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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-06-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
04:19 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
04:38 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
04:45 Yad joined #minetest-dev
05:44 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
06:25 Baytuch joined #minetest-dev
06:48 nrz_ joined #minetest-dev
07:30 appguru joined #minetest-dev
09:11 Alias joined #minetest-dev
09:16 nrz_ sfan5: new callbacks and new Lua state specific for emerge callbacks ? ?
09:43 erle joined #minetest-dev
09:52 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
09:54 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
10:02 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:37 sfan5 the latter
11:03 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
11:06 rubenwardy fuck github for the "force pushing resets updated_at" thing
11:06 rubenwardy it's so annoying
11:30 erle what exactly is annoying about it?
11:31 rubenwardy it breaks sorting in the PR list
11:31 erle well, in my experience, a force push is interesting from a “should i look at this again” POV (which is why i sort by updated)
11:31 rubenwardy a force push _to master_ resets the last updated of all PRs
11:32 erle oof
11:32 erle wait why would anyone ever
11:32 erle but yeah
11:32 rubenwardy wouldn't be so bad if they had statuc_changed_at or something (where status = open / closed / merged)
11:32 rubenwardy so I can sort PRs by merge/close date
11:33 erle indeed
11:33 rubenwardy also last_changed or something for the patch
12:18 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:36 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:42 kilbith well shit github is translated now
12:42 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
12:55 kilbith
12:55 kilbith need to finish this
13:40 erle kilbith looks nice. odes it keeps the area forceloaded?
13:41 erle kilbith also could this be used like a HUD element? think “back mirror for car”
13:41 erle like the one where you view the direction you are coming from
13:49 kilbith I still have to work on the area forceload (Emerge?)
13:49 kilbith HUD element, yes that's the plan
13:50 kilbith but I'm thinking at an abstract camera class whose GUI and HUD inherit from
13:51 erle kilbith, look at minetest.forceload_block() and minetest.forceload_free_block()
13:51 kilbith I only want the client to be involved here
13:52 kilbith in any case I'll need some cooperation
13:54 kilbith I also wonder if camera position == world position
13:54 erle i doubt you will be able to do a security camera mod well if the client needs to be in range
13:54 kilbith yes true
14:14 Yad joined #minetest-dev
14:20 sfan5 why not delegate the responsibility to load the relevant blocks to mods that'd be using this feature?
14:24 erle sfan5, can't do that if kilbith is merely providing additional cameras on the client, can you?
14:24 erle to me it looks like a variant of the freecam thing that fleckenstein (?) made for dragonfire
14:25 erle if you have it active you can move the camera freely among the map parts loaded on the client
14:26 rubenwardy This looks like a scripting feature? Like, you'd use it for a CCTV node or smth
14:26 rubenwardy It's not just force load but also client loaded
14:26 erle anyways, it begs the question: how does a client get a map update for something outside of its view range? can the server just send that?
14:30 sfan5 erle: last time I checked security cameras don't fly
14:31 sfan5 in other words I don't expect the client to have direct control over where those additional cameras point
14:32 sfan5 well perhaps look direction, but not movement
14:33 kilbith <sfan5> why not delegate the responsibility to load the relevant blocks to mods that'd be using this feature?
14:33 kilbith I've considered that
14:33 rubenwardy Anyway, it makes sense to do this in multiple stages. It's fine for the first version to require the client to be nearby the camera, and then later versions to support loading areas etc
14:35 sfan5 on second thought multiple cameras totally breaks the "the client needs to know only about blocks/objects/changes near it" assumption so cooperation of the server is absolutely needed
14:36 rubenwardy Yeah
14:36 erle sfan5 security cams don't fly. i just wanted to point out that the effect of freecam and what kilbith builds is the same in the end: you can use it to look behind walls or so, because the client actually knows what is there, but remote viewing is impossible.
14:36 rubenwardy Also, was wondering how occlusion culling is done - could be issues if it's scene graph based
14:37 erle stuff like ”inside the box” could very well use that, the boxes are small enough, after all.
14:37 sfan5 transparency sorting won't work, at least
14:38 sfan5 (you'd have to do it once for each camera position)
14:38 erle that's far from “won't work”, given that the workload increases linearly only
14:39 erle if i am not mistaken, every client-side approach to additional cameras imposes similar penalties
14:52 kilbith also thinking at `player:set_active_camera(cam)` to create cutscenes
14:54 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
14:57 kilbith drawing on node is also entirely possible as I can set a RenderTarget to a ITexture
14:58 kilbith so we could entirely imagine a scene drawn on a screen node
15:00 erle mirror mirror on the wall, how would such a camera texture appear in a cam scene after all?
15:04 rubenwardy users are getting irr::core::list compile errors when compiling 5.5.1, there needs to be a fixed version for irrlicht in the
15:16 Pexin "security cameras" don't fly, but drones do. how about a remote-controlled robot mod the player sends into a radiation zone to make it safe to re-enter?
15:44 sfan5 rubenwardy: I suppose people don't read the release notes
15:45 sfan5 even better cmake should detect compatibility and error out
18:20 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
18:46 Krock_ joined #minetest-dev
18:49 paradust_ joined #minetest-dev
19:19 sfan5 merging #12414, #12396 in 10m
19:19 ShadowBot -- Mapblock Mesh BspTree: Increase the depth of block-level splits by x2048
19:19 ShadowBot -- Sanitize player position and speed server-side by sfan5
19:46 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
20:49 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
20:53 sfan5 the gitlab CI sure is slow, 25 minutes for something that takes 8 minutes on github
20:54 rubenwardy I don't see any caching
20:54 sfan5 neither does github
20:54 rubenwardy ah
20:55 sfan5 pushing a commit to fix the pipelines, just -4 +4 lines
20:57 rubenwardy at my old job, we used Azure Pipelines. Something much simpler than what we do here took 35-50 minutes
20:58 rubenwardy well, it was also running on a windows worker so  I suppose that checks out
21:00 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:05 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
22:02 Zughy[m] this "completed/not planned" issue difference on GitHub is so annoying and imho not necessary
22:03 Zughy[m] Some core dev put a "Possible close" on an issue and, instead of just closing it after 30 days, I'm supposed to understand whether is "Possible close" because it was completed or because it's not planned. And if I make a mistake, then some user points that out to me (Iike it's already happened in these days)
22:04 Zughy[m] Like if I didn't have enough work to do already
22:16 erle i maintain that “possible close” without a comment is not helpful because it is used for widly different purposes, like “does this bug still exist?” or “is this even important?” or “does anyone understand this?”
22:19 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
22:32 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
22:34 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
22:55 paradust fyi irc/discord bridge has been down for a while now
22:59 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
23:00 kilbith good thing
23:00 kilbith it has gotten much less noisy
23:05 Zughy[m] should I close #10221 as not planned or does any core dev want to remove the "Possible close" tag? I'm uncertain considering rubenwardy comment
23:05 ShadowBot -- Increase get_gametime precision
23:10 erle you added “possible close” yourself, so you should know what you meant with it ig
23:11 Pexin sub-second precision timers persisting between game loads seems.. inherently unreliable for any real world case
23:13 Pexin maybe I'm misunderstanding "persistence" there
23:33 erle uh what
23:34 erle Pexin imagine exiting the game only to load it back up

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