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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2019-08-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:43 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
01:00 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
01:09 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest-dev
01:55 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
02:11 pauloue joined #minetest-dev
03:40 Lone_WolfHT joined #minetest-dev
05:09 sofar joined #minetest-dev
05:41 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
05:57 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
08:35 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:54 jgoemat joined #minetest-dev
10:04 p_gimeno @Krock @mtda I maintain an up-to-date Irrlicht mirror with all branches,
10:05 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
10:26 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:28 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:03 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
11:34 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
11:54 ensonic joined #minetest-dev
12:15 mtda joined #minetest-dev
12:15 mtda hello
12:16 mtda remind me which commit do i have to revert to
12:19 Krock p_gimeno: nice. is mirroring a gitlab feature or does this happen using local scripts?
12:19 Krock
12:19 Krock ^ mtda
12:19 mtda thanks, i'll check
12:41 mtda ok had to leave for a while... now compiling from that commit
12:53 mtda still died in guiButton.cpp
12:53 mtda same error
12:58 mtda in case it's any different
13:12 Krock well so: reset your branch to d1a1c5cb~1 (one commit prior that) because that's the commit that introduced this enum
13:12 Krock if that works, you can still apply the OGLES patches on top
13:13 Krock what's the status now is the shader path variable now found in the git mirror clone?
13:14 mtda renderingengine and everything that has to do with gles compiles
13:31 Krock > 200 FPS in singleplayer with vsync on
13:31 Krock current master. I doubt that's a minetest issue?
13:32 Krock First I thought my profiler changes might have touched it but apparently vsync just broke at some point in a recent update. Any other occurrences?
13:39 mtda well, i'm compiling in a very unusual environment
13:40 mtda so it might indeed be something to do with ARM or GLES, not minetest
13:41 mtda the commit you've provided is having much more luck though, it already went way past where it previously died
14:02 mtda 67%.. make your bets when will it crash
14:05 mtda have to say, this older commit throws considerably less warnings. maybe my build environment is outdated
14:10 Krock joined #minetest-dev
14:13 mtda i'm sorry, but
14:15 sfan5 missing -lEGL
14:15 mtda elaborate?
14:16 sfan5 irrlicht was not linked with libEGL despite requiring it
14:16 sfan5 but you can just fix this while linking minetest using -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lEGL"
14:17 mtda what consequences would that have?
14:17 mtda i'm new to most of this
14:18 mtda ok it's done
14:19 mtda i'll do a smoke test without minetest-game
14:20 mtda it started up!
14:21 mtda minimal dev test runs, produces decentish fps
14:27 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest-dev
14:59 mtda joined #minetest-dev
15:05 Krock but that's OpenGL, I suppose?
15:05 mtda yes
15:08 deltasquared joined #minetest-dev
15:09 mtda ok, now wat do to make it GLES instead of OpenGL
15:10 deltasquared I recall there being a setting for this, however most builds if you try to set it to gles will complain that it's not enabled/compiled in and falls back to regular opengl.
15:11 deltasquared no idea if the video_driver property in advanced settings will do what you want.
15:11 mtda i found the setting and set it to ogles2. might have been a mistake, as after a restart all i see is blue
15:12 deltasquared o.o
15:12 mtda manually changed to ogles1
15:12 deltasquared mtda: try turning off all shaders
15:12 mtda picture is back
15:12 deltasquared including the shader tickbox itself
15:12 mtda they are unavailable now
15:12 mtda apparently i don't have ogles2 support?
15:13 deltasquared hrm... turn them off anyway and try again? I've found ogles2 will allow you the shader settings, but they're all fail broken.
15:13 deltasquared all I get for instance in many cases is a black screen with just nametags and HUD elements.
15:13 deltasquared (this being on my android device using ogles2 there)
15:13 mtda i'm not sure raspi supports ogles2
15:14 mtda 3b+ at least
15:14 deltasquared mtda: try running es2info.
15:14 mtda not found
15:14 deltasquared hmm... wait, was it called something else
15:14 deltasquared oh wait, es2_info sorry
15:14 mtda doesnt exist
15:15 deltasquared it should come along with whatever package has glxgears...
