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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-06-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:45 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
01:15 MTDiscord <FatalError> chances of it happening #12416?
01:15 ShadowBot -- Option to have the server to disable movement/fall/(climb) bob
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:26 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
06:45 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
07:01 sfan5 really the correct way to have stuff that aligns with current client state is to have code run on the client that can react to changes without latency
07:02 sfan5 alternatively in this case something to allow replacing visible hand with a gun (not sure how you do that now)
07:04 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: He's using first person attachments
07:09 MTDiscord <FatalError> Because theres no other options
07:09 MTDiscord <FatalError> And also even if i do that, its not going to line up with the actual direction of the gun relative to the world
07:09 MTDiscord <FatalError> So itll be in the wrong place either way
07:10 MTDiscord <FatalError> The only solution for these kinds of problems is to limit the use of the feature, which can only be done with an API on the server
07:15 MTDiscord <luatic> FatalError: There is another option (with less control though): Register the gun as a node and have MT provide wielditem support
07:16 MTDiscord <FatalError> Only i literally wont have ADS making all of it useless?
07:16 MTDiscord <FatalError> And i wont have animations?
07:16 MTDiscord <FatalError> And i wont have recoil?
07:16 MTDiscord <FatalError> Yeah, sounds great to me.
08:26 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
08:58 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:15 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
10:47 appguru joined #minetest-dev
10:49 HuguesRoss joined #minetest-dev
11:11 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:05 appguru joined #minetest-dev
12:13 proller joined #minetest-dev
13:34 sfan5 very low priority but can I interest anyone in #11654
13:34 ShadowBot -- [no squash] Implement tool use sound by sfan5
13:48 erle sfan5, what about the question wuzzy posed?
14:26 MTDiscord <luatic> You'll have to wait for SSCSM to implement any of your features with client-level smoothness anyways :trollface:
14:30 erle luatic regarding gun shooting with sub-second timeout: i also think it should be fixed. there are some hilarious bugs hidden there that can enable players to avoid restrictions games set. mostly not related to shooting though, but to consuming items (eating/drinking).
14:32 MTDiscord <luatic> well, the server has to check whether enough time has passed
14:33 sfan5 erle: the answer is yes
14:40 MTDiscord <FatalError> App, i dont ezpecg "client level smoothness" but this isnt a smoothness issue
17:24 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
19:17 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
19:55 MTDiscord <FatalError> Wouldn't #11227 fix alot of issues
19:55 ShadowBot -- Server-sent settings
19:56 MTDiscord <FatalError> Including this one
20:05 proller joined #minetest-dev
20:30 fluxionary joined #minetest-dev
20:42 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
21:08 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
22:33 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
23:13 Noisytoot joined #minetest-dev

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