to implement though
07:23 celeron55 the second one was probably assumed to be already checked but apparently isn't
07:24 celeron55 the first one could be made impossible by not sending ores that aren't close to the player and next to an open space
07:25 celeron55 needs constant updates when moving though; it's not elegant, fast or cheap at all, i did that in a 2d tile-based game
07:26 celeron55 as all CSM hacks are doable in C++, even if CSM was completely removed we still have to fix all of these
07:26 celeron55 ALL of them
07:27 celeron55 there's no way around it and doing anything to CSM doesn't help
07:29 celeron55 that's the logic due to which CSM was deemed fine to begin with
07:29 celeron55 it's an open source client, how much more open can you make the source? In theory, not at all; in practice, apparently somewhat
07:29 sofar one of the biggest problems is insecure server mods with gaping holes
07:30 sofar minehacker caused us to fix the most egregorious core holes already
07:30 sofar csm SHOULD cause us to hunt down bad server mods
07:30 sofar but it isn't
07:30 celeron55 again not in theory related to CSM, in practice CSM makes everyone a greyhat hacker
07:31 celeron55 +but
07:31 sofar sure
07:33 celeron55 it's kind of cool from every perspective other than running a non-whitelisted public server
07:33 celeron55 ...which MT historically has been able to do, against all odds
07:34 celeron55 literally i don't even understand how that has been possible in practice, but that might be history no matter what is done
07:36 sofar what is this server whitelisting?
07:37 celeron55 i mean, whitelisting players by servers
07:40 celeron55 the thing that every online game does at least in the form of having to register and activate an email for the player account but usually by paying the game company or by being friends by the server host
07:40 celeron55 friends with*
07:40 sofar IC
07:43 celeron55 some people seem to come from the perspective of never having done any of that, but it is a widely known and widely used solution to the universal problem of cheating
07:46 celeron55 the more tedious, expensive or friend-based you make it to get to a server, the smaller ratio of cheaters there will be
07:46 sofar which is why I'm writing a 2fa system for minetest servers atm
07:48 sofar not that I would deploy on my own server, actually
07:48 sofar but I almost want to demonstrate that most server owners have a huge technical debt
07:48 sofar (there's a few good ones out there, though)
07:49 sofar but if you look how derailed my oredetect thread went, it's clear nobody can think ... outside the box
07:49 sofar I haven't seen a single antispam mod on the forum yet
07:49 * sofar relinquishes soapbox
07:50 lhofhansl Unrelated... I could still use a review of #6723, #6721, and #6667 :)
07:50 ShadowBot -- Allow Irrlicht caching of animated meshes by lhofhansl
07:50 ShadowBot -- Limit active object step time budget by lhofhansl
07:50 ShadowBot -- Improve active object behavior - extend active object in view direction. by lhofhansl
07:53 sofar 6721 looks nice
07:54 lhofhansl Everything had a time limit, except for active objects. Basically just fixing that, and make the timelimit generally a bit more smooth.
07:54 sofar yup
07:54 sofar can't test on my server, it basically has no objects of significance :)
07:55 lhofhansl at least nothing should break :)
07:57 lhofhansl 6723 gets us away from coloring all vertexes of a mesh, which is bad in any case; and that allows us use Irrlicht's mesh cache, which in turns stop quite terrible jitter when many, complex animated meshes are loaded.
08:03 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:26 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
08:37 compunerd joined #minetest-dev
08:48 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
08:57 lhofhansl left #minetest-dev
09:10 Krock merging #6689 in 15 mins
09:10 ShadowBot -- Shut down mapgen threads after kicking players and before other shutdown tasks by raymoo
09:23 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
09:44 nerzhul nice Krock
10:24 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
11:04 MaybeDragon joined #minetest-dev
11:08 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
11:16 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
11:49 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
13:25 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
13:51 Megaf Krock: thanks
14:11 MoNTE48 joined #minetest-dev
14:11 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
14:16 geospeck joined #minetest-dev
14:59 geospeck joined #minetest-dev
16:07 lhofhansl joined #minetest-dev
16:56 MaybeDragon Is this the right place to ask questions about mod development?
16:57 Krock not directly. #minetest and #minetest-hub are better choices
17:35 torgdor joined #minetest-dev
17:51 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
18:18 Krock joined #minetest-dev
18:40 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
19:06 MaybeDragon left #minetest-dev
19:08 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
19:50 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
19:55 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-dev
20:43 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
20:50 compunerd joined #minetest-dev
21:20 paramat joined #minetest-dev
21:21 paramat lhofhansl has some nice PRs for review #6723 #6721 #6667
21:21 ShadowBot -- Allow Irrlicht caching of animated meshes by lhofhansl
21:21 ShadowBot -- Limit active object step time budget by lhofhansl
21:21 ShadowBot -- Improve active object behavior - extend active object in view direction. by lhofhansl
21:45 paramat red-001 please could you work on adding server-provided CSM?
22:05 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
22:25 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
22:48 paramat +1 for #6667 will merge later with #6650
22:48 ShadowBot -- Improve active object behavior - extend active object in view direction. by lhofhansl
22:48 ShadowBot -- Zoom: Set zoom FOV per-player using a player object property by paramat
23:13 paramat looks like #6628 can be merged? has 2 approvals
23:13 ShadowBot -- Android: Update build system for ndk-r16 by stujones11
23:15 paramat yes seems so, will merge later
23:41 Raven262 joined #minetest-dev
23:46 turtleman joined #minetest-dev

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