15:15 deltasquared dunno what that is on debian
15:15 mtda i do have gears tho
15:15 deltasquared hmm
15:17 mtda it's possible i have horribly misconfigured graphics though
15:17 mtda can't even run openarena
15:18 mtda so yeah, on default settings with ogles1 and no smooth lighting it's playable
15:18 mtda unless you go to spawn of a public server
15:20 pauloue joined #minetest-dev
15:23 mtda i hope this "stress testing" of mine helps
15:23 mtda running on unusual underpowered hardware and software
15:40 Krock !tell mtda see debug.txt. I think it cannot find the shaders
15:40 ShadowBot Krock: O.K.
15:53 mtda joined #minetest-dev
16:03 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
16:13 sfan5 Krock: i think player movement would overwrite any "prediction" done by other clients
16:14 sfan5 the other problem is that it doesn't apply in free_move mode, which is not something the server can tell
16:25 Krock right
16:25 Krock too bad that there's so much latency
16:56 sfan5 Krock: your suggestion tricked me, checking after multiplication is intentional
16:57 sfan5 |d| == 1 in fact usually means that each vector component is somewhat less than 1
17:06 Krock yes it is, thus k needs to be checked against lower values
17:06 Krock the movement distance will always be 1 * k (but in 3d)
17:11 sfan5 yes, but I am intentionally not checking the distance
17:13 sfan5 I could check the distance instead, but it should be more like < 1.5
17:14 Krock mhm okay
17:19 Krock nerzhul, nore, rubenwardy, sfan5, sofar: Would you be available for a meeting in like 40 minutes?
17:19 sfan5 i guess
17:22 Krock other contributors are certainly also welcome to give inputs
17:32 paramat joined #minetest-dev
17:32 paramat i'm around from now on
17:38 sfan5 merging #8685, #8776 in 5 minutes
17:38 ShadowBot -- Player knockback and add_player_velocity API by sfan5
17:38 ShadowBot -- Finish getNode cleanup by osjc
17:45 Krock paramat: hi. Will you be available for a meeting in ~15 minutes?
17:46 sfan5 did github just create a merge commit
17:46 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
17:46 sfan5 again?
17:46 sfan5 or is the description just wrong?
17:49 sfan5 looks like it's just the message
17:50 sfan5 I did set it correctly but github said "merge failed" after the merge and upon reloading the pull request was already merged
17:50 sfan5 maybe github should fix their stupid software...
17:54 paramat yes i can do meeting, but have very few thoughts on the PR topics
17:55 Krock force push
17:55 Krock nvm, too late (>5 mins)
17:56 paramat or, my thoughts are already present as comments in the PRs
17:59 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
18:03 Krock Okay, let's start.
18:04 Krock #6688 is a massive PR, but needs rebase and design re-considerations
18:04 ShadowBot -- Custom particle generators for particle spawners by raymoo
18:05 Krock should it be closed? I don't see any hope there right now, and maybe it could be done using CSMs somewhen
18:07 paramat my opinion is clear in the comments, this is a very bad idea
18:07 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
18:08 Krock so close?
18:08 paramat i think so yes
18:09 Krock rubenwardy apparently likes it. well so, reopen on rebase is still an option
18:13 Krock what to do with #8382? close or merge?
18:13 ShadowBot -- Fix debug.txt growing bigger and bigger by HybridDog
18:14 paramat i find this one difficult to decide on
18:15 paramat i feel the implementation may need some reconsideration
18:15 DS-minetest huge debug.txt files are awful imo
18:16 rubenwardy it shouldn't be our concern
18:16 rubenwardy we should pass it off to systemd
18:16 rubenwardy the most we should do is trim the logs to be at most a certain length when opening MT
18:18 sfan5 well you can't really tell windows users to set up systemd just so their folder doesn't keep growing in size
18:18 paramat i would prefer a large debug.txt is trimmed (oldest entries trimmed) than delete if over size
18:19 Krock wrote a suggestion. any comments on zipping the first, then dropping it after the next limit overflow?
18:19 sfan5 i was about to propose that
18:19 Krock nice
18:19 rubenwardy windows users shouldn't run servers :)
18:19 rubenwardy and don't need log rotation
18:19 Krock but they can
18:19 Krock and we should not prevent them from doing so if they want to
18:19 paramat that suggestion is fine with me
18:20 Krock great, so I guess that's settled for now
18:20 sfan5 don't even need to zip it, if debug.txt is over 50MB move it to debug.txt.1 (overwriting if already exists) and start with a new debug.txt
18:20 rubenwardy not having log rotation support doesn't prevent them from that
18:20 sfan5 ^ would've been my suggestion
18:20 Krock or that. even less io-consuming
18:21 Lia joined #minetest-dev
18:21 Krock heading over to #6804. Is someone keen to adopt it?
18:22 ShadowBot -- Punchwear by sofar
18:22 Krock Actually I'm sceptical about the calculations in
18:23 paramat yes see my comments, something seems wrong
18:23 pmpp joined #minetest-dev
18:24 Krock nvm, it's correct. "f" is always < 1. that's the case if the punch happened only partially (not full interval)
18:25 Krock hence the wear proportionally increases to the punch/full_interval ratio
18:25 paramat well, i'm unsure whether there's a mistake or not
18:26 Krock question is whether to punish people who spam-click or just make it proportional to the time spent
18:26 Krock to be safe, this could be left in the current state and change it later
18:29 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
18:29 Krock so no volunteers.
18:30 Krock Why is #8611 on the meeting list? seems OK
18:30 ShadowBot -- Add support for set_formspec_prepend in main menu by rubenwardy
18:30 rubenwardy I didn't add that
18:31 paramat neither did i
18:31 rubenwardy Krock added it;diff=4962&amp;oldid=4959
18:31 Krock just seen that too. weird, nothing's to discuss there
18:33 Krock #8627 rebased it today. Are there any comments on the implementation? It works as expected
18:33 ShadowBot -- [Do not squash me!] Load CSM environment after the restrictions are known by SmallJoker
18:35 sfan5 seems fine to me
18:35 Krock rubenwardy: FYI. the insecure function has been removed and turned into a comment instead
18:40 Krock #8665 simple gameplay improvement for linux and windows.
18:40 ShadowBot -- Formspec: change the appeareance of the cursor on fields and co. by DS-Minetest
18:40 Krock Works fine, but was yet only tested on Linux. The code is very simple, thus I wonder why it did not get more attention yet
18:41 rubenwardy there's amerge conflict in master for some reason
18:41 Krock s/conflict/commit/
18:42 Krock yes, according to sfan5 the "try again" on merging PRs creates merge commits even though they're disabled in this repo
18:42 rubenwardy yeah that
18:42 sfan5 tell github to fix their shitty software
18:42 rubenwardy oh I discovered that too
18:42 rubenwardy and then if you force push, it resets all the update timestamps of _all PRs_
18:43 sfan5 if you merge two PRs quickly after eachother, the second will "fail" to merge but github will do it anyway with the default option of creating a merge commit even bypassing repo restrictions
18:43 Krock I had that "fail" too but it did not create a merge commit. must be a new bug
18:44 pauloue how is getmetatable insecure?
18:44 rubenwardy
18:45 Krock you can get the table reference and alter that one, I guess
18:46 Krock comments on the cursor change PR? any approvals?
18:46 DS-minetest (note that the cursor pr has a little bug)
18:46 Krock that's not the kind of formspec changing PRs I had in mind but ok
18:46 Krock DS-minetest: which is that it does not work on mac
18:47 Krock that's not our problem. irrlicht must fix that
18:47 DS-minetest no, If you open a formspec and have your cursor on an element, it will stay normal until you move it away and back.
18:47 Krock so does the cursor if you keep it at the same place but scroll down in firefox
18:48 Krock weird. I've seen that for a while
18:48 Krock DS-minetest: I'd argue that's better than nothing
18:48 DS-minetest mhm
18:51 DS-minetest (btw, gtmetatable would probably be safe if you could just use it on tables) (maybe even the getmetatable("") example would not make problems for csm as it uses its own luastate and is not a sandbox that is maintained from lua)
18:56 deltasquared *reads backlog*
18:56 deltasquared wait
18:56 deltasquared player velocity!?
18:56 deltasquared FINALLY
18:56 deltasquared well that basically makes that hammer code I wrote obsolete
18:57 Krock it works but there's quite some delay from your punch to the other player's move
18:57 deltasquared I doubt that can be helped.
18:58 deltasquared seeing as it takes the *other* client to start applying the knockback presumably.
18:58 Krock punch packet -> to server -> to punched player -> player position packet -> to server -> to puncher
18:59 deltasquared not entirely sure but I don't think minecarp does any better from experience?
18:59 Krock they for sure do some prediction so it fells more natural
18:59 Krock *feels
19:00 Krock simple PR again #8656 review/approvals are welcome
19:00 ShadowBot -- Hide chat when console is open by ClobberXD
19:00 Krock no
19:01 deltasquared well, if the server could just *say* "this player is accelerated xyz, no arguments" the problem would be lessened (potentially only one round trip?), but... that's an established flaw at this point :P
19:01 Krock deltasquared: that was a suggestion, but problem here is that the server and client information can get out of sync
19:02 Krock hence the punched player moves backwards a bit after of what the puncher seees
19:02 Krock those movement packets by the punched player are also sent to the server (and fro there: distributed)
19:03 Krock so these two would conflict themselves by a server step and network lag in between
19:03 sfan5 maybe with server-side movement the server could predict what will happen and save two roundtrips
19:04 Krock yes, but Ben's PR is somewhat outdated by now and needs major rebasing
19:04 Krock if it's even worth picking that PR up again. starting fresh might be a faster option
19:05 paramat 8656 is merged already
19:05 Krock any comments on #8466? "won't add" or would someone like to see `add_list` to be an API function?
19:05 ShadowBot -- InvRef: Add convenience method add_list for bulk transfer of items by ClobberXD
19:05 Krock paramat: yes, I didn't check the PR beforehand
19:06 Krock for my part, the inventory functions are already feature-complete in this regard
19:07 Krock rubenwardy: how often do you need to add entire lists to another?
19:08 Krock for my mods this isn't used often, so it's probably the same for yours?
19:11 troller joined #minetest-dev
19:12 rubenwardy I don't mind too much
19:15 troller joined #minetest-dev
19:21 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
19:38 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
19:42 troller joined #minetest-dev
19:43 Lunatrius joined #minetest-dev
19:56 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest-dev
20:17 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
20:37 pauloue rubenwardy: why the global _ in dlg_create_world?
20:38 rubenwardy _ is a standard which means that the result is ignored
20:38 pauloue why is it global though?
20:39 pauloue I'm guessing it was intentional because it's ignored in .luacheckrc
20:53 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
21:01 sfan5 merging #8712 in 5 min
21:01 ShadowBot -- Fix some issues with minetest.clear_craft by pauloue
21:01 p_gimeno Krock: I'm using git-svn to mirror, using local scripts and a cron job
21:26 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
21:27 Krock will merge #8774 in ~5 minutes
21:27 ShadowBot -- Fix breakage of non-GLES2 setups by osjc
21:27 Krock sfan5: ping for the merge
21:27 sfan5 o yea
21:28 sfan5 done
21:28 Krock for comit number 8k
21:28 Krock next target: 9000 commits
21:29 sfan5 first we should finally make a release
21:30 Krock somewhere in between, yes. yet only 5.0.0 had >1000 commits
21:31 Krock *5.0.0 only had
21:31 pauloue joined #minetest-dev
21:32 Krock merging...
21:32 paramat joined #minetest-dev
21:51 pauloue #8427 didn't get auto-closed
21:51 ShadowBot -- clear_craft() is reversing the recipes list
22:35 paramat a proposal and some questions for rubenwardy or whoever game#2438
22:36 ShadowBot -- Clean up use of 'gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png'
23:31 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev

